Page name: Jaraden's charcter studies~1 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-11-10 15:06:49
Last author: jaraden
Owner: jaraden
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Jaraden's charcter studies~1

study of Laornar, first draft.. alright i guess.. image from book #1
Name:Laornar Du’Cartruillair
Alias: none unitl the end of book 4
Age:16 (18 by this drawing)
Race:Viquean (a citizen of the Kingdom of Aultenvique)
first study of Eveinis.. not liking it too much
Name: Eveinis Montaerhuil
Alias: none until Book 4
Age: 17 (19 by this drawing/ book#2)
Rank: None
Gender: Male
Race: Viquean
Prince Phoenix early study..
Name: (given name unused) Prince 'Phoenix' Alourmar
Alias: 'Phoenix'
Age:17 (21 by this drawing/ book#4)
Rank: Second Born Prince
Gender: male
Race: Viquean
study of Quelfini..
he's a dwarf by the way..
more detail plus a follow up study to come
Name: Cpt. Rasmay
Alias: none
Age: 37
Rank: Captain
Gender: male
Race: Ketahaadian
this is one of the primary creatures in the book, haven't figured out a name and i won't give away what part they plan jsut yet...
this is an early study on an Evaerwok.. they are effectively barbarians, but there is more to them then that.. more history and another study to come...
this is a study of the two true gods of my book(s)..
Jaraden ofcourse.. another study plus a smatering of details to follow..
this is an early study of the Sorcerer Jonas.. another study plus a smattering of details to follow..

/ [jaraden]
~Still to come, studies of Thoarst, Jaraden, Quelfini, Syque and Insarlot... plus i gotta add some details and backgrounds too.. won't give too much away though!
har har

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2008-11-04 [~*Crimson Rose*~]: these are just as amazing as the other drawings Seb..

2008-11-04 [Daisy le Fleur]: ^ YOu should do tuts hon.

2008-11-04 [jaraden]: thanks kid.. i just gotta title and explain who is who i think.
plus there are a few missing that i haven't finished yet..

2008-11-04 [~*Crimson Rose*~]: dang..seriously!? O_O...
i wish i could draw like that..

2008-11-04 [jaraden]: well it's the only thing i is good at, so you gotta play to your strengths right?

2008-11-04 [Iske]: cool

2008-11-04 [Iske]: wish i could draw like that

2008-11-04 [moira hawthorne]: more and more awesomeness!

2008-11-04 [~*Crimson Rose*~]: yeah i guess...i'm only good at drawing anime characters XD

2008-11-04 [jaraden]: ahh, just have some patience Iske, your an amazing painter, your drawing will come in time too!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2008-11-04 [Iske]: i hope so

2008-11-04 [~*Crimson Rose*~]: yush! don't give up!

2008-11-04 [moira hawthorne]: your attention to details is mind boggelin

2008-11-04 [Iske]: i wont

2008-11-04 [NOOOPE]: Man, your stuff is AWESOME.

2008-11-04 [Jeccabee]: Amazing stuff usual! ^_^

2008-11-04 [Flisky]: I need to do something like this...

These are really good.

2008-11-04 [moira hawthorne]: you are gonna have to teach online

2008-11-05 [Lothuriel]: *stalks*

2008-11-07 [jaraden]: good lord.. well let's start at the begining, i hear it's a very good place to start..
Iske; your paintings are lovely, and as far as what i've seen, your drawings are just as beautiful, just keep at it and with time your style will devellope! jsut remember, i've been drawing all my life and it's only been the past twenty years or so that i really took it seriously, so bare in mind, art is a constant journey, just be patient!
Akatsuki-weasel; drawing anime is no mean feat, i started drawing and copying my favorite comic book artists, that's how i started out then my style develloped from there, the same is true for you... draw what you love and in time you will find your own skills and style will grow!
Moira; thanks kid, it's good to hear that a fellow sheridonian appreciates my art and that all those years in oakville did not pass in vein! though i do find myself longing for those life drawing classes, i feel i've become out of practice these days!!! ha ha!
M!; thanks for the kind words, though coming from you i feel they hold most weight as i am seriously in awe of your artwork and style!!! not that i don't appreciate everyone else's praises but when an artist who's artwork one adores lends you praise one must take it to heart!!! so thank you loads kid!
Jeccabee; thanks for the vote of confidence, i would say that if i were as consistant as you imply there would be a great deal more to show, most of these drawings are from a span of a number of years, it takes me not only a while to plug out drawings i like but more often then not there are a pile i only kinda like waiting to be revisited and finished.. but thanks for your kind words!!!
Flisk-girl; i think it's always a good idea for artists and writers to hash out their characters, not only for the artist to draw upon but for others to appreciate, if you do ever create a slew of character sturdies, let me know, i'd love to check them out!
Moira, again; tach online??? i don't think i'm qualified, there are tons of better artists out there in the town, but it would be a great idea for a bunch of the town's more accomplished artists to lend their experience to help other artists grow!!!
and finally,
Lothuriel; you'd be wasting your time stalking me kid, i'm utterly boring and a total geek.. but thanks anyways, i'll be peering out my windows from now on... har har

2008-11-07 [moira hawthorne]: ooooooh gods how I miss life drawing!

2008-11-07 [jaraden]: yar, me tooo!!!! it was by far my favorite class in the illustration program.. and there ain't none available in the regeon here.. so i'm screwed...
and there ain't no substitute for the real thing...

2008-11-07 [moira hawthorne]: see if you can start up a small art club for once a week... if you get 6 artists and each throws in $10 thats good for 3 hrs with a model

2008-11-07 [jaraden]: yeah, but it's trying to find fellow artists in the area.. and with all i have on my plate, i don't have the time.. i reckon once everything settles down i might try that.. could use the artistic exercise!

2008-11-07 [moira hawthorne]: once you get all the court stuff seen to... put a classified ad up... it might all be housewifes and retirees wishin they were real artists... but as long as it makes everyone happy there's nothing wrong with it... alot of people wish they had been able to do some thing artistic instead of the job that paid...

2008-11-07 [Alexi Ice]: Your drawings are amazing! I love the one of the primary creature, he is awesome.

2008-11-08 [Iske]: knuffel

2008-11-10 [jaraden]: thanks ISKE.. i can always use a good hug!!!

moira, i am thinking of re-starting my life drawing, but i'd rather go through a local college, and yeah, once everything calms down and i've got my kids then i'll look into that!
and thanks by the way to Mitsuki the wolf girl!

2008-11-10 [jaraden]: there area actually loads more characters to do, think i'll have to make another character study page... grrr

2008-11-12 [Iske]: lol.; work work work.. keeps your mind off all the bad things hey hehehehe

2008-11-14 [jaraden]: you got it babe!!!!

big hugs for thanks!!!!!

2008-11-14 [Alexi Ice]: No problem! ^^

2009-01-08 [Ramirez]: Featured Wiki <img:stuff/dand-gif.gif>

2009-01-08 [Yuriona]: Gratz Jaraden! XD

2009-01-08 [Tynuka-Rhytishy]: -jaw drop- This art's so amazing. =3

2009-01-08 [Dark Side of the Moon]: ooohhh...!!
*watches* <img:61691_1126352591.gif>

2009-01-08 [arthemis_]: JARADEN! You are my true G... ehmm... I'm your GREATEST fan <img:stuff/exitedN-gif.gif>


2009-01-08 [Daisy le Fleur]: Wow Grats man on Featured!!

2009-01-09 [Skydancer]: Adds to watch list. :) Quite a fascinating expression of skills and talent.


2009-01-09 [jaraden]: i got featured??? when did that happen??

is glowing with pride....

blushing reder then a half frozen schoolgirl in iceland...

thanks guys for all your kind praise.. will have to update it once i've finished colouring them on photoshop...


is lazy you know..

thanks again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2009-01-09 [Yuriona]: LMAO! Priceless Seb, absolutely priceless. XD

2009-01-09 [jaraden]: well i do try my best.. on the rarest of occasions i come up with something sembling brilliance.. it ain't often so i have to take what i can get.. i is not clever you know!

har har

2009-01-09 [Yuriona]: *falls over* Works for me! =3

2009-01-09 [jaraden]: i is like wet fireworks, you never know if it'll fizzle, pop, work properly or just explode in your face.. that's how my brain works..

2009-01-09 [Yuriona]: Good thing I like watching stuff blow up then! XD

2009-01-09 [jaraden]: you wouldn't believe how often i've had to clean up my brains off the wall after trying to think too hard...

cursed brain!

2009-01-09 [jaraden]: but like i said, every once and a while i get it right and my brain works smoothly.. but that tends to be rare these days.. har har!

2009-01-09 [Yuriona]: Yar, I hear ya there!

2009-01-09 [jaraden]: well you gota take the good with the bad i suppose..
plus i'm gonna update with some new character studies.. but that'll be a task and a half!!!

2009-01-09 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: I was just looking at this wiki this morning, and now it's a feature? DX Awesome!

2009-01-10 [*Phoenix*]: very cool :D)

2009-01-11 [Galatea]: Congrats on getting featured!! Your artwork is beyond amazing!!

2009-01-11 [Sinchao]: Indeed!

2009-01-11 [*Phoenix*]: I think my fave's have to be study of Laornar, first draft and Prince 'Phoenix' #2.....I'd love to see more!!!!!!

2009-01-12 [Jeccabee]: yeah I love the full body with the head shot with it in those two studies. Verah nice! :)

2009-01-12 [Alexi Ice]: Lol! A half frozen school girl...hilarious ^^

2009-01-13 [jaraden]: thankf very much to all of you guys not only for taking the time to check out this page but also to leave such glowing comments!! i really appreciate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and yeah, not only will there be more character studies of the main characters, but also the other character featured in my 'book'.
it's hard to but discriptions down for them though, there is a hoard of back stories behind each charactr, but i don't want to give TOO much away, wouldn't want to ruin the surprise.
all my characters hold a dear place in my heart, i've put alot of effort into creatig believable characters, with histories and characteristics that are logical so in the end they are very real to me, so i'm super happy you guys like them!!!
if you guys want to know anything about the characters, just let me know and i'll fill you in..

how does that sound.
plus ther will be more character studies, plus updates on the characters i've already featured in the coming months.. only problem is, last time i tried to update the page i lost some of the original drawings so i gotta figure out how to put new art onto a page without loosing the older ones..


is retarded..

2009-01-15 [*Phoenix*]: I understand with not giving too much away. Es okay with me! I know how to add new art, but it's long and tetius and if you have slow internet you won't get very far. SO why don't you just make another page (upload a folder of images in your house) and link them?

2009-01-15 [Skydancer]: the images are still there, just go back a version or two and copy the image links then put them back in the new page. Personally I use an upload wiki and upload folders at a time then move them over to my art wikis, and I can then upload to the upload wiki the next set and so on. Helps me keep the number of wiki I create down.

2009-01-16 [jaraden]: right... i think i've got it!! thanks to the both of you, once i've finished the rest of the original character studies, plus the updated coloured versions i shall attempt that.. i say attempt, cause knowing me i'll end up screwing things up royally... so expect a feaverishly desperate call for assistance should the worst occure.. until then i'd like to thank you all again for taking the time to check out my art, and for leaving such helpful and glowing comments!!!!!!


2009-01-18 [*Phoenix*]: ooohhh. COLOR? That made my ears perck up! :D

2009-01-20 [jaraden]: i thought it might, been working quite solidly for a couple months now on photoshop and i'm hoping that as i get back in the swing of using this medium to colour that i'll speed up a bit.. well that hasn't happened, yet. but eventually most of the images above will be coloured, plus the new additions which i haven't uploaded quite yet... so hopefully you guys will dig it as much as i am... but my fingers are killing me....

either that, or it's the arthritis... i is old you know..

har har

2009-01-20 [moira hawthorne]: old ha! I rise your old by 13! *throws down my cards*

2009-01-21 [Earoluim]: * looks around *

2009-01-23 [*Phoenix*]: lol. I can't wait to see the color!!!!!!!!!!

2009-01-23 [jaraden]: *looks at own cards and frowns... then slyly adds the secret trump card hidden in shirt sleeve*

har, beat this.... 237!!!!!


yeah Phoenix, they should be soon i hope.. it's taking retardedly long to colour them!! i ain't as ggod at photoshop as i used to, plus witht he laptop i'm using which ain't got a mouse is making my digits ache something fierce!!!! or is that my arthritis... hee hee


2009-01-23 [moira hawthorne]: you cheeet! =p

2009-01-25 [*Phoenix*]: lol. I understand....I'm no good at ditial coloring so I stick with crayons and colored pencils......Good luck with finishing! :D)

2009-01-27 [jaraden]: har har.. ofcourse i'm a cheat... whatcha gonna do..


Phoenix, i totally understand where your coming from, the only reason i don't actually physically colour my art is 1, i'm WAY too lazy and 2 cause in most cases i can never get the colours i'm looking for in those mediums... so it looks like i'm stuck colouring via photoshop.. for now...

wah ha ha

2009-01-27 [moira hawthorne]: PS is more 'forgiving' as long as you save your files before the crash... you dont colour on your original... so if you muck it up you can go back and try again .. plus its cheeper in the long run

2009-01-28 [ReineBloodwolf]: COOL PIC'S!

2009-01-30 [jaraden]: thanks very much Shiome4!!! and moira, i wouldn't think of colouring the originals for exactly the point you raised, but these days i'm rethinking the colour schemes i've been using, i reckon they're way too bright for my tastes... been working furiously the past little while so i can show you all the fruits of my labours.. hoping you guys dig them as much as i do.. but as a consiquence my tiny digits are aching something fierce!!!


2009-01-30 [moira hawthorne]: tigerbalm! its a blessing to sore body parts... I buy the red one b/c Im not a wimp and I get big pains

2009-01-30 [jaraden]: indeed, i know the the wonderous tiger-balm, and yeah i certainly need some for my aching digits... but sadly i can think of only one place in the area which sells it at the moment, and i ain't going there in teh forseeable future... i'll just have to soak my aging bones in some soothing warm warter after ever session of colouring... i shall survive.. and soon enough you'll be able to see waht all my hard work was about.. soon...


2009-01-30 [moira hawthorne]: adds some epson salt to the water... and than use a good vit E cream after

2009-01-30 [jaraden]: i'll have to write that down... could come in handy.. no pun intended...

2009-02-03 [jaraden]: it's everywhere... moira.. if i catch you... *shakes fist in your directioon*

2009-02-03 [moira hawthorne]: hehehehe... what?!! I only spammed a few wikis!

2009-02-04 [ReineBloodwolf]: giggle

2009-02-05 [FutureGrave]: Nice art ^-^ and interesting conversation...haha

2009-02-05 [ReineBloodwolf]: yeah hello [FutureGrave].

2009-02-06 [jaraden]: well i'm glad your all having a good laugh at my expence...


should have some new character studies ready for next week...

coloured ones aren't ready yet, but soon...

2009-02-06 [moira hawthorne]: not AT your expense! the expense is at the bidder's... you are the coveted prize! BTW get your BIDS IN NOW! final bidding in process!

2009-02-06 [ReineBloodwolf]: *pets [jaraden]* there there ^^

2009-02-06 [moira hawthorne]: yes stroke his ego... its the whole point

2009-02-07 [FutureGrave]: ^-^ Ello [ReineBloodwolf]! Yup, the laughter isn't at your expence...I just laugh a lot......All the time really. So, what is with the bidding?? haha...okay, never mind I went to the wiki...haha. Moria you are so kind ^-^

2009-02-07 [moira hawthorne]: it was the least I could do... *pets her woad painted jaraden captive*

2009-02-07 [ReineBloodwolf]: *giggle* hi [FutureGrave] as u can see i'm petting [jaraden] cuz his ego was ...broken?

2009-02-08 [FutureGrave]: Haha, so he is moria's captive and getting petted by you both. see you are both so kind to him. His ego should be high. ^-^ I would join in the petting fest, but I don't tend to pet people...usually, haha. Anyways, [jaraden] you seem like a very funny guy with nice friends and your art is cool.^-^ I hope your ego doesn't stay broken. But don't let it get too high either. haha

2009-02-09 [ReineBloodwolf]: *giggle* u also funny [FutureGrave]!

2009-02-10 [FutureGrave]: I am? I never thought so. o.o'' I just say what is on my mind...usually without thinking. It can be trouble sometimes. haha ^-^

2009-02-10 [jaraden]: well my ego ain't necicarily broken, more damaged.. but i tend to keep a level head.. i'm a bit miffed today cause i had a bunch of these images half coloured and i think i must have picked up some sort of mystery bug on my precious memory stick cause most of my images have been damaged.. so i'm in the process of deleting most of them and rescanning them all... ARGHHGHGHGHGGHGGHHH!!!!!!!

is supremely vexed!!!!!

2009-02-10 [moira hawthorne]: ooooooooooooo bummmmmmmer thats a pain in the @$$

2009-02-10 [Skydancer]: You probably know but a warning just in case. When you are ready to remove a memory stick from a computer, either the machine must be completely shut down and powered off, or you must use the USB eject function, usually in your system tray, to safely remove the thumb drive. Failure to do so can corrupt files and even make the thumb drive unusable in worst case. Files on the drive can still be open and if you do not stop the drive so the OS can finalize the files, then you can do a lot of damage.

2009-02-10 [ReineBloodwolf]: giggle

2009-02-13 [jaraden]: yeah skydancer, i knew that much, the porblem is when i'm working on the images it's on a laptop in the living room where i'm living at the moment, and they have a 10 year old who can be a bit of a mischief... there have been a couple of times when he's fiddled with my works while i'm out having a smoke, the last time i'm pretty sure he removed the memory stick thinking it'd be fun to hide it.. i told him you couldn't just take it out but he is ten and he didn't know any better, so i reckon that's where i might have picked up the problem, plus the library where i upload the images had a virus the other week so i could have picked up a problem there too..
anyhow, i'm a bit bummed that i have to start from scratch, but i suppose i'll jsut have to deal... been working hard though, almost done the frist image of Laornar so i'm pretty happy...

thanks though!!!!

2009-02-13 [Skydancer]: your welcome. and good luck with it all.

2009-02-13 [moira hawthorne]: at about 4 or 5 yrs of age, Eirikr thought it was funny to turn off the power to my computer from the back while I was working... the sight of me nearly having a stroke amused him!

2009-02-13 [ReineBloodwolf]: *hi!*

2009-02-13 [FutureGrave]: wow, the only computer problem I have had is finding a new one after my ex bf threw the one I built on the ground and jumped on it. TT.TT yea...I thought I was going to die. But now I have his, so I am good. I still want to make a new one though. I like building computers. ^-^ Good luck jaraden with finishing your images and sorry that you have to start over.

2009-02-14 [ReineBloodwolf]: hey [FutureGrave]

2009-02-16 [FutureGrave]: haha, Ello [ReineBloodwolf]. ^-^

2009-02-17 [ReineBloodwolf]: how r u? *giggle*

2009-02-17 [jaraden]: well thanks kids.. i just finished Laornar's image.. and i've started on three others.. but more pressing at the moment is i plan on calling out for artistic help from the lot of yous... i'll expain in a bit, have to scan in the image i need help with first.. so get your thinking caps on!!!

2009-02-17 [moira hawthorne]: Im always happy to help a friend... make a wip wiki so we can see all the stuff and progress

2009-02-17 [ReineBloodwolf]: yeah

2009-02-20 [jaraden]: whats a wip wiki???

i'm clueless...

but i'm gonna make the wiki now.. wish me luck!!!

2009-02-20 [Chimes]: A Work in Progress wiki. :)

2009-02-21 [Coldfire1]: these are really good, the figures have life and the detail is sweet!

2009-02-23 [jaraden]: ahhh, thanks Chimes.. shows how retarded i can be.. i should have figured that one out shouldn't i have...

*smacks forehead*

and thanks Coldfire for the generous comment, there should be more character studies to came, plus the coloured versions soon too.. that is if i don't run into any more unforeseeable problems that is.....


stupic machines!!!

2009-02-23 [ReineBloodwolf]: lol

2009-02-23 [jaraden]: yeah yeah.. laugh it up fuzz-ball...

knowing my luck i'll try and udate this page only to destroy it in a flaming ball of magma....
plus there is the issues of finishing up all the bleeding work i have... too many images to colour...


2009-02-23 [Skydancer]: Its very hard to actually destroy a wiki page since all the versions are keep. You just go back a version or two and restore it.

2009-02-24 [jaraden]: i know.. but it's more funny to admit how moronic i am to uploading new images.. i like to laugh at myself sometimes..
but i do have some new images to upload.. jsut never have the bloody time to do it when i'm online.. they only bloody give me a limited amount of time on the internet here at the library..
one of these days!!!

har har!!

BAm, straight to the moon!

2009-02-24 [ReineBloodwolf]: *sobs* me no fuzz-ball...WAAAAAAAAAAAA!

2009-02-24 [moira hawthorne]: sure you are... *pets [ReineBloodwolf]fuzz-ball till she stops crying and begins to purr*

2009-02-25 [ReineBloodwolf]: *giggle* me a werewolf puppy

2009-02-25 [moira hawthorne]: *rubs belly*

2009-02-25 [ReineBloodwolf]: *oww! awesome giggle*

2009-02-27 [jaraden]: very good moira... lull her into a sense of security.. i could always use more guard wer-wolfies...
har har!

2009-02-27 [moira hawthorne]: 'the americans have dog biscuits in their pockets'

2009-02-27 [ReineBloodwolf]: *gets up fast and bites jaraden* go away me havin a bellyrub!

2009-02-27 [moira hawthorne]: now now be nice...

2009-02-27 [ReineBloodwolf]: *growles at jaraden and backs down sitting next to moira in werewolf puppy form* u hurt moira and i kill u *gaurds moira*

2009-02-27 [moira hawthorne]: shhhhshhhh... jaraden isnt an american... besides he a goood friend and former slave of mine.... now I co-own him with some other fine girls... so i wouldnt appreciate bite holes in his leather!

2009-02-27 [ReineBloodwolf]: *fine but he hurts u and he dies!* *grrrrr!*

2009-02-28 [Jeccabee]: I couldn't imagine jaraden hurting anyone (on purpose). He's such a sweety! ;D

2009-03-03 [jaraden]: aww thanks Jeccabee.. it's nice to know someone doesn't think i'm dangerous..

*hides mussel behind back*

i wouldn't hurt a sould.. honest!!

har har

2009-03-03 [ReineBloodwolf]: *Growls loudly*

2009-03-04 [moira hawthorne]: quiet now or you are going outside

2009-03-04 [ReineBloodwolf]: *pouts* very well *goes up to weregon and sniffs his hand then licks it...friends*

2009-03-06 [jaraden]: that's more like it.. nice pup!!!

i'm allergic to wolves i guess...

har har!

2009-03-06 [moira hawthorne]: I could give her a bath

2009-03-06 [jaraden]: mmmmmm... mental images abound..

nah.. you'd better not.. this is a family wiki.....

har har!

2009-03-06 [moira hawthorne]: yes?... and kids arent responsible for giving the family pet a bath in your family?

2009-03-06 [jaraden]: umm yeah.. wait.. i hate pets.. and there will be no bathing were-pets here... har har... or if you must then i'll turn my back so as not to watch.. har har

see aren't i a gentleman???

2009-03-07 [ReineBloodwolf]: *nope u not* anyways me hate baths *runs off and rolls in tha dirt*

2009-03-07 [moira hawthorne]: *shuts and locks door* mahahahahahaha

2009-03-08 [ReineBloodwolf]: *waaaaaa! me locked out scratches door and whines* let me in! jaraden she bein mean!<img500*0:stuff/aj/186786/shiome.2.jpg>

2009-03-08 [Jeccabee]: you hate pets? OMG why?

2009-03-09 [Alexi Ice]: ZOMG Its SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute!

2009-03-09 [ReineBloodwolf]: blushes ty<img:stuff/aj/186786/shiome.6.jpg>

2009-03-10 [jaraden]: aww poor were-thingy...

*lets you out*

or in.. i'm not sure which... anyways, the doors open anyhow!

why do i hate pets... mainly because i'm alergic to nearly every type of animal.. mainly because whenever either a girlfriend or room-mate has had a pet I'M the one who ends up looking after it and MOSTLY because they tend to annoy me when i'm working...

give me my kids or a freaking mogrel animal ANYDAY!!!!!!

2009-03-11 [ReineBloodwolf]: *giggle and licks ur hand in werewolf puppy form* it ok

2009-03-11 [Alexi Ice]: WHA! SOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2009-03-11 [moira hawthorne]: should go tell the artist

2009-03-12 [Alexi Ice]: I just meant the werewolf puppy thing...who is the artist?

2009-03-12 [moira hawthorne]: [ReineBloodwolf] should credit the artist...

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