Page name: Disciples of Soth XIV [Logged in view] [RSS]
2016-11-13 03:23:06
Last author: Sheamus Finn
Owner: Sheamus Finn
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Disciples of Soth XIII

A long while later Sarah woke up in their bed without Galin with her, a note rested on the pillow beside her. Little Dove, I have left to attend to some business and secure your escort. Take most of your day to make your arrangements, and I will let you know the full details of your mission when I return. And of course if you need anything a group of Guildsmen will see to anything you need. Galin

Sarah smiled warmly and took the note with her as she left the bed. She then found the small square chest that she kept her precious gifts in and placed the note one top of a few others he had written her. Locking it back up she then got her study books and a parchment and quill and began to write out the list of things she would need. Once finished she got clean clothing and bathed herself, it was a luxury she would never tire of. Her list consisted of mostly clothing she would need, a way to communicate with Galin, and just basic needs of most women. She knew of no fighting techniques or any other such thing so she didn't ask for a knife or anything of the sort. She would count on her guards for that.

Galin had left Valusia and travelled to Venir and was waiting in the office of Shadow for two of his Disciples, Angie and Fora had been summoned without telling what was about to happen. "So, Shadow can I depend on these two keeping my agent safe?" Galin asked watching the psion in the former leader of the Thieves Guild. "Very, my Lord Gali. I have no doubt that both are capable and will serve her without fail. And of course your orders supersede all others." she responded meaning Lash was losing them until this job was done.

Angie knocked on the door. She had donned her armor and weapons because a summons from Shadow usually meant business and occasionally pleasure. However she had a feeling after such a long time that this was more business to attend to. Angie however never entered without permission, she had seen very much of what Shadow could and was willing to do to those that did not respect her.

Fora met Angie at the entry of Shadow's office, "I see they summoned you as well. I wonder what mischief they need from us today." Lash had been concerned about the pairing of these women and often sent them alone on missions. Fora enjoyed the time alone, a chance to see who could be more brutal and thusly get to be in control the next time they indulged in sexual release. When the guard opened the door both women could plainly see Lord Soth in his armor sitting speaking with Shadow. "Please, join us I have much to discuss with both of you." he said motioning to chairs in front of Shadow's desk.

"Yes sir." Angie replied after a grin to Fora. Finally they were going to get to do something really fun. While pillaging and sacking villages was fun, and torture was always great, Soth always had good things in store, at least for those that proved loyal and trustworthy. Angie sat and waited silently, she was still an underling and knew that well.

"I must send a female agent to Pachuca, and thusly since men are forbidden I need female guards to ensure her safety. Any attempt on my agent is to be dealt with swiftly and harshly." Galin intoned every word so both of them understood. "If you handle this mission I will have something else special for you to do. Are you agreeable to this mission?"

"Of course sir." Angie said nodding her head, she did wonder who this female agent was if they needed two guards... one being a Black Guard at that. She also hadn't known about men not being allowed into the country. Angie however was good at following orders, and she didn't do much more than wonder. She would find out so there was no use wasting energy where it didn't need to be wasted. Not to mention this was another way to get out from under Lash's control.

"Then when the two of you are ready you will use the portal system to come to Valusia to meet the agent, then portal to Pachuca." Galin said before standing. "Are there any questions?" he asked setting his glass down. Fora shook her head, there was something about this man that even made the blackguard nervous like she was looking at something unnatural and dangerous. Later after they were dismissed and the blackguard's nerves calmed she mentioned, "Think of it a country where women are in control, where we make the decisions."

Angie had stood and saluted when Soth dismissed them because as his soldier that's what she was supposed to do. She didn't have questions either. "I am there as a bodyguard. My job is to keep this agent alive. Everything else doesn't matter so much as long as there is food and drink and a place to sleep." Angie said shrugging her shoulders. "We should prepare quickly. Lord Soth does NOT like to be kept waiting once he has informed his people of their jobs. I'm sure he has a timeline." Angie said, while she feared and respected the man, that was all. He didn't give her the jeebies, and to her he didn't seem any more evil than Shadow certainly. But she wasn't going to test how evil he was, or anything like it. So she simply walked with Fora back to their chambers.

"I shall inform Worm to keep our guests fed in our absence, I would hate to come back and find them expired." Fora said with a slight chuckle. Joffrey, Forra's first victim had been transformed into an undead servant who did as Forra told him unfailingly. As a further insult to him Forra had told him that Joffrey would be no more and now he was Worm. The dark rite had taken a long time to finish and Forra seemed to radiate even more power after. "Any expectations about this agent of Lord Soth's?" Forra asked while watching Angie prepare after she also had packed for the trip.

"Must be someone rather important... but not able to defend themselves if he is sending you along. I suppose it could be a scholar type... or possibly a wizard." Angie said not thinking too hard about it because they would find out soon enough. She finished the packs and strapped all her gear on. "Shouldn't be a hard job but it might be boring. Even in a place women rule." Angie said with a smile at Forra. Angie had been on plenty of boring missions, she had learned not to make expectations of any job before.

Forra returned the smile, "There is no such thing as a boring mission. Besides, it keeps me from gutting Lash every time his eyes slid over you." In truth, Lash made no bones that he despised the blackguard during planning missions for raids. But, even Angie had to admit, his methods were effective and more and more people like them were coming to the disciples side. Almost all of the town guard had been replaced and even the mayor's most trusted aides now served Lord Soth. Forra likewise was now armed and sported a set of black chain mail along with her helmet and shield emblazoned with the god of slaughter's unholy symbol.

"and Glad I am to have you around to defend my honor, such as it is." Angie laughed, it was good to have such a partner. Angie couldn't actually recall a time she enjoyed missions so much as when Forra or Shadow were with her. serving Soth was giving her all kinds of unintentional bonuses with nary a downfall now.

A few minutes later they arrived as ordered and another of Lord Soth's men waited for them, "My name is Kola and I am to bring you to Lord Soth and his Emissary. Is there anything either of you need before we leave?" Forra shook her head, "Are you coming with us to Pachuca." Her tone was unimpressed with the man in front of them, then brightened when he shook his head. "Pahcua is a country unfriendly to males thus you two are going with the Emmissary for her mission."

"Probably wouldn't want to go anyways." Angie scoffed, he didn't seem as confident or as strong as either woman. She was ready to go and meet this emissary they were to escort... she was curious. Also to see a female dominated country was interesting to say the least.

Through the portal they met Lord Soth and his emissary, a young woman with brown hair and did not look like any type of important person let alone an emissary of Soth. Galin saw his two warriors and turn to Sarah, "I have faith in you, that you will show strength and make me proud." Then he turned, "You are to protect the Emissary, she is not to come to harm and if anyone suggests it... You are to advise them that I personally will arrive at the head of several thousand Disciples to lay waste to everything before us." He knew the Blue Lady would get his meaning, Galin would slaughter everyone in the city and surrounding area if Sarah was harmed.

"Yes sir." Angie saluted sharply. While she didn't see much of the woman, Lord Soth certainly did. That was enough for her, besides this was her job. She had her orders and she would follow them. All the way to Pacchuca and back.

Forra had watched the interaction of Soth and his emissary, it was obvious the woman was neither magical or a warrior. The mention of a slaughter though perked up her ears. To see what the warriors of Soth with him at the lead, one would imagine streets running red with blood. A delicious tornado of death and violence all over this one woman. She noted that Sarah was watching her and Angie an wondered what the woman thought of them.

Sarah was a little overwhelmed for a moment, These two... women... warriors... guards were here in front of her and in charge of her. That and Galin was showing... was telling them just how far he was willing to go for her. These two women... the not so good looking one with a big scar on her face and flaming red hair... and the beautiful but terrifying one... that gave her shivers... in a not great way. Sarah was wearing a simple dress that was low cut and soft all over. Her hair was in a braid to the side over one shoulder. In the elven-esqe style dress she wore, she looked like a girl next door but prettier. "I'm sure they will do much better than the others you've sent. I will do my very best for you." Sarah said finally turning to Galin once more.

Angie relaxed the salute. No need to be too stiff around Lord Soth or the emissary, after all they were going to be working around each other. However Angie did eye the woman... she had good curves... and a nice bust, though she didn't compare greatly to Forra, she was sweet in her own way. Though the way her eyes slid over her face was one Angie was all too familiar with. Angie was glad Forra was going to be with her, since they were so well acquainted.

Disciples of Soth XV

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