Page name: Hospital Madness [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-11-11 04:56:58
Last author: Kiristo
Owner: Kiristo
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Kagome somberly walked out of the room, but only for a moment. "OUT OF THE WAY! CLEAR THE PATH!" A shout rang out from. Kagome hit the wall as a group of nurses and doctors ran by with Ed in a mobile bed. He looked half uncouncious and in SERIOUS condition. Al was chasing after them with his hand out, but stopped short and put his hand down and looked at the ground. Kagome walked up to him, "What happened?" Al looked over his metal shoulder, "He over did it..." Kagome looked confused, then she saw Al was also pretty banged up. In Ed's room, he also had a breathing mask on and was breathing heavily. Nurses and doctors teanded quickly to him. "" he spoke in soft whispers, it was the only thing he could get out.
"No! Your not going back out there, Tails!" Amy shouted. "But, I have to....they need me. Sonic might be-" Amy held his limp body back, "Sonic will be fine! I'm sure he can take care of himself! Now you need to rest, or you'll never get better!!"
"Whata we'sa going to do, eh? Those demons, they're everywhere! Not only will thisa house be destroyed, but my restaranut will be gone!" Mario complained. "I don't know! Whya you askin' me, eh?" Luigi said. Mario shok his head and sighed.
"She'll be ok, won't she? She'll wake up, she has to...." Tea was on the verge of tears as she looked upon Leigh. "Yeah, she'll be alirght. Don't you worry. She'll wake up.....soon...." Joey answered. Yami stared down at her, hating himself for not being able to help her. He drooped his head as he stood behind all the others. He couldn't stop thinking of what happened...
Leigh and Yami were fighting their best against the numerous demons. Yami used his sword, and Leigh used her staff.

[Yes, Yami uses a sword in my YGO story....the story isn't open yet]

Yami was protecting Leigh as must as he could because she couldn't handle all of them as it was. But he got distraced and seperated from her by all the demons. Then he heard a terrifying scream from Leigh. Quickly he cut his way through the throng of demons and to Leigh. She was unconcious on the ground and looked in horrible shape. "Leigh....Lisa!!..." he called to her, but she wasn't responding. He picked her up and headed inside, thinking it was his fault that he wasn't there to protect her.

Yami shook his head, desperately trying to forget. The others noticed, but before they could say anything, Yami walkedo ut of the room.

Kuwabara struggled to get up, but Keiko and Botan held him down. "I have to get back out there.....have to stop the demons...." "No, Kuwabara. You need to rest. In YOUR condition, you won't last two seconds out there!" Botan argued. "She's right, Kuwabara." Keiko agreed. "But-" "NO BUTS!" Botan scowled, "Your staying!!"

"I wounder how everyone's doing....." Shippo stared at the ground. "I'm sure their fine. Don't worry." Sango reasured him. "Yeah, we've done this before. I'm positive we'll succesed." Miroku agreed. Kagome watched with a slight frown.

"GET OUT OF THE WAY!!! I SAID MOVE IT!!!" Hiei burst through the crowded halls. What everyone saw, put them in a state of shock. He held Rika, only....she was covered in blood. As soon as Hiei put her in a room, he was pushed out by nurses and doctors as they tended to her. He struggled to get in, but it was no use. Botan left Kuwabara and rushed to Hiei, who was standing right in front of the window of Rika's room as he gaxed in with an angry face. "What happened!?" Botan gasped. Hiei didn't answer. "HIEI!-" she paused, seeing his fists clentched and his anger. His teeth shown, his eyes wide, "Why? Why did you.......?" Only then did Botan see a thin chain hanging from his fist. He was gripping something.

Rika dove into the army as she swooped through the air with her wings, and JUST her wings. But Hiei was busy and wasn't paying attention, neither was Rika for a sickening sound filled the air. It was like flesh ripping. When he looked, Rika had been stab though the stomach. Her eyes, no longer sapphire blue, but crimson. Though not like her full demon crimson eyes. Her eyes shifted back at the demon that stabbed her, then she ripped the appendage from her stomach, turned and sliced off the demons head. Then turned again and drove her claw into the body of another demon, ripping it out and blood spatting everywhere. All over her face and body as her fangs now came in. Again, turning she dove forward into the army, when she emerged from the crowed area, demons and blood lat everywhere, Rika came out in her full demonic form. Full crimson eyes with blue pupils, fox ears and tail, wings, claws, and fangs. Though she was covered in blood, from the demons that is. Then a powerful demon swooped down and kicked her to the side. Slidding on her side, she lifted her head with her hand on the ground. Then she lifted one hand, palm facing the demon and shot some type of energy beam. The demon dodged and dove at her. Having no time to escape the sudden attack, the demon stabed her in the chest. Quickly drawing his hand out, Rika yelped in pain and blood spat on the ground. Hiei suddenly appeared out of nowhere and sliced the demon in two. But Rika wasn't done, she quickly rose into the air before Hiei grabbed hold of her. Again she dove at the army, but Kairu came down on her, knocking her back to the ground. No longer tolerating it, she appeared in frount of his, chocking him by the throut. Her hands griped him tighter, but he put his hands on her head, and water flowed around her head. After a moment, she couldn't breath and she let go. Both droping to the ground, Rika, somehow, ripped the water off and it splashed to the ground. Her mutilated body couldn't take much more pressure. That's when Kairu delived the final blow, stabbing her, again, in the back. Rika fell to the ground and transformed back into her regular self. Hiei fought with Kairu for a bit before the other took over, and he rushed to her side. She was drentched in the demons blood, and her own blood. She was unconcious and he rushed her to the underground hospital in the house.

Hiei shut his eyes tightly, not wanting to remember. Botan steped up to him, "Are you-" but before she finished, he viciously turned and walked away. "Well hoe rude!" Botan stomed her foot, but then looked back at Rika. She sighed, "So many people are getting hurt.....are we.....are we getting THAT bad.....are we going to fail this time?"
Than, panting, Yusuke and Cyborge came down to her. "Yusuke!? What happened to-" "Took care of the problem......demolished...and fended off....the demons..." Yusuke plopped down on the floor. "Haven't seen so many demons before. My curcuts are fryed..." Cyborge said sitting against the wall and examined himself as nurses and doctors ran around and talked in the background.
Than Echa ran down stairs and brought Kagome with her to a few rooms to help out the doctors and nurses with the patients.

By twilight, EVERYONE was in the underground hopspital. They were either, in surgery, critical care, sleeping with all kinds of wounds, or had a few bandaids and bandages and were out in the hall. Anyone with medical experiance, who wasn't in intensive care, was helping to cure others. Tamika, Echa, Kagome, Raven, Rena, and Amy helped out, basicly. Healing is easyer though since the nurses have healing powers.

Ed was already healed down to a few cuts and scraps. Next the doctors went to Leigh. Yuniko didn't need to be healed much, just needed to be brought out of her concusion. Rika would take days to heal because of her wounds, even with all the healing power. When one of the demons stabbed her, it injuected poison. Hiei, who had a few bandaids and bandages, sat at her bedside, holding her hand. Yusuke and Botan watched from the window outside.
Kurama, bandaged and bandaided up, sat next to Yuniko's bedside, clentching her hand. Keiko stood beside Kurama.
Starfire was out in the hall with Robin and Kass.

Next, Nurses worked on Leigh. After a long while and a lot of power, Leigh finally, slowly opened her eyes. After checking on her for a bit, they moved onto other patients as the gaung happily went to her bedside.

Around midnight, Kurama had fallen asleep, Keiko did too, but in a nearby chair when Yuniko stirred. She slowly and grogally turned her head to look at Kurama. She smiled and leaned up slightly, in pain, just give him a kiss on the cheek. Than she leaned back down on the pillow and slightly winced. Her body felt like, for some reason she wasn't aware of, she had been beaten with a hammer. Slowly Kurama opened his eyes, than quickly lifted his head at the sight of Yuniko awake. He couldn't help but smile at her as she did back. Than he gave her a kiss on the cheek and placed his head down next to and nuzzled up to her neck. Blushing, she put her hand on his head.

Kass had ventured into Ed's room. She wasn't sure were Al was, but he wasn't there. Ed was fast asleep and she decided it was best not to bother him. She walked out into the hall and then went up to the third floor. Kass walked into a room that had a hard, laminated, birch flooring and some plants here and there. The back wall was made completely out of glass and acted as a window. A large, black piano with ivory keys sat in front of it. Kass sat down on the piano bench. She examined the keys. She then closed the thing over the keys an rested her head on it. She gazed out the window for a while at the moon before drifting into a sound sleep.

At almost the exact moment of daybreak, Kass was awakened by the light. She lifed her head and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. She felt sad for all her friends in the hopspital. She then opened up the keys and began to play. A soft, peaceful melody began to flow through the room, then out into the hall. Kass was so deep in her thoughts and the music, not to meantion that her back was turned to the door, that she didn't notice Al was standing in the doorway, listening. He didn't say anything, just listened.

About a week passed, Rika had still not waken up. Hiei wouldn't leave her, although he was tempted to leave. Seeing how impatient he is. One night, he stayed with her again and he had fallen asleep, until,".........h......iei.................." a voice said very weakly and softly. He grogally opened his eyes, very slowly. He was half asleep and it looked as though Rika was still in a coma, but then she spoke, "" He jolted his head up, than slowly touched her forehead, brushing the hair from her face. He studied her for a moment, rimming her face with his fingur tips. A smile came across Rika's face. Hiei couldn't help but ever so slightly smile, too.

Kuwabara was only now regaining his strength. He struggled to get out of bed when no one was looking. Stagering, he climbed up the stairs to the first floor. Tamika turned, "KUWABARA!? You should be in bed!" she scolded. "Yeah, well, haha, you can't keep me in one place forever." He said, as though joking. Tamika didn't see the point of the joke, "You SHOULD be resting until your fully healed! GW-KUWABARA! GET BACK HERE!" Apparently he had walked off right in the middle of Tamika scolding him. He staggered outside onto the porch and ploped down in a chair a few feet from Echa who was sitting in another chair writing her stories. She peeked over at Kuwabara, "Shouldn't you be-" "Yeah, yeah, yeah! Resting! I know! Geeze, will everyone get off my back!" He said with his fist on his cheek and his elbow resting on the arm of the chair. Echa glared, "Your NOT goting to get better unless you rest!" She closed her little notebook and leaned over in his direction. Than again, Echa herself wasn't exactly in PERFECT condition. She had a padded bandage on her cheek, her arm was bandaged up, her knee had a bandaid, and her other shoulder was bandaged up. Kuwabara looked her over, "You shouldn't be talkin' will all those injuries on you!" "At least I'M not limping over everytime I walk!" Echa retorted. Than Knuckles came out on the porch next to Echa. He had a bandaid on his cheek, one of his legs were bandaged up, and one single bandage around an arm. He put a hand on her shoulder, "Hey." "Hey, Knuckles. Can you PLEASE convice Kuwabara that he needs rest?" She asked. "With his stubborn attitude, I don't think anyone can unless you take him down there half dead!" He laughed. "Yeah! Your right!" Echa laughed too. "WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN!" Kuwabara leaned over the chair. Then they stopped when they heard something like someone hitting something.....or...someone. Yusuke and Ed were sparing in the yard. Trading hit for hit, very quickly. "Looks like I'm not the only one who doesn't like to rest." Kuwabara said as Echa, Knux, and himself stared.
"SONIC! GET BACK HERE!" A loud voice rang out, than Sonic smashed open the door and ran out, "AHHHH! AMY, CUT IT OUT!" Amy chased right after him with her Piko Piko Hammer. "NO I WON'T!! HOW COULD YOU JUST LEAVE ME IN THAT ARMY OF OVERSIZED INSECTS!? YOU LEFT ME ALL ALONE IN THERE! WHAT IF SOMETHING HAPPENED TO ME, HUH!?! THAN I BET YOU WOULD HAVE KICKED YOURSELF IN THE HEAD FOR THAT!!!" Amy shouted as she chased him around the lawn and swining her hammer everywhere. Yusuke and Ed had to dive out of the way a few times though. "I'm sorry Amy! It looked like you were handling it!" Sonic yelled as he had his hands on his head and he ducked her attacks. Echa, Knux, and Kuwabara looked on with sweatdrops and their eye brows twitching with their eyes shut.

  Back inside, Al was sitting in the living room, looking over a book. Kass was reading too, but she was very tired for some reason. The fact she was up all last night, making sure everyone was ok had something to do with it. Al was disrupted from his reading by a small 'thud' against his side. He looked to see Kass had fallen asleep and was leaning up on his metal body. Kass never did mind touching Al's armor. She belived it to be the persons personality that gave that person warmth and softness. Wheather that person was sealed into a suit of armor or not. Sleeping against him would make Kass just dream her heart away. Al laughed slightly and resumed his readings.

>> Peace or...?

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2005-05-03 [Lady Alaina]: I ADORE IT!!!! ^^

2005-05-03 [Kiristo]: LOL! XD

2005-05-03 [Kiristo]: There, I opened the next chap to make you happy. <3

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