Page name: la rp 6 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-02-20 17:57:40
Last author: Phil Crooked
Owner: Phil Crooked
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"Well Haru, you seem to be looking for a cure to something that is not really there." says Klix softly.

" its real , if he beleives its real " sais crow

"And why is that?" slara replied ,"besides the whole wake up screaming thing."
"But I do not believe in it. That gets him one step closer to recovery, whether it seems that way or not." replies Klix in the same soft voice.

Crow just waches the stars " morning is coming , weve not travled far but , i need to rest "

"Yea you need some sleep, i can keep guard till morning if you want me too," slara sadi sleepily.

" you need to sleep," says Haru, "i don't so you should get sleep while you can."

" right then wake me by noon , kid , or if theres trouble " sais Crow in a half awake voice

"Ok i guess but if you feel tired don't hesitate to wake me up, i hardly sleep anyways so it wouldn't be much of a change." said slara in a kind tone.

"Hm... Looks like its just you and me for a little bit, Haru." says Klix, laying back on the ground. "You can really slep if you want to. I dont think I've slept in a long while, long enough not to remember what its like."

Slara awoke, and yawned loudly. "she sighed "who am i kidding i can't sleep, i keep myself up thinking to much. hmmm iwonder what haru and klix are doing? maybe i should head back to the campsite." Slara stood slowly and stumbled back as to getting one of those head rushes and made her way back to where Haru and klix are.

" FATHER!!!!!!!!! " Crow yells as he jumpingly awakes " now i remember why i havnt slept"

Klix look at Slara coming over and then at Crow. "Well, even if none of can sleep, we at least need to rest for a little bit before we go on."

"is he gonna be alright?" says Haru to Klix.

"For now, yes." replies Klix.

Crow walks up to the others " i need to keep my mind busy so dont worrie about this " Crow closes his eyes and tightings his fists " ugh " slowly Crow begins to change into a mystacal dragon figure

Klix watches quietly from her spot on the ground.

Finished with the transfermation Crow looks at the others with his peirciung eyes " i will be back , if im not back by sunlight leve withought me " Crow sais in a now deeper fuzzy voice

"I'll come," says Haru, "if those cave trolls see you again they'll get suspisios."

" NO!! You will stay here , understand me i do not want you or the others to fallow me , this is for me only " Yells Crow to Haru " and dont worrie about trolls there nothing for me to deel with dispite my wounded wing when im in another form it has no affect so let me leve now "

"bu-" Haru stops and leaves it at that

"Don't be affended, Haru. He just needs his time." says Klix, not moving since she layed down.

Crow turns around and lifts himself up and flys into the night sky

"I don't know maybe i could try calming him down, he hasn't been himself i am worried." Salara said with deep concern.

"I'm not. Well, not really at least." says Klix.

"I guess... he will be fine. So ... not to be prying but have you ever been in love klix?" Slara asked in a nonchalant manner

"Hm... I dont really know. I've been in lust, but that is not love. And i also learned very early not to confuse feeling good or liking with love." say Klix quietly, watching Crow become a small ever shrinking speck in the sky.

"Oh yea well can't say i have either well i am i guess sorta kinda, but i have been let down alot so i have been used to rejection" Slara kinda laughs an uncomfortable laugh, and also watches crow disapeer into the distance, but then snaps out of her trance.

Haru walks up to them and says, "i don't know about you, but i'm gonna go make sure he stays alright, and don't worry, i won't eavesdrop on him."

"Its your funeral." Klix says driely to Haru. "He told you to stay. And what says he means." Turning to Slara, "At least you have Crow at the moment." she says eyes downcast.

(Slara )"Wait do you like crow klix?"

"Honestly? I do not know. I've known him a long time, yes. Longer than you in fact Slara. I can almost predict his move befor he makes them. I usually know why he thinks or does a certain thing. I do not know if he is the same about me. But love?" Klix talks slowly, as if picking her words very carefully.

(slara)"Well i like him but i am not to the point of eternally loving anyone, listen i need to go visit someone i will be back in a little while if i don't come back by mid noon find me ok?"

Klix, distracted by her own thoughts and feelings, barely notices Slara leave. "M-k..."

"Actually daybreak come find me then k?" Slara shouted back hoping someone could hear her.

"Yeah..." Klixs says.

"uh.." Haru says as he comes throught a thicket in the woods, "he almost found me, cause i had to kill 12 cave trolls! 12! but at least he's safe, uh, but i'm not as fortunate." Haru says as he holds his wound.

Klix, seeming not to notice Haru, stands up and quickly starts to walk to the left of Haru.

(Haru) "ok, i'll be here healing."

As she passes Haru, Klixs grabs him by the shoulder and harshly turns him around. "No you won't." She says, half leading, half dragging Haru towards the tree cover.

(Haru)"hey! stop! that's where one of my wounds is, Ow!"

"Huh? Oh, sorry." Klix switches her grip to Haru's wrist and countinues half drag, half lead him in to the woods. After going through the woods a little ways into the woods, Klix stops and kneels down, pulling Haru down with her. "Shh."

"what are we looking at?" Haru says looking around with suspition.

Klixs closes her eyes. "Not looking, listening. Now close your eyes and be quiet."

Haru looks at her with suspition and just does what she says.

From the clearing where they just were there came a high pitched screetching noise, like the cross between an animal being tortured, a thousand voices moaning in pain, and an unidentifiable sound. With the sound came the smell of rotting, burning flesh. "Don't notice us. Fortis morrid calip gotta. Don't notice us. Fortis morrid calip gotta." Klix whispered like a prayer.

"i'll handle this," Haru says as he wispers," darnis sarcffgis," and suddenly they were surrounded by darkness.

"No! You idiot! It can sense majik. The charm i had protecting us was spirit not majik!" Klix hissed. "It's after the stone Crow found."

"it's not majik, it's pure energy," says Haru reassuringly, "i know our enemies are all powerful, i thought about it,"

Slara came around sneaking behind a bush near the two and didn't seem to notice them till she accidently stepped on Haru's foot. "Holy crap what are you doing here?" she whispered.

"crouchdown, and don't move," bosses Haru as he wispers, "darnis sarcffgis."

"Fine!" Slara crouches down, "Answer the question what are you doing here this is not a good place to be."

Haru looks at her and says, "i didn't know it's dangerous here, ask Klix why i'm here."

"I swear if you two don't shut up! It wa perfectly safe until you two starte flapping your jaws!" Klix say angrily. "Oh no! Now its coming this way!"

"ok, ok," then Haru looks at Slara, "but when weare out of this you're gonna apologize about my foot!"

"Sorry bout your foot Haru now shut up, not meaning to be harsh sorry but we need to"slara whispers. "Maybe we should get out of here and go someplace else cuz we are not nearly as armed as we should be."

"well," wispers Haru, "if i'm around we have the most powerful weapons available, i can control fire, in other words i can form weapons for us."

"By the fricken GODS! Shut up!" Klix says through clenched teeth. "Firdis gree!" she hisses, and vanishes stone in hand. When Klix vanishes so does the mysterious creature.

"Whoa Klix vanished, but where to hmmmmm?" Slara stood as still as she could handle, she was looking for any water source she could find anything she could disappear in so could end up somewhere else but with no luck. "With the creature gone and Klix occupied and gods knows where Haru disappeared to i will go find crow i will take care of that other thing later."

Just at that moment Crow lands heavy as still in his dragon form " Its funny isnt it ? how we all got here how we even attempt to worrie about anything , i wish i could have left the physical world , and be with my loved ones now but..... theres no hope in order to save humanity i must make the biggest sacrifice of all , enternal life , slara , whatever happens remember this , i WILL always be there for you to protect and to serve.... " says Crow in a firm worried voice

 (Slara) "Crow what the hell happened to you ?! i was worried sick about you!"

"And just to tell you now, i was gonna spy on you, but i saved you, you were in persuit by 12 cave trolls, and that gave me this gash on my shoulder." Haru says as he shows Crow the huge gash on his shoulder.

"haru it looks infected you really might wanna treat that soon." Slara urged

"I'm a vampire," Haru says looking at slara, "i don't get infections, and it'll heal by morning

"True true sorry i tend to forget sometimes." Slara replied.

"It's ok, the world isn't perfect, i don't expect anyone to BE perfect." says Haru looking to the stars again.

"yea if even one person was absolutly perfect i am pretty sure the universe would go insane."Slara chuckled

Haru looks into abliveon, then says, "some people get close, but those are only people who have experienced death."

"Hmm.. please don't tell me you are suicidal"Slara questioned.

Crow glares at haru " LOOK KID!! you did not save me and you never will and never can , as far as your concernd im already dead , and lisnt , trolls arnt any more to me then stuffed animals got that ? so for one second dont even think of EVER fallowing me again kid or i promis you'll regret it" Crow looks to slara in a slightly happier face " and thank you for worrying , i needed tim e to myslef , but oviusly i cant even have that "

"Crow don't be harsh on haru ok? he was probably just looking out for you." Slara said defensivily.

" Defend him all you wish , Slara , but i told him to stay and stupidally he ignored my wishes " Sais Crow in his own defense

"I know but still come on crow he was probably just worried about you it is not like he wasn't trying to be nice. plus if i went after you, you wouldn't be this mad so why are you mad at him?" Slara asked

" i dont like the kid , its that simple , if im ganna like some one i have to respect them , and if he wants me to respect him then he needs to let me do things on my own the last thing i need is some stalker getting himself killed fallowing my personal travles " Sais crow firmly

"Ok but please he is going to be travelling with us give him a chance ok?" slara looked at him wide eyed

" i dont give chances , hes been on my nerves from the start , the only reason i havnt mamed him yet is becouse you guys seem to like him" Sais crow in a slightly angry voice

"what did he ever do to you crow?"Slara asked in agered voice.

" slara please i dont want to be mad at YOU now ok? i just dont like vampires , and if he fallows me around withought my knowlage and permision he is going to get himself hurt , i need privacy slara i havnt been alone in houndreds of years , do you know what its like to want to end everything but know you cant? im really tuchy right now so little things like that wiss piss me off " sais crow quikly

"If you want privacy then why do you still travel with us? you could just leave us and you wouldn't have to worry bout us any more but you don't. so obviously there is something keeping you here huh?" Slara yelled. she stalks away to go sit on rock and think. too stubborn to realize how stupid she is being.

" couse i care slara i love you guys and i dont want you to get hurt , ill be here till the end , but if its in your wishes for me to leve then ill do so " Crow turns and readys his dragonized wings

"We don't want you to leave ok we just want you to give haru a chance not all vampires are created equall." slara callled to him

" Slara i need t otell you something even Klix does not know , it wont sound like much but its killing me " sais Crow in a ensteady tone

" Starial was a vampire , And i wached him slay my father and his vampiric warriors slay every last one of my loved ones , and then it hit me with a singl bite Starial injected his own blood into mine forever cursing me with the berdon of evil , the rage placed within me was so grate from waching my loved ones die that i took him out wiith an explosion of anger , for the longest time my goal in life was to destroy every demonic being , till one day it rained , and i saw my reflection i a puddle and i realize what i have become becouse of vampires my father died and becouse of them ive been cursed with an evil stench upon me that cannot be riddin of an any way " sais crow in deep sarrow

"i am sorry for your loss crow"Slara attempts to comfort him

" Dont worry about it i still have you guys , thats all i really need " Sais crow a bit more gently

"exactly"slara replied simply she gave crow a kiss on the cheek.

Finally relaxed Crow releives himself from his dragon stature " ah , ow! my wings gotten worse.... "

"Worse whats wrong with them?" slara replied

" earlyer while it was just me and haru i went for a fly , i got grazed by an arrow but the wound has been getting worse and deeper every day " says grow

"ouch"Slara winced "that must hurt alot."

" yea h, theres a high probability i will lose my wings from the wound , theres only one way to save them , but id rather lose my wings " Sais Crow in a deep voice

" you know what " crow steadys himself and looks towards the ground " AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!'' with a peircing screem Crow rids himself of his wings " now wach " Crow contenues to wach the ground and dragon wings sprout from his back " these will do , although ive grown more unholy "

contenue rping at LA RP 7

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2005-02-19 [InuzukaKiba]: what do you mean?

2005-02-19 [a little piece of sunshine]: lol

2005-02-19 [Insaniac Yoshie]: my mind! i had what i wanted to put but then... it was GONE!!!

2005-02-19 [InuzukaKiba]: ooohhhh........ ok, now i get it

2005-02-19 [a little piece of sunshine]: hmmmmmmmmmmmm maybe would be now would be a good time to come to the rescue lol jk

2005-02-19 [Insaniac Yoshie]: lol riiiggghhhttttt

2005-02-19 [InuzukaKiba]: how dare you step on my foot! that hurts on the inside

2005-02-19 [Insaniac Yoshie]: lmao

2005-02-19 [InuzukaKiba]: my fellings are hurt now, i should just leave you in the clear! now i'm emotionally scarred

2005-02-19 [a little piece of sunshine]: i am so sorry about the accident with ur foot truely i am lol

2005-02-19 [InuzukaKiba]: i'll heal *sniff* in time *pout*

2005-02-19 [Insaniac Yoshie]: roflmfao!!

2005-02-19 [a little piece of sunshine]: *big hugs to Vampirelord* that help?

2005-02-19 [InuzukaKiba]: a little *sniff* but i'm fine, my girlfriend will make me feel all better

2005-02-19 [InuzukaKiba]: sorry i've gotta get off the internet, don't get too far without me!

2005-02-19 [a little piece of sunshine]: exactly

2005-02-19 [a little piece of sunshine]: ok we shall try

2005-02-19 [Phil Crooked]: fucking shit kids

2005-02-19 [a little piece of sunshine]: what?

2005-02-20 [Phil Crooked]: nvm

2005-02-20 [a little piece of sunshine]: ..........okie dokie

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