Page name: Members of legand of ashar [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-02-23 17:57:21
Last author: Phil Crooked
Owner: Phil Crooked
# of watchers: 3
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This is where you place your Character info , this is needed if you are to join. If you want to join simply add your list under the last list added. back to legand of ashar
Have this list up under the last members also keep in mind you can add anything you would like to the list of YOUR character.

User name:
Character name:
Brief Character bio:
Picture (optional):

User name:[Phil Crooked]
Character name: Ashariati / Crow
Rank:Leader and creator , slara's boy friend
Race: Angle/Demon
Powers:Telicanicous , Morphing
Weapons:Mind , Martial Arts , Teeth
Bief Character bio:Ashariati is a Angle that was in a great battle with a great sorcerer and after a long bloody quest was sent to netherelm in saving 5 worlds he gave up his wings and his place as a god. His quest led him to a buetiful girl named Slara , this girl was pure enuogh that the love he held for her was able to regain his wings and his less demonic figure.
Alliance: Neutral
Personallity: Cawlm inless prevoked
Picture: <img:>

user name [a little piece of sunshine]
name:Slara Misteria
rank: Ashariati's girl friend ,
race: angel
powers: flying and controlling water elements
weapons: sword and archery
brief bio:partner to Ashariati and is very flirtatious doesn't get drunk easily , along with Ashariati she was born to be a god , just as powerfull as him but more witty , true withought each other they would both be prisoners of Starials sorcery , Slara was givin great amounts of streanght and wisdom while young , she fallowd Ashariati to the netherrealm to aid him in his travles , though she did not suffer the affects he did. though she may not be the best fighter she manages to stay alive. her herbal remedies she carries along with her in a pouch with everywhere.
alliance: nuetral
personallity: witty curious flirtaious funny sarcastic sexy kind calm (most of the time ) laid back tomboyish
picture : can't find away to put one on so no

User name: [Insaniac Yoshie]
Character name: Klix Preia
Rank: unknown
Powers: telepathy, kineses, flight, and magik
Weapons: claws, small throwing daggers, bow and arrows
Brief Character bio: A loner since birth, Klix has had to teach herself her skills the hard way. Shunned by her human family Klix's only option is to find out if she has any family on her human side. Searching for them has lead her through ages and worlds, leaving her with little hope that there are any out there with the answers she seeks. But haveing sworn an oath it find them, she with stop at nothing, risking all and everything shes ever known to find them.
Alliance: undecided
Personality: quiet, keeps to self, sharp witted, risk taker, usualy thinks for self first, untrusting at first, does not anger easily
Picture: this is Klix. <img:>

User name: [Dark Adherent]
Character name: Isaac Hayes
Rank: N/A
Race: Vampire
Powers: Supre accelerated speed, strength, agility, and stamina.
Weapons: Fists, dual Katars, occasionally small arms.
Brief Character bio: Isaac was once a fabled vampire hunter. One night he was 'seduced' and transformed intot hat which he hated most. Some time later, he met an extremely powerful Vampire much like himself. He taught him various fighting techiques and helped him in his battles. Recently, Isaac was thrown through a dimensional rift, and he is now here, in Ashar's world.
Alliance: Neutral.
Personality:When he's in his old, human state of mind, he's laid back and funny, as well as witty. Though when he's angry, his Vampire instincts are given a little more margin, and his face is nigh impossible to see. He fights like a bar room brawler in the first, and he moves with the speed and skill of the greatest hand to hand fighters in the latter.

User name:[InuzukaKiba]
Character name: Haru Des
Rank: unknown
Race: Vampire
Powers: makes and controls fire element
Weapons: long halberd
Brief Character Bio: lived in Japan, under his fathers rule. Then inhereted his fathers name, one night when his father was assasinated. After his first year of ruling, he was attacked, and bitten by a vampire. That changed him forever. he lived up to his name and killed many vampire hunters. Now he has to hid the fact that he's a vampire and acts as a body guard. On his travels he is trying to changed back to a human.
Alliance: who ever can help him return to normal
Personality: evil at night, but has learned to hold back. aggresive at fighting. charming, and has a thing for demons. he fights like an assasin. stelthy, and silent.

character name: alara
powers:fly and controll the animals along with communication with animals
Weapons: Sword and bowa and arrow (also the critters)
Brief character bio:Slara's elder sister (the one who is not getting married) who happens to meet up with them and travels to aid them along the way to defeat an enemey.
Personallity: fun protective very devoted intelligent wise sweet pure of heart traditional
Picture: no

Username (or number or email):


2005-02-14 [Insaniac Yoshie]: its showing on my comp i dunno why its not on yours

2005-02-16 [Dark Adherent]: Actually, you're linking from the place Yahoo uploaded it to send to you. I meant you need to upload it to Elftown, and link from there.

2005-02-16 [Insaniac Yoshie]: ohh ok...

2005-02-16 [Phil Crooked]: yoy! i finished a full body drawing for my char :p the other one i was ganna put up was only head and a lil chest , its a quiky so its not that good but itll do for a while

2005-02-17 [Insaniac Yoshie]: ill get my pic fixed as soon as i have time

2005-02-19 [Insaniac Yoshie]: did you mean to put it under soulz thing?

2005-02-19 [a little piece of sunshine]: what?

2005-02-19 [Insaniac Yoshie]: the pic. its under soulz rp character. did you mean to do that

2005-02-19 [a little piece of sunshine]: no idea what you are talking bout

2005-02-19 [Insaniac Yoshie]: nvm

2005-02-19 [Insaniac Yoshie]: blond moment

2005-02-19 [a little piece of sunshine]: sok i get 'em all the time

2005-03-18 [a little piece of sunshine]: so wish i had a scanner so i could draw a pic and post it

2005-05-05 [GhostBlade]: can I join???

2005-05-05 [a little piece of sunshine]: sure i guess check with written in blood though cuz i don't know

2005-05-12 [Insaniac Yoshie]: should be ok.

2005-07-30 [Phil Crooked]: ima have the real look of my char up soon

2005-07-31 [animalluver87]: alycia was wondering if you could draw her one

2005-07-31 [a little piece of sunshine]: yuppers but if u don't have time i understand

2005-07-31 [Phil Crooked]: oh yeah wasnt i saposed to do that like ages ago? haha i have plenty of time dont worry

2005-08-02 [a little piece of sunshine]: lol i won't

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