Page name: LA RP 8 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-02-23 01:59:49
Last author: Insaniac Yoshie
Owner: Phil Crooked
# of watchers: 2
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back to LA RP 7 or the main page legand of ashar

As day breaks, Alara comes over to the campsite after seeing the smoke and conversing with her animal friends. She has finally found her younger sister, Slara.

" hey guys whos this " sais crow still in a happy mood

"Alara omgosh its you i missed you!" slara ran and gave her big sis a big hug.

"I missed you too, kiddo! It's been a long trip. Course ya know, I would've found you a lot sooner if you hadn't been hiding out the way you were. It took me three tries with the animals to find you." Alara remarked, letting go of the hug.

"Oh i am so glad to see you though bored with your travels are you? maybe later you can meet our companions haru and klix they are pretty interesting people, o and this is my fiance crow."Slara smiled

"Um, your what? Slara, can I talk to you for a minute? Look, I know you're not happy with the whole arranged marriage thing, but don't you think this is gonna make our parents kinda mad? Besides that, you're supposed to meet the guy at Mara's wedding." Alara scolded.

"i know but are you really going to keep me from my hapiness dear sister? i know mom and dad are going to never be happy with anything i ever do so why would it matter. and i will just reason with the guy at the wedding." Slara challenged.

"and Slara," Haru says walking up to her and looking her straight in the eye, "you have crow, klix, and myself, if you ever needed help."

"Haru what is it with you and helping people all the time?! i am fine ok, i am engaged to a wonderfull man named crow and i have friends and found my sister what more could i want?" slara said .

"well," Haru says with a weird look in his face, "i just wanted you to know that if anyone was causein' you trouble, we'll be there, i'm only good for fighting anyway."

"And you are?" Alara asked icily as she stared with relative annoyance and interest.

"what are you talking about?" Haru looks at her like she's crazy.

"Well, my sister seems to think that she can take care of herself and I tend to have to agree. Back off a bit, will you? Now where are we going?" Alara answered with a frustration.

"i'm sorry," Haru said looking at the ground, "i forgot i was trying not to interrupt."

"And that works so well huh haru?" slara began with frustration, but then smiled at her sister "Your coming with us Alara how wonderfull!"

"Yeah, yeah. Wonderful. Let me tell you, I'm not looking forward to going to this wedding. It's going to be a disaster and we both know it." Alara replied. "I am looking forward to spending some more time with you though." She smiled at her sister.

" Alara my name is Crow " Crow sais while putting his hand out " i do not expect you to be satisfyd with are engagment or me for that matter but please keep in mind i love slara very much and would do anything for her at all , even if it ment eating haru , just kidding haru i wouldnt EAT you " crow sais in a kind voice

"Why should I not be satisfied that someone loves my sister and she loves him back? I think you two will be very happy together, but I'm just worried how our parents are gonna take this." Alara responded with a gentle smile and shook his hand.

" Glad to here that , but not glad to here your parents are ganna freak " crow sais quietly

"Yeah well, we'll just have to see if Slara's idiotic betrothed will listen to reason. If it's who I think it is, I'll just have to kill him." Alara said with tired voice.

" ah now but wouldnt that be rude " Crow chuckles

"Um, not really." Alara grinned.

Crow looks to the north " well Alara you missed the dragon , but youll see him later on , we have far to travle "

"wait," Haru says looking at crow, "if you guys are going north i have to go west, the map you gave me says so."

" sorry kid but the map is only part of what you need , the dragon holds more information that we need to find the way to open the nexus , if you wish to be ridden of your evil you must travle with us " sais Crow in a dissapointed tone

"alright," Haru says with a happier tone, "i guess i can travel with you some more but as soon as i get the info i have to follow the map, i couldn't stay any longer."

" I would force you " Crow sais firmly

"thanks, " Haru says questionaly, "i think"

" i ment wouldnt , dont get exited kid " Crow sais

"well it's nice to know," Haru says looking at Crow.

"Sounds good to me. Let's go!" Alara cheered.

"Awesome. Ok, so which way?" Slara asked.

"I'm sorry Alara," Haru says bowing his head, "i'm Haru, it's nice to meet you."

"Pleasure. I think." Alara replied.

"Ok then, let's get moving shall we?" Slara said.

" Right then , kid you wanna get a little bit on my good side , carry Klix , shes not yet awake " Crow sais confirming the request to leve

" you got it boss," Haru says picking up klix, "i'll die to get your trust."

"Desperate much?" Slara asked with a smile.

"Okay then, does Klix sleep a lot? I haven't even said hello to her really." Alara asked.

"she's been out for a while" Haru says looking at Crow, Alara, and Slara

"Why do you always look at us when you talk? It's like staring, it's kinda creepy!" Slara asked sarcastically.

"fine would you rather me stare at the ground like i did afer Crow spoke his mind about me," Haru says in a harsh tone, trying to make it a gentle tone.

"Obviosly you still don't know Slara very well or else you would have realized she was just kidding, Haru. Now come on, I'll walk with you and we can talk." Alara replied.

"Me or Slara, i'm either gonna use up more energy and go faster, or follow, klix is slowing me down a little." Haru says, thinking about it.

"Huh? That makes no sense at all Haru." Alara said in a confused manner.

"well," Haru says, "Alara, did you wanna talk to both of us while we walk? or just Slara?

"Well, I was referring to you." Alara replied

"oh, ok" Haru says looking at Alara, "well, are we ready to get goin'?"

"Um, aren't we already going?" Alara blushed.

Slara walked over to talk to Crow privately.

"well," Haru says looking at Alara with his deep red eyes, "i guess i was too busy looking at you."

"Gee thanks i guess.......u seem nice."Alara said

"but," Haru says indirectly, "i get annoying."

"Trust me i can deal with should hsve tried growing up with mara and slara and our brother but i think he died i am not sure." Alara said

"Well," Haru says, "i'm sorry."

"Thanks." Alara replied.

"anytime, for you" Haru says looking forward.

As Slara came up behind Alara, her eyes grew large with what Haru said.
"Sis, what the hell are you doing?!"

"Um, flirting I think." Alara replied modestly. "He's kinda cool, dontcha think?"

"Um, Haru, can I talk to you for a second?" Slara asked as they walked down the trail.

"of course," Haru says as he follows Slara.

Suddenly, Klix awaken, struggleing. Clawing fiercly at Haru's shoulder, leaping off straight into Alara's chest knocking her over. Jumping up hissing and growling, Klix lands in a defensive crouch, ready to fight. "Who the hell are you people?"

"Klix?" Haru says trying to settle her down, "it's ok, we're here to help you, you have been traveling with us for a while."

"That still doesnt tell me who hell you are." Klix hisses through clenched teeth. Reaching into her robes, she palms a small throwing dagger, all her muscles visably tightening.

"I'm sorry, how rude of me," Haru says bowing, "I am Haru Des, a vampire that makes weapons out of energy."

Klix does not desert her defensive position. "I do not believe you. I can see too many lies behind your eyes." Klix casts quick calulating glances at the rest of the group, her eyes lingering slightly longer on Crow than the others. A spark of recognition ignites in her eyes but quickly dies.

"can i just ask you one thing?" asks Haru.

Klix stars at Haru with anger, hatred, and malice, but nods her head in consent.

"who are you?" Haru asks looking straight into her eyes.

Klix stars back as if she were trying to burn Haru's soul. "Who I am is not of importance at this moment. What i want to know is who you are and why am I here."

"that doesn't answer my question," Haru says starting to use a strong voice, "who are you, tell me, unless you forgot."

"My name does not matter!" growls Klix. "What does is your life!" With that Klix leaps up and lunges for Haru, claws of one hand and dagger in the other.

Haru dissapears into a shadow, and reappears behind her, "tell me who you are, cause i have a sneaking suspition that you don't know who you are."

Klix turns and slashes at Haru's stomach. "Your a vampire. They have sneaking suspisions about every thing."

"not if i trust you, and i don't trust this part of you," Haru lunges forth and grabs the dagger by the blade. "you can't beat me in physical combat, i have a healing factor," Haru puts up his hand and shows her how it's healing. "tell me who you think you are!"

"If not by might then by mind." Klix half whispers, half hisses. Just then Haru feels a crush, cold weight in his consious mind, closeing out all of his thoghts.

fire starts shooting out of the ground, "run i don't want you to get hurt!"

Crow looks at haru angerly "
her nam eis Klix you retard!! Klix cawlm yourself , its us Im Crow that is Slara now my to be bride , the dumbass is haru and you are Klix "

Haru yells "run! she's attacking me and she doesn't remember us!"

" whats rong kid youll fallow me but you wont protect yourself theres no need to run but dont hurt her , or i hurt you " Crow sais harshly

"i'm not hurting her!" Haru yells in pain, "she's hurting me!"

Klix turns and reaches her hand out to Crow. "Ashariati... Help me." says Klix, hoping to distract him from the boulder she has levetated and sent hrtling at him from behind.

Crow feels the bolder coming to him and tirns and breaks it " Damnit !! " Crow hold up KLix and thros her into a neer by tree " Dont make me hurt you ! "

then Haru jumps infront of the boulder and makes a wall of flame, "don't listen to her!" just then the fire wall broke and the boulder runs into Haru, "run NOW!"

"Damn you!" screams Klix, wipeing blood off her forehead where she had hit the tree. Pulling a fistful of daggers from her robes, she flings them at Crow and Haru. Catching Crow and his arm and through the center of one of his wings and Haru on the side of his neck.

Crow just stars at Klix ignoring his wounds " Klix please....... " Crow grabs Klixes forhead and puts images of her whith the thers in deep past memories hoping itll help " This better work "

"OW! Crow, run," Haru says looking at Klix while holding his neck, "i can hold her off until she faints from energy loss. you're the important part of why we're all together, so you need to live."

"Energy loss? Ha! I am demon, and we draw our energy from everything! Including you." says Klix haughtily.

" Klix i know your in there , i wont leve untill your back " Crow sais strongly

"Klix?" Klix laughs mockingly at Crow. "Friend of yours?"

" yes you are and where friends of you " Crow sais worrydly

"Ha. If only there was such a thing as friend..." Klix say picking up a dagger from the ground and pointing it Crow. "You know what?" she says in a unnaturally calm voice.

" i know there are things as friends KLix , weve been through alot , friends are ones who would do anyhting for each other and are always there for each other " Crow sais ingoring the dagger

Klix turns the dagger and stabs it into her stomach. Letting it go, she leaves it in place. "It doesn't hurt any more Crow, it doesn't hurt..."

Crow takes away the dagger " dont do that Klix , Please tell me whats happening " Crow sais in a almost trembaling voice

"That's not the first time thats happened to me Crow." Klix says in a quiet, dead voice. "I can always seem to remember it afterwards though... I wish i couldn't. The lat time it did... Oh god the last time..." Klix breaks down. Not in tears or sobs or any emotions at all, just sitting there slumped over, dead-like, as if her soul had been sucked out. "She was just a little girl, Crow. A little girl who had gotten lost."

Crow looks down at klix and squints " Klix , who? "

Klix seems not to notic Crow anymore. "The things I did to her, for that alone I deserve to die. I would kill anyone I saw doing the same to a child. But 'No,' I thought, 'I didn't do those things. I'd never do those things...' But now I realize I did." Klix said. "How could I have fucking done that?" she screamed.

" go on.." Crow sais knowing she probably didnt hear

"I was... me when I had found her. She had been lost for several days. It was still another good days walk to the next town... We had stopped for the night and I... changed. Not willingly of course, I'd get rid of it forever if i could, but its part of me... The girl was just laying there, asleep, and I... I... I can't fucking do this!" Klix reaches out and snatches the dagger Crow had taken from her and sliced one of her wrists before he could stop her.

Crow stares deep into the cut " RRR " he closes his eyes places his hand u on it and heals the wound even to the vain " dont Klix! , here if you dont want to say it in public then tell me in private or dont say it all but dont ever do that again!"

Klix sits there, body limp and looking at nothing.

" As haru would say were all here for you klix you can tell us anything " Crow sais trying to confert her

"there's one part you forgot about what i would say......" Haru says walking away to lay down, "it that, we all love you and you can tell us or you can't but we're here to listen to your problems, no matter what." then Haru looks away and lays down.

"Haru?!" exclaimes Klix, pulled out of her reverie and crawling over to where he lay.

"i'm ok," Haru says weakly, "i'm just out of energy." as soon as Haru finishes his sentance he faints.

"Haru! Quick, come to me my animals! Bring to me your healing powers, your calming moods, and your beautiful songs. Slara! Do not come any closer. The demon must be removed from her before it takes complete control of her life." Alara yelled.

"Heck no! I want to help! You're not the boss of me all the time sis!" Slara yelled back as she runs to pull Klix to reality while animals begin to swarm the area.

"I don't who you are, or why you're here, but I don't think you know what your dealing with! I can't get rid of it or I'll die. It is as much me as I am it." cries Klix.

this is getting to long... la rp 9

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2005-02-22 [Phil Crooked]: its messed to call him retarded , even though he makes me madish , no affence

2005-02-22 [Insaniac Yoshie]: k byes vamp

2005-02-22 [Insaniac Yoshie]: HINT: youl carefuly notice im NOT killing youne more....

2005-02-22 [Insaniac Yoshie]: i want every one to realize now that anything i do here does not mean i do/have/will done these things in real life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-02-22 [Phil Crooked]: lol i didnt think

2005-02-22 [Phil Crooked]: lmao did you rape that lil girl ?

2005-02-22 [Insaniac Yoshie]: well ya but not klix, her "other" personality did it

2005-02-22 [Phil Crooked]: EEEEWWWWWWW ah man , was it good?

2005-02-22 [Insaniac Yoshie]: OMG you nasty pervert!

2005-02-22 [Phil Crooked]: ok im very sorry for that comment

2005-02-22 [Insaniac Yoshie]: lmao my character is killing herself over this and your asking if it was ne good?

2005-02-22 [Phil Crooked]: im sry i deserve a punch for what i said seriusly

2005-02-22 [Insaniac Yoshie]: well im out for now BTW newbie to the RP dont mind my character shes got some... uh... um... isues to wrk out with herself TTYL PPL and happy RPing!

2005-02-22 [InuzukaKiba]: cya

2005-02-22 [Insaniac Yoshie]: how can you faint if youv already passed out?

2005-02-22 [InuzukaKiba]: i'm all confoosed i didn't think i typed that

2005-02-22 [animalluver87]: you guys are so weird! btw, alycia will be talking and editing for me since I'm not supposed to be here right now. Will get back on asap! hi and bye!

2005-02-23 [a little piece of sunshine]: she is just not used to the rp thing yet but ummmmmm pheonix wut with the whole girl thing that was kinda whao a wee bit

2005-02-23 [Insaniac Yoshie]: sry if my char sorta freaks you guys, but shes got a schitzo multiple personality thing going

2005-02-23 [animalluver87]: i'm learning-leave me alone fishy! jk lol

2005-02-23 [Insaniac Yoshie]: lol well this is the best place to learn XD im pretty advanced for most of the members here tho i am not the best by far so ill be happy yo help you with ne RPing stuff you need (and btw my char creeps me a lil now that i think bout it and im the one wh created her!)

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