Page name: Peace or...? [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-11-12 23:06:59
Last author: Kiristo
Owner: Kiristo
# of watchers: 1
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About another week passed and their haven't been any attacks. Rika, being as stubborn as she is, didn't sit around in bed. "Azarath, Metrion, ZINTHOS!" black energy surrounded a tree and lifed it's roots out of the ground. Although, the one who cast the spell from on top of the roof, was Rika.

She threw the tree to the ground and panted. "Not bad..." Raven said. Raven was teaching Rika how to use her(Raven's) spells. Rika couldn't wear a shirt because of her wounds, she had bandages wrapped from her chest and down. It covered her, but she wore her black, leathery, tight, pants and high-healed black boots. ALSO, she wore a black jacket with many pockets and one chain that she kept unzipped. She let her hair out of the pony tail and it hung down.

<img:> Ya know what I relized? This would looke cute with her fox ears.

Catching her breath, Rika stood upright from her slumped position with her chest puffed out slightly and put one hand on her hip, and the other through her hair with one eye shut, "PHEW! These spells are a little tougher then mine." "That's your opinion." Raven said and the two SLIGHTLY giggled. "I guess that's true." Rika agreed. Than Hiei came up. He blushed for a moment and his eyes went wide as her looked at Rika and tilted his head down and to the side. Rika looked at him, putting her other hand at her side as the other rested on her hip, "Something wrong?" she tilted her head. "Do you want to..." She inclinded that she zip up her jacket. She blushed a little shocked and zipped up her jacket. "You should be in bed." Hiei's eyes shifted back to her, though his head stayed in the same position. Rika rolled her eyes, "Why? You normally don't care anyway." She put both hands on her hips. "Well....I uh...." He began to mumble. Rika smirked, "What was that?" "I, er.....*mumble* about *mumble*......" "I'm sorry, but I didn't catch that." Rika smirked more, as though teasing him. "" He ALMOST mumbled. Rika smiled a little, "That's better." She walked over and behind him and put her arms around him. Hiei's face was red from embaresment as Rika kissed him on the cheek and smirked. She looked over at Raven, "So, does the spell you use commonly require such powerful forces of center concentration of power?" Rika asked. "Mostly, it does. Why? Don't think you can handle it?" Raven smirked. "Oh I can handle it. My spells basicly come from the same basic tecniques. I'm just curious. I like to know as much as possible about any spells!" Rika said, a bit cheerfully. "Hmmm...." Raven smirked again. She already knew that Rika loved to read her spell book and any other books Raven had that she could get her hands on. Rika walked to Hiei's side, but suddenly her eyes went wide and she wraped her hands around her waist, having troble breathing. She almost fell, but Hiei just caught her. Raven rushed over, "What happened?" Hiei looked at Rika with a bit of a glare as he lifted her up, "I TOLD you that you needed to rest more!" He sighed, "Come one, I'll take you in..." He said putting one had around her shoulder and the other around her waist. Raven came with them. Suddenly Rika collapsed to her knees and coughed up blood. She covered her mouth with her hands, but blood began to soak her hands. Hiei acted quickly nd picked Rika up. Hiei and Raven immediantly took Rika inside.
They went to a dark room in the house on the thrid floor. Basicly everything was black. The wall had a purplish black tint to it. The bed, right under the large window, had a head and foot post that had a ray of spikish things that sprang out and curved to the sides. The blinket and pillow were black. A black book case sat a foot from the foot of the bed. A black desk sat at the frount of the bed. At the south end of the room, on both sides of the door sat two shelves on the wall with small book shelves under them.
Hiei placed her in the bed and Vivian came up from the shadows, "What happened?" "We're not sure..." Raven said as Hiei put the blinket over Rika who was lying on her side with her hand on the pillow under her head. Hiei knelt down hand put a hand on her shoulder. She smiled slightly, "I'll rest....just for a little...while..." She drifted to sleep. Bobbery was passing by when he noticed them. "Ah, what happened to the poor lassy?" "She just needs to rest, let's leave her alone." Raven said, "Hiei, are you..." "No." He said. "Your just going to stay here and watch over her?" Viv asked. Hiei glared, as though saying, Get out, and they did. Hiei sat down on the floor and watched over her.

Tamika walked on the sidewalk in town carrying a small, brown, paper bag. She was smiling and humming as she walked along. She did have a small fear and sense she'd be attacked again, but she ignored it. She walked to the park where she sat on a bench under a tree. Below a hill a few feet from here, she watched a little leage baseball game in a playing field. Rena sat down beside her. She stretched her arms and yawned, than put her arms on the back of the bench and than closed her eyes and tilted her head back. Tamika smiled, "Hey." "Yo." Rena responed, not lifting her head. Tamika looked at her confused, "Tired?" "A little...Mostly just enjoying the sun." Rena answered as the sun peeked through cracks and breaks in the leaves of the tree. "It is a nice day..." Tamika agreed. "Yeah..." Rena opened her eyes as she gazed up, due to the fact her head was tilted back. Than she kicked her legs up slightly and whipped them down, throwing her head forward. She rested her arms on her legs and watched the baseball game go on.

Meanwhile, Echa had gotten Knuckles to go shopping with her. Which wasn't good for Knuckles, cause she made him carry all her bags, and boy did she have a lot. Kuckles was a bit slumpt over, carrying two on both of his arms and his forearms raised to the bags wouldn't fall. Then a few more hung from his arms also. "Do you got enough things?" He asked as though annoyed. Echa was smiling a cute chibilike smile as she carried a small purse. Than she stopped to think, "Well....There are a few other things I wanted..." "Oh great....." "But I guess I'll give you a break...for today at least." Echa looked back at him as Knuckles looked down and moaned. Amy ran up to them, behind Knuckle and yelled, "HI GUYS!" which caused Knuckles to fall over, dropping everything, "Hello, Amy..." He said really annoyed. "Hey Knuckles, why are you on the ground?" Amy giggled. "Take a good guess...." Knuckles said tapping his fingurs against the ground. Echa giggled and put her hand out to him. He grabbed it as she helped him up and they started to pick up the bags of stuff.

Tamika and Rena had already begun to walk back to thw house.

Yuniko and Kurama walked together down the road as Yuniko had her arm linked with Kurama's. She seemed to be in 'lala land' as she clung to him, smiling and blushing. Kurama was a bit embarised and confused, but knew she was just happy to be with him. Than they ran into Tamika and Rena as they came to the park entrance, "Hi Yuniko, Kurama!" Tamika said smiling. "Yo." Rena just said dully. Kurama nodded, Yuniko looked at them and smiled, but was too busy hanging on Kurama. Than they heard voices in the distance, "Echa, wanna go to the mall tomorrow? I heard that they opened up a new clothing store." They saw Echa, Amy, and Knuckles come up from the distance and the three of them walked over to Tamika and the others. "Hey guys!" Amy smiled. Tamika giggled a little, looking at the exagusted and annoyed Knuckles, "Hi." she turned to Echa, "You think you got enough, Echa?" "Hehe...yeah, I guess I did get a lot...." Than they heard someone singing from behind. They turned to see Leigh walking toward them with Yami. Tamika waved, "Hi you two!" "HI!" Leigh responded, now running. Today she wore a differnet outfit though. She wore a magenta skirt and a matching long sleeved belly top, and knee-high magenta high-healed boots. A blue braclet and a red one on her right arm. Then a silver one on her left arm. She also wore a blue beaded-like necklace. "Interesting outfit." Tamika said. "Thanks. I wanted to try something.....exotic today." Leigh smiled. Yami caught up with them. "Hi, Yami." Echa said. "Hello." he simply respoded. Tamika blinked, "You got him to come shopping with you again, didn't you?" "Nope." Leigh smirked. "Wait.....if you didn't drag him to go shopping....than what are you doing?" Knux asked. "Goin' out for lunch." Leigh tilted her head and smiled. "Lunch? Like a date?" Tamika asked. "No, no, no! I just dragged him along for lunch." Leigh said. Tamika made a fake smile with a sweat drop, "You never cease to surprise us, Leigh." she sounded sarcastic. "Hey look!" Yuniko pointed. Rika, Hiei, and Raven were heading down the street. "Hey guys! Over here!" Tamika jumped a little as she waved. "Great..." Rika mumbled annoyed, but they headed over to the group anyway. Rika had woken up from her nap and insisted that they head to town for some things that they needed to attend to. "What are you doing in town? You guys normally never come here." Yuniko said. "We're just going to some places." Raven said. "Seperatly..." Rika added. Although it was warm out, Rika had put on her dress with some kind of shawl over her shoulders. Then she headed off without a word. "What's her problem?" Tamika asked. "Don't mind her, she just isn't too friendly." Kurama smiled. Hiei started to walk off as well. "Hiei, where are you going?" Echa asked. "Why do you care?..." he said wich made her a little annoyed. Raven also left after a moment and the rest of the group went to Mario's Italian Restaraunt where they met up with Kagome, Talim, Inuyasha, and Duke. They ate and talked for a bit and went back home around sunset.

>> Meeting in a holly place

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2005-05-03 [Lady Alaina]: Yay. ^^

2005-05-04 [Kiristo]: lol^^

2005-05-14 [Lady Alaina]: LOL! XD

2005-05-14 [Kiristo]: ^-^

2005-05-14 [Lady Alaina]: Your writing more? XD

2005-05-15 [Kiristo]: running out of ideas....^^'

2005-05-16 [Lady Alaina]: LOL XD I like it,though. XD

2005-06-07 [Kiristo]: yay

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