Glasica ~ [Aeolynn]
Illianna ~ [Ravendust]
Kareth Eisren ~ [Paladin]

The storm had come in quickly. Life on the glacier of Frore was always a matter of balance and those who chose to make it their home were hardened by its fierce winds and taught rough lessons by its extreme cold snaps. This was one of those times. Three forms walked in this maelstrom of ice, sleet and slush, fairly untouched for the moment from its ferocity. They all wore hoods, goggles and scarves, concealing their faces from the blizzard while the rest of them were clothe less.
These were the Dire Sphinxes, three siblings that defied the glacier in hard times to bring medicine and supplies to distant villages and towns. The eldest and strongest in the front, breaking out a path for her two brothers that pulled the slim sleds full with items. They were making for distant Raelze whom desperately needed the medicines to push back fever in their children for a virus was going around, one none too pleasant. Lifting an ice encrusted paw, the female of the three paused, staring intently on the blowing snow. She was cautious, and had a right of it, for it wasn't only the storms that those who lived upon Frore's glacier feared.
"What is it?" Asked one male in a low voice, one that was easily lost to the winds, however, sphinxes have a way with hearing things most could not.
"I... don't know." The eldest replied, puzzled before she readjusted her tightly closed wings,
"I smell... blood, and I see dark shadows before us." She tensed up, staring, trying to see.
"Hogobohgins!" She said in the human tongue, just in time to see the huge, almost bearlike beast take a swipe at her. The eldest simply opened her wings, and let the blizzard jerk her away while her brothers slipped their harnesses as if they were ribbons and attacked.
Another Hogobohgin came up from behind and the female sphinx twisted her body, landing roughly in the snow to guard her siblings’ backs. Its face was smooth, almost hairless appeal with large silver orbs for eyes and a wide gaping mouth full of rows of teeth. Their hunger was insatiable and their manner deadly as they used brute force to take down their enemies and their long claws to maul them. It took a swipe at her now, which she dodged it and leapt on top of its unprotected head, her scarf lost to the blizzard as she grabbed into its spine with her teeth, viciously pulling until the beast dropped to the snow, spilling crimson blood. The other Hogobohgin was dispatched as well when another roared from the icy dunes.
A third? They were solitary species, living in pairs, unless this was their... child. The third was full grown, making it not their offspring... but why was it here? A fourth shape loomed in the darkness, then a fifth and a sixth and a seventh. The sphinxes moved so that their rumps were facing each other in a protective triangle. Dire sphinxes indeed, none would think the beasts that hunted these realms would go against their very nature.
My brothers..." Whispered the female,
"Whatever happens, I love you." Then all chaos erupted.
Kareth held his arm out in front of his face cursing under his breath towards the foul weather but as always remained silent. The familiar and rhythmic thump of his smithing hammer bouncing against his leg as he trudged along through the deep snow giving him comfort. It wasn't long before Kareth began to see other tracks in the snow, almost completely covered by the snow now. A sharp metallic smell came to him through the wind and he immediately recognized it as blood. He reached down and touched his hammer quickly, just see if it was still there. With a relieved sigh he continued on again. A few moments later with the smell growing stronger he came upon the scene of the slaughter. Nine Hogobohgin bodies lay dead in the snow in a myriad of blood and viscera as well as two sphinxes. Not far from the scene two sleds piled with supplies were covered with a fine dusting of snow. With a heavy sigh Kareth walked over to the sleds and began rummaging through the contents.
With a roar, some bloody thing came out of the sky, the force of the blow nearly knocking Kareth off his hooves. The female sphinx didn't have the strength enough to land after her flight, rolling in the blood soaked snow before stumbling to her feet. Her wings were pink now and laid limp in the snow around her. Dim gold eyes looked out of a pale face, tear streaks breaking through the caked on blood. The eldest's scarf and goggles were gone were lost in the frenzy and her feathers and fur were soaked with sweat. Much longer in this weather and she would freeze; for she was so stricken with grief that she had sunk into her animal side. Snarling weakly, she prepared to pounce again.
Kareth frightened out of his mind immediately pulled his hammer from his side as he stumbled around trying not the fall over into the snow. As his eyes finally found what had assaulted him his arm lowered slightly. It was a sphinx that had attacked him, probably the only survivor of the gruesome scene not far off. Had it mistaken him for a Hogobohgin? "Please, I don't want any trouble, I'm just passing through. I wasn't going to take anything, honest," he said in his baritone voice. With a slight grin he put his hammer away and held his hands out. "Look, I'm just on my way into town. I'm sorry about what happened here. Do you need some help?" he asked.
"Oh! Oh..." The eldest muttered in a hoarse feminine voice, shaking her head to get her matted hair out of her face, "I'm so sorry I... I... thought you were..." She didn't finished, just limped over to him with a sad expression on her face. The once clean wings were torn and dragging, several scratches marred her back and belly, one cut on her shoulder still bleeding. She cocked her head at him to be able to see his face then collapsed in a bloody shivering heap. The sphinx lifted her head weakly then laid it back down in the snow, her muscles twitching, "Please, help me..." She asked softly, closing her eyes as the tears came again, leaving new blood free trails down her cheeks.
"Oh my, yes of course," he muttered picking her up and setting her on one of the sleds. With a harness in each hand Kareth began to drag the sled with the wounded sphinx on one and the rest of the supplies along with. Surprisingly enough the weight was not that bad, not compared to hauling lumber around the summer before last, if you could call it a summer. "How far are we from the next town," he asked. He knew the general directions but not the distance. "And what's in the sleds," he asked off-handedly. He felt compelled to speak to the sphinx, he heard once that it helps people that are wounded to talk so they don't fall asleep and die. He wasn't a doctor or anything, its just what he heard. He wasn't exactly one for words so he felt a little awkward speaking to the sphinx.
"Medicine... for the children in Raelze. It's about... two miles from here." She replied slowly, loud enough to be heard above the storm which thankfully was beginning to taper off. "My... I am Glasica. Those were my brothers..." The sphinx began to sob quietly, putting a paw over her face to hide it.
"Ah, I see, I'm sorry about your brothers," he said grunting a little as he threw both the harnesses over his shoulders to get better pull on them. "I'm Kareth, uh, Kareth Eisren, I'm a metal worker and all around manual laborer," he said turning and looking back at hearing her sobs. "I'm sure they had no regrets," he said turning back around looking in the direction that he was going.
Yep, not very good with words. Just keep your trap shut Kareth!
"No, none." Glasica quieted, "-We just wanted to help the sick kits in the village..." The sphinx sighed, then began to lick herself clean as best as she could, which... wasn't much. She just hoped they had a doctor capable of dealing with one like her... not so human looking.
A few hours later the village came into view, the light from the lanterns flickering from the snow in the wind. A few villagers spotted them from a distance.
"I'm sure they have a doctor that can tend to your wounds," he said encouragingly.
I hope. Trudging the last bit of distance to the village Kareth let the harnesses go slack. "We need a doctor here," he yelled. Some of the villagers took a few steps back and Kareth felt very much embarrassed. If his face could turn red then it would have been a very deep shade just then. "Um, I'm sorry, but my friend here needs a doctor. If you could please hurry," he said to the villagers in a very subdued voice.
A few of them scurried off while an older woman dressed in a seal parka stepped forward, "Follow me to the main stables..." She said in a rasping voice. She led them to the largest building in the small town, one that was warm and housed the animals of everyone. Chickens scattered when the door was opened, "Here, put her in one of the stalls." The old woman let out a painful cough before looking at the packs, "Medicine?"
"Uh, yes, at least that is what she said. We weren't travelling together, I found her and she pounced on me mistaking me for a Hogobohgin. They had killed her brothers and left her in this condition. So I brought her here" he said. He then pulled the old woman off to the side taking extra care to be gentle with her. "You do have a doctor that can help her right," he whisper, his voice filled with concern fearing that she would say no.
Glasica's ears twitched... for she could hear everything they said, limping as she managed to get herself into some clean straw and let out a relieved sigh.
"Our veterinarian just recently succumbed to the... problem we are having." She coughed again, "It’s only affected our human population, however our doctor is on his way." Taking her leave, the old woman went through the pouches on the sleds, taking one full of medicines with her as she left.
? We're not damn animals," he said under his breath. With a quick exasperated sigh he walked back over to Glasica scratching behind one of his ears with a massive finger. He bent down so that his horns wouldn't hit the stall door overhang as he entered. "Are you feeling better," he asked cheerfully to mask his concern. "The old woman told me that the doctor is on his way," he said hooking his thumbs into his belt. "He'll have you patched up in no time!"
The sphinx looked up at him with puffy red eyes from crying, shivering as she did not have the strength to lick herself dry, "Is... there something warm and dry here? I'm going to get sick... these... my shivering isn't working," She swallowed thickly, "My body is numb," Glasica admitted, trying to fold a wing over her feline body however, failing even in that slight action.
"Um, yeah, I have a bedroll here that you can use," he said pulling his pack off and removing the large woolen bedroll that was rolled up on top of his backpack. He quickly unrolled the blanket and laid it over Glasica rubbing her a little to generate some warmth. "Is that better?" he asked stepping back a bit. He quickly ducked outside real quick to look for the doctor and then went back in to keep Glasica company until he showed up. "He shouldn't be much longer," he said, more to assure himself than Glasica. Kareth began to pace back and forth rubbing his hands together nervously in anticipation.
"Kareth... please, I can't-" Her head fell to the straw then jerked back up, almost lacking the strength needed to raise her head, "I need help." Glasica's tail wasn't even moving, a desperate sign for a sphinx. Her wings shivered before she went still, this time her head lolled to the straw and her lungs pulled in a shuddering breath... and she died.
Kareth's ears perked forward and he stood as still as a statue for a moment before bolting over to Glasica. "Hey, Glasica. Hey, are you ok?" he asked reaching out to shake her gently. When she did not move Kareth picked her up bodily and bolted out of the barn into the cold night. "Someone help me," he bellowed sprinting through town. "Where is that damn doctor! Someone please, where is he," he yelled. His frustration and anger apparent in his voice. Many ran from him as he came charging through the town. "Where is the doctor," he yelled again and again in a never ending plea.
"I'm here!" The doctor yelled back, shoving his coat on as he stumbled out of a door, "Bring her inside quickly." The second largest build was full of sick patients coughing but he led them to a small room, one that Kareth would find very small for one his size. "Put her down here," The tiny cot held her body enough but her wings were cumbersome, "Over here minotaur, hold back her wings." The doctor ordered, pointing to the other side of the bed. The surprisingly young man moved back her hair and checked her breathing while her still open eyes dripped tears as the snow on her lashes melted. Pumping her feline chest, the man did several compressions before opening her mouth and breathing in air. Several times later and still no reaction, the doctor injected her with a clear liquid before starting the series of motions again.
Her tail twitched, and then a paw and Glasica breathed once more.
Kareth upon seeing life return to Glasica, the Minotaur grabbed the doctor up in his arms and hugged him a bit too hard knocking the wind from the poor man. He quickly put the doctor back down when he heard him wheeze and held him gently for a second so that the man would not collapse. "I'm terribly sorry," he said once again embarrassed. "For a minute there I thought she was dead. You had no idea how scared I was," he said putting a hand to his chest. He could still feel his heart beating fast from the fright. "What ever you did thank you so much," he said patting the man on the back gingerly. "Is there anything that I can do to help," he asked trying not to get in the doctors way.
"She was dead." The doctor said, shaking his head and checking her vital signs, "Well we won't know if she suffered any brain damage until she fully recovers, but for now..." He grabbed a blanket and handed it to him, "Bring her back to the stables, and do her a favor... take some bandages from the nurses here and clean her. There are water troughs in the barn you can use for water, take some in a bucket and spill this in it-" He handed Kareth a small vial, "Then wash her face and fur clean. Night is almost upon us... it will be cold, use your body heat to keep her warm." With that said the doctor swept out into the room, several of the packs from the sleds in the middle being administered to all the humans. With a timid bow a nurse came into the room with the bandages and clothe then hurried out.
Kareth picked up Glasica's body gently and strode back to the barn with the bandages and unknown liquid in hand. When he reached the barn he quickly made a spot for them in the hay and laid out the blanket that he had from the doctor's, setting Glasica down gently. He quickly went about fetching water and setting up a small stove to heat it in and then, began the task of cleaning her in silence. After an hour had past Glasica was cleaned from the blood that had been both hers and her enemies'. Kareth stood and went back to get more water and returned pouring the strange liquid that was given to him by the doctor into the water. He then slowly poured it into her mouth making sure not to drown her with it. With a heavy sigh Kareth then laid down next to her gently draping a large muscle bound arm over her and pulling his bedroll over both of them. When she wakes up this is going to be very embarrassing to say the least! What have I gotten myself into?
Illianna trudged slowly through the drifts of newly fallen snow, the storm seemed to have let up for now, but it was fast darkening and chilling further outside. She clutched her furs closer around herself, her fingers numb. The wind bit through her thick garments easily, it seemed as though the chill reached into her very core.
She shivered as a low howl filtered through the early evening air- she wasn't going to make it home, not before the storm hit again. She could smell it so easily as the clouds roiled overhead, soon she'd be as blind as before.
It had been folly of Illianna to set foot out of her home- a small but cozy cave in the woods to the north- where north was anymore, Illianna didn't know. She may have been traveling in utterly the wrong direction for all she knew. What had drawn her out was beyond her. Some feeling, deep in the center of her being had called to her, some deep feeling that danger was near, that death... was near. Then it hit her, the cloying smell of blood.
Illianna froze at the carnage that she saw before her- bodies, so many of them, filled the clearing, red stained the snow. Human heads- more than a dozen- sat on the ends of spears, their faces permanently screwed up in the agony of their last seconds on earth. She drew in a sharp breath as muted whispers sounded behind her and turned slowly to find- nothing, snow began swirling about her, and for a moment, she lost herself in the dazzle of the crystals as the last rays of the sun hit the icy pillars that formed the forest.
She set her jaw grimly and approached the spears, her fingers quivering as, one by one, she pulled them from the ground. Illianna struggled to keep her mind preoccupied, not to think of what she was doing. It took her several long hours to dig through the hard crust of the earth, and a half hour more to get the bodies into the hole, as well as she could she scraped snow and earth over them and murmured a low prayer for the souls that had been lost.
She knelt before it for only a few moments before she was aware of a presence behind her. Illianna stood, unsure if she would be able to for a moment, and turned. It was all she could do before something hard met with the side of her face, sending her sprawling. Something warm spread across her cheek, and the sensation, not the pain, brought her back to her senses.
"Ah, so you live yet, human?" A gurgling laugh drew her to her feet, "Must not have swung hard enough..." Another crashing blow, this time to her ribs, everything went dark and Illianna knew no more.
Some odd time later she became aware of herself again and drew in a ragged breath, wincing as agony flared in her ribcage. She was cold again, almost frozen, the snow lay in a thin sheet over her form as she dragged herself painstakingly up. Whatever had attacked her was nowhere to be seen. What she did see, however, drew a shiver- not from the cold- but of true disgust from her.
On the ground at her feet was a severed arm, blackened, though not charred. It gripped tightly, still, to a long granite club. A trail of inky black blood led into the forest, away from her. She sat still, dazed and in a stupor of her own. The cold was numbing her again, and she found it so simple to just drift back towards that inky blackness. It was impossible to resist, she didn't want to anymore. The simplest thought drifted from her mind as her eyes closed once more. Help It was a plea, sent out to any mind that could hear her own, or any number of the dozens connected to hers. It was a plea to live.
Glasica jerked, that small action bringing a cry of pain from her lips as she awoke from a strange dream. The cold faded and in the faint light of the dawn the sphinx could make out the much larger form of a person beside her. She sniffed as it took her a second to register who it was. Ah. Kareth; Minotaur.
She vaguely remembered being brought to the stable, and then her memory went black, but sometime during his cleaning process Glasica mind returned to her, feeling his large and gentle fingers upon her fur. Reaching a paw down, she felt her own fur and sighed with relief, for her fur wasn't harmed and still was it's old silky self. That was when her paw hit his fingers and she froze, realizing that he was embracing her, holding her very delicately as he slept to keep her warm. Glasica blushed. Instinct wanted her to find a corner to sleep in for a few days but her human side, the one that was very deeply thankful for his help and attention, made her slip her paw up and touch his bull muzzle before letting it rest on his collarbone. She sighed softly, settling her head back in the crook of his arm and snuggled deeper into the blanket; deeper into his embrace.
Kareth had awoken during her movement and had the urge to speak but when her paw touched his muzzle he could only lay there frozen in his pose. Should I say something? Or should I just pretend to still be asleep? Oh my this, is very embarrassing... I knew this would happen! Kareth's mind was a whirlwind of activity as he frantically thought of how to get out of this predicament with the least embarrassment on both their parts. Maybe if I roll over, like others do in their sleep. Would that be too obvious? As he speculated this his arm raised just a bit before settling back to its position and he grimaced closing his eyes quickly. Dolt! "Um, uh, good morning... Did you sleep well?" he asked in a very bashful tone moving his arm away from her so that she could get up if she wanted to. With a quick and very embarrassed grin he sat up next to her making sure the blanket still covered her.
She shivered briefly from the loss of his heat and her head did not move from the blanket on the ground. Instead of replying Glasica let out a small sigh and closed her eyes, shuddering as her body under the bedroll rippled, the cat form receding and transforming into that of a human. Only the tail remained the same as her wings shrunk to small buds of light gold and white feathers barely visible under the clothe. Her human form was small, with skinny limbs and medium sized breasts and hips, just like her wings barely visible under the blanket. When a sphinx was exhausted they would let their human side come through because they healed much faster that way, which Glasica knew she had to do. The transformation took a lot of her left over energy and she breathed a sigh of relief when it was over... then bunched up the blankets at her breasts as she glanced up at him.
If the Minotaur had been around sphinxes before he should have known about this, but, for some it came as a shock and she hoped he wouldn't become flustered, "Yes," She replied softly, "Thank you."
Kareth felt as if his head would burst into flame at any minute. He quickly turned around and gave a quick scratch behind his ear. "Tha... that's good to know," he said stumbling over his words slightly. He cleared his throat which sounded a little like a deep growl and began fumbling with his hammer to keep himself preoccupied. "I could go get you some clothes if you would like," he asked not turning around to look at her.
"In the sleds, there are some for me." Since sphinxes are in truth, just in a different visible form when they look human, they wear very sheer and light clothing. Inside the second sled held a white dress with a silver sash, cut sort of like a cocktail dress with shimmering beads sewn into the fabric. Several pieces of gold jewelry were inside as well, some to be worn on paws others on human wrists. Her lynx ears, another feature that hadn't changed twitched as she listened to him search the sleds.
Kareth returned shortly with the dress and jewelry in hand, but not before stopping outside of the door and taking a big gulp. "Here you are. I'm sure you'll look very beautiful in that dress," he said without thinking. His eyes went wide as his brain caught up with his mouth. "I mean, um. Yeah, I should leave while you change," he said before stepping quickly out of the barn and closing the doors behind him. What were you thinking!? Oh I'm sure you'll look very beautiful in that dress! Ah, I'm a moron! Kareth adjusted the dark gray woolen shirt that he wore and sighed heavily afterwards. He then reached into a pouch on his belt and pulled out a plain wooden pipe and thumbed some tobacco into it and lit it taking a long drag. He slowly exhaled watching the smoke drift up towards the sky and beyond.
"...Kareth?" Glasica called, strain in her voice, "I'm... bleeding." During the night her bandages had come loose and when she had sat up, the dryness had caused the wounds on her stomach and shoulder to open up again. She swallowed thickly, covering herself with the blanket and winced when some of the blood dripped to the blanket.
Kareth threw the pipe in his mouth into the snow and bolted through the door half ripping it off its hinges as he did so. He grabbed up the bandages and relit the small stove he had set up and put a pot of water on it to boil. He then took her gently in his hands and held the bandages in place firmly to stop the bleeding. While doing all this he was even able to get over the fact that Glasica was still very much naked in front of him. "Don't worry, I'll take care of it, you just rest yourself," he said concentrating on stopping the bleeding. Kareth's eyes began to look Glasica over for the first time and he had to force himself to stop. Well, she is pretty. Shut up! You're a Minotaur! Pay attention to what you are doing! "Does it hurt much?" he asked wiping some of the excess blood away.
She lay within the crook of his arm, the side of her head resting against his forearm as she winced, "A little-" Glasica admitted to him, "I had forgotten about them until I moved." She tried to ignore his hand directly pressed against her ribs and under her barely covered breast by a corner of the cloth. The sphinx in human form shuddered as a wave of nausea hit her and she closed her gold tinted eyes.
"Oh dear, please don't die on me again! I don't think I could bear that again," he said worry rushing through him. He laid her back against his torso gently reaching around to grab the hot water. He soaked one of the rags in it and wiped more blood away pressing a new clean cloth to the area. He took great care not to press too hard. Be gentle, you don't want to open it up even more. She's not made of metal you know.
The blanket slipped to her lap, but at the moment she did not care but eventually, thanks to Kareth's care, the bleeding slowed and her shallow breathing strengthened just from that. Glasica looked up at him, worry across his muzzle and weakly smiled, "I won't," Her tail had been twitching the entire time, a very good sign.
With a deep sigh of relief Kareth grabbed more bandages and tied them off with enough pressure to keep the wound closed but not enough to constrict her. It was then that he noticed her bare breast. Eyes wide he pulled the blanket back over her. "I need to get you some more bandages. Just in case you know," he said. He then stood and walked over to the door and frowned at it. "Poorly made hinges these are," he said inspecting them quickly. As he left he pulled the door shut somewhat as it was now lopsided from his entrance. Kareth quickly walked to where the doctor had been the night before and grabbed some bandages from one of the women helping with the sick. He then made his way back to the barn retrieving his pipe and placing it back into its pouch before entering.
While he was gone she had dressed as quickly as she dared, saving the jewelry off to the side to deal with later and the soft feel of the clothe made her feel a lot better. Being naked in a barn, even in the presence of Kareth had made her slightly... uncomfortable. Since he was still gone Glasica helped pick up some of her own bloody bandages, her cat paws keeping her steady on her feet even if she was lightheaded. Having no need for shoes, or slippers, her paw feet were bare to the stable floor.
Kareth walked in to her cleaning up her bandages now clothed in her dress and immediately went about cleaning up the rest. "You should lie down. I'll take care of the rest don't worry," he said. He then doused the fire under the small stove and laid the new bandages next to the blankets. "Its good to see that you feel well enough to get around but you should still rest until your wounds are healed," he said off-handedly as he finished cleaning out the small pot. He then pulled his backpack over next to him as he sat down and began to rummage through his belongings. A minute later her pulled out a small knife and a piece of wood that somewhat resembled a Minotaur like himself and began whittling away at it.
Glasica did as she was bade, laying herself gently down upon the cleared bedroll and watched Kareth whittling away at the small figurine. "Have the young kits of this village been given the medicine we brought?"
"Yes, they took it when I was busy trying to find the doctor for you," he said his blade stopping for a moment as he turned to her. "They cared more about getting that medicine than helping you. Shows how grateful they are," he said snorting loudly exactly like a bull. He then resumed whittling away at the piece of wood. "Makes my horns itch just thinking about how humans treat others that are not their species!" Kareth stopped whittling again as he turned completely around to face Glasica. "What do you think of humans? Obviously more than I do because you risked your life to deliver medicine to them. Did you know I had to run around town with you dead in my arms before I finally found the doctor!? He had no intention of coming out here to help you," he said his voice rising in anger. With another snort Kareth buried his wood-working knife into one of the wooden supports for the barn and stared at it intently before sighing loudly and slumping his shoulders.
"Many people have died already..." Glasica said softly, "And the doctor has his reasons why he cannot go speeding out of the hospital and into the cold." She paused before sighing, "He is normally in a wheelchair when around the other patients. It is a shame the veterinarian wasn't here, he deals with our wounds because we are mostly cat."
"That still doesn't give him an excuse. Your wounds were serious. How many more would die if you died? You bring them much needed medicine and that is the only thing that is keeping them going," he said tossing his hands into the air. "They depend on you, yet they almost let you die. It makes no sense! You would think that they would be more understanding." Kareth then retrieved his knife from the support and inspected it to make sure he had not damaged it then put it back in his backpack.
"We knew the risks-" Glasica muttered, her voice cracking before the grief hit her again, barely keeping the emotion in check. To her credit no tears fell but her body shook as she tried to control the emotion, "The people here... aren't like those in the main cities. They... haven't seen many of us."
"But why? For their acceptance? To be welcomed among humans," he asked in a very confused and somewhat hurt tone. "I have traveled from many different cities and towns upon this glacier and all that I have found is fear. Humans fear those that are different and so hate them. My race especially. Many of us are warriors, proud ones, who raid and pillage and fight. Very few of us try to coexist with humans. And those that do are used as laborers, nothing more than oxen or bulls. Even those of us that have a craft like myself," he said looking down at his hands clenching them and then releasing. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't rant like that. Whenever you feel better come find me. I'll probably be around the blacksmith's trying to get some work," he said calmly walking out of the barn.
Watching him go, the sphinx in human form remain utterly silent before letting out a quiet sigh and laying her head down on her bare arms. She was tired and let her cat legs stretch out behind her.
A small creature scurried past his hooves- a blur of white that skidded to a shaky halt inside of the barn to catch its breath. It shivered, shaking small icicles and the gathered snow from its pelt. Wild eyes looked this way and that- before locking on Glasica. Slowly, warily, it approached her.
Her tail twitching, the sphinx didn't realize anything was there due to her closed eyes, however, her animal side alerted her. Glasica raised her head and caught sight of the creature with her dark amber eyes; an animal in human form was an odd sight indeed. She yawned toothily, showing pronounced fangs before opening her mouth to pant like a great cat calmly. Perking her ears to it, Glasica silently gave it permission to approach and closed her mouth, the feline eyes never leaving its huddled form.
The creature shivered again, "Cold, she's so cold!" It gasped out, wrapping its long, thick tail about its waist, "Help, please..." It was weak from running for so long, but it needed to get the message out immediately.
"Who? Who needs help?" She stood from the blankets on four legs, slightly awkward in human standards but it felt natural to Glasica. She was injured herself and had almost died from the cold, so she knew this was a situation that needed to be remedied... fast. The sphinx padded over, her long back letting her trot on four legs easier then most and she set down her butt, then her hips. Glasica did this slowly so not to split open her cuts and began to lick the creature dry, her tongue unchanged to deal with her own thick fur.
"Animal friend..." It murmured, "Attacked in the forest... Such a long run... It's too cold, can't feel anything..." It was as though the small fox wasn't only speaking for itself, but for her too.
"Forest?" Glasica repeated, slightly confused. There were only forests on the land surrounding Frore's Glacier, a place very far away... too far for this little snow fox to run. The only place it could mean were the ice trees of Molodun, large spikes of ice fractured to lance into the sky by some unknown force. The place was often called the forest of Frore. "Molodun? I am injured... I do not know if I can help you..."
"It's been too long already..." The small creature whined, "She'll die, and with it our hearts..." It didn't know how else to relay the importance of the girl's life to them, "There is none other close enough with whom I can speak..." It was gaining back clear speech.
Kareth poked his head back into the barn to see what had ran past him and found the strange scene. "What are you doing," he said obviously confused. "Is everything ok here?" he asked coming half-way into the barn.
Glasica looked up from her licking, a tuff of white hair belonging to the fox on her lip which made her scrunch up her nose, shaking her head to try to dislodge it. Finally she gave up and took a paw like swipe at her face, which succeeded when her facial movements had not. "This fox... he is speaking for someone in trouble..." The sphinx looked at the minotaur, her eyes full of sympathy, "We have to help her!"
Kareth entered the barn completely making sure not to hit the door with his horns as he did. "Where exactly is she? We can't just take off in any random direction," he said folding his arms. "I didn't know that foxes could speak," he said leaning up against the wall. "What type of trouble are we talking about anyway?"
"Eh..." She looked down, having a puzzled expression on her face, "I... think it is similar to my predicament..." Glasica looked again to the fox to explain.
The fox nodded tiredly, "She was attacked by an ugly monster... It killed lots of humans and animals... She buried the dead and it attacked her for it." It murmured to Glasica, "I will take you if you will go... So far... but no time..." It's words were becoming rambles again.
"...the fox says that... someone was attacked by monsters while she was trying to bury the dead." The sphinx said, switching her gaze to Kareth with her eyes wide, "Kareth, if you could pull me I would like to help..."
"Pull you, I'm going carry you. Tell that fox there that I'll be right behind it and to just lead the way," he said grabbing up the two blankets and wrapping them around Glasica. "Now I don't want any objections from you. You're not fully healed and the cold could kill you," he said as he wrapped her in the warm blankets gently.
"-Again." Glasica added, letting out a little smile at his efforts to keep her safe. However the smile faded as she got serious once more, "I think we need a sled to take back... the person we are saving. Or, their body." She thought for a moment, "At least take one empty sled, and some parkas."
"Alright, good idea," he said before running outside eager to get underway. He ran back to the building were he had found the doctor which he assumed was the hospital and grabbed the now empty sleds that he had originally pulled Glasica on. He also grabbed some rope while he was at it and lashed both the sleds together and created a makeshift harness for himself so that he could keep his hands free in case danger reared its ugly head. "There, that should do it," he mumbled to himself with a slight grin. He then made his way back to Glasica and the fox pulling the sleds behind him. "I'm ready to go... Wait, we might need supplies," he yelled to them from outside scratching his chin.
"There should still be ours in the packs!" Glasica yelled back, "Enough for a ten day journey if need be." The sphinx, as long as she was kept warm would be fine with her wounds. For now, in human form, she was less in danger then in her real form.
The small fox whined and pawed at the ground as it waited for them to prepare as patiently as it could.
Kareth came back into the barn and located the packs and took them out to the sleds and returned picking up Glasica and carrying her out as well. He laid her down gently and then tied her down very loosely. "If you need to get off the sled quickly just pull on this end here and the knot will undo immediately. Don't worry, the knot is strong enough to hold you in though," he said holding the end that he meant in his fingers. "Alright fox, lead the way. Wait. Does that thing understand me?" he asked Glasica as he harnessed himself to the sleds.
She giggled, for he did not know that much about sphinxes which was fine and she considered it cute. A sphinx could not be tied down by rope alone; only chain or metal could hold them. "I highly doubt it unless he is connected with this person he keeps rambling about..." Glasica settled herself on the sled and smiled up at him before turning her eyes to the fox, "We are ready."
The fox nodded once, glanced at Kareth, and skittered out of the barn swiftly. It stood just a few feet up the road, almost invisible against the snowy path. It waited patiently for them to exit the barn and follow.
Kareth tested the harness real quick then pulled the sleds out and began to follow the fox up the road. "You just sit back and relax. Try to get some rest and I'll wake you if anything comes up," he said to Glasica turning briefly to speak to her then put his mind of keeping his eyes on the fox to follow it to their destination. I wonder why there have been so many attacks on travelers lately?
"I will try, Kareth." Glasica said softly, nuzzling back into the furs that covered the sleds, knowing that them leaving would be good news in the villagers eyes... the children however loved it when the Dire sphinxes visited.
When it knew that the two were following it the fox continued to run at a steady pace. The feeling of urgency in its soul was too much- there wasn't time to waste. The small creature led them on for a good while before, at last, it drew to a stop near a small mound of snow. It whined, pawing at the cold snow until a pale face became visible.
Kareth got down on his hands and knees and began to dig around the outline of the person removing large chunks of the snow until he could remove the person completely. "Bring the blankets quickly! And grab my pack as well. We need to start a fire immediately," he said with urgency as he laid the pale figure down.
Keeping a long trailing fur for herself, Glasica came over with the rest of the blankets and furs, tip toeing through the snow. Hurrying back to Kareth with his pack, the sphinx opened it and looked to the Minotaur expectantly, "What now?"
"I need you to get under the blankets with her while I get a fire going. We need to get her warm fast," he said wrapping the unconscious woman in the blankets. Kareth then ran over to the sleds and pulled them over; he then placed the young woman on the sleds gingerly. "Lay with her, I'll get the fire started. And make sure she stays on the sleds. If those blankets get wet it'll be harder to keep her warm," he said as he began to dig a small pit in the snow. He then ran off to gather what little tinder that could be used for the fire.
She nodded and looked down at herself for a moment before wincing and let out a small sigh. Letting the fur and her dress drop to the snow, she returned to her normal form and grabbed the things in her mouth and put them away. Glasica trotted back over to the other sled and slid inside next to the girl, shivering as her cold skin met her fur. Hesitantly, then with great care she licked the freezing girl's hair dry with her long tongue.
The small fox nosed its way under the blankets once it had dried its own fur and curled up against the two. It shivered, realizing just how close things had really been.
She felt distant... numb, like she wasn't even in her own body anymore. Illianna thought that perhaps she must truly be dead. She had no control over anything and lay in darkness. She wondered why her skin suddenly felt as though it were burning, the numbness was fading slowly and being replaced with that feeling- was she in hell then? She whimpered, a low noise that was barely audible, but she didn't have the energy to do anything else.
Glasica continued to lick, purring gently when she heard the girl utter a sound, "She lives," The sphinx announced to Kareth, then laid her head down, projecting her emotions of calm to the other female.
"Ah, that's good, there we go," he said with a little satisfaction as a small fire lit and he nursed it as it grew in intensity. Kareth glanced back at the two and smiled a little before busying himself with keeping the fire going. "We'll stay here for a bit longer then we'll try to find some place sheltered to spend the night and tend to her wounds. We shouldn't move her just yet," he said thoughtfully.
"I agree," Glasica replied softly, "She is producing her own heat now, only time will tell if she wakes or not." True to her nature as a sphinx, Glasica slipped from the makeshift bed without letting in any cold air and tip-toed through the snow to Kareth's side. She opened a pack she had carried to take out bandages and sort through them slowly. Somehow she had returned to human form and shimmied on her dress without anyone noticing.
Kareth put a kind hand on Glasica's shoulder giving her a smile of reassurance. "I'm sure we'll be able to patch her up quite well," he said in a cheery tone. With that said Kareth handed Glasica a water pouch. "She'll need it," he said.
She took it from him with a smile and went back to her charge, slipping in some of the precious liquid, lukewarm from being held against Kareth's body. Glasica was satisfied to see the natural reaction of the swallow.
Illianna's eyes snapped open, dimly taking in her surroundings. She didn't register the two beings that stood near her. She felt something squirm at her side and a small fox burst into view, shaking the furs from its head, though it was cautious not to dislodge himself from her. Her fingers quivered as she raised her arm and pet it distractedly as she slowly forced herself to sit up- grimacing as fire lanced up her side and a migraine pulsed in the side of her head.
Kareth saw as Illianna rose and was immediately by her side gently pushing her back down. "You'll not want to do that right away. You need some rest to heal your wounds," he said patting her on the shoulder and looking at Glasica. Kareth gave Glasica a wink and turned his attention back to his charge. "You know you're very lucky your little fox friend here found us. I'm glad we made it in time," he said with a smile petting the small fox on its head. "I'm Kareth by the way."
Startled by her sudden movement, the sphinx relaxed when her friend winked at her and set a smile on her face, "And I'm Glasica..." She untwisted the cap on the water bag and held it out, "Here drink more water, you need it."
"I-Illianna." She replied softly, accepting the water gratefully, "Thank you for your aid... I'm not sure I would have made it otherwise. Though how Cerui knew where to find me even... when he was waiting back home is beyond me."
Glasica's nose twitched, then smiled as she realized what she was smelling. The smile soon died as she realized what this meant. So far, the only ones to be attacked where nonhumans. Is some force... or someone trying to get rid of anything that would be able to oppose them? Human's are weak. It is us who are strong. The sphinx didn't share her insight to her fellows but it was obvious she was thinking about something. She gazed off into the distance of the white oblivion and inwardly shuddered.
Kareth gave them both a reassuring smile and turned back to the fire tossing in some more twigs to keep the fire going. "When you're strong enough we'll go ahead and get moving to a more sheltered area. But until then you should probably rest. By the way, do you know what attacked you," he asked turning to Illianna. "Glasica here was attacked by Hogobohgins. Was that what attacked you as well," he asked.
"I... I don't know..." Illianna replied. Her fingers, which were dark with dirt and blood, moved up to the side of her head, blood still crusted the injury as well as her cheek and hair, "I was hit quite suddenly... Didn't have much time to react..." She shivered and pulled Cerui closer to her.
"Well, as long as we stay together then we have a better chance. I'm not much of a fighter like my brethren but Glasica here felled quite a few of those Hogobohgins before she was taken down. But she's still recovering for her encounter as well. The best we can do for now is hope that whatever attacked you will stay away because of our numbers, or think that I am big and scary," he said with a wicked grin at the last comment before smiling and giving a victory sign.
Glasica giggled and poked him in the side, "We all know you're just an oversized teddy bear." She joked, still chuckling with a cute smile on her face. One of her ears twitched, then cocked upward as a stealthy sound was caught by her supernatural hearing. Dismissing the sound, Glasica remained calm. If it was a spy, they must not have realized she was paying attention to her surroundings. If they were a friend, then they were not in any danger from it.
Kareth gave a grunt-like laugh and slightly blushed. "Yeah, well, I can't say that is accurate. What teddy bear has a mug like mine," he said shaking his head for emphasis. "Now I doubt teddy bears are as huggable though," he added smiling again.
"Why don't we just move now?" Illianna shuddered, "I don't much care for the realization that we're resting above a burial mound." She didn't much like the thought of being so close to the area where she'd been attacked- there was no doubt in her mind that there could possibly still be danger lurking nearby either.
"I guess I could drag both of you on the sleds. It would be slow going a bit. But it could be done," Kareth said scratching behind a horn in thought. "I don't want either of you running around for the moment. Neither of you is all that well you know," he said holding his hands up at the end.
"Oh Kareth!" Glasica said giggling, "Aren't you our hero?" She gave him a big hug, looking up at him with her large gold eyes and a wide smile. Her small, simply ornamental wings at human form fluttered, revealing her happy state.
"My home... isn't far from here." Illianna replied, glancing around, the shapes looming around them were easily recognizable to her now, where they had been so ominous and foreboding before, "Northeast... It is well sheltered and... protected."
Kareth gave an embarrassed smile at Glasica's remark and his ear twitched. "Well, then Illianna, looks like it is settled. Glasica, could you please get back on the sled," he half pleaded to her still very embarrassed. "I have to pull you on the sled. You'll just point me in the right direction," he said gathering up the supplies they had brought.
The sphinx let him go with a poke and relaxed back into her sled. She had given some of her furs to the other, for, as a sphinx, she did not need them as much.
Kareth put the supplies onto one of the sleds behind its occupant and grabbed the reins. With his breath clouding before him he turned and gave a thumbs up before throwing the straps over his shoulder. With a mighty tug to pull the sleds from their resting place Kareth began to pull the sleds away. Lets hope that nothing happens he thought worriedly as they made their way through the white landscape.
"Cerui, will you lead him?" Illianna whispered to the fox, he gave an affectionate mewling sound and leapt from her arms to the snowy ground. He moved quickly ahead of Kareth and held a steady pace as he bounded between snow drifts.
"Illianna?" The sphinx asked the other, only a foot away in the other sled, "You don't smell human." Glasica said this as politely as possible, for it wasn't a question but a statement.
Illianna took her gaze off of Cerui who was nearly invisible in the snow and glanced over at Glasica, "Sorry?" She wasn't quite sure what the other meant or how to respond to it even.
Glasica's gold eyes looked over her fellow female's silver hair, and her unique eye color with a practiced gaze, "I have seen a lot of humans. None have the coloring that you do, nor your smell. In fact, I have only smelled what you are a few times." Humans were boring, in looks and abilities.
"Glasica! That's hardly something that you should say. We know she's not human. Doesn't matter what she is," Kareth said in a somewhat shocked tone giving Illianna an apologetic smile before turning back around to follow the little fox. "Hey slow down buddy. You don't have to drag two sleds behind you," he said to the fox hoisting a strap that had slipped off of his shoulder.
"I'm still not quite understanding..." Illianna murmured, "You are saying that I am not human... Then... what am I?" Cerui paused up the path, he mewled as he waited for them to get close.
She stuck out her tongue at Kareth then turned back to Illianna with a secretive grin, "Your blood will reveal that to you in time, I think. But I am just a young sphinx, I know not all that goes on in this world." Glasica turned away but looked slyly back at her with coy gold eyes.
Illianna shook her head, silver eyes gleaming in confusion, "I don't understand you..." She replied softly after a moment, "a sphinx, though... I've never met one before, so I suppose it is to be expected. But... what is he?" She indicated Kareth.
Kareth gave Illiana a shy look and shrugged a bit. "I'm a minotaur. But don't let the stories scare you. I'm not really as aggresive as my race. Actually that is why I do not live with my people. I am an outcast of sorts," he said struggling up a small rise in the wake of the fox. "I prefer to create things rather than destroy. I'm a smith by trade. Though it is hard for one such as I to find work in these parts," he added turning back to stare ahead at the fox.
"I am sorry that you are outcast..." Illianna said softly, "But perhaps it is not so bad that you are different. It draws out better qualities I would assume. Gives you a more broad horizon." her gaze was soft and friendly, though pained and confused.
"We are all outcasts on the Glacier." Glasica commented, "Which makes us sort of a demented family of sorts," She chuckled, her fingers playing with the tuft of fur on the end of her tail. While they talked, her ears were pushed backwards, listening behind them to a stealthy sound.
Kareth snifted into the cold crisp air and caught a scent he had not previously smelled though he could not exactly place it. He unconsciously touched the heavy hammer at his side and continued following in the wake of the fox. "I think we may being followed. Though it could just be a passing animal. Don't want to alarm you," he said taking a glance back to the others.
"Yes, I have yet to place the scent." The sphinx answered quietly, fidgeting slightly before getting comfortable again. However still she was, her thoughts were racing. Glasica never forgot how a species smelled.
"Maybe... It would be best to figure out what it is before you lead it... or they to others." Illianna suggested in a low voice as she looked around cautiously.
Kareth fidgeted nervously touching the hammer at his side yet again. "I am not as adept at fighting as my brethren should the encounter turn violent. I must admit that I spent most of my time in the forges and smithies of my kind rather than on the battlefield," he said with a tinge of shame in his voice. "But I am no coward," he put in before falling silent waiting for the others to make a choice on what their action would be. But then a thought occured to him and he gently released the harnesses from the sleds and turned around to face the others his breath forming fog in front of him. "I would have to agree with Illianna. It would be best to discern this pursuer's intentions before moving forward," he said walking towards them. He gently removed something from his large pack at the back of one of the sleds and turned to the others showing them a set of very large intricately made plate armor. "Just because I spent all my time in the smithy didn't mean I had no training at defense at all. I make very good armor," he said with a grin. It's been almost four years since I've worn this. But I guess it's time I did. He thought bitterly to himself. "Just in case of course. I think I will need some help though. How far is this person or thing," he asked donning the vambraces and gauntlets carefully giving Glasica a quick wink.
She giggled quietly in response, then flinched and snapped a finger, "I remember!" Though she wished she didn't. "Hurry Kareth, you need your armor." Slipping out of the sled, Glasica dropped her dress, standing still for just a moment before a proud sphinx stood in her place. "It's an Oni." She whispered, eyes wide and feathers flared.
"An Oni?" Illianna questioned, rising slowly from the sled. Her limbs were still cold but for the most part feeling had returned, and the throbbing in her head and body had fallen into just a dull ache.
Kareth gawked for a moment then averted his eyes quickly and blushed furiously. "Hey, that tickles," Kareth said his voice rising slightly as Glasica helped him get into his armor. "I have no idea what an Oni is," he said pulling one of the leather straps on his breastplate at the side grunting. "That is a little tight. Still a good fit though," he said thumping the breastplate with a massive fist. "So do I look menacing enough," he said turning in a slow circle with his arms held out to the side. "I feel foolish in this thing," he said aloud somewhat awkwardly giving the others a bashful look before donning the helmet obscuring his face from view.
"You look dashing Kareth," The sphinx replied quietly, eyes looking around, squinting against the glare. "An Oni is a demon, humanoid, about Kareth's height and weight. One hand is a curved claw, and the other has poisoned tentacles... Perhaps it is just passing through, they aren't normally found here."
"I would hope that you'd be right, Glasica." Illianna replied, "It sounds like a nasty creature and not something any of us would want to take on, especially not under current circumstances."
"Well that doesn't sound very good. I was hoping to have him beat in size at least," he said slumping his shoulders slightly. "Looks like I'll have to go with the whole no guts no glory approach and just swing until it or I stop moving," he said trying to give a encouraging grin.
On the other hand, while they spoke, Glasica remained quiet. Her gaze was squinted, looking worriedly off in the distance. If one was familliar with animals, they could see her hackles rising and her fur beginning to stand up straight. With her fur on end, they could see the numerous scars in her under coat, some fresh, some quite old. "It's coming." Glasica muttered, eyes never wavering from their stare.
Kareth squared his shoulders and readied the smithing hammer at his side. "Well, if ever there was a time for my blood to come in handy now would be it," he said aloud smiling crookedly. He thumped his chestplate a few times with his fist in the sternum and a hollow almost gong-like noise began to ring from the entirety of the front chestplate. "Too bad I don't know our battle chants. But I do know a few craftsman's," he said.
"Cerui, our brethren." Illianna murmured, and the fox vanished in the snow as she turned towards the direction that Glasica was gazing, "Good luck to you both, may you come out of this unharmed."
Kareth fidgeted a little rolling his shoulders. He was unaccustomed to wearing the heavy plate mail but his body was more than strong enough to bear the weight, and then some. He gazed at Glasica and his mind began to wander slightly. "Do you think it passed us by? Maybe I don't have to fight it," he said. "But of course I will if I have to."
Glasica's hackles refused to relax, and her weight eased to her front paws. Then the sound of something crunching through the snow sounded through the air, then it stopped. The sphinx's ears flattened against her skull. A flash of black and Glasica leapt back, barely avoiding the strike of the creature that looked like it could have come from Hell.
Letting out a blood curdling roar Kareth bolted forward. Muscle honed by many hours of pounding at metal and a fury that startled even Kareth himself he plowed into the Oni with his massive shoulder hurling it to the ground before jumping back a pace as one of the poisonous tentacles from its arm lashed out at him. His blood pulsed through his body at an alarming speed and his heart pounded in his ears. He was both terrified and exhilerated by the experience. "So this is what it feels like," he thought to himself. So many of his people had been consumed by the battle rage, the blood lust, and glory of combat. For a minotaur it was as close to a drug as they could get. The crab like pincer on the other hand whipped around catching Kareth in the shoulder sending him reeling about but he spun with the momentum and faced the creature again pacing back slowly to reevaluate his enemy.
Circling around behind it, Glasica snarled heavily, its gaze flickering from her and back to Kareth. It feinted an attack on the minotaur, but instead twisted at the last second. "Illianna!" the sphinx yelled, rushing forward and blocking its advance. Roaring in annoyance, the Oni lashed out at Glasica, smacking its claw into her face. With a yelp the sphinx was thrown back, flipping over and onto her back as she plowed through the snow and hit a sled with a loud smack.
"No!" Kareth once again roared and began his charge but instead threw his hammer away and ducked low pointing his horns at the chest of the Oni.
The Oni screamed in pain, impalled on his horns and squirmed in the air, blood streaming from the wound.
With great effort Kareth wrenched his head to the side throwing the bloodied and injured Oni to the snow from his horns. His chest heaved and his hands continuously opened and closed as he stalked the distance to the creature and gave it a mighty kick. But the Oni was not quite finished and lashed out again with its tentacles uselessly banging off of Kareth's chestplate.
"Be careful!" Illianna exclaimed, rushing to the sphinx's side in worry, ignoring the pain that flared through her ribs with the movement, "Are you alright?" She knelt beside Glasica and turned her gaze briefly to Kareth, "It is to my knowledge that where there is one of those things... Others are sure to follow." She said quietly, "Slay it while you can and let us move quickly for shelter."
Kareth turned to Illianna and gave a curt nod and retrieved his hammer from the snow walking back to the prone Oni. Clutching the weapon with both hands the minotaur kicked the Oni over and planted his hoof into its chest holding it in place as it struggled and with a massive swing brought the hammer down into its head. A sickening thud accompied the impact of the blow as bone and brain where pulverized by the smithing hammer and the creature fell still. Wrenching the hammer from the fallen Oni's head Kareth trotted over to the others and knelt in the snow. "Are you ok? Can you move," he asked with obvious concern in his voice. "Do you know anywhere that we can seek shelter?" he asked Illianna.
Glasica moaned quietly, a nice red impact mark over her cheek and left eye, but other then that she did not stir.
Kareth bent and scooped Glasica up in his arms and placed her in the sled next to her with great ease and care. "If what you said was right I want to be out of here before another shows up. And quickly," he said with urgency as he checked the sleds. "Come now, get in the other sled," he said to Illianna.
Illianna nodded slowly and moved back to the other sled, "There are natural caves east of here. most are uninhabited... We are still too far from my home, and Cerui has gone for the others. If trouble finds us again... They'll be there to help."