# of watchers: 27
| D20: 19 |
Wiki-page rating | ![]() |
Informative: | 0 |
Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
Number of voters: 17
* a) Sakura and Hinata
Number of votes: 2 (12%) Voters: [DrunkOnShadowz], [The Last Dragoon]
* b) Sakura and Ino
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
* c) Sakura and Temari
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
* d) Sakura and Ten Ten
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
* e) Tsunade and Shizune
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
* f) Kuranai and Hinata
Number of votes: 1 (6%) Voters: [twitchboy]
* g) Rukia and Orihime
Number of votes: 1 (6%) Voters: [Eyden13]
* h) Orihime and Rangiku
Number of votes: 1 (6%) Voters: [Xerin Zamaki]
* i) Orihime and Tatsuki
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
* j) Soi Fon and Yuroichi
Number of votes: 7 (41%) Voters: [Alexi Ice], [XxTsomexX], [*dragonstar*], [~noctis lingua~], [~Crimson Angel~], [Rice], [J.R. MacKenzie]
* k) C2 and Kallen
Number of votes: 2 (12%) Voters: [~Spirit Fox~], [Kbird]
* l) Milly and Shirley
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
* m) Nina and Euphemia
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
* n) Kagome and Sango
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
* o) Kagome and Kikyo
Number of votes: 1 (6%) Voters: [Darth Jacein]
* p) Konata and Kagami
Number of votes: 2 (12%) Voters: [Sideways], [King of Thorns]
2009-03-11 [Alexi Ice]: > She is hot...LOL
2009-03-11 [Goma]: meh
2009-03-11 [Sideways]: I second that *drools*
2009-03-12 [Goma]: meh I don't like Yoruichi
2009-03-12 [Alexi Ice]: HOw can you not?
2009-03-12 [twitchboy]: *inappropriate comment* should i say it?
2009-03-12 [Xerin Zamaki]: SAY IT!!!!
2009-03-12 [Lord_Guac]: I don't like Yoruichi either. I like Mayuri, and Buckethead
and I realize Mayuri is creepy, that's part of the reason I like him
2009-03-12 [*dragonstar*]: I don't really like her all that much. I liked her more as a cat and when you thought she was a he.
2009-03-12 [Sideways]: She is soooooo mega hot. It might have something to do with her willingness to get naked whenever wherever. Or the feline attitude. But she's so hot. I mean her boobs are 3 times bigger than that pic shows them and it doesn't matter. Hot. end of discussion.
2009-03-12 [Alexi Ice]: Darran - You're tipping into perverted territory.
2009-03-12 [J.R. MacKenzie]: What anime is this poll on?
2009-03-12 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i loove that pic give me
2009-03-12 [Alexi Ice]: Bleach ^^
2009-03-12 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i know...the funny thing is that i can purr irl...just ask mattachu :P
2009-03-12 [J.R. MacKenzie]: Oh, I haven't watched it yet, though the girl with the "Make me purr" shirt is damn good lookin'.
2009-03-12 [Ghost the Hybrid]: she's my favorit in the anime till the episode i've watched
2009-03-12 [Goma]: I'm more of a perv than Sideways (I can promise you that) and I still don't like Yoruichi >.>
2009-03-12 [Xerin Zamaki]: kenpachi is winning woot ^^
2009-03-12 [Xerin Zamaki]: we should do a favorite anime couples ^^
2009-03-12 [~Crimson Angel~]: I'm doing that poll next.
2009-03-13 [Xerin Zamaki]: lmao swweeeeet
2009-03-13 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yeppers
2009-03-13 [twitchboy]: i dont know which 'kitty' i want to pet more
2009-03-13 [~Crimson Angel~]: ...?
2009-03-14 [twitchboy]: *above picture*
2009-03-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: Oh, I see.
2009-03-20 [*dragonstar*]: Why must you make me choose?! *head desk*
2009-03-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sorry.
2009-03-20 [*dragonstar*]: *whines* I don't know who to pick. I like both of them too much to choose between them.
2009-03-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: I like L more.
2009-03-20 [*dragonstar*]: I like them both, but if you had BB I would so pick him in a heartbeat.
2009-03-20 [Alexi Ice]: Poor Light is highly underrated eh?
2009-03-20 [Sideways]: Light is awesome. L is slightly awesome-....er
2009-03-20 [Alexi Ice]: ^^ It's cool. I don't like death note at all so...whatever. Hahaha!
2009-03-21 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol
2009-03-22 [Alexi Ice]: HAhaha!
2009-03-22 [*dragonstar*]: *head desk* Why must you confuse me?! I miss one day of Saturday night anime and I'm lost in Code Geass. *whines*
2009-03-22 [hammersmashface]: i just bought two compleat seasons (44 eps) on 8 disk for 25 bux at best buy :D called (ah! my goddess) any one heard of it?
2009-03-22 [*dragonstar*]: I've heard of it, but never seen it.
2009-03-22 [Alexi Ice]: I LOVE Ah! My Goddess and I have only seen like three episodes! It is HILARIOUS!
2009-03-22 [hammersmashface]: yes i just watched the first two disks and it is a romantic comady...its funny :P
2009-03-22 [twitchboy]: go buy ergo proxy, its like watching lost that had sex with the matrix while on crack after shooting up with heroine and eating a pizza topped with hallucinogenic shrooms
2009-03-22 [hammersmashface]: *blinks* that dosnt sound romantic
2009-03-23 [twitchboy]: no but its awesome
2009-03-23 [Alexi Ice]: It does sound fun though!
2009-03-23 [Lasagna Hater]: I agree with [Alexi Ice]. ^_^
2009-03-24 [Alexi Ice]: It's just Mitsuki, if you prefer. It's easier to remember.
2009-03-24 [Lasagna Hater]: Okay. ^_^ Yeah, it definitely is easier to remember, since I'm horrible with names. =\
2009-03-24 [Alexi Ice]: Hehehe ^^ You can call me Akane if you wish, since it's shorter but I am not used to the name yet and will probably not answer to it.
2009-03-25 [~Crimson Angel~]: Which poll should I do next? (first to answer gets what they want)
2009-03-25 [Alexi Ice]: Favorite Manga.
2009-03-25 [~Crimson Angel~]: Oh, uh... I would need a list for that too.
2009-03-25 [Alexi Ice]: Thats fine. I could list manga all day long.
2009-03-25 [~Crimson Angel~]: Coolness.
2009-03-25 [hammersmashface]: just boght entire season of basilisk :D
2009-03-25 [Alexi Ice]: Oh I have heard of that one, is it good?
2009-03-25 [hammersmashface]: i absolutly loved it...enuff to lay down 160$ for 4 disk even tho i already watched it twice :D
2009-03-25 [hammersmashface]: i love long stories with sad endings...so if yall know any let me know
2009-03-25 [J.R. MacKenzie]: I like Rosario Vampire more, but Chibi Vampire is hilarious.
2009-03-25 [Ghost the Hybrid]: how about death note, confidential confessios,ang
2009-03-25 [J.R. MacKenzie]: I haven't read any of those yet, there is a severely limited supply of manga at the PX and there are no book stores in the area that carry manga.
2009-03-25 [hammersmashface]: :O PX i havent been inside one of thos in a long time...wher are you at??...i thin death note sucks...(sorry) i hate all thos anime on adult swim...
2009-03-25 [Alexi Ice]: Could you Add Fruits basket and Tramps like us?
The problem with Manga is that I didn't want to add any Shojo beat or Shownen jump manga, so most of what I have up there is Tokyo pop/ independent publishers.
2009-03-25 [Alexi Ice]: Zak, Vampire Game is a long manga story with a sad ending. A very good story, at that,
2009-03-25 [hammersmashface]: and they have it on DvD right? this vampire gane?
2009-03-25 [Alexi Ice]: Nope. It is a manga ^^
2009-03-25 [hammersmashface]: :( oh you know any good ones on dvd?
2009-03-25 [Rat Hacker]: OMG someone knows of Remote! Heh that's a cool manga. It's the only one I actually read out of the ones listed.
2009-03-25 [J.R. MacKenzie]: I'm in Germany, I'll be here for the next two years, unless I take leave time back to the states. I've never heard of Vampire Game, sounds interesting though. I love a good vampire story. Those Who Hunt Elves is a funny series and Louie the Rune Soldier.
2009-03-25 [hammersmashface]: dont tell me your in hohenfelds...o
2009-03-25 [J.R. MacKenzie]: Grafenwohr
2009-03-25 [Rat Hacker]: [J.R. MacKenzie] I suggest you read Hellsing. It's a cool vampire story. At least I think so.
2009-03-25 [J.R. MacKenzie]: I've watched the original anime, I haven't read the manga yet.
2009-03-25 [Rat Hacker]: Hellsing Ultimate the OVA is good. The manga is cool to.
2009-03-25 [Ghost the Hybrid]: confidential confession is the best manga i've read this far
2009-03-25 [Alexi Ice]: 13 Hour - I dont usually watch DVD's
Rat- I LOVE REmote! It is amazing, I only own a few of them but they are really cool. And yeah, Hellsing is amazing it is a DVD too though I have never seen it.
2009-03-25 [Ghost the Hybrid]: is there anyone on here that have read confidential confessions? if not then i comand you all to read it it's so good and horible
2009-03-25 [Alexi Ice]: Never heard of it
2009-03-25 [XxTsomexX]: ive heard of them, just never seen them.
2009-03-25 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i just say read them if you get the opertunety. i got all the 6manga books and the 2 confidential confessions deai manga books. a friend forced me to read the first book and i got hoocked after just reading a cuple of pages and decided to get my own copies of the manga.
wikipedia bout the manga:
2009-03-26 [J.R. MacKenzie]: I haven't even heard of confidential confessions.
2009-03-26 [Ghost the Hybrid]: then i order you to read it
2009-03-26 [J.R. MacKenzie]: I'll order it through Barnes and Noble and let you know what I think of it.
2009-03-26 [Alexi Ice]: My fav manga is fruits basket, honestly.
2009-03-26 [J.R. MacKenzie]: I haven't gotten around to that one either, though I here its hilarious.
2009-03-26 [Alexi Ice]: IT is adorable, actually ^^
2009-03-26 [Ghost the Hybrid]: cool. fruits basket if pretty fun but air gear and gakuen alice is better. gakuen alice is so funny and airgear is just cool. if you wanna read a really random manga then i recomand gintama, the chapter names in that manga is hilarious. two of the chapters are called *clear my throat* "You can forget spare undies on a voyage, but don't forget UNO" or "When you're in a fix, keep on laughing,laugh
2009-03-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: You know, I wouldn't be able to vote on this, I haven't read manga, I have a few Naruto ones, but not in order.
2009-03-27 [InsanityAngel]: Hetalia is also good. ^-^
2009-03-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: Cool, is it up there, or do you want me to add it.
2009-03-27 [InsanityAngel]: its not but you dont have to add it
2009-03-27 [Alexi Ice]: I could vote for like...all of these...
2009-03-27 [*dragonstar*]: *gasp* Death Note! *changes vote* :3
2009-03-27 [Alexi Ice]: STupid freaking death note! Why would I add that? It's just like Naruto, I was trying to reach outside the adult swim box and see some differnt answers from you guys.
2009-03-27 [*dragonstar*]: I don't know most of the mangas on the list. I voted for DNAngel cause I knew it and liked it a lot, then along came Death Note and Squee!
2009-03-27 [Alexi Ice]: I love Dnangel
2009-03-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: Oops, sorry Mitsuki.
2009-03-27 [Alexi Ice]: Huh? Why?
2009-03-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: I added Death Note.
2009-03-27 [Alexi Ice]: Oh . Lol It's cool I am just getting tired of it. (by it I mean Death Note)
2009-03-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: I know what you mean, and why?
2009-03-27 [Alexi Ice]: Well it's freaking EVERYWHERE. I have seen episodes, yeah its ok I guess, but EVERYONE in the world loves it and...obsesses over it. It drives me insane. Let me calculate for a moment, I have over 2,000 DIFFERNT manga titles, also in the series that I like, I expand the series so about 200 SERIES titles so in a question like this, I kind of wanted a broader spectrum of answers that just the psuedo-grim-re
- Sorry for the Mini-rant and no offence to death note fans.
2009-03-27 [Ghost the Hybrid]: well i say it like this, death note is great but it's so anticlimactic at the end that it didn't really ended in a good way. but i still enjoyed reading it
2009-03-27 [*dragonstar*]: The anime ending is much sweeter than the manga ending.
2009-03-27 [Ghost the Hybrid]: really?
2009-03-28 [*dragonstar*]: Oh yeah. Here's part one of the last episode.
Part two.
Part three
And the final part.
2009-03-28 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i got all the anime on my external harddrive so i can watch the anime later
2009-03-28 [*dragonstar*]: Awesome. I only have the first disc. *pouts* I'm going to have to get the rest of Death Note and Trinity Blood.
2009-03-28 [Ghost the Hybrid]: download it, it's cheaper and faster
2009-03-28 [J.R. MacKenzie]: I'm trying to remember the name of an anime I got from this message area. It had Confidential in it.
2009-03-28 [Ghost the Hybrid]: there's no anime made of the manga called confidential confessions if that's the one you mean. you just have to read it online if you wanna know what it is* finds a link to a web page with it on* here you are:
2009-03-30 [J.R. MacKenzie]: That's the one, thank you.
2009-03-30 [Ghost the Hybrid]: no problems. they only got 3 of the books on the webpage tho
2009-03-31 [J.R. MacKenzie]: That's fine.
2009-03-31 [Ghost the Hybrid]: ok. i hope that you like it
2009-03-31 [J.R. MacKenzie]: I will try to read it over the weekend. That's when I actually have time to enjoy a book.
2009-03-31 [Ghost the Hybrid]: ohh oki. have fun^^
2009-03-31 [hammersmashface]: how come i can only vote ONCE :(
2009-04-01 [Alexi Ice]: *Sigh* Hey guys.
2009-04-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: Hello, what poll should I do next?
2009-04-01 [twitchboy]: movie to anime poll
2009-04-01 [Alexi Ice]: Yeah that would be cool.
2009-04-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: you mean this one...
Which anime do you think they need to make a movie of?
2009-04-01 [Alexi Ice]: Yep.
2009-04-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: I hope you mean live action, because that's what I'm going to put.
2009-04-01 [XxTsomexX]: lalala!! My favorite manga IS going to be a real life movie!! Maximum Ride (yes, the same one thats in novel form as well)
2009-04-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: If I need anymore please let me know.
2009-04-01 [Alexi Ice]: Naruto, Gundam Wing, Yu-gi-oh, Bleach, and full metal alchemist and inuyasha already have movies.
2009-04-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: They have live action, with real people playing the characters?
2009-04-01 [Alexi Ice]: Huh? Oh! Lol. I misunderstood the question.
2009-04-01 [Xerin Zamaki]: I can't choose just one T>T I want them to make a live action of most of those
2009-04-01 [Alexi Ice]: Lol. Yeah it was a hard choice.
2009-04-01 [J.R. MacKenzie]: It is a hard choice. Hellsing, Ghost in the Shell, and Inu Yasha would likely make great movies. Does anyone know when DB is going to be out in theaters?
2009-04-01 [XxTsomexX]: Yeah DX
2009-04-01 [Sideways]: DragonBall Evolution? that blasphemous probably horrible piece of crap (that I am likely going to see anyways...God I am a hypocrite) April 13th, I think
2009-04-01 [Rat Hacker]: I don't know. It doesn't seem that great. Oh well, either way I'm not going to see it. Why? Because I got annoyed in Dragon Ball Z with the forever ongoing Majin Boo fight.
2009-04-02 [Alexi Ice]: I won't go and see it just because you can't try and modernize something as amazing as Dragon Ball Z (yeah Rat that was a little much - the majin buu thing I mean but...the Cell series were cool)
2009-04-02 [hammersmashface]: ok i just bought another complear series called...Ergo Proxy its a mix of the movie AI and dark city....kinda jumps arond but its starting to make sence any one heard of it?
2009-04-02 [Rat Hacker]: I think I have heard of it.
2009-04-02 [J.R. MacKenzie]: I've heard of it, though my selection in anime on this base sucks.
I will likely have to wait for DB to come out on dvd in order to watch it.
2009-04-02 [Sideways]: Dragom Ball Z was downhill from the episode Frieza died, lol. The cell saga definitey had great moments. Certainly DBZ died when Cell did, that's for sure. Don't get me started on DBGT. The whole...baby thing... SSJ4? (shudders).... And the fact they turned Trunks into a fucking ascot wearing nancyboy? SACRILIDGE!
2009-04-02 [Alexi Ice]: Yeah that was really disturbing. LOL. I miss the ASS KICKING Trunks from the cell saga! He was amazing.
2009-04-02 [J.R. MacKenzie]: I watched the first episode of GT, and never saw the other episodes on the air.
2009-04-02 [hammersmashface]: eewwww i hate trunks little BRAT!! piccolo was the best!!!! :D
2009-04-03 [Alexi Ice]: Darren is gonna freak on you. Lol. Trunks is amazing.
2009-04-03 [hammersmashface]: why? i never understood why EVERY one likes him...
2009-04-03 [Alexi Ice]: He is just really cool, I mean he dominated during the cell series and saved ALL the sayins. If that doesn't count for something I don't know what does, now I will admit the DBGT trunks was a pansy ass mother fucker but still
2009-04-03 [Sideways]: I remember getting his ass handed to him way more than everyone else. But trunks is awesome! it would have been cooler if when he came back he kicked everyone's ass just for fun.
2009-04-03 [hammersmashface]: lol ok he did kik ass fighting weise...i just didnt like his character...he was created in one short saga and BAM!!! he becomes the worlds best EVERYTHING...i just felt it was the DB creators way of a "one last chance at making some money" so lets create this uber beeing..."yeha and lets give him a sword" (very usefull in a world wer fighters use "spirital energy attacks") ;/ ...you know who else i liked the little guy who looked like a clown...always hung out with teh 3 eyes guy...
2009-04-03 [Sideways]: Um, the next time you have a thought.......
2009-04-03 [Sideways]: Also, am I the only one who thinks despite being an...ok, show in my opinion (everyone else thinks its awesome) that it is physically frickin- IMPOSSIBLE to make a non-crap movie of Gundamn Wing? Have any of you seen transformers? for god sakes vote for something else, lol, don't disgrace your precious anime by giving anyone any ideas about it being acceptable to make a movie out of that, lol
2009-04-03 [Alexi Ice]: Thus completes the scale tipping of Misty's weekly anime poll. Thanks, Inu, Ketch, Haku, Slayer, *Myself of course*, Eclipse, Kiriko, and Tainted.
2009-04-03 [Alexi Ice]: 13th Hour - Whoa! How old are you, and or is English not your first languge because there were SO many things wrong with that sentance.
Darren - As well as that I watch anime so I don't have to see REAL LIFE people. Note why I never saw the Death note movie and why I will not see the DBZ movie. I watch anime to escape from humans, so making an anime in RL with RL characters is just...wrong. But of all of those, I liked fruits basket the most *As you can tell*...>> I wanted to win at least one.
2009-04-03 [Sideways]: LOL you forgot to mention I helped, damn you, >_> hehehe
2009-04-03 [Alexi Ice]: Oh. Right, thanks, Love. I was kinda thanking them for letting me commandere their accounts to vote on a silly poll that they don't even know about but...thanks? HAHAHA
2009-04-03 [hammersmashface]: basilisk came out with a movie called shinobi...it sucked tho it only used 1/2 the charachters...
2009-04-03 [hammersmashface]: i did let my thought go!...it went down my neck into my shoulders down my arms and ended up coming out my finger tips...and BAM it was let go... ;)
no english is my thrid language but i didnt know it was requierd to debate about a anime forum ?!?
2009-04-03 [hammersmashface]: oh on the next poll lets do favorit directors
2009-04-03 [*dragonstar*]: If you think about how well the Matrix movies were done, then making a live action of Gundam Wing is possible, as long as you have the right people working on it.
2009-04-03 [Sideways]: The Matrix movies were far from perfect. Visually they are the standard...but did the third movie make a damn lick of sense to anyone? However, really, I apoligise for criticizing any choice for this poll. The truth is, no live action movie could capture the nuance, intensity, and flair of even the worst anime. ANime live action movies are destined to shame their true form. It doesn't matter how closely to the story the keep (and they'll never keep close enough) they'll never get it right.
2009-04-03 [*dragonstar*]: I understand that and that's why anime should remain as anime. They wouldn't pull off anime like Gundam Wing and Code Geass, maybe Fruits Basket, but I doubt it would be good. Never really got into that series and I don't understand why people are making a big fuss about it. *shrugs* Oh, well.
2009-04-03 [Sideways]: Lmao, the Fruits Basket? that was a coup by Akane. SHe wanted to win this poll, and...well, I don't like any of the Gundamn series except for G Gundamn, and in truth I really voted for Hellsing. But AKane has me twirled around her finger and all...lol
And besides, when it comes to the Japanese obsession that is Mech Warrior Anime, Candidate for Goddess for the win, lol
2009-04-03 [Alexi Ice]: 13th - It isn't but for a twenty five year old if English WAS your first language I would have been a little disturbed. Sorry about that...^^ I was just curious.
Darren - I agree. Live action movies suck.
Dragonstar - Yeah...that was me >> I wanted to see if I could really control the poll results...most
Darren - Hell no! Candidate for godess...you only like it because the main female had fuzzy ears!!!! The most amazing Mech anime was Zoids! <3 That was amazing. (Mostly because the main character was freaking hot...)
2009-04-03 [Sideways]: ZOIDS?? Sometimes I think you just do that to annoy me! *sigh*Ah, to like a girl who likes spikey haired dorks I'm doomed.I can't spike my hair, and am not willing to take the amount of blows to the head necessary to be intellectually on par with that blonde ass-hat.
If I remeber correctly it was those Velociraptor zoids that whipped ass anyway. SNIPER TAIL FOR ZE WIN!
2009-04-03 [Alexi Ice]: Your finally catching on, I see? Lol. Dillon was pretty smart but...after what happened I don't think I could even look him in the eye anymore. *sigh*
Dude, dinosaurs rule! Especially Velociraptors!
2009-04-03 [J.R. MacKenzie]: What have I missed?
2009-04-03 [*dragonstar*]: A lot. *grins* I love Zoids. I even have the models. I should youtube those episodes and watch them.
2009-04-03 [Alexi Ice]: Me too! I have the Liger model! IT is awesome *Still proud that I built it myself*
2009-04-03 [Alexi Ice]: The next poll should be the non cartoon network anime. !
2009-04-03 [*dragonstar*]: I have the blade liger, the white liger, the Beserk Fury, the Genobreaker, a griffin, the Death Stinger, and that really big dinosaur one. I really wanted to get my hands on the Deathsaur. That thing was soooo cool!
2009-04-04 [Alexi Ice]: I love the dinosaur ones...I just love dinosaurs in general.
2009-04-04 [Alexi Ice]: Wait! You can watch Zoids on youtube! Send me the link!
2009-04-04 [~Crimson Angel~]: Hehehe Mitsuki you know me too well I was planing on doing the non cartoon network anime one next, and I do know animes that have never appeared on Cartoon Network, so I'm good on that. *smirks* Oh and I stopped watching Dragon Ball Z when Cell absorbed that boy, it was really freaky and made me feel really sick and disturbed. *shudders from the memory*
2009-04-04 [*dragonstar*]: I looked them up and found the Zero series and the Chaotic Century series.
2009-04-05 [J.R. MacKenzie]: I'm considering picking up Zoids Assault.
2009-04-05 [Alexi Ice]: I think that would be awesome. If I wasn't trying to buy the Code Geass series box I would buy some myself.
2009-04-06 [~Crimson Angel~]: Should I change the poll now, since everyone that has voted is probably the only ones that are going to vote.
2009-04-06 [XxTsomexX]: yeah
2009-04-06 [~Crimson Angel~]: Well ok then, I shall change it.
2009-04-06 [Alexi Ice]: We need more voters!
2009-04-06 [~Crimson Angel~]: I know, I can't decide on which to vote for.
2009-04-06 [~Crimson Angel~]: I had to do decide from the list of ones I liked with the enee meanie miney mo, or however you spell it...
2009-04-06 [hammersmashface]: hmmm i Afro Samurai ran on CN
2009-04-06 [Alexi Ice]: Is Afro Samuri the same as Bo bo bo bo bo or whatever? Because if so then yeah, it did.
Lol well my vote was easy. I have never seen a better animated and more interesting anime than Loki Ragnarok. I also love the Norse gods which makes it double interesting.
2009-04-06 [Xerin Zamaki]: afro samurai only runs on Spike and the anime channel
2009-04-06 [*dragonstar*]: This is a non-cartoon network anime poll. *points at the poll*
2009-04-06 [Alexi Ice]: *Cries* I wish I get the Anime channel!!! Stupid Americanized telivision (Curses Time Warner Cable to the grave)
2009-04-06 [Ghost the Hybrid]: host club? as in ouran highschool host club?
2009-04-06 [J.R. MacKenzie]: You left out Outlaw Star.
2009-04-06 [Ghost the Hybrid]: pokemon is also an anime:P
2009-04-06 [hammersmashface]: ive seen afro on cartoon network...dont watch it but i seen it a few times...not that is matters tho...
2009-04-06 [J.R. MacKenzie]: Although I guess Misty isn't counting past shows, otherwise that would be a long list.
2009-04-06 [Ghost the Hybrid]: pokemon is still running on cartoon network over here <_<
2009-04-06 [~noctis lingua~]: Yes it is. But there are some really REALLY tough choices here. I'm stuck between Gravitation, Ai no Kusabi, and Loveles...*sig
2009-04-06 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i still wana know if host club is ouran highschool host club cause if it is then i know what anime to wote fore*loves ouran*
2009-04-06 [Dezmond]: outlaw star was an anime aired on Cartoon network lol that's probably hy it wasn't up there
2009-04-06 [~noctis lingua~]: I'm sure that's what it is. I mean, most Ouran fans call it either Ouran or Host Club. That's what I do, anyway. I love the show, but Ai no Kusabi was just so...amazing..
2009-04-06 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i've only heard ouran that's why i asked^^'
2009-04-07 [Alexi Ice]: These are NON cartoon Network anime, guys. NON! Pokemon ran on CN, so did Outlaw Star.
Yume - Yeah Host Club is Ouran Highschool Host Club and I LURVE it too!! <3 Thought I have only read the manga.
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