This is a page where you can try to learn swedish, but I´m not sure I´m such a good teacher.
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Hej! I´m going to send you some verbs.
I am Jag är
you are Du är
he is Han är
she is Hon är
it is den/det är
we are vi är
you are ni är
they are dom är
(if you going to write total properly it´s not "dom" but "dem" or "de", the problem is to know when you should use wich word. "dom" could be used anytime and many do that, and it are used when we talk)
We can use the word eat here...
To eat = att äta, I´m eating = jag äter, I have ate = jag har ätit, I ate = jag åt, I will eat = jag ska äta.
I´m not sure of the english grammer, but the swedish ´s alright :) The problem might be in "jag åt", normally it´s just to remove the last vocal from the present word.(you´ll have to remove the last vokal in the word before use the ending):eat=äta, eating=(ät)er, ate=(ät)it, (åt was the problem) will eat =the same as the first:äta. Hope you understands what I mean...sounds a bit dizzy.
This is really hard, it´s not like we have the same way to use all verbs, and there are rules how to do but I don´t know them, I just know how to use our language...And many things there are no rules at all, we just have to learn them all. I´ve often heard that swedish is one of the hardest language to learn but it´s not until now I can understand why: I can´t even explain things I´ve known since I was four years old!
If you still want me to teach you, I´ll try. If you send me wich words or verbs you´ll like to learn I send you them in swedish...? "See" you later after my vacation!
Here are something for you to do: translate this poem into english. You do not have to use the exakt words.
Try to make it rime. You have the wordlist under the poem. Anything you wonder, just ask!
* = The best translation I could find for the word or frase.
Visste du vad som skulle hända
När du skadade mig?
Att allt skulle välta över ända
När jag äntligen såg dig,
Som den du var.
Jag vet inte varför du gör så
Eller om det går att hjälpa dig.
Jag visste åtminstone inte då,
Men nu har det gått upp för mig.
Att du är som du är.
Visste (veta) Knew (know)
Du You
Vad What
Som as (not used very often in eng.
Skulle (ska) should(shall, will)
Hända happend
När when
Skadade (skada) hurt
Mig me
Att that, to
Allt everything
Välta över ända *turn apart
Jag I
Äntligen finally
Såg (se) saw (see)
Dig you
Den it
Var (är) was (are)
Vet (veta) know (know)
Inte not
Varför why
Gör (göra) do (do)
Så *like that
Eller or
Om if
Det it
Går * is possible
Hjälpa help
Åtminstone at least
Då then
Men but
Nu now
Har has
Gått upp för/insett realized
Är is