Page name: Disciples of Soth VII [Logged in view] [RSS]
2013-07-11 23:10:59
Last author: Sheamus Finn
Owner: Sheamus Finn
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Disciples of Soth VI

Hours later after the seamstress had given her numerous measurements and promised dresses in the next couple of days. After she left the maid asked if she wished anything else from her. She still had a lot of cleaning to do unless the mistress had want or need of her, the former mistress usually waited until after lunch to indulge in her whims. Sarah knew that Galin would be gone for still a while, and until then she needed to find something to occupy herself. There were the books in the study, and she still had not explored all over the house as of yet.

"No need I will be taking stock of the house until lunch is ready." Sarah said letting the maid go and do anything she needed. After all she needed to see what else the people of the house had hidden in places or that she could use to her advantage. She wondered what was going on that would take Galin so long. He was very excited for some reason when he had returned and then left once again.

Sarah began to explore on her own from top of the house to the basement where she found something very interesting. There was a small chamber that the door was locked, other than that there was nothing out of the ordinary. When she came back upstairs Galin had returned and was handing his cloak over to the maid. "Well, how has your day been my little dove?" he asked kissing her cheek. His meeting had went well and things were moving along nicely for him and the disciples.

"The lady of the house was a sexual deviant I think she liked hurting people... for pleasure but I'm not certain. I had dresses fixed in the currant fashion for me. So I don't embarrass you anymore." Sarah said with a smile "Lunch is almost done or it should be anyways." Sarah said thoughtfully as she welcomed him home. She wondered if he knew about their deviancy? perhaps he did know, but then again well she hoped he was still in a good mood she wanted to ask about whether or not he was ready to give her a child of his or if it was an accident. She almost wanted to keep it to herself but she was undecided about it.

He instructed the maid to bring it upstairs to the sitting room and took Sarah upstairs with him. "Deviant you say, show me what brought you to this decision." he said almost chuckling. While he did not feel Sarah was stupid he wondered if she really figured out their hosts pasttime. They stopped long enough for Sarah to get the bag and then took it to the study where Galin removed his sword belt and had a seat to go through the bag with Sarah. "So, is the bag the only thing that led you to announce our hosts deviancy?" he asked.

"There is a locked room in the basement and when I found the bag the Maid squirmed as if she was all too familiar with the contents of the bag, she also went a very bright shade of pink." Sarah had shaken her head no and answered with her other findings. She wasn't stupid and though she had minimal teachings Galin had been teaching her more and she was learning quickly of all the things and places he put her to studying.

He dumped the bag out on the table and looked at the contents, "I say, she must be a deviant. Do you think she used them on the maid or the other way around?" The mischief began to gleam in his eyes and he lightly traced the crop on the table before putting it in her hand. "I think you should use it on the maid, little dove. Perhaps she misses her treatment by her lady, you should fill in see if you like deviancy as well."

"I've been beaten by other masters and I know for certain I didn't enjoy it for a moment!" Sarah said looking at the riding crop in her hand, she did wonder if the woman wanted it. She seemed listless with Sarah, but why Sarah wondered did everywhere they go they always find people who were saturated in sex of some kind? The stay with miss Mazla, and now here. There seemed to be a pattern and Sarah wondered if Galin liked this sort of thing and sought it out on purpose.

Galin read her thoughts, "No dearest, I have not chosen places that have morality problems. You wished to learn from Mazla how best to share my bed, and from what I've heard Valusia is more than willing to wade in depravity." The maid came in and again blushed quickly when her eyes swept over the contents of the bag, Galin sat forward and watched her curiously. "Lunch for master and mistress, is there anything else you'd like for me to bring you?" Her voice had twinges of fear and a hint of desire as she sat the tray down.

"After lunch return." Sarah said with a shake of her head meaning no. She did wonder if the maid liked being beaten. She wondered if it mattered who did the beatings. Sarah had found leather bindings in the closet of some kind but she couldn't figure them out at all, she thought they might be nonsense. Now she wondered MAzla had spoken of those who liked to wear different things. Perhaps that was one of them. "I don't know Lord Soth it seems to me you find people of like mind to yours." Sarah teased a little setting their food in front of them properly and serving him a drink as well.

"Maybe then I should spank you before the girl returns, I so do love laying my hands on your soft skin." he smiled at her. In truth he had never hit a woman, it seemed uncivil to him, even Alehial who outright attacked him never earned violence. "My niece is here in Valusia, so now I am torn between telling her mother and having the Ravenwoods running hither and yawn ruining my plans or remaining mum, at least until I have her in custody. It would do better for everyone all the way around if I keep the information to myself." He took a few bites and pondered his situation and how Sarah felt.

"Your niece? I bet she's a lovely young girl! I would love to meet her. I've never met a noble from my own country other then you of course My Lord, but of course she's also much younger then I am. I wonder if she would even like talking to me. I wonder if her parents already corrupted her? If only she would talk to someone who really knew the world. I've never actually seen the rest of your family now that I think of it." Sarah prattled away not thinking about it. She often wondered about Galin's family and she wondered if she was ever going to meet them. It was wonderful being with him and she could only imagine what the rest of his family was like.

"My brother is weak, the years of being a duke have destroyed the warrior he was. And I believe he has infected his wife and family with the same weakness, I would hope maybe to keep Lily and a few other members safe from it. Perhaps I should have you go out into the city more often in case you might find her." Galin mused, would Lily approach a human version of her mother it would ease his plan along. "You would need to stress to her that I am not part of the Disciples and that I now have the guild to fight them, for no one must know that I control both, you understand."

"Why is that Lord Galin? I mean you are doing a wonderful job at it and with the guilds help the world will become a better place different from what it is now! I would love to help you in anyway I could. I think you could teach them a lot, and they would probably be better off for it as well." Sarah said she was obviously quite taken with the guild and Galin's plans. Not that she actually knew what they were per se but her family was under the protection of the guild and had been since before Galin had returned even. As far as she could see they were doing a better job at protecting the peace and the people then the king and his men were.

His slipped his hand behind her neck and looked deep into her eyes so she knew not to question, "Right now, the Disciples and Guild must remain seperate from each other. There will be a time when such a connection will not matter, and I will let you know when that time is." He drew her lips to his and kissed her deeply and slipped his free hand into her dress. Galin did not bring anyone fully into his plans for the Disciples and Guild quickly. And if Sarah was going to help him then she would be told just what she needed to know at that time.

Sarah moaned softly into the kiss and leaned forward against Galin. If he wanted her to keep it under wraps then she would keep it under them. It was his plans and his life's work she would not expose him before he was ready. If he wanted her help with something then she would help him. She would never go against his wishes or anything he asked of her.

Disciples of Soth IX

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