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This wiki is brought to you by [little_stereo]
2005-09-10 [Araglas]: ...*looks at twin* You really want to try that? I have three brothers and I know the art of pillow-fu
2005-09-10 [twinrova]: ..........*pic
2005-09-10 [Araglas]: *picks up two pillows* whhhhooooowaaa
2005-09-10 [twinrova]: .........*take
2005-09-10 [Araglas]: *dodges to left and hits you in stomache with left pillow and in the back with right pillow* Ha! Mwhooooooowaaa
2005-09-10 [twinrova]: ........*get a cheap shot and hits right in the faces*........
2005-09-10 [Peace_Turtles]: *grabs pillow from twin* MINE!!! DON'T YOU DARE HURT IT!!! *goes on couch and huggles pillow*
2005-09-10 [twinrova]: ...........*st
2005-09-10 [Peace_Turtles]: *looks at both of you* children......
2005-09-10 [twinrova]: ..............
2005-09-10 [Peace_Turtles]: I was kidding.....*l
2005-09-10 [twinrova]: ..............
2005-09-10 [Peace_Turtles]: *no comment*
2005-09-10 [twinrova]: *good*
2005-09-10 [Peace_Turtles]: so, how ya doin'?
2005-09-10 [rooski]: o mah god pillow fight!!
2005-09-10 [Araglas]: Well it was short lived
2005-09-10 [twinrova]: ..............
2005-09-10 [Araglas]: ...*smacked twin in the head with both pillows* I owe you that...
2005-09-10 [twinrova]: .*back hands with a pillow*.......
2005-09-10 [Araglas]: Are we..look behind you *an army of pillow nijas wait for my command..(hehe)*
2005-09-10 [twinrova]: ..............
2005-09-10 [Araglas]: ....thats why you have half and I have half...look closer *half the army is wearing red and the other blue* choose a color
2005-09-10 [twinrova]: ..............
2005-09-10 [Araglas]: *red ninjas attack the blues and vice versa leaving us to fight* Well then..bring it..*takes fighting stance*
2005-09-10 [twinrova]: *stance*......
2005-09-10 [Araglas]: *starts off with a tornado apin* WWWWAAAAAAAAA!
2005-09-10 [twinrova]: ............ow
2005-09-10 [Araglas]: 8falls over to*AAHHH!!! *hits floor face first*
2005-09-10 [twinrova]: *stands up*...........
2005-09-10 [Araglas]: *gets up* Thanks..what do we do about them? *looks at the army
2005-09-10 [twinrova]: ..............
2005-09-10 [Araglas]: *ninja army looks at us and raises pillows*..ummm uh-oh
2005-09-10 [twinrova]: ..............
2005-09-10 [Araglas]: ...no it can't *the army ran at us swinging there pillows*
2005-09-10 [twinrova]: ......*squirts with water bottle*.......
2005-09-10 [Araglas]: *the ninjas turn into little puppies*..well thats better
2005-09-10 [twinrova]: ........i know! im magical like that.....
2005-09-10 [Araglas]: ..*laughs* Good puppies
2005-09-10 [twinrova]: .......*pets*.
2005-09-10 [Araglas]: ...*runsa away as puppy army cchases me*AAAAAAAAAHH
2005-09-10 [twinrova]: aww their so cute.....*set ups lawn chair and watches*..... good puppies
2005-09-10 [Araglas]: *runs in circlres* AAAAAAHHHHHH!!
2005-09-10 [twinrova]: ..............
2005-09-10 [Araglas]: YES!! *cries in agony*
2005-09-10 [twinrova]: ..............
2005-09-10 [Araglas]: ...*dogs retreat leaving me with two arms and one badly mangled leg*...
2005-09-10 [twinrova]: aww...........
2005-09-10 [Araglas]: ...aaaahhhh!!! *bleeds to death*
2005-09-10 [twinrova]: ... oh calm down you arent bleeding to death jeez ............fr
2005-09-10 [Araglas]: ...lol *gets up*
2005-09-10 [twinrova]: ..............
2005-09-10 [Araglas]: *laughs and chases puppies with shotgun*
2005-09-10 [twinrova]: .............*
2005-09-10 [Araglas]: ....*wines*
2005-09-10 [twinrova]: woulda like some cheese with that whine
2005-09-10 [Araglas]: ....*finds cheese and wine and hands them to you*
2005-09-10 [twinrova]: ..............
2005-09-10 [Araglas]: .....moo
2005-09-10 [twinrova]: ..............
2005-09-10 [Araglas]: *turns into evil cow*
2005-09-21 [Wing Zer0]: Sorry I've been gone.
2005-09-21 [twinrova]: thats cool
2005-09-21 [Araglas]: Yea..how are you?
2005-09-21 [twinrova]: im kinda sad to tell you the truth but hey whatever.... how are you
2005-09-21 [Araglas]: ????
2005-09-22 [twinrova]: >.......
2005-09-22 [Araglas]: .............M
2005-09-22 [twinrova]: oh well thats good
2005-09-24 [Wing Zer0]: aw im sorry your sad.
2005-09-24 [twinrova]: .....thank you.....
2005-10-04 [Wing Zer0]: your welcome.
2005-10-04 [twinrova]: .... so uh anyways
2005-10-26 [♥Lex;;™]: hey ppl whats up!?
2005-10-27 [twinrova]: uh hello?
2005-10-27 [♥Lex;;™]: UH HELLO?!?1
2005-10-28 [twinrova]: ?
2005-10-29 [Araglas]: Hi!
2005-10-29 [♥Lex;;™]: hi
2005-10-29 [twinrova]: hhhhhhheeeeeee
2005-10-31 [♥Lex;;™]: heeeeyyyyy whaaass uupp???
2005-10-31 [twinrova]: uh...... im pretty sure my roof is but i ya might wanna check
2005-11-01 [Plural]: Do you think anyone will actually tell stories here anymore? You know, boys kissing type stories. It appears to have been a while since this place had a new one of them.
2005-11-01 [♥Lex;;™]: idk!?!?
2005-11-01 [twinrova]: nah..... cant think....
2005-11-02 [♥Lex;;™]: I DONT WANNA THINK ITS TOO EARLY!
2005-11-03 [twinrova]: its too late....
2005-11-03 [♥Lex;;™]: hahaha for u!
2005-11-04 [twinrova]: bite me
2005-11-07 [♥Lex;;™]: no!! lol
2005-11-09 [Softcore_Kid_x]: hey how are you?
2005-11-10 [MagpieWisdom]: ahhh!!! I'm going mad, soon I'll be kissing girls - I haven't kissed a guy in 9 MONTHS!!!
2005-11-10 [twinrova]: wow....... i win.... kissed a boy a couple weeks ago
2005-11-11 [♥Lex;;™]: hahahaha lol
2005-11-11 [MagpieWisdom]: it was an outcry of pain, not a competition :)
2005-11-11 [twinrova]: ha ha ok.....
2005-11-14 [ArchangelGabriel]: It's been more like a year since i've kissed a guy. And it won't be till summer that i get to kiss agian >.<
2005-11-15 [NibblerLove]: i haven't kissed a guy in 2 months i is speshul
2005-11-16 [ArchangelGabriel]: Your also a girl and guys who wan tto kiss you are alot more plentyful.
2005-11-16 [♥Lex;;™]: wow!!!
2005-11-17 [Tableau Vivant]: whee, who wants to see 2 boys kissing?? if so, tell me and i'll upload a pic of me and a friend^^
2005-11-17 [ArchangelGabriel]: yeah, that sounds cool.
2005-11-18 [♥Lex;;™]: meeeeeee! i do!!!
2005-11-18 [Tableau Vivant]: wheeeeeeeeeeee
2005-11-19 [♥Lex;;™]: lol
2005-11-19 [ArchangelGabriel]: Dman, missed it >.<
2005-11-19 [Tableau Vivant]: aahw, you can ask me on msn to send it^^
2005-11-19 [ArchangelGabriel]: I will as soon as your online = P
2005-11-19 [Tableau Vivant]: hehe, i'll try to come online now^^ i'm uploading songs to my i-pod
2005-11-19 [MagpieWisdom]: Lobsang - why till summer???
2005-11-19 [ArchangelGabriel]: Cause the guy i love lives in canada >.< we won't be able to meet up till the summer which sucks, or, as the case may be, doesn't. I hate the lack of gay guys around here.....
2005-11-21 [twinrova]: oohh that sucks love
2005-11-21 [♥Lex;;™]: huh?! wow.. im clueless!?
2005-11-21 [ArchangelGabriel]: Yes.... yes you are.
2005-11-22 [Tableau Vivant]: lol xD
2005-11-22 [twinrova]: :]
2005-11-22 [♥Lex;;™]: lol hey no lauging!! lol
2005-12-06 [The Alchemist]: i never kissed a guy. hey my official name is Guy (no really it's my actual name)
2005-12-06 [twinrova]: how cool
2005-12-06 [Tableau Vivant]: cool name for a dutch guy^^
2005-12-08 [♥Lex;;™]: huh whos dutch?!
2005-12-08 [Tableau Vivant]: ..sorry, have to edit, it's supposed to be: cool name for a belgian guy^^ and btw: i'm dutch^^
2005-12-08 [♥Lex;;™]: iooooooo ok!! thats kool
2005-12-09 [Tableau Vivant]: hehe^^
2005-12-13 [MagpieWisdom]: I knew a bisexual french guy called Guy, he wanted to kiss me all through the summer camp I work at
2005-12-13 [MagpieWisdom]: but he was like 40, with a beard, so never let it happen, Sorry Guy
2005-12-13 [twinrova]: eewww
2005-12-14 [Tableau Vivant]: that's... just wrong.. eeew
2005-12-14 [twinrova]: excatly
2006-01-17 [DragonThug]: sup
2006-01-17 [twinrova]: hey there
2006-02-05 [MagpieWisdom]: Ok, I killed the last conversation, time i started on for once: Ok, I was chatting to this guy, realised we had nothing in common, told him and he said, "dam, another lost possibility"
2006-02-05 [MagpieWisdom]: A possiblity! what an out rage, I am a person, with a life(just about) and my own feeling etc, not just a possibility!(for what I don't know. sex?).
2006-02-20 [jasoncope]: [crash49021] loves men!!!!! Homosexuals are gay
2006-02-20 [ArchangelGabriel]: Isn't that part of the whole thing?
2006-02-21 [twinrova]: wow i hope that wasnt an insult.... because then id have to laugh at your sorry ass....
2006-02-22 [Tableau Vivant]: *agrees with [twinrova]*
2006-02-24 [twinrova]: haha i dont think he'll come back
2006-02-24 [MagpieWisdom]: hopefully not, people like that aren't worth thinking about
2006-02-24 [Tableau Vivant]: exactly. they just waste our time.
2006-02-24 [beautiful _ darkness]: today I just got a message from some one calling me a Queer and it was really upsetting... Ive never been called that before it might be thou cause Im not really open about it and that Im a girl
2006-02-25 [ArchangelGabriel]: Some peopel it seems have nothign better to do with their time is to try and make themselves feell good by making other people feel bad...
2006-02-25 [MagpieWisdom]: The thing is about the word Queer, is thats our word now anyway. Like 'Gay' used to be an insult, same as is happening with Queer, and like I want to do with Faggot.
2006-02-25 [beautiful _ darkness]: I think that anything can be put into an insult depending on it is said to and also the context it is said in
2006-02-26 [MagpieWisdom]: yeah, thats true, I suppose I'm looking at it from a over coming insults, undermining the words, and undermining the insulter.
2006-02-27 [beautiful _ darkness]: The world has deformed so many words that were fine words in the beinning and not insults now if someone is called it they are hurt
2006-04-11 [little_stereo]: miss me?
2006-04-12 [beautiful _ darkness]: I did
2006-04-13 [twinrova]: n_n
2006-04-14 [Araglas]: ^_^ I did to!
2006-05-23 [Manic! at San Francisco]: Pssst.. how do you join?
2006-05-23 [ArchangelGabriel]: The pics aren't great but i don't mind, i just want to share him :P http:/www.cath
2006-05-24 [Araglas]: Awwe those are great pics!
2006-05-24 [ArchangelGabriel]: we need some one to take them for us really :P Any volunteers ; )
2006-05-25 [Araglas]: I wouldnt mind but Im overseas...:(
2006-06-05 [Zardra]: boys love to yaoi ;D
2006-06-12 [kirishima_kun]: how do i join by chance may i ask
2006-06-13 [beautiful _ darkness]: Kissingboys Members and readers go there
2006-06-13 [kirishima_kun]: its password protected
2006-06-16 [beautiful _ darkness]: other then that no kewl
2006-08-10 [MACCANATOR]: can i join my two cousions are gay and i fell i should support them :)
2007-04-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: *walks in*Oops,my bad I was looking for kissing girls,but as long as I'm here,hello.
2007-05-01 [Araglas]: hi!
2007-05-02 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: Hello how is everyone?
2007-05-04 [~Crimson Angel~]: [Araglas]?!
2007-05-16 [Araglas]: hey misty-chan!
2007-06-04 [~Crimson Angel~]: why are you on here?
2007-06-15 [Araglas]: ......ummm....
2007-06-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: I didn't read all of it,I need to read all of people's pages.
2007-06-16 [Vou]: -pokes Misty- Boo.
2007-06-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: Hey you.*smiles*
2007-06-16 [Vou]: -grins- I updated pictures.. and drawings!! x3
2007-06-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: cool.*takes a look*
2007-06-16 [Vou]: YES. And I'm going to bed.. ish very tired I am. <<;
2007-06-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ok,night.
2007-09-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: ummmmmmmm...
2007-09-28 [Fireblade K'Chona]: ...right, okay.
2007-09-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: yeah
2007-09-28 [Fireblade K'Chona]: The new wiki looks promising.
2007-09-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: mmmmmmmhmmmmmm
2007-09-29 [a vamp named spaz]: spaz's sales
2007-09-30 [~Crimson Angel~]: ok
2007-10-01 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: my tummyy hurtss rawrr ughA
2007-10-06 [~Crimson Angel~]: why?
2007-10-10 [Araglas]: lol
2007-10-11 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: cuz i drank milk rawrr!! ahhh blahh
2007-10-12 [Araglas]: ^_^
2007-10-13 [~Crimson Angel~]: *glomps Araglas*
2007-10-16 [Araglas]: *falls over* Hi!
2007-10-16 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: lol
2007-10-18 [Araglas]:
2007-10-21 [~Crimson Angel~]: hehehe.
2007-10-24 [Araglas]:
2007-10-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: Please take my new poll,<poll:75788>
2008-01-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: ok
2010-05-13 [Araglas]: i wonder if we can reopen this wiki?
2011-06-19 [Mystin]: If there is something you like here, let me know what it is so I can infiltrate it in my wiki. Thanks! :-)
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