Page name: Mythical Land forest [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-08-07 22:01:46
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Mythical Land Forest

The forest is beautiful with cabins and trees and flowers everywhere. It may seem normal and gorgeous but things are different.

Violet was sitting in a tree,looking at the clouds.

Bella finally ditched her sister. She leaned against a tree near by Violet. After a while she obsereved her surroundings.

Violet looked down at Bella,"Hello,my name is Violet."she flew down in front of Bella,"What's your name?"

"My name is Isabella...but call me Bella..." Bella said shyly.

Violet smiled,"I like Bella,it's a pretty name."

Like the shy person that Bella was she smiled shyly and replied, "Thank you..."

Violet smiled,"Why are you so shy?"

For a moment, Bella looked a little shocked. No one had ever asked her that question before, "I don't know...I've always been like this..." she told Violet.

Lucian was taking a walk through the woods it had been a while since he had had anytime to just take a walk his keen hearing picked out two voice and against his better judgement Lucian decided to see who was out and about in the woods

Violet smiled at Bella,"Maybe you are afraid to be judged by people before you know them."

"Maybe a little..." Bella slightly smiled looking a little guilty. Then she stop to hear someone walking in a distance, "We aren't alone." she said.

Violet listened,"It appears so,I wonder who it is."

Bella looked around to see who it was, but only saw a figure in the distance.

Lucian smiled to himself as he heard the two say that they werent alone and decided to meet them he was surprised however when one turned and looked directly at him he offered a small wave to them as he walked over to them

"Who's that?" Bella quietly asked Violet to see if she knew.

Lucian saw one of them whisper somthing to the other but he couldnt quite tell what it was to quite from the distance he was from them

Violet shrugged,"Never seen him before."she whispered back.

"Never have I..." Bella replied.

Lucian walked across the rest of the distance between them and proped himself up agianst a tree "hello" he said simply

"um...h-hi.." Bella said startled.

Lucian glanced between one and the other before answering "so what are two such as yourselves doing out in the woods today?"

"Just...exploring..." Bella said.

Lucian nodded but noted the hesitation in her voice "you seem frightened little one do I scare you?" he asked

Violet smiled,"Don't mind her,she's just shy.I'm Violet."

Lucian shifted his gaze to the other and nodded "it's good to meet you Violet" he said though he staired intently almost as if watching them

Violet smiled,"So what are you?"

Aubrey crossed through the mythical forest border and hid behind trees. He carried his sword on his back sheathed but his hand never left the hilt. He continued walking until he heard voices. His steps stopped silent and he stood still behind trees.

Violet looked up at the clouds,"Don't you just love clouds,they are so big and puffy,they look like cotton."She smiled.

"If only...if only you could touch them..." Bella smiled.

Lucian smiled when violet asked him what he was and he shrugged his shoulders "a" he said simply,he smiled when he heard what Bella said

Aubrey glared at Lucian. "Demon?"

Lucian turned to Aubrey and with a nod he replied "and your a human why are you in the woods?"

"exploring..." Bella said.

Lucian waved aside her answer "you little one I have no problem with its the one that looks ready to kill that want an answer from"

Bella sat there looking curiously     .

Lucian moved to put himself between aubrey and Violet,and Bella he was careful not to let his left hand stray to the hilt of his sword. Lucian turned slightly to speak to them "do either of you know who this is?"

"Who?" Bella asked.

Lucian motioned and Aubrey's direction "the human with the sword"

Bella shook her head, "Nope."

Aubrey kept his hand on the hilt. "I'm not here to kill you. I'm looking for a vampire by the name of Damion..." His eyes and body were tense looking at the    before him.

Lucian raised an eyebrow "you dont look much like a vampire hunter" he said sizing Aubrey up then shrugged "I havent seen any vampires in the woods today"

Aubrey looked at the group. "I hear there is a lake in here...which was is it?"

Lucian shrugged "I am not sure that I should tell you hunter" he said simply

Aubrey growled staring at Lucian then started walking forward towards the north. He had no clue where he was going but he knew that the lake was very large and shouldn't be too hard to find.

Lucian watched as Aubrey walked away before turning back to Violet and Bella "that was interesting" he said simply leaning back against a tree

Violet watched Aubrey leave,"I wonder who that was."

Lucian shrugged "no idea Violet" he said as readjusted to get more comfurtable

Violet smiled,"So what are you going to do now?"

Lucian shrugged "I dont know I figured on staying and chatting with the two of you for a while" he said "by the way Violet tit for tat I told you what I was now same for same what are you?"

Violet smiled,"Can't you tell from the wings,I'm a fairy."

Bella sat there in silence with her eyes wondering.

Lucian nodded "yes the wings hinted that you were some kind of fairy I just wanted to be sure and you" he said turning his gaze to Bella "are a human"

"Yep!" Bella said quietly with a small smile.

Lucian nodded "and stranger still than simply being a human in these woods is the fact that you dont seem scared of mythicals that live here you are an interesting thing little one"

"I'm not that little!" Bella said loudly.

Lucian raised his hands defensivly "very well then what is it you would have me call you?"

Violet giggled at Bella and Lucian.

"By my name!" Bella said.

Lucian chickled "allright then Bella but you havent answered my question how come you dont seem bothered by around mythicals?"

Bella calmed down and shrugged, "I don't know..."

Lucian nodded his head "hmm interesting"

Blake was hiding in the trees,It's a real fairy.he thought to himself as he saw Violet,then he stepped on a twig and ducked down.

Violet tilted her head,"I thought I just heard something."she looked at the trees behind them.

Blake stood still when he saw Violet look in his direction.

Lucian tilted his head to one side as if listening "I dint here anything out of the ordinary"

Violet looked back at Lucian,"Are you sure,I could have sworn I heard leaves moving and a twig snap.

Blake was still not moving,Crap she heard me snap that twig.he thought to himself.

Lucian shrugged "let me listen again" he said and tapped more into his side sharpening his already sharp senses and thought he could just make out the sound of someone breathing "hmm could be or it could be an animal cant tell anything else though there down wind"

Violet smiled,"Hold on."She disappeared.

Blake blinked and she was gone,Where did she go?he thought to himself panicky.

Lucian laughed to himself "damn tricky fairy"

Violet appeared behind Blake,"Oh A human?"

Blake gasped in shock and fell out of the bushes.

Violet flew over to him,"Sorry,didn't mean to scare you."

Blake blinked,"That's alright."

Lucian raised an eyebrow "alot of humans in the woods today" he said absent mindly

Violet smiled,"So human what are you doing here?"

Blake blinked,"My name is Blake,and I'm curious about faires."

Violet's smile grew,"Oh?My name is Violet,and I'm a fairy."

Blake smiled,"I can tell,you are a pretty fairy."

Violet blushed,"Thank you,you are a handsome human."

Blake blushed,"T-Thank You."

"carefull human the Fey are well known for there tricky ways" yelled Lucian over to where Violet and Blake were

Blake looked at Lucian,"So are some humans,but I'm not one of them."

Violet smiled,"I'm glad,let's be friends!"she giggled

Lucian sighed and looked around "well the woods seem very quiet today" he scanned the area "seems to be alot of humans in the woods though unusual"

Blake nodded,"I heard one of them talking about a Vampire,named Damion."

Violet looked at Blake,"You mean that guy Aubrey?"

Blake nodded,"Yeah him."

Lucian nodded "aye he passed through here not long before you got here" he readjusting the way he was leaning on the tree into a more comfortable position "so BLake is it? what are you doing in the woods today?"

Aubrey wandered back into the forest. He saw the others and sighed. "Damnit!" He yelled. He hoped up into a tree and looked around.

Lucians ear pricked up "oi' Blake I think your friend the hunter is back in the woods" he said to the human

"He's not my friend,I don't know him,and I came to catch a glimpse of a fairy."Blake said sitting on the ground."

Violet smiled at Blake,"Now you know a fairy."

Aubrey sighed as he looked around. He saw nothing but woods. There was no lake anywhere in sight.

Lucian gave a loud piercing whistle "oi' hunter over here" he called seemingly to nothing but trees

Violet looked at Lucian,"What are you doing?"

Lucian shrugged "getting tired of him just wandering the woods I was gonna tell him which way the lake was"

"Oh,I'll get him."Violet said flying to Aubrey,"Excuse me but my friend knows where the lake is and if you want help he'll tell you."Violet told Aubrey with a smile.

Aubrey turned and nodded. "Thank you." He jumped from the tree landing on his feet and almost kneeling to support himself after the jump. He stood up and fixed his sword hanging from his belt.

Violet smiled and flew back over to Lucian.

Lucian turned to the small fay "so how did the human take the news?" he asked his left hand resting easily on the hilt of his sword

"He said thank you."Violet said with a smile

BACK TO-------Mythical Land of Mystery

OUT TO--------Mythical Land Outside

MIGRATE TO----Mythical Land Lake

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2008-04-03 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: IF Blake is a human then why is he in the forest? Humans hate Mythicals and Mythicals hate Humans.....thats why there is the seperation..........

2008-04-04 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: arigato Misty

2008-04-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: Where do I rp as a human?

2008-04-05 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: in the "outside"

2008-04-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: ok,thanks.

2008-04-14 [shadow_walker]: whos character is bella i didnt see her on the character page

2008-04-22 [shadow_walker]: is aubrey near by or far away?

2008-04-22 [InsanityAngel]: idk

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