**Update** I don't really have time to add everything that this needs so I've made it freely editable so anyone with something to contribute can.
This is intended as a quick reference for those of you planning a fantasy world. It by no means covers everything it would be impossible for me to do that but I've collected information that I hope you will find useful. All my reference sources plus a few extra are listed at the botom of this page.
If you would like to contribute but need some help please message me or join the forum
<joinforum:1752:join> (Fantasy Writing Reference)
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Weights and Measures - Various old measurements.
Coinage - Systems of money from several countries. (Incomplete)
Medieval Ranks - Titles and proper addresses.
Horse and Riding Terms - Stuff to know if you're heros ride horses.
Miscellaneous Information
Amounts of Stuff
~Brace or Couple = 2
~Dozen = 12
~Gross = 12 dozen (144)
~Score = 20
~Baker's Dozen = 13
~Great Gross = 12 gross (1728)
There were moreways to light a room in the middle ages then just the ever popular torches, here's a list of some of them.
~Tallow - Creamy colored rendered animal fat, typically from sheep or cattle. Candles made with tallow are smoky with a strong smell.
~Beeswax - Wax harvested from beehives, candlesmade of beeswax were the most expensive and prestigious with its minimal smoke and little smell.
~Torches - Typically made of a bundle of resinous wood (such as pine) or rope, rags, wood or other material coated with resin, tar, or tallow. Extremely smokey with a strong smell (especially those made with tar).
~Oil Lamps - These came in many sizes and shapes and made from practically any non-flammable material from stone to metal to ceramic. What they all had in common was a well to hold the oil and a wick. The oils used also varied, olive oil, rendered animal oils, nut oils, later in history whale oil and kerosene. The wicks were made form any number of fibers wool, linen, hemp, etc.
~Rush Lamps -
~Fireplaces - The hearth's main purpose was never as a light source, while fires did create light they were primarily for heat and cooking.
http://www.sfwa.org/writing/ - SFWA Articles on Writing
http://sfwrg.org/ - SFWRG
http://www.writerswrite.com/fiction/ - Fiction Writing
http://www.writerswrite.com/fiction/ - The Elements of Style
http://www.m-w.com/ - Merriam-Webste
r's Dictionary
http://thesaurus.reference.com/ - Roget's Thesaurus
http://www.rhymezone.com/ - RhymeZone Rhyming Dictionary
General References
http://sca.org - Society for Creative Anachronism
http://www.netserf.org - Netserf
http://www.johnowensmith.co.uk/histdate/measures.htm - Old Imperial Lengths & Areas, etc.
http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/regwebb/imperial.htm - Our World Imperial Measurements
http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0001723.html - Cooking Measurement Equivalents
http://www.primediaequine.com/glossary - Glossary of Equine Terms
http://www.equinecolor.com - Equine Color
http://ilaria.veltri.tripod.com/sidesaddle.html - A Medieval Sidesaddle
http://www.writing-world.com/sf/horses.shtml - The Care and Feeding
of Fictional Horses
Military, Weapons, and Armor
http://www.psych.su.oz.au/vbb/woronora/maritime/Glossary.html - Glossary of Nautical Terms
http://www.au.af.mil/au/awc/awcgate/army/medieval_logistics.htm - Medieval Logistics As Applied to the Classes of Quartermaster Supply
http://www.heraldica.org/topics/odegard/titlefaq.htm - A Glossary of European Noble, Princely, Royal, and Imperial Titles. http://www.pemberley.com/janeinfo/honrific.html - The British system of aristocratic honorifics
http://laura.chinet.com/html/titles01.html - British Titles of Nobility
http://digiserve.com/heraldry/pimbley.htm - Pimbley's Dictionary of Heraldry
http://ccwf.cc.utexas.edu/%7Epaz/roman/rmoney.html - ROMAN MONEY, WEIGHTS AND MEASURES
http://www2002.stoke.gov.uk/museums/pmag/archaeology/romans/money.htm - Roman Money
Medical Reference
http://aspin.asu.edu/geneinfo/oldnames.htm - Old or Obsolete Names
for Diseases and Disorders
http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/shortindex.shtml - Medieval Names Archive
http://obs.nineplanets.org/psc/fullmoons.html - The Names of the Full Moons
http://costumes.org - Costumer's Manifesto
(broken link - site still interesting?) http://www.markland.org/lettherebelight.php - Let There Be Light! Or, How do You See in the Dark Ages
http://www.cherryh.com/www/antique1.htm - Antique words, or words of changed usage
http://www.florilegium.org/files/UNCAT/p-swears-msg.html - Period swears, oaths and insults. euphemisms.
http://www.s-hamilton.k12.ia.us/antiqua/instrumt.html - Medieval musical instruments
http://www.medieval.org/emfaq/scores/ - Links to medieval and rennaissance music
http://www.howstuffworks.com/ How lots of different things work.
http://www.wiseoldsayings.com/ Wise quotes, proverbs and sayings gathered from all over the world
http://www.supersummary.com/folklore-mythology-guide/ General Folklore Resources
http://www.godecookery.com - Gode Cookery, medieval cooking
http://gallowglass.org/jadwiga/herbs/herbs.html - Herbalism, Medieval, Magickal & Modern
http://www.umext.maine.edu/onlinepubs/htmpubs/4060.htm Facts on Edible Wild Greens in Maine
http://www.umext.maine.edu/onlinepubs/htmpubs/4198.htm Facts on Fiddleheads
http://theforagerpress.com/fieldguide/guide.htm The Forager's Virtual Wild Food Field Guide
Myth, Legend, Magic, etc.
http://www.beadage.net/gemstones/gemstonesA_F.shtml Gemstones Metaphysical Properties
http://www.alchemywebsite.com - The Alchemy Website
http://pantheon.org - The Encyclopedia Mythica
http://www.themystica.com/mystica/default.html - An on-line encyclopedia of the occult, mysticism, magic, paranormal and more
http://www.bartleby.com/196/ The Golden Bough - classic work on mythology, still used in many college classes.