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2011-12-28 14:40:11
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2003-08-30 [Ocean Soul]: So, noch ein paar Fragen: Mitglieder können noch dazukommen? 'Nur' Geschichten oder auch der ganze andere Nerdkram, der einem so über den Weg läuft? Eye Of The Day - bist du auch dabei? :-) Wollen wir so ne Art Logo oder ähnliches? (btw - keine Ahnung wie das geht, aber das lässt sich schon machen :-) )

2003-08-30 [Gaia]: THE NERDTRIX also... gefällt mir

2003-08-30 [Ocean Soul]: *nach oben zeig* Die Mitgliederliste ist so: schreib dich selbst dazu (oder sags mir!) und zwar am besten im gleichen style wie ich angefangen hab.. mit irgendnem schlauen satz, zitat oder was auch immer (fänd ich lustig so *smile*)

2003-08-30 [Ocean Soul]: --> The Nerdtrix

2003-09-13 [Jimbaliah]: Can someone help me w/my german homework?

2003-09-14 [Ocean Soul]: Depends on what it is

2003-09-21 [Lareniel]: *g* einen Aufsatz würd ich sicher nciht schreiben... Da hab ich ja schon selbst Probleme genug..... (wer schreibt schon gerne 600-Wörter-Erörterungen...)

2003-09-21 [Gaia]: ICH!!! Nein, im Ernst, ich finde Schreiben macht echt Spaß. Man kann aus jedem noch so faden Thema einen witzigen Aufsatz machen...;)

2003-09-21 [Ocean Soul]: Jep, schreiben ist super - da schließ ich mich an :-) Bin zur Zeit als Praktikantin bei ner Regional-Zeitung hier und es macht super viel Spaß :-))

2003-09-23 [kossan]: Hallo! Ich kann ein bischen Deutsh sprechen. Es ist sehr toll!

2003-09-23 [Gaia]: Hallo! Na, wie geht es dir so, Kossan?

2003-09-24 [sam the gay]: im not really gay

2003-09-24 [Gaia]: uhm... that's great.

2003-09-24 [Ocean Soul]: .....i thought it was german here ;-)

2003-09-24 [Gaia]: ja, eigentlich dachte ich das auch... bis dieser nicht schwule sam aufgetaucht ist und uns mitgeteilt hat, dass er nicht schwul ist, obwohl er sich selbst so nennt... *pft* verrückte leute gibt's hier...

2003-09-24 [Ocean Soul]: Die verrückten wachsen auf Bäumen und sterben nicht aus... <_< Jap, so is das :]

2003-09-24 [Gaia]: Geh, die sperren wir alle in ein Kammerl und lassens nicht mehr raus *ggg*

2003-09-24 [Ocean Soul]: Sind wir wirklich so herzlos?

2003-09-24 [Ocean Soul]: .....ja, eigentlich schon >.<

2003-09-24 [Eve Of The Day]: leider hatte ich in den letzten paar wochen gar keine zeit hier her zukommen :( es war sehr viel beim arbeiten los und da hatte ich gar keine zeit mehr, und morgen an meinem freien tag habe ich gar keine zeit :( und ich muss immernoch rausfinden wie ich die letzten paar seiten wo ich nicht da war auch lesen kann damit ich nicht nur so einfach immer hier reinrutsche ohne ahnung zu haben um was es den geht.

2003-09-25 [Ocean Soul]: Hey Eye Of The Day! Geh doch mal zu --> The Nerdtrix !

2003-10-06 [Malkavian]: allo

2003-10-07 [Ocean Soul]: Hi!

2003-10-08 [Gaia]: salut... oops, falsche sprache ^_^

2003-10-14 [Janaischa]: hallo ? will mich wer?

2003-10-16 [Gaia]: aber immer ^_^

2003-10-17 [Ocean Soul]: wer will wen?

2003-10-17 [Gaia]: ich will johnny depp, danke vielmals. Aber ich würde mich im Extremfall auch mit Heath Ledger zufrieden geben...

2003-10-19 [Ocean Soul]: Heeeeeaaaaath gehört schon mir.. ^____^ Komm grad aus Holland :D

2003-10-20 [Gaia]: gut, dann nehm ich den Johnny. Auch gut ^_____^

2003-10-20 [Ocean Soul]: Ja, ham wir gut aufgeteilt XD gngn... sonst noch was neues?

2003-10-21 [Gaia]: bei mir nicht

2003-10-21 [Ocean Soul]: Bei mir auch net. Warum bin ich online? *gääääähn* ........aaaaachja... so is das alles also >.>

2003-10-30 [Jimbaliah]: I'm taking a German class. Can ne1 help?

2003-10-31 [Gaia]: Hiya, Beorn. sure, we can help.

2003-11-02 [Ocean Soul]: depends on what kind of 'help'..^^

2003-11-02 [Gaia]: Always thinking the worst of people....

2003-11-02 [Ocean Soul]: Sure

2003-11-05 [TallonsHellAngel]: I'm takeing Gerkman one! It's so much fun Frau Kenezovic is bose

2003-11-06 [smileybecks05]: Hey people! This is Becky. I'm in Molly's German class. Ja, Deutsch ist Toll!

2003-11-06 [Gaia]: *lol* I love the way English people speak German - we have an exchange student in our school and the way he talks is just so adorable!!!!

2003-11-06 [Ocean Soul]: Mmmhh, yessss :D

2003-11-20 [ravenna]: I'm American and just starting to learn German. The 'ch' is very hard for me to pronounce...

2003-11-20 [Gaia]: I can imagine that. Tell me... why do American people even WANT to learn German??? It's extremely difficult, I think. Very unlike English!

2003-11-20 [Ocean Soul]: German sounds like Klingon ;___; no worries about that but it´s really hard to learn even for people from here..

2003-11-21 [Gaia]: Yup, absolutely right, P of a R (deine Name ist so lang *ggg*)!

2003-11-21 [Ocean Soul]: Pic, Picture, Reason, PoaR ... you may call me what ever fancies you ;-) I´m fine with nearly everything besides Miss Piggy ;-)

2003-11-22 [Gaia]: Okay... I would never have thought of miss piggy anyway *smiles*

2003-11-22 [Ocean Soul]: Good.. Miss Piggy´d be horrible ^^;;

2003-11-23 [ravenna]: I want to learn it just cause I think it sounds really cool. Stupid reason I know, but I don't care...

2003-11-23 [Ocean Soul]: Aww... I never thought German sounds cool, but cool that other people think so hehe ^__^

2003-11-23 [Gaia]: Yeah, me, neither. Then again... some people also think, French sounds "cool" so... I guess it's a matter of personal favour. I like English!!!

2003-11-23 [Ocean Soul]: French DOES sound cool even though I never wanted to learn it whaha ;-) English´s my fav, too hehe :D

2003-11-24 [Gaia]: I HATE FRENCH! I LOATHE FRENCH! The only thing good about French is that you can swear in at least 1000 different ways and still say the same. It's fun cursing in another language... and French has some curse repertoire, oh man! *gggg*

2003-11-24 [Ocean Soul]: I hate french aswell, even though I think it sounds nice.. whee.. So I had to learn spanish instead of french... eeeep....

2003-11-25 [Generic Stereotype]: I'm 1/2 French Canadian, so I'm sort of fluent in it.. but I am sooo addicted to german it isn't funny...

2003-11-25 [Gaia]: I learn french AND spanish! and I LOVE spanish. I can't wait until I'm good enough to actually read spanish books. There's so many interesting writers out there - Paulo coelho, Gabriel García Márquez,...

2003-11-25 [Ocean Soul]: Welll..... I was never good in spanish.. such a cool language but oh-oh.. I suck. *cries + runs away*

2003-11-27 [ravenna]: What's wrong with French? I like it. I can speak it semi-fluently. And it does sound cool, but not as cool as German.

2003-11-27 [Ocean Soul]: I don´t know.. I mean you´ve a written word that is almost a mile long and when you speak it it sounds like "sean" or something.. way storter than expected.. it´s weird

2003-11-27 [Gaia]: I think my problem with the language is my problem with the people... at least the French I know are not really what I'd call nice and intelligent! Of course, I'm sure there's others... which still doesn't make the language any more attractive to me. And HELL what a grammar. There's more exceptions than rules... terrifying for a student!!!

2003-11-27 [Ocean Soul]: Just as terrifying as German I guess ;-) I know two french ppl + both are very nice :-) I guess there´re assholes in every country

2003-11-27 [Generic Stereotype]: Of course there are! The more people, them ore assholes! lol... Though, every nation has a stereotype...

2003-11-28 [Gaia]: Very true! And just for the record... Austrians don't sit on mountains, wear leather trousers and yodel.... NEVER! And I think not all Germans are responsible for the PISA-study... *sigh*

2003-11-28 [Ocean Soul]: Oh well, most of us are which is a shame. But nevertheless.. we don´t wear traditional leather clothes, drink beer and eat "Weißwurst" and "Sauerkraut" all day.. hardly 10% of us have ever done so I guess..

2003-11-29 [Gaia]: You know, what's the funniest thing? On the net... whenever I mention I'm from Austria people keep telling me: "Oh, how nice! The country with the kangaroos!!!" Except for Australians of course =)

2003-11-29 [Ocean Soul]: lol.. yeah.. ;-) And expect for those who´ve been to AUS once.. whohoo.. well - it IS a nice country with nice kangaroos jumpin around everywhere ;)

2003-11-29 [Generic Stereotype]: LMAO!!!!! Oooo... that is too funny...

2003-11-30 [Gaia]: Another funny thing that happened to me... I was on and I asked if anybody knew a good dance school in AUSTRIA. The next message I get: "I know many good schools, there. Which part of AUSTRALIA do you live in???" *grml*

2003-11-30 [Generic Stereotype]: Oh god!!! Someone put the ignorant out of their misery!!!

2003-11-30 [Ocean Soul]: Mh poor lamb v__v

2003-12-01 [Gaia]: *lol* Born-Again Corruption - you are so very right!!!!!

2003-12-01 [Ocean Soul]: But anyway, I wouldn´t mind people confuse Austria and Australia.. there are worse things than that like "You´re from Germany? What about mah old friend Adolf.." :(

2003-12-01 [Generic Stereotype]: Urgle... Even so... Also the confusion where people here believe that most people in Germany during world war 2 were Nazis... as far as I know, that would be the minority...

2003-12-01 [Ocean Soul]: The minority, but the stronger + more mighty part of us unfortunately. The real horrible thing is that there are still neo-nazi ppl out there.. In my town for example.. some areas are dangerous.. :(

2003-12-01 [Generic Stereotype]: That's why I plan on moving to Germany... well... that isn't why... but I'd love to play cops and robbers with them... They can be the robbers, and I'll be the agressive police force with a shitload of ammunition and nothing at all to lose :P

2003-12-01 [Ocean Soul]: There was a show lately on which they sorta honored the "German Heroes".. one of them was a boy who´s been confrontated with neos.. I´ve actually been confrontated with them in summer.. turned out to be a nice story for us though ;)

2003-12-01 [Generic Stereotype]: Ooooo! YAY! So what happened? lol

2003-12-01 [Ocean Soul]: We (me, bro, 2 friends) have been to an island for some days. camping actually, right in the middle of the dunes, which was real fun. but on that place there were some neonazis aswell who felt like showing a "reichsflagge", a flag which nazis used as a basic or so for theirs.. I mean it´s not that offending like a swastika but it´s quiet heavy, too. When we realzied that we made a flag aswell, just a sign (well known somehow here) - a stickmen that is putting a swastika into a rubbish bin (nearly like those signs on chewinggum papers and such). mhh.. next day, when we had the flag outside, some other campers did the same.. and many came to us + said they thought it was good of us to do so..

2003-12-01 [Generic Stereotype]: lol... kick ass

2003-12-01 [Ocean Soul]: yeppers.. even though it IS dangerous. I´m tolerant.. but not to people who are intolerant themselves... >:-/ No need to treat them any nice.. :(

2003-12-01 [Generic Stereotype]: They ruined the swastika too!

2003-12-01 [Ocean Soul]: Yes. Once a sign for strength and such.. and now.. always reminds me of the worst :(

2003-12-22 [lady nytmare]: Hmmm, Ich kan nicht deutsch gesprucht. Whats up people?! I'm so bored...*sob*

2003-12-22 [Generic Stereotype]: You're bored? I'm bored... I need to learn more german... lol

2003-12-23 [schnecke23]: hallo

2003-12-24 [Kieshara]: hi!!! mir is mal zur abwechsling nicht fad!!!!!!!!!! Es ist Weihnachten also: Merry X-Mas, Feliz navidad, frohe Weihnachten!!! *grinn*

2003-12-26 [Gaia]: danke, ebenfalls!

2004-01-05 [Kira666]: Hi Leude! is anybody in da house?

2004-01-05 [Ocean Soul]: Here i am.. rock you like a hurricane ô.Ò *lach* nee.. naja, bin wieder da.. winterferien fast vorbei, urgh

2004-01-05 [Rattentroll]: oookay, jetzt bin ich vollends verwirrt... hab mich verlaufen ... weiss jemand wie ich von heir aus nach hause komme? *g*

2004-01-05 [Generic Stereotype]: *cries as he paws at the screen* GERMAN!!!

2004-01-05 [Ocean Soul]: Yes, GERMAN ^^

2004-01-05 [Generic Stereotype]: *sobs* Me want!!!

2004-01-05 [Ocean Soul]: Need some help? *gg* Nah, poor you.. wanting to learn *german* >.<

2004-01-05 [Generic Stereotype]: But it's such a hot language!!!

2004-01-05 [Ocean Soul]: is it? and people who speak german, are they hot, too? *gggg*

2004-01-06 [Generic Stereotype]: lol... some are... and some are really hot... lol

2004-01-06 [Ocean Soul]: *lol* I thought the language made em hot.. would be good for me *gg*

2004-01-06 [Generic Stereotype]: The language just turns me on... don't ask why... lol

2004-01-06 [Gaia]: Jeez, and I always thought French or Spanish were considered "hot" languages... ^-^

2004-01-06 [Ocean Soul]: me, too *gg* oh Gaia we shouldn´t complain then ;) har har ^^

2004-01-06 [Rattentroll]: can't understand that - don't like french (i mean the language of course)... and spanish is just weird... but I don't think either of them is "hot" ;) ... well... but swedish surely is! *laughs*

2004-01-06 [Gaia]: *lol* I also never thought that Swedish was a "hot" language but, hey, if German is, why not Swedish...

2004-01-06 [Ocean Soul]: hea swedish is real cool! i wouldn´t say it was hot, but it´s definately a very cool language!!

2004-01-06 [Generic Stereotype]: Swedish is too.... They are all... *sighs* Ugh... If I knew a girl that was interested in me that spoke German, I'd ask her out in a heart beat.... lol

2004-01-06 [Ocean Soul]: I speak german ^^ har har .. but that´s the normal thing when you live in germany ;)

2004-01-06 [Generic Stereotype]: I want to live there and marry you!!! lol... *sighs* I'm planning on going there in the summer of 2005

2004-01-06 [Ocean Soul]: where do you want to go?

2004-01-06 [Generic Stereotype]: I dunno... Berlin, then wander around drunkenly until the police catch me... lol

2004-01-06 [Ocean Soul]: *lol* good plan ;) berlin´s cool :)

2004-01-06 [Generic Stereotype]: I was also hoping to meet some german girls, and hit on them, get turned down... then get drunk again... lol

2004-01-06 [Ocean Soul]: You´ll be successful if you really want to *lool*

2004-01-06 [Rattentroll]: yay... and while everybody's going to germany, I'll move to sweden *G* ... maybe I should learn swedish befor I do this...

2004-01-06 [Generic Stereotype]: I'm trying to learn german... I suck, but that's cuz I can't focus... lol

2004-01-06 [Ocean Soul]: ~ 18 ~ 18 ~ 18 ~ 18 ~ 18 ~ 18 ~ 18 ~ ..oh .. ah.. sorry.. hehe .. *hides*

2004-01-06 [Rattentroll]: an' I'd like to learn swedish but don't know where and how *G* ... well... this year at the Wacken Festival I'll get to learn some new words and phrases and stuff *laughs* jag är full ^^

2004-01-07 [Rattentroll]: yaay, I killed all the communication .... come on people - taaaalk!

2004-01-07 [Ocean Soul]: jag heter Picture Of A Reason ^^ ;)

2004-01-07 [Rattentroll]: they're all gone *sighs* ... except for Picture... well... dann muss ich eigentlich auch kein englisch mehr sprechen wenn nur noch jemand aus Deutschland hier ist ;)

2004-01-07 [Generic Stereotype]: Well... I am here... but still don't speak German... but am picking up... some stuff...

2004-01-07 [Rattentroll]: yay, another person *cheers*  welcome, welcome ^^

2004-01-07 [Ocean Soul]: ´ello folks v.V

2004-01-07 [Generic Stereotype]: blue! no...yellow...

2004-01-07 [Ocean Soul]: purple

2004-01-07 [Generic Stereotype]: curses...

2004-01-07 [Rattentroll]: If I may ask - who did you njust curse?^^

2004-01-07 [Generic Stereotype]: It's an expression.. when I am defeated by one more experienced, I will say "curses" *shakes fist at picture of a reason* you won this round...

2004-01-07 [Rattentroll]: oh, like "damnation" ^^ *shakes a fist at 'picture of a reason' too and enjoys that ^^*

2004-01-07 [Generic Stereotype]: lol

2004-01-07 [Ocean Soul]: lalalalalalaaaaaa ^^

2004-01-08 [Rattentroll]: Feeling better now, picture? ^^ ...

2004-01-08 [Ocean Soul]: of course -_-

2004-01-08 [Rattentroll]: *gives picture a hug*

2004-01-08 [Ocean Soul]: yeeeeessssss *hugs back* ^^ big hug for everybody here.. huggling mood i guess ^^

2004-01-08 [Generic Stereotype]: hehehe...

2004-01-08 [Rattentroll]: oooh corruption wants a hug too *hugs corruption* ^^

2004-01-08 [Generic Stereotype]: ACK!! THE HUGS!!! lol...

2004-01-09 [Rattentroll]: it seems hugs end communication just as well as everything else I do does ^^

2004-01-09 [Generic Stereotype]: Aww.... *hugs* You'll see that it's not exclusive to

2004-01-09 [Ocean Soul]: We should call this wiki hugs n talk instead of German oO; Anyway.. what´s up? Any news I gotta know? Eh? Eh? First theory lesson for driving licence thingie today.. wheeeee^^

2004-01-09 [Generic Stereotype]: I really should get my license... lol

2004-01-09 [Ocean Soul]: theory´s soo boring... v.V

2004-01-13 [Wamphyri]: Sprechen Sie Deutsch?

2004-01-13 [Ocean Soul]: Ich? Ja sicher^^

2004-01-14 [sorc]: spricht jemand deutsch?

2004-01-15 [Ocean Soul]: Jahaaa -.-

2004-01-16 [Rattentroll]: ja, klar... komisch dass das die deutsche seite die einzige eigentlich nciht-englische elftown untersektion ist in der fast nur englisch gesprochen wird *G*

2004-01-16 [Ocean Soul]: Öh ;) Könnt ja mal bei The Nerdtrix reinschaun *gg* .. aber naja.. so viel los is da leider net ;__;

2004-01-24 [the 5th apocalyptic horseman]: ja ne? warum hier nur alle englisch kommentieren... na denne... gibt es irgendwelche deutschen wiki seiten und wenn ja ist da irgendwo ein verzeichnis?

2004-01-24 [Ocean Soul]: Verzeichnis gibts net so viel ich weiß.. Nerdtrix is halt deutsch steht aber net viel drin (außer der brillanten Story von Gaia ;)

2004-01-24 [Feraz]: *verwirrung*

2004-01-24 [Ocean Soul]: Was denn los? Kann man dir helfen? ^^

2004-01-27 [Legend of Nyratar]: hiho

2004-01-27 [Ocean Soul]: Taag ^^ Na :D

2004-01-27 [Legend of Nyratar]: alles fit bei euch?

2004-01-27 [Legend of Nyratar]: ich suche nach ein paar malern^^ wir haben im mom ein neues projekt wir bauen ein kostenloses onlinerollenspiel und brauchen bilder

2004-01-27 [Ocean Soul]: *meld* Was sucht ihr denn so?

2004-01-27 [Legend of Nyratar]: Nun fantasymaler halt^^wir haben schon ein entwicklerteam aber wir brauchen noch bilder.

2004-01-27 [Ocean Soul]: Jo ich schau mal vorbei. :) Moment!

2004-01-27 [Legend of Nyratar]: ich schreibe sogar bücher etc. brauche halt aber noch maler

2004-01-27 [Legend of Nyratar]: nun wer bilder malt wird dann natürlich auch promotion bekommn von uns...also zB auch eine eigene seite wie hier in elfwood auf unserer seite

2004-01-27 [Ocean Soul]: apropos elfwood.. kannst ja mal meine gallery anschaun um zu sehn ob das stilmäßig deinen/euren vorstellungen entspricht.. -->

2004-01-27 [Legend of Nyratar]: der sagt mir unkown file

2004-01-27 [Legend of Nyratar]: :-(

2004-01-27 [Ocean Soul]: ürgh is klar.. net elftown sondern elfwood --> /f/r/frizzzi/frizzzi.htm .. immer diese fehler oO;

2004-01-27 [Legend of Nyratar]: lol nun bin ich lost in the woods^^

2004-01-27 [Legend of Nyratar]: nee immernoch nit^^

2004-01-27 [Ocean Soul]: nein schon wieder net

2004-01-27 [Legend of Nyratar]: weißte welche gallery du bist?

2004-01-27 [Legend of Nyratar]: juhu es klappt!

2004-01-27 [Ocean Soul]: sorry ich hab mich *wirklich* blöd angestellt.. aber das äh.. is nich immer so ;)

2004-01-27 [Legend of Nyratar]: np^^ ich habs mir angeschaut und unser programmierer ist der ansicht du hast talent. ausbaubares talent aber wirklich talent. Nun auf seinen geheiß sollst du mitmachen und wir sehen wies wird. Von mir hast du auch ein ok. Du hast eine art zu malen die wir sicher gebrauchen können

2004-01-27 [Legend of Nyratar]: hallo noch da?

2004-01-27 [Legend of Nyratar]: is irgendwer da? ^^

2004-01-27 [Legend of Nyratar]: jetzt?^^

2004-01-27 [Nienne]: oder jetzt?

2004-01-27 [Ocean Soul]: Jetz ;)

2004-01-28 [Legend of Nyratar]: So hiho erstma

2004-01-28 [Ocean Soul]: taag ^^

2004-01-29 [*nava*o0o]: hello!

2004-01-29 [*nava*o0o]: what is this?

2004-01-29 [*nava*o0o]: wow what did i press?

2004-01-29 [Legend of Nyratar]: back. Hiho is nu wer da?

2004-01-29 [Legend of Nyratar]: nie is mal wer da wenn ich da bin...hmpf

2004-01-29 [Legend of Nyratar]: immer noch keiner da?

2004-01-29 [Phenex]: gähn

2004-01-29 [Phenex]: halloooooo ist da jemand

2004-01-29 [Legend of Nyratar]: jo

2004-01-29 [Legend of Nyratar]: da bin ich

2004-01-29 [Legend of Nyratar]: kener da mal wieder typisch

2004-01-29 [Legend of Nyratar]: Ich suche nach Artisten die mir und meinem Entwicklerteam helfen ein neues Onlinerollenspiel zu bauen. Bitte meldet euch hier oder sendet mir ne nachricht

2004-01-29 [Legend of Nyratar]: wer da?

2004-01-30 [Cisa]: hallo? hab ein problem- wenn ich mein bild laden will macht er gar nichts mehr bis ich des fenster schließ... wie krieg ich mein bild hier rein?? hab alles richtig gemacht... geht net!

2004-01-30 [Caelf]: hallo. i am haveing fun trying to read this cause i do know german but very little.

2004-01-30 [Legend of Nyratar]: Back is wer da

2004-01-30 [Legend of Nyratar]: toll mal wieder nein

2004-01-31 [FLOCKE]: ("bussi" means a short, friendly kiss...)

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