Page name: Disciples of Soth XIII [Logged in view] [RSS]
2016-04-20 04:38:44
Last author: Sheamus Finn
Owner: Sheamus Finn
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Disciples of Soth XII

When Sarah finished Galin smiled down at her, "Little Dove, how well could you describe the tavern where Lily works and stays?" He had a wonderfully clever idea about what to do next concerning his niece. The protector would be a slight problem, but perhaps one that could be overcome by sheer numbers or perhaps a little intervention on his own part.

"I didn't see the rooms or anything but, well I suppose." Sarah said seeming inquisitive in her answer. She cleaned herself up a little with her handkerchief and got to her feet once more. She could give them a general description of the building... a good layout of the dining room and bar though. She was wondering why he needed to know what the layout was. He certainly had a plan but what it was she had no idea. She was glad to see though that he was in better spirits. She was glad also with how well he had taken the news of his Niece's stubborn attitude.

Galin made sure to give Sarah another instruction, "Do not redress little bird, I feel I might hunger for you again soon." He smiled at her even while contacting a Disciple he had here in the city, Sarah would give him a rough idea of the tavern and Ducate would fill in the rest. Once the orders were given, he set to watch Sarah work, admiring her curves and skin so like Alehial's. He had thought about their kiss so many years ago and what it would have blossomed into without his brother around. Together they would be running Andor and their children would be strong and probably ruled the world. Now, all he cared about was dividing the Ravenwoods, possessing Alehial mind and body and crushing his brother's spirit.

Sarah gently pet the skin of Galin's chest. She knew he was having words with another. She could tell by his face and she didn't mind a bit. She didn't want to distract him or anything though so she stayed silent and instead made a study of his skin. There were no scars. It was a little peculiar.

Galin reacted to Sarah touching him, she watched as his manhood became erect and he reached out and ran his fingertip over her nipple before lightly twisting it between his thumb and finger. Ducate was asking exactly what Lord Soth wished for him to do and Galin began to lay out the plan, down to the smallest detail before he took Sarah's hand and placed it upon his manhood. In a week tops Lily would be home and Alehial would have to admit he and not his brother was the hero of the day. Looking down at Sarah Galin smiled, perhaps someday soon Alehial would have her hand wrapped around his manhood, desiring him to give her a truly strong child.

Sarah blushed softly, not having thought she would get any sort of reaction out of him. She moaned then bit her lip to silence herself when he tortured her nipple, she was growing damp herself. She then began to gently and ever so softly, tease Galin's length. Behaving a little mischievously, she tickled his length with her hand, their skin just barely touching. she watched his manhood with interest. She wondered just how far she would be allowed to tease him before he truly punished her in some fashion. So she took her other hand and while still not fully grasping him she began to gently but firmly massage his testicles.

Galin smiled and closed his eyes, Sarah was becoming more bold and he liked that she felt assured enough to handle him. He in turn reached down and continued to rub her breast and tease the nipple. Ducate had long ago recieved his orders and now he just wanted to see what Sarah would do next.

Finally Sarah grasped his length firmly in her hand and applied herself to giving him a hand job. She leaned down and with a single peek through her eyelashes leaned forward to lick and nibble Galin's very own nipple. surely he was nearly finished by now and since he was seemingly in a playful mood Sarah was unafraid to play as she wanted with him.

Galin frowned, someone was giving him upsetting news in one form or another reaching out he held up a finger to have her stop. It seemed Lily's twin was becoming a problem as he was searching for baby Xeph. His agreement was to send the child to Archeron in payment for aid when he moved against his family and now it was in jeopardy. Silently he sent word back that Conner was to be stopped no matter the cost. He would have to make arrangements to move the child sooner than expected.

Sarah stopped immediately, she sat back and released his length. She knew that face. Someone was telling him something bad. She made herself comfortable for a moment, ready to be dismissed. His mood tended to die off when he got bad news. Other than being his companion he had actually given her quite the full days work. Learning geography and politics, her daily dance and exercises, not to mention her history lessons. Lord Galin seemed to want Sarah to become an intelligent, smart Lady/mistress.

Galin was unhappy with the news he received about Conner tracking the child to Illian, it would break Alehial's heart to lose one of her precious twins. And of course Lily was going to force his hand to prove his turning over of a new leaf, his new friends would give him the opening for that. Still, with the proper spin to the situation even the death of her first born children could give the woman the push he needed. With a sly grin he pointed to Sarah and beckoned her to return to him and bring his manhood around. "Little Dove, if I gave you an assignment could I depend on you to handle it no matter its outcome?" he asked realizing he had been spending too much time from his other allies. Sarah could visit an ally in a place where he could not go and be his normal self.

"If the outcome would help you, and as long as it was something I could do..." Sarah said softly wondering what he was thinking to make him smile as he was. She stopped talking then and used her mouth for other things such as teasing Galin's flesh back into stiffness and excitement.

Galin smiled as Sarah lavished attention upon him, "I need you to go someplace I'm not welcome and meet with the leader there. Then return to me with an item I require. And I promise Sarah the rewards for doing this will be substantial." Galin left the reward part to her imagination. He waited as her lips slid over his manhood, more than willing to wait until he filled her mouth with his seed for her answer. He believed no one was ready for this particular move not even his ally.

Sarah took him fully into her mouth and throat and hummed her acceptance of his mission for her. What she really wanted was him to be happy and successful in his vision for the world. She truly believed he was trying to make the world better and safer for all people. She took her hand and massaged his sack and with the other gently scraped her nails down his chest, delighting in the twitching of his muscles from her actions. She peeked up at him from what she was doing just enough to see his face. She might serve him and be completely loyal but... sometimes... She felt so powerful when she made him climax because she was the only one he had chosen to be his partner.

Galin smiled, not only would Sarah gratefully accept anything he desired he barely needed to ask for her help. So loyal and loving, he wondered if Alehial could ever be so docile and so tamed to accept him into her mouth like this. The Matron had expressed a dire warning he not set foot into Pachuca to retrieve the codex, Sarah could be trusted to lead a small group of his most loyal and bring it back to him. His hand slid into her hair and he gave her a little nudge to put his manhood a little deeper into her mouth, savoring the feeling as she worked fervently upon his flesh. So many thoughts were in his head now, Sarah, Alehial and not to mention The Codex and the situation with Lily now. But, he pushed it all aside as his climax began to arrive and he felt himself swell and begin to spill his seed into Sarah's mouth.

Sarah swallowed it all, releasing her hands from what they were doing to place them on Galin's thighs, to better control both his hips and her work on his flesh. Thank goodness he had regular release or she might choke on his load. Once he was finished she let him slip from her mouth, panting just a little to recover the oxygen she had not had. She was pleased though that once again she had brought him to climax, and that he was so pleased she had accepted his mission. He was trusting her more and more to do things to help him and it made her feel trusted and beloved. She sat between his legs smiling softly at at him.

With a quick motion Galin scooped her up and placed her in his chair, "You will have to be strong as you will be the extension of my will in her country." Galin moved forward and spreading Sarah's legs, slowly he licked her upper thigh and watched her reaction with interest. "For you are the only woman I have ever bent a knee to. I expect you to represent me accordingly." he then stopped and began to pleasure Sarah with his mouth and fingers with great enjoyment. The serving girl was not stupid, one of the few countries he would not go to was Pachuca, and for good reason men were second class citizens there and he needed to keep up appearances that his guild followed the laws. And while his lover was gone he would see to the situation here, it would be fun to have a true hand in his plans.

Sarah became flustered when he bent and opened her legs. A soft blush creeping on her pale skin as he licked her thigh teasingly and she gasped softly. She felt incredibly honored that he was putting so much faith in her to represent him in Pachuca, it was one of the countries he had been having her learn of recently and she knew that females ruled there. She wove her fingers through his hair tentatively as he laved his attentions on her. She gasped and trembled as he drove her into a frenzy with his skills. She would proudly go and speak to the leader and further his goals in any way she could help.

Galin continued letting Sarah enjoy his attention, he had no doubt that she'd serve to the best of her ability. Of course he would send an agent or two with her to make sure the mission would go smoothly. As Sarah reached climax Galin released her and stayed between her legs, stroking her sex and watching her reactions. "So, what can I supply my agent with to help her accomplish her mission?" he asked as he slipped his finger deeper inside her body. He was treating this as a game, but also wanted to see the limits of her ambitions.

Sarah panted as she slouched a little in the seat to recover though Galin wasn't giving her much chance at all to do just that! She could barely think to speak and he was asking what she would need. "I.. ah! I would... nNnn... Need!" She tried and squirmed moaning as he continued to touch her and pleasure her. She just couldn't concentrate when he toyed with her so, after all she was a common girl, no matter how much learning or teaching one did, some people were just limited.

Galin continued watching with great interest in how she tried to find her words. again and again he thrust his finger deeper into her and played with her nub. She would need to be able to learn to talk and against the Blue Lady although he doubted they would be doing this exact thing. "IS my little Dove finding her words a little stuck? Perhaps I should.." he let the rest trail off as he leaned over and took a long lick of her nub.

Sarah nearly jerked out of the chair when he licked her sensitive nub. "AAAH!" Cried out in surprise and passion. Though mostly surprise. She clenched her fingers in his hair roughly "Lord! Oh GODS! Lord Galin!" Sarah moaned her thighs tightening and loosing, her stomach trembling just a touch. She would climax again soon, against the skill of Galin who wouldn't?

He finished making his lover climax and let her catch her breath, "I need to know you have everything you need before sending you to Paucha. Do you need time to gather a list besides your escort which I will assign from my best warriors?" The Blue Lady had contacted him that Mathius had been sighted in Pachuca and believed dead but his companions were no missing. He was quick to send a division of his men to scour the wilderness near the border to look for them, if they knew his plans everything was in jeopardy.

Sarah was limp and panting in his seat. After a few moments his words seemed to register and she sat a little more upright. "I would require half a day to prepare a list and be ready Lord Galin. I promise I will do my best for you." Sarah all but purred as she basked in the afterglow feelings of what they had just done together. She looked more human now and a little less like Alehial, and more like Sarah. She would need to consult her books again and make her list of items she would need. If she even knew what she would need. Though the escort sort of worried her because the last ones hadn't lasted long at all.

Galin read her thoughts if not the concerns behind them, and scooped her into his arms, "I will not gamble with your safety, my best will be with you and I will keep an army ready at a moments notice to come to you. I have no doubt you will do wonderfully, you have never faltered in service to me and have kept my trust from that first night when we discussed betrayal." He sat Sarah back onto the desk and parted he legs, "And what reward would Lady Sarah prefer for completing this mission for me?"

"If I may be so bold... I would like to join again with you Galin." Sarah said looking at him through her eyelashes girlishly. She felt very much relieved that he worried for her safety. Even if he didn't have the whole army, she knew he would rescue her if she truly needed to be rescued. and so she simply wished to be with him once again, opening herself to him openly.

Galin smiled and gave her what she desired, moving between her legs and entering her fully. He already decided that some strength and cunning was needed and he had just the women in mind to go with Sarah. Besdies it was about time to visit his agents far to the east of Andor to make sure things were on track there.

Sarah moaned and wrapped her legs around him. She always enjoyed their coupling and knowing it might be a little while before they were together again had made her want more now. She didn't know how long it would be before she finished her mission. Or what exactly her mission was really. But she wanted his full confidence and being together with him like a man and woman were supposed to be gave her such confidence.

Disciples of Soth XIV

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