Page name: How to be Evil. [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-03-30 21:02:50
Last author: Delladreing
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The Art of being Evil 
with Style



Never underestimate the power of appearances while striving to be evil. You can catch them off guard by appearing normal enough, but remember, evil is evil, but good evil is always so much more classy.
This can be achieved by following the simple rules:

-Black goes with everything, its also good for blending in and hiding blood stains.

-Accesorize if you must, but don't go overboard. Esepcially don't wear things that might jangle or parts that might break off and leave bits of evidence lying about. The best thing is perhaps a ring with some kind of insignia on it perhaps, show your eliteness!

-You may be tempted to go with a heeled boot (boots are a must) if you are lacking in height, however always remember too big a heal will slow you down where running is concerned. However the bigger the heel the bigger the possibility of using it as a weapon if need be.

-Ladies (and yes I suppose men aswell) don't overdo it with the make-up. Its very hard to be taken seriously while looking like a cross between a clown and a hooker, unless of course your evil villain name is "Bobo the Whore" that is.


-There is nothing quite like the evil genious laugh. It can not only make you look superior but strike fear into the heart of your goody-to-shoes heart. Go on give it a go, just remember not to overdo it, there are some serious cases of chocking where the individual has forgotten to breath mid laugh.
Par example: Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah*gasp*hahahaha*cough*haha*cough*ha*choke*
^ This, is not good.


This part is fairly self explanitory. No one likes a poor Evil Villain. We are all meant to be rich, live in mansions or underground layers underneath volcanoes. These things take money. Either work hard and save up your pretty pennies or start mugging people. Or marry an old git/bird with a rediculous amonut of money then kill them off making it look like natural causes.
It can be done. If you don't know this then you shouldn't even be reading this, you are a disgrace to the secret underground world of teh Evil <3


Right, heres the thing. We know you're super evil and a genious, you know it, and the hero tied up at your feet quite probably has a grasp of it by now, ergo, there is no need to go on and on and on about how wonderful you are and then reminise about the happy childhood you had cut so short or the unhappy childhood that made you twisted and evil. Why?
Because while you are being mugged in memory lane said captive is working out a way to break free, has probably done so, and by the time your eyes have unglazed they will either be gone or you are about to see a fist heading towards you.
Keep it short.
"So do you expect me to talk?"
"No Mr Bond I expect you to die!"
"But don't you want to tell me about why you are so much better than me yet somehow strangely alike and how you will enjoy watching me die and then the entire free world with me?"
"No. Bye bye *bang*"

And that is how it is done.*

A Guide of "How to Be Evil" By [Delladreing]
Teh official right hand flunky of [Avoral] <3

*Should be noted that ultimate evillness can only be achieved as quoth Silvie:
"1) Be like Dela
2) Be like Dela
3) Be like Dela"

makes me feel luffed ^^

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2006-06-22 [Azuri]: hehe its a good list

2006-06-22 [Linn Scarlett]: ahh that one :P i reread it regularly to not make stupid mistakes :P

2006-06-22 [Azuri]: heh all good evil people do

2006-06-22 [Linn Scarlett]: *nod nod* I use it a lot for some of my drow overlords ---to avoid awkward cliches and stuff

2006-06-22 [Azuri]: ah yes always good cliches are so overdone XD

2006-06-22 [Linn Scarlett]: *nod nod* good cliches are good when good. and... drat...

2006-06-22 [Azuri]: lol cat got your tongue?

2006-06-23 [Linn Scarlett]: No I was gonna say something but desided against it.

2006-10-01 [Dil*]: This is godddamned hilarious.

2006-10-01 [Delladreing]: Thank you :D

2007-03-14 [Jitter]: *giggles* My hat's off to you ;)

2007-03-14 [Delladreing]: Ah-thank-you

2007-03-15 [Cliché]: Ever read "How to Be A Villain"?

2007-03-15 [Delladreing]: Nope.

2007-03-15 [Cliché]: You'd like it, it's alot like this.

2007-03-26 [Willow Rose]: *loves upon this page*
Wonderful guide [Delladreing]!

2008-10-02 [The Red Baron]: I am Richard! Chief warlock of the Brothers of Darkness! Lord of the thirteen hells! Master of the bones! Emperor of the Black! Lord of the Undead! And the mayor of a little village up the coast! Don't forget Lord of the Dance!

For Pony!

2008-10-02 [Delladreing]: For Pony!

2008-10-03 [kay-chan]: Legion: For pony!

2008-10-04 [Linn Scarlett]: For pony!

"So where is this little village?"

2008-10-05 [The Red Baron]: What to massacre those peasants with?

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