Page name: Meeting in a holly place [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-11-19 05:39:00
Last author: Kiristo
Owner: Kiristo
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[Warning-this next part is in a church and if your Jewish or anything, you might not like this.][This also takes place at night.]

Rika stood in a big church at the end where the minister would normally stand. She was looking out giagantic stain-glass windows. As the chruch bells began to ring, signaling 11 o' clock at night, someone walked into the church from the other end. He was shadowed so he was hard to see. "What kept you so long?" Rika asked annoyed. "I'm sorry. I forgot how you tokusens are immpatient. I'm surprised to see someone like you in a place like this." He said. "I only came because you wanted to meet me. I know you are the one behind the recent attacks." Rika said, not turning. "Ah, so I see you've done your rescearch." the man said. Rika turned halfway, "Why do you attack us? Who are you?" Rika demanded. "Why do I attack you? Maybe I just don't like you. Maybe I want control of this little world. Who knows.......but...since you asked, my name is Shado." The man leaned out of the shadows, reveiling himself. He was the same staff weilding villain from before. "Shado? That's what you call yourself?" Rika questioned. "Yes." Shado said. Rika turned back to the windows, "...So why did you want to meet me?" "You are the only one in the whole group who I know won't attack me right away. I just want to talk for a bit is all." Shado answered. Than walked to the bottom of the mantale.

[srry for the bad spelling...]

"About what?" Rika sounded disgusted. "Why can't we just have a friendly chat?" Shado walked up beside her. "Sorry, but I'm not the 'friendly' type." Rika looked forward. "I'm sorry. I should've known. So....Tell me, Rika. What's it like to be a master theif?" Shado's eyes shifted to her. Rika didn't say anything. "Shy? Or...did I catch you in a corrner?" Shado grinned with intrest. "Why does my personal life interest you?" Rika asked. " reason. Just trying to start up conversation." Shado turned and walked away a bit, "How's your little boyfriend doing?" "If you want to know about Hiei, than you should've asked him to come down here." Rika said, still not looking at him. "He must be pretty nice, he gave you this lovely necklace." Rika turned in shock, seeing him holding up her neacklace and he was looking over his shoulder. His narrow, golden eyes seemed to frighten her a bit.
She touched her chest, as though in hopes of finding her neacklace still around her neck. It wasn't there. She now glared, the sapphire in her eyes turned crimson, "Give it back." She demanded in a harsh tone. "I don't know...maybe I should keep get your blood really boiling...." he grasped the heart in his hand, "Break it..." "GIVE IT BACK!!" She yelled, blasting at him with a beam of energy, but he dissapeared.
Then Rika's eyes widened. She felt his cold hands on the back of her neack and felt her neacklace being tied back on her. She turned quickly, almost slicing him with her claw. He steped back at the last moment, slightly dodging it, "Relax....I won't hurt you....." He put his hand under her chin. She was to surprised to do anything. "Such a pretty face...Maybe if you had met me at an earlyer time....we wouldn't have to be enimes." Shado said. Rika glared and knocked his hand away, "Don't touch me." Shado smirked, turned, and walked forward a few steps, "Im sorry...I forgot....the only one you let touch your little boyfriend." He looked over his shoulder. "Stop talking about Hiei and you'll keep your head." Rika glared. "Agressive little tokusen....aren't you?" He turned. Rika studied him suspiciously, "How do you know I'm-" "Your not the only one who did their reserch, my dear." he smirked.

[Tokusen: specially selected.]
[Rika was a special demon, whos power, when she was born, was unnatural to that of many demons. It was more powerful. This was, because she was a tokusen demon. (Which I made up) Tokusens are chosen by the demons power before they are born] [Hm....I should put that in my Rika stories.^^ So far the 'Selected' is only meationed here and in] Rika&Kisara...A Demon Duo.

Rika took a step back, "What...else do you know?" "I know all about your little group, my dear." Then he frowned and his eyes shifted behind him. Vivian and Raven had been listening in the shadows. Shado quickly turned had put his hand up, as to attack, but Rika bit him on the neck and dug her caws in his arms. He let out a shout and turned, knocking her back. Rika held her ground and slid on her feet. "You little wretch!" he yelled. Than Raven and Vivian came up from the shadows and rushed at him, but Shado melted into the shadows and was gone. Rika looked down at it and the two others stopped at it. "So...he was the one behind the attacks." Ravens eyes shifted up to Rika. "Yeah..." she responded. Viv tilted her head to the ground with a frown and a pout. They returned to the house and didn't speak of what had just happened.

Inuyasha yawned. He was lying on the floor, on his side with his hand supporting his head up with his elbow on the ground, "Could this week get anymore boring!?" he complained. "Just relax, Inuyasha. Enjoy the peace for once." Robin said, looking down at him from the chair for a sec. "Yeah, man. Just calm down for a while. Kick back and play some video games....." Cyborg said as he played Beastboy at a game, "BOOYA! That's Cyborge 12, Beastboy 0 ." He gloated and did a little dance after beating Beastboy. "Yeah well let's see how you do on the next level! I'm a pro at that one." Beastboy sounded so confidnet. Rena rolled her eyes at them as she leaned back on the couch.

Meanwhile Rika was in the underground level in the training room. She had her fighting uniform on and her hair tied up as she beat a punching bag. The room had all kinds of training equiptment in it. Though the equiptment was magical seeing how if it was regulare equiptment, it would be destroyed too quickly because of all the 'super powered teens' in the house. The room had a tan color to the walls and blue matting on the floor and the back walls, where the door was, had two long windows reaching to both walls and a foot of walling under the windows. As in the hospital section in all the rooms, too. Rika still had her bandages under her shirt but her wounds had healed a bit since last time due to a few healing posions she took. She paused for a moment, panting, than did a spin kick on the bag and it flew almost to the ceiling. When it came back, Rika caught it, slightly sliding back. She stopped, letting it go and wiped her forehead. Than she turned to see Ed in the doorway. " you want?" She asked panting. "Well I haven't seen you work out this much since the last time you were pissed off about something." He laughed. "Shut up." Rika said as she turned and looked over her shoulder, but soon turned her head as well. Ed shrugged and walked away. Rika just stared as she stopped panting and closed her eyes.

Leigh stood ontop of the roof watching the moon. Echa walked up behind her, "Hi. Mind if I join you?" Leigh looked over her shoulder, "Oh, ok. No prob." Echa sat down and looked up. She noticed Leigh had a slight forwn, "What's wrong?" Leigh looked down at her, "'s nothing..." she looked forward at the wood area that was a few feet from the house. "Yes there is. I know you. Now come out with it." Echa demanded. Leigh looked up at the stars, "I, um....just...I guess a little home sick...Looking up at the moon and the stars reminds me of the big open sky back home. You could see for miles.....all the beutiful." "I know what its like to feel that. To miss your home.......I miss my mom and all my brothers and sisters, too." Echa said. "Yes, I too feel the sick for my home at times." Starfire said from behind. They looked back, "Starfire?" Leigh questioned. "Forgive me, but I couldn't help but wonder where you were." Starfire said, hovering in the air. "Oh it's all right. Come. Join us." Leigh smiled and Starfire flew over, landing beside Leigh, "The sky is......peaceful." She said and Leigh nodded. Echa made a slight giggle. Leigh looked down and smiled, but she sensed something and looked toward the forest, as did the others. A wind bew sending an eerie feeling across them. "I belive I am feeling the chills." Starefire said. "What the-" Echa paused and Leigh shivered, "I...don't know." she looked back to the door inside, as though wanting to go in and tell her friends, but turned around she said, "Well I don't know what it was, but I won't just stand here! I'm going to find out!" Leigh summoned her staff and lept down the side of the house, using her staff to hoverto the ground safely. "LEIGH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Echa called down. "You two can stay down there if you want! But I'm going to look!" she called back and than ran off into the woods. "WAIT! WE'LL COME WITH YOU!!" Echa called. "Agreed!" Starfire said and she grabbed Echa's hand, flying in the air, following Leigh by air.

>> Battle of the dragon's staffs

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2005-05-16 [Lady Alaina]: Wow,detailic...*Admires the work*

2005-05-17 [Kiristo]: lolXD

2005-05-17 [Kiristo]: I like to add lots of detail sometimes.

2005-05-17 [Lady Alaina]: 'Tis fun too...I like the way you put up Echa's homeickness feelings,it means you are observant...XD And how you naturally put it in ther with Star and Leigh...XD I like it! ^^

2005-05-20 [Kiristo]: lol^^ thanks!

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