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Hi or bye (casual) Ciao (pronounced chow, or ch-i-ow) eg. Ciao Antonio! eg. Hi Antonio! or Bye Antonio! Goodmorning Buongiorno (pronounced bwon-ji-orno) eg. Buongiorno Antonio eg. Good morning Antonio Goodafternoon Buonpomeriggio (pronounced bwon-pommer-idj-io) eg. Buonpomeriggio Antonio eg. Good afternoon Antonio Goodevening Buonasera (pronounced bwon-a-serrar) eg. Buonasera Antonio eg. Goodevening Antonio Goodnight Buonanotte (pronounced bwona-not-eh) eg. Buonanotte Antonio eg. Goodnight Antonio Goodbye Arrivederci (pronounced arriv-a-derr-c hi) eg. Arrivederci Antonio eg. Goodbye Antonio What is your name? Come ti chiami (pronounced Coh-meh ti kia-mi) eg. Ciao, come ti chiami? eg. Hi, whats your name? My name is.. Mi chiamo (pronounced mi kia-mo) eg. Mi chiamo Katia eg. My name is Katia How are you? Come stai (pronounced coh-meh sty-ih) eg. Ciao Katia! Come stai? eg. Hi Katia! How are you? Good Bene (pronounced Be-neh) eg. 1: Ciao Katia! Come stai? 2: ah… bene! eg. 1: Hi Katia! How are You? 2: ah… good! Bad Male (pronounced Ma-leh) eg. 1: Ciao Katia! Come stai? 2: mm.. male.. eg. 1: Hi Katia! How are You? 2: mm.. bad… So so (medium) Cosi cosi (pronounced Cus-si cus-si, pronunciation between cu and co) eg. Ciao Katia! Come stai? 2: mmm, cosi cosi. eg. 1: Hi Katia! How are You? 2: mmm, so so. Not too good Non tanto bene (pronounced non tahn-toh be-neh) eg. Ciao Katia! Come stai? 2: Non tanto bene eg. 1: Hi Katia! How are You? 2: Not too good Not too bad Non tanto male (pronounced non tahn-toh mah-leh eg. Ciao Katia! Come stai? 2: Non tanto male eg. 1: Hi Katia! How are You? 2: Not too bad
2005-03-30 [Koralita]: I just bought 'Italian for dummies' :D:D:D
2005-04-03 [Koralita]: nice, a new student :D
2005-04-09 [Kaimee]: not quite koralita, someone who could be a new student once they read the rules.... and message me, instead of just inviting themselves into the classroom :P
2005-04-09 [Koralita]: oww didnt knew that ^.^' i thought you already approved her ^.^'
2005-04-09 [Kaimee]: nope
2005-04-13 [Koralita]: heard something of our 'new student'? i mean, does she still want to be a student?
2005-04-20 [Kaimee]: No idea, i dont believe she replied to my msg... *rollseyes*
2005-04-20 [Koralita]: did you change the non sto male and non sto bene to non tanto male and non tanto bene? or am i wrong? ^.^'
2005-04-21 [Kaimee]: I think i did, more people say it this way :P I just had an odd italian teacher!
2005-04-21 [Koralita]: LoL ^.^ tssss... since i'm the only one here that at least notices that! ^.^"
2005-04-22 [Kaimee]: Youre the only one whos even attempted to do the lesson as far as I can see... *grumbles*
2005-04-23 [Koralita]: but thats what the lessons are here for, arent they? ^.^
2005-04-23 [Kaimee]: to do? yes, certainly :P
2005-04-23 [Koralita]: ^.^
2005-04-23 [Koralita]: maybe you should change the rest of the sentences you changed--> pronounciation still says non stoh maleh :-p
2005-04-24 [Kaimee]: ..............
2005-04-24 [Koralita]: ^.^
2005-10-08 [Princess Carwash]: this is sort of like when I learned french last year in school. its funny because you are teaching me everything that im learning in french this year except its in itallian.
2005-10-08 [Kaimee]: Hmm, I like to think of them all as "foreign languages", therefore they probably all do have that similarity when learning them, it's as if you were learning a foreign language. Could that be the similarity perhaps? XD
2006-08-07 [ink-4-blood]: So, umm... do you stress the second-to-last syllable like in Spanish? Just a bit confused with Buonasera... bwon-a-SE-rar or bwon-a-ser-RAR
2006-08-08 [Kaimee]: Vowels towards the ends of words tend to be stressed if we're feeling all nice and embellishy, but it's not necessary. You can say the entire damn lot in a monotonous emotionless voice if you really feel like it :P
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