Page name: Dracology [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-01-10 16:00:17
Last author: Hedda
Owner: ArchangelGabriel
# of watchers: 48
D20: 8
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Hi, I'm [ArchangelGabriel] and welcome to Dracology, a page devoted to the study of Dragons. The entire page has just gone through an ultimate revamp so there may be a few broken links. Make your self at home and feel free to look around.

We were one of the 'Top Fifteen Wiki-pages for the Months of September and October'

We have adopted a dragon called Dimbooyill!!!

New features are marked with <img:stuff/wiki_pixeldiamondrainbow1.JPG.jpg>


<img13*0:> Dragon Handbook - Everything you want to know about Dragons

<img13*0:> Dracologists - click here to add your name to the list of people who support this page

<img13*0:> Dragons Riddles - Riddle competition, updated every week

<img13*0:> Dragon Quotes - Interesting quotes with dragons in

<img13*0:> Dragons in the Field - A guided tour a round several dragon habitats !coming soon!Not yet operational

<img13*0:> Dracology FAQs - Questions and Answers about Dragons

<img13*0:> Dragon Gallery - Good Pics from Elfwood and Members

<img13*0:> Dracology polls - Voting here may make some real difference to this site <img:stuff/wiki_pixeldiamondrainbow1.JPG.jpg>

<img13*0:> Dracology Comments - Go here and add comments privately   <img:stuff/wiki_pixeldiamondrainbow1.JPG.jpg>

<img13*0:> Dracology Bibliography - Books to do with Dracology

<img13*0:> Dragon Links - Links to other Dragon pages


Dracology Admin:



I am back, i'm ontop of my homework and other stuff so I should be around a lot more. If you have any dragon questions you can contact me. ~[ArchangelGabriel]~

I've started some new sections to Dracology including an entry on the Hydra (may not be fully tested) thanks to the help of [Erestor] and the Dracology polls.
Also I would like to know if any one is intrested in helping with a few articles. If you are contact [ArchangelGabriel].

I am proud to anounce that the Dracology Test is finaly open for the use of all members.

I'd like to really clean up the wiki.I'm looking for five people who are prepared to give up some of their time to help rewrite many of the articles and improve what we already have.
You don't have to be a reporter to help, you could donate art, suggest useful refrence sites or just give opions. I hope many of you will help in this update.
~ [ArchangelGabriel]


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.: Dracology :.

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2005-04-07 [Shadowsoul]: as if!

2005-04-07 [GriffinDWolf]: really?

2005-04-07 [Shadowsoul]: yes

2005-04-07 [GriffinDWolf]: lol. At least you have only one i have three

2005-04-07 [Shadowsoul]: I'm starting school now, as in the bells just rung

2005-04-07 [SpiralDragon]: wow its all most night time for me!

2005-04-07 [GriffinDWolf]: Have fun at school. Its late here too. another hour or two till dark here.

2005-04-07 [nunt]: here it's midnight! I shoulda been in bed ages ago... elftown does that to you.

2005-04-07 [GriffinDWolf]: very true it does at that its 6:30 PM here

2005-04-08 [Shadowsoul]: it's now 1pm here

2005-04-08 [ArchangelGabriel]: It was more like 1 am when i went to sleep

2005-04-08 [Shadowsoul]: now it's 9:20

2005-04-08 [SpiralDragon]: lol now its morning! 7:22

2005-04-08 [BlackDragon]: Morning? Hmm.. its dinner time here, 5:28 pm =P

2005-04-09 [GriffinDWolf]: lol keep this up and no one will know what time it is (unless there are anyone and have a computer lol)

2005-04-09 [SpiralDragon]: O.o *losses track of time* awh wered it go!!!

2005-04-10 [GriffinDWolf]: lol what time its only a figment of your imagination

2005-04-11 [nunt]: Time is constant, only our perception of it changes.

2005-04-11 [ArchangelGabriel]: As ford prefect so rightly says: 'Time is an illusion, lunch time doubly so.'

2005-04-11 [SpiralDragon]: lol yay lunch time!

2005-04-12 [alli.DEADFAYCE.]: Can I join?

2005-04-12 [Shadowsoul]: It's an across the timeline thing

2005-04-12 [Tristin Blade]: mind ifi join.

2005-04-12 [ArchangelGabriel]: Not at all.

2005-04-12 [Shadowsoul]: not at all, Good morning people

2005-04-12 [GriffinDWolf]: lol so true

2005-04-12 [Shadowsoul]: Ame nochi kumori. It's 8:30 here (thats not what i said in the sentence before though)

2005-04-13 [Tristin Blade]: where do you live?

2005-04-13 [Shadowsoul]: Australia. Now its 9:30 here

2005-04-13 [Shadowsoul]: Australia. Now its 9:30am here

2005-04-14 [Tristin Blade]: i live in the us

2005-04-14 [GriffinDWolf]: USA all the way!

2005-04-14 [Shadowsoul]: It's early for me but late for you

2005-04-14 [Shadowsoul]: AS IF! Australia's better than da USA, anyday!

2005-04-14 [GriffinDWolf]: Maybe close but not all the way! late is good closer to night and i love the night. its only 5PM

2005-04-14 [Shadowsoul]: Well it's 8am here and it's a perfect day. Anyway the weather for you today will be clear sunny skies. Take that from a person who's country is half a day ahead of you!

2005-04-14 [GriffinDWolf]: lol. I don't want that I want rain for we are taking our outdoor senior pics tomarrow and I don't want to to it

2005-04-14 [Shadowsoul]: slight possibility of rain (0.00000000000009% chance)

2005-04-14 [SpiralDragon]: but... you never knowO.o

2005-04-14 [Shadowsoul]: I know dat anyway back to us confusing oither people about what time it really is

2005-04-14 [Shadowsoul]: I know dat anyway back to us confusing other people about what time it really is

2005-04-14 [SpiralDragon]: its 6:23 here

2005-04-14 [Shadowsoul]: It's 8:25am here

2005-04-14 [GriffinDWolf]: cry

2005-04-14 [SpiralDragon]: wow did you just get up? its 6:25pm here

2005-04-14 [Shadowsoul]: What is the time where you are at the moment GriffinDWolf?

2005-04-14 [GriffinDWolf]: 5:25 PM

2005-04-14 [SpiralDragon]: an hour early!

2005-04-14 [Shadowsoul]: How weird is it that I'm half a day in front, followed by SpiralDragon who is an hour infront of you. Anyway it's 8:30am for me now

2005-04-14 [Shadowsoul]: How cool is this, we're confusing the people who are looking over my shoulder at the moment

2005-04-14 [SpiralDragon]: *looks at all the confused people* wow! lol

2005-04-14 [Shadowsoul]: nahh really, they're looking at their watches now and believe that you have the wrong time

2005-04-14 [SpiralDragon]: awh *looks at my watch* hey to kill more time you want to look at my dragon wiki?

2005-04-14 [GriffinDWolf]: lol gotta get offline someone wants the phone but i'll check it out later tiil then

2005-04-14 [SpiralDragon]: oh allright for any others out there Pure Dragon

2005-04-15 [Shadowsoul]: It's Empty. Now it's 1:16pm here

2005-04-15 [BlackDragon]: Pure Dragons ;)

2005-04-15 [SpiralDragon]: owh lol spelled it wrong! thanx [BlackDragon]^-^

2005-04-17 [Shadowsoul]: god only 8 weeks of school left to go after dis one. 8 out of 11. Its 8:03am monday morning

2005-04-18 [nokaredes]: I have...about 5 weeks, I think. It's 12:23pm Monday.

2005-04-18 [SpiralDragon]: Im not sure but last week till vacation!!! yay

2005-04-18 [GriffinDWolf]: 19 days left for me

2005-04-18 [Shadowsoul]: lucky you! i have 8 weeks and now it's tuesday 7:57am.

2005-04-18 [Shadowsoul]: The weather forcast for tuesday. In the morning there will be dense fog and the rest of the day will be sunny

2005-04-18 [ArchangelGabriel]: This wiki is becomeing very strange. I must say the wiki master can't be very good if he can't keep you on topic *Tuts* honestly, who ever is in charge needs to try harder...

2005-04-18 [Shadowsoul]: We're trying to confuse people about what time, date, and forecast it is in different parts of the world. Our aim is to confuse people

2005-04-18 [ArchangelGabriel]: yep. Well, it's dark here and raining sticks - becasue o fpigions who can't build nests on vertiacl walls

2005-04-18 [Shadowsoul]: haha! well its tuesday morning for me but its still monday night for you i think

2005-04-18 [GriffinDWolf]: There is just nothing really to talk about

2005-04-18 [Shadowsoul]: thats true as well

2005-04-22 [nunt]: Dragons!

2005-04-22 [SpiralDragon]: looks at everyone. sips some tea hey I got a new dragon done!!! yah ^-^

2005-04-22 [nunt]: roar. whatit like?

2005-04-22 [SpiralDragon]: go to my art page its the first dragon there.  Pauls art  *grins back* ^-^

2005-04-22 [nunt]: yeah man, thatis cool

2005-04-22 [SpiralDragon]: thanx!

2005-04-22 [BlackDragon]: *joins the tea party* Did anyone bring some cookies..?

2005-04-22 [ArchangelGabriel]: i was hopping there might be some left over from Trivia for a cookie. Tell you what, as i don't put them in my house i'll share tham around here every week... if i win one.

2005-04-22 [BlackDragon]: Yay! You must win cookies Lobsang! Where did you get that weird username from by the way? O.o

2005-04-22 [ArchangelGabriel]: Lobsang or lobsang ludd or even newgate Ludd, before he was rechrstianed ... is a character from the discworld. He appears in 'Thief of time' and is the son of Time and her husband Wen the eternaly suprised.

2005-04-22 [BlackDragon]: O.o okay.. Interesting! :)

2005-04-25 [Shadowsoul]: good morning guys

2005-04-25 [Shadowsoul]: Gos, we need a new topic to talk about

2005-04-25 [Shadowsoul]: God, we need a new topic to talk about

2005-04-25 [AnubisX32]: i'm typimg without lookimg ar the keyboarf, and rarher succesfully, roo

2005-04-25 [AnubisX32]: thus us sooo cool! l don;t hnor how i'm duimg tjis!

2005-04-25 [Shadowsoul]: me too i can touch type

2005-04-26 [AnubisX32]: i;m doing it hor thr jirst time. ^^

2005-04-26 [Shadowsoul]: cool

2005-04-26 [nunt]: I csn sotr of do it

2005-04-26 [BlackDragon]: Same here.. but I usually get the a's wrong =P

2005-04-26 [nunt]: I tend to use the wrong hand

2005-04-26 [BlackDragon]: The wrong ahnd..?

2005-04-26 [ArchangelGabriel]: you can't tell the difrence from my normal bad spelling and when i'm typing wih out looking at the keyboard an yway X-o

2005-04-26 [BlackDragon]: Nah, you dont spell that bad actually Lobsang, I know people who spell a lot worse than you do :)

2005-04-26 [ArchangelGabriel]: It depends what the time is. At 4pm i can be quite reasonable. When it starts to aproach 4AM thats when i go up the spout and start slurring and making no sence

2005-04-26 [BlackDragon]: lmao! okay... hehe!!

2005-04-26 [AnubisX32]: lol. srill--stoll--sull--still typonh--typimh--typing without lookinh--looking ^^

2005-04-26 [Shadowsoul]: yeah, good for you *takes wolf form and curls up in a corner* I'm still listening

2005-04-28 [AnubisX32]: lol

2005-04-28 [Shadowsoul]: nahh really. What's our new topic?

2005-04-28 [AnubisX32]: i dunno

2005-04-28 [Shadowsoul]: make one up

2005-05-04 [AnubisX32]: uhhh... do you know stuff about egyptian mythology?

2005-05-04 [Shadowsoul]: a bit

2005-05-04 [AnubisX32]: i've been obssesed with their gods. have you seen the Mummy Returns?

2005-05-04 [ArchangelGabriel]: Nope. Although eygyption mythology is some of the most intresting...

2005-05-04 [AnubisX32]: yup^^ well, they messd up bigtime on that movie (historically speaking)

2005-05-04 [Shadowsoul]: I have. I love learning about ancient eygpt. It's my passion *says as she changes into wolf form and flops down onto the ground*

2005-05-04 [GriffinDWolf]: Hello again Anubis let me guess you were watching USA too I own the movie and thanx to USA I've nnow watched it three times in the last two days

2005-05-10 [AnubisX32]: actually, no i wasnt. Xo it's just that i joined the ancient egypt lovers, and the "god Anubis" section reminded me of it. (and yea, i own the movie)

2005-05-10 [Shadowsoul]: righhhht

2005-05-10 [GriffinDWolf]: lol good movie even if it isn't correct

2005-05-10 [AnubisX32]: of course ^^

2005-05-10 [Shadowsoul]: die!

2005-05-10 [AnubisX32]: ???

2005-05-10 [Shadowsoul]: angry, don't ask

2005-05-10 [AnubisX32]: right...

2005-05-10 [AnubisX32]: i gotta go, but i'll be back later.

2005-05-10 [Shadowsoul]: okay

2005-05-14 [Tamel]: dragon in latin is actually  EXTRAHO  

2005-05-14 [ArchangelGabriel]: ?!?! Are you sure?

2005-05-14 [SpiralDragon]: EXTRAHO? dragon in latin... thats cool! :)

2005-05-14 [ArchangelGabriel]: Are you sure? I don't speak latin but i've looked it up in my dictionary and this is what i said:

Dragon: n. Draco; Anguis, Serpens, m.
Extraho, xi, ctum, :{3} v. draw out, extract; prolong.

2005-05-14 [SpiralDragon]: hmm...

2005-05-14 [BlackDragon]: I think its draco... Haven't heard of another name in latin for dragon =P

2005-05-14 [ArchangelGabriel]: I must say all definitions of Etraho are basicaly with draw or prolong.

2005-05-14 [BlackDragon]: Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titilandus ;)

2005-05-14 [ArchangelGabriel]: Never tickle a sleeping dragon, Else somethign like 'Stercus, stercus stercus, moriturus sum!' will become rather useful

2005-05-14 [BlackDragon]: lmao!! Yeah!!

2005-05-14 [Penguinlord]: ah... i have seen this 'extraho' phenomenon before... it seems some translators parse 'dragon' as 'drag on' leading to such misconceptions.

2005-05-14 [BlackDragon]: Hmm.. okay, well, that is interesting :)

2005-05-15 [ArchangelGabriel]: Ahhh... So simple and yet so confuzzling.

2005-05-15 [BlackDragon]: I want to learn latin, even if its confuzzling!! =P

2005-05-15 [Shadowsoul]: cold, sick, tired, i wanna go to bed *mumbles to herself*

2005-05-16 [SpiralDragon]: would you like some tea?><?

2005-05-16 [Shadowsoul]: yes please

2005-05-16 [SpiralDragon]: ^_^ cold, warm or hot? *looks for tea bags*

2005-05-16 [Shadowsoul]: hot, please

2005-05-17 [Tamel]: ye it was a translator tht told me lol

2005-05-17 [Tamel]: still  something strange about it tho lol

2005-05-17 [SpiralDragon]: brings over some hot tea, sugar?

2005-05-17 [Shadowsoul]: yes please

2005-05-18 [SpiralDragon]: *gives you the nice hot tea* ^_^

2005-05-18 [ArchangelGabriel]: Please don't spill that. Its bad enough with all the bunrs on the celling without tea on the carpet...

2005-05-18 [SpiralDragon]: no worries, im so carefull! gently puts the tea down on the table. btw,why is there burns everywhere?

2005-05-19 [nokaredes]: Because of the dragons, maybe?

2005-05-19 [Shadowsoul]: thanks,spiral.......maybe

2005-05-20 [SpiralDragon]: your welcome!!! [nokaredes] want to see my dragon art? Pauls art

2005-05-27 [Living to please Elizabeth]: hey people, my wiki A.V.P Fans United is finished for anyone whoes interested...

2005-05-27 [ArchangelGabriel]: Excuse me. This is not a place o advertise...

2005-05-27 [SpiralDragon]: ok sorry Lobsang" I didn't think it was wrong, Ill take it off^^"

2005-05-27 [ArchangelGabriel]: Don't have to take down the link to the dragon art. I just wish another dead face could be a little less conspicuous

2005-05-27 [SpiralDragon]: oh oh^^ I was not sure who you were taking to " I was just being carefull" but its ok if I put the art link back up?

2005-05-27 [ArchangelGabriel]: Sure, at some point i will get rounfd to makeing your gallery

2005-05-27 [SpiralDragon]: Oh thank you Lobsang! im very delighted you'll take time to make me an art gallery on Dracology!

2005-05-27 [ArchangelGabriel]: its open to all mebers who want to...

2005-05-29 [Shadowsoul]: .......

2005-06-04 [kabutali]: Hello.

2005-06-04 [kabutali]: Nice to meet you all.

2005-06-04 [BlackDragon]: Greetings

2005-06-04 [SpiralDragon]: hello! :D

2005-06-04 [BlackDragon]: So.. Hmm.. seen any dragons lately? o.O

2005-06-05 [kabutali]: Sadly no...

2005-06-05 [BlackDragon]: I have , kind of.. dragon art and stuff like that ^_^

2005-06-05 [kabutali]: oh then yes! I thought you were speaking in another, more realistic term.

2005-06-05 [BlackDragon]: *smiles* Yeah.. =)

2005-06-05 [SpiralDragon]: hmm.. wanna see some? *smiles*

2005-06-05 [kabutali]: I'm not sure I want to answer that...o.0

2005-06-05 [BlackDragon]: Huh..?

2005-06-05 [kabutali]: *shivers* creepy smile at the end of an odd question... to suspicious...

2005-06-06 [SpiralDragon]: I didn't mean it in a bad wayo.o *opens book bag and pulls out a baby dragon* see! ^_^

2005-06-06 [kabutali]: *Blinks* It so cute! What kind? *hugs + pets dragon*

2005-06-06 [Shadowsoul]: YEAH!! we have a new topic to talk about

2005-06-06 [kabutali]: ?

2005-06-07 [GriffinDWolf]: I just bought a dragonology book by Dr. Drake! great fun!

2005-06-07 [Shadowsoul]: hey, wanna start up the time conversation again, just to confuse people??

2005-06-07 [ArchangelGabriel]: Is that the one which starts 'time is an illusion, lunch time doubly so'?

2005-06-07 [SpiralDragon]: ...^o^ its 8:11 PM here!

2005-06-07 [ArchangelGabriel]: Oh, that. It's 12 past 1 here

2005-06-07 [SpiralDragon]: ^_^ Im in my study at school...

2005-06-07 [ArchangelGabriel]: Which lesson? Its lunch time here...

2005-06-07 [SpiralDragon]: hmm... im not to sure of what you mean? im not in a class... just a plain old study hall...yah I can't wait for lunch! lol

2005-06-07 [ArchangelGabriel]: Oh right, Sorry. We don't have study perisods here untill we're in year 11

2005-06-07 [SpiralDragon]: oh lol I see^_^ yah we can have a study period any year...

2005-06-07 [ArchangelGabriel]: So, what happens in a study period? Do you just not go to a lesson or is it in the time table?

2005-06-07 [SpiralDragon]: hmm.. you have to be quiet the whole time and do any homework you have...but sometimes you can go to the schools library and use the computers!

2005-06-07 [GriffinDWolf]: our study periods were never controled very well you could really do just about anything you wanted as long as it wasn't breaking to many school rulz

2005-06-07 [Shadowsoul]: hehe, it's 8:10am here

2005-06-07 [Penguinlord]: well, you can see what time it is here... look at the post time =)

2005-06-07 [Shadowsoul]: yes, but you have to say it in12 hour time not 24 hour time

2005-06-07 [Penguinlord]: 11:19 pm

2005-06-07 [Shadowsoul]: it's 8:25am

2005-06-07 [Penguinlord]: where's that? not america... auzzie?

2005-06-07 [Shadowsoul]: australia

2005-06-07 [Penguinlord]: wow

2005-06-08 [GriffinDWolf]: 7:42pm

2005-06-08 [Shadowsoul]: 3:03pm

2005-06-08 [SpiralDragon]: tis 8:10 here!

2005-06-08 [Penguinlord]: am/pm? tis 1:07pm here

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