Page name: Never Ending 1st Hall [Logged in view] [RSS]
2012-01-11 20:49:27
Last author: La Luna
Owner: La Luna
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The Big hall has brown marble floors, that you see once stepping through the giant sized stained wood double doors the sunlight streaming in through the stained glass windows that are next to both stair cases on either side wall and the ones on the door you entered from. Just in front of you is a elevator, by the elevator are many different lengthy halls that kids run and dance through during the day, and which lay eerily silent at night.

 Kiley entered struggling the duffel bag up the stairs to Never Ending 2nd Hall.

Blanche dumped her stuff on the floor, she would drag it up later after she had found something to eat. The girl headed into Never Ending Kitchen.

Nearly tripping over Blanche' bag, Daniel continued to walk into the school, his expression one of sheer boredom. He didn't want to be here and he muttered a few words as he walked up the stairs and into Never ending 2nd Hall.

Matt entered the hall and sniffed. He picked up Blanche's smell from where he was and followed her into Never Ending Kitchen, padding silently and barefooted.

Tazi walked into the hall and immediately took the stairs, avoiding the bags in the hall. She sensed one of her best friends upstairs and wanted to get to her before the year started.

Milo walked in stepping over the bag as if he knew it was going to be there then walked into the Never Ending Kitchen knowing what will be there too. He came back out a few minuets later, water bottle in hand and lazily climbed the stairs to Never Ending 2nd Hall.

Matt was a flash of cloth and fur as he ran up the stairs to Never Ending 2nd Hall.

Blanche strode out from the kitchen, flicking her hair as she went in a casual manner.

From the teacher's wing came a very upright, stiff sort of individual. He looked at Blanche and his head tilted slightly to the side. "Greetings, student," he said very formally.

With the smell of cigarette smoke coming in behind her, Akantha threw open the double doors, looking left and right as she took the decor in. Her lips pulled down a bit and her brows went up, an expression of being marginally impressed. Perhaps this place wouldn't be as bad as the last shit-heap. Noting the bag in her way she promptly kicked it with her long, strong leg, sending the luggage skidding several feet to the side. Without a second thought, the new shapeshifter in the junior year stood with her hands on her hips and looked the uptight professor from head to toe and back up again. "Yo teach," she greeted with a mischievous grin as she walked by, giving him a mocking salute as she brushed by. Gabbing with professors had never been her idea of a good time. Deciding that any door would do, the young Greek woman disappeared into the first door she found, which happened to be the one leading to Never Ending Kitchen.

Suddenly, a clumsy new freshman burst through the doors and into the hall with a stumble. Melinda looked around, then stared to drag her belongings. Not noticing the bags all over the floor she tripped rolling over them and landing on her butt. She looked up at the Teacher and Blanche. She gulped, struggled to gather her things and scampered to the elevator. She called it, scooping up her cat she shoved everything inside, stepped in and pushed the button for Never Ending 3rd Hall. She knew she couldn't climb those stairs.

Tazi slid down the stairs, smoothing out the fabric of her dress as she did so. She saw the shapechanger head to the kitchen and followed, giving Kiley much needed space with Matt. Maybe those two would finally become a couple or something.

Kiley bounded down the stairs with a smile. She paused, not seeing Tazi she frowned. She saw Blanche and some teacher.

Matt came down the stairs as well. He recognized the teacher and waved before putting a hand on Kiley's arm. "Should we go to the dining room and wait?"

Looking up a Matt, Kiley shrugged. It didn't matter much to her, as long as she had a good time.

"Okay, you go, I'm going to go fetch Tazi." Matt shooed Kiley towards the dining room before disappearing into the kitchen.

Kiley nodded and went into Never Ending Dining Room.

As soon as Akantha emerged from the kitchen, she looked around, standing with a hand on her hip in expectant annoyance, as if she expected the answers to pop out at her since she clearly needed them. Irritated that the piece of luggage was still there, unattended, the Greek girl walked over to the front doors and pulled them open. Whatever dumbass would just leave their belongings out for people to fuck with was asking for it, really. Grabbing the handles, she chucked the suitcase out the door to land on the front lawn with a heavy thump, opening upon impact and spilling all the contents as it tumbled. Breathing a sigh of relief as if she'd done some serious charity work, Akantha shut the doors and wore a genuine smile on her face as she walked over to the stairs and took them to Never Ending 2nd Hall. Her dorm had to be up there somewhere...

Matt emerged from the kitchen again. The teacher there was staring into space, probably lost in thought. Or computation, as it was. He sniffed the air and grimaced. Too many hormones for his system. Matt felt the fur running up his arm. He was going to be a danger to the school too soon after the year started. Forgetting Kiley in the dining room for a moment, Matt sat down on a bench in the hall, breathing deeply to try to control the urge to change.

A few minutes later, Akantha stepped out of the elevator, still clad in her short denims and black tank and cropped military jacket. The only thing missing was her rucksack, and she looked around, spotting the skinny kid sitting on a bench. "Hey Slim," she called out as she went over and took a seat next to him, slouching against the wall with her boot on top of her knee for maximum comfort. From a pocket on the inside of her jacket she pulled out a single smoke and a zippo. Flicking it open with a practiced hand, she inhaled and the fag was lit and furling smoke up into the air. Tucking the lighter back into her pocket, she blew out a bored gale and immediately took another drag. "What's your malfunction? As in," and here she sat up a bit, mimicking Tazi and her weird need for clarification. "Why are you out here looking all uptight, and why are you in this freak palace?" she finished, resuming her slouch.

Matt's mouth was slowly turning into a muzzle, not that Akantha could see from where she was sitting. So his words sounded strange to say the least. "Full moon," he managed to say. "Trying to control it." He leaned forward into his hands, the claws that were slowly forming clearly visible. He had never bitten anyone, never hurt anyone, but there was a first for everything. His control was usually so tight, but with the girls back in the school when he was just getting used to the absence of hormones, and the full moon so close, his control was disappearing.

At first, Akantha had thought her bench-mate was simply suffering some sort of teenage melodrama, what with his head in his hands and all. She wouldn't put it past the place to bring out the worst in people - sticking dangerous teenagers all together in one place was just begging for disaster. She listened to his answer and suddenly, she knew all she needed to know. "Ahh," she said, as if they were talking about the weather and not the fact that his nails were now claws and his teeth were probably elongating into fearsome jaws. She tapped her index on the top of the cigarette and the ash fell slowly through the air to the ground along with a bit of cherry, which singed the carpet, leaving a permanent black spot. "Is this the part where you act all heroic and ask me to leave for my own safety?" she asked dryly.

A half growl, half laugh came from Matt. She obviously hadn't met many werewolves in her time, and surely didn't know everything that came with the territory. "Leaving won't help." Steel chains, on the other hand, did help when applied properly. That immediately brought images to his mind that he really didn't need. Not that his bestial nature wasn't already getting the better of him. "If you want to run," he said, gesturing to the door. "I can only promise a three second head start." And he definitely couldn't promise what would happen after that.

At his unexpected reply, Akantha smirked and rolled her eyes at his male bravado. "You've forgotten honey, none of us here are normal. I've got my own ways of avoiding trouble like you." She exhaled another gale of smoke and then put the fag out on the bottom of her shoe. Tossing the butt into a nearby planter, Akantha stood up and stretched her arms over her head, causing her shirt to lift and reveal her anarchist belly-jewelry as well as a strip of flat tummy. Granted, she knew what she was doing - her last boyfriend had been a werewolf, but he'd never been able to catch her as an eagle, and her transformations were painless. No, this was a deliberate tease.

At this point, all thought of Kiley was gone. Matt closed his eyes as he sensed what was happening here. She was baiting him. And part of him was tempted to take that bait. But she didn't need to know that, and he knew that there was a reason he was resisting. To hell if he could remember the reason, but there was one. He let out a choked sort of sigh and shook his head as his face became that of his were form's. He still looked...vaguely human. "You ever been bitten?" he asked her looking up from the floor. 

His guttural noises were so endearingly male that Akantha simply couldn't help herself from ruffling his hair, drawing her hand back quickly in expectation of snapping jaws. Her Bronx born werewolf lover had been a bit more ferocious than this one, but the punk girl knew better than to discount the quiet types. Usually, they surprised you. She looked at his mutating face no differently than she would look upon anything else - after the circus act her last school was, nothing fazed her anymore. Laughing softly, she shook her head at his question, folding her arms over her chest. "Nope. I'm a predator. I do all the biting."

Matt was definitely more of a tamed wolf than most. But he was also one of the few not born into the life. His eyes wrinkled shut as she ruffled his hair. The temptation to snap was there, but he refrained. It wouldn't do at all to be expelled for biting someone. Especially when the only thing on his mind was something much different.  Matt's eyes opened again when she pulled her hand away and laughed. "Then your last mate was likely an omega."

Akantha's brown eyes met his and instantly smoldered at the reminder of her previous fellow. 'Mate' was indeed a much better name for what he had been, since there was really little emotional attachment and all they did was rut and fight and get into trouble. Laughing once at his little joke, she plopped back down on the bench, stretching again with her arms over her head and her back arched. Despite her fun with the boy next to her, her body did have a few kinks to work out thanks to the long trek from the station. And if she could tease a werewolf in the process, well, that was just a perk. "Strong people want strong mates, it's instinct. What good would it be to be stuck with a bubbling bimbo, or a techy douche when all you wanna do is run free?" she asked hypothetically, accidentally giving away a little bit more of herself than usual. She caught it but brushed the worries away - he was quiet and probably wouldn't talk to anyone about having met her in the first place.

Run free? Matt wanted nothing more than to run free. But here, at this school, there were rules against things that he wanted to do. And those rules were the reason he voluntarily stayed during the summer months. "I haven't much followed instincts," Matt admitted. At his age, most werewolves had at least one mate, if not more. He had had none, and he was certain that his control problems, or some of them, could be traced to that one factor.

"Haven't followed instinct," Akantha repeated, tapping her index on her bicep as she considered what that meant. Putting two and two together, she looked over suddenly, her brows narrowed as if she'd just found out he hadn't eaten in days. "You mean you don't fuck anyone?!" she asked incredulously, her brash voice echoing through the halls as her curiosity got the better of her. "You have GOT to fix that, Slim. It ain't healthy for man or beast," she said, shaking her head and shuddering at the very thought of celibacy. "At least jerk it or something," she suggested as her finger trailed from his knee to his thigh before pulling away nonchalantly. "Anything is better than letting it build up," she said, looking over at him as she crossed her legs at the knee, making them look long and shapely.

This had to be by far the strangest conversation in history. Matt looked over at Akantha, one furred brow raising questioningly. "And you would know the health benefits how?" She was neither a were nor a guy, so he was genuinely curious as to what her answer would be.

With a smug smirk on her full, dark lips, Akantha gripped her elbows beneath her bosom in a comfortable stance and leaned back against the wall. "My last boyfriend was a werewolf. After a year, you get used to what keeps 'em happy and what doesn't," she answered, shrugging one shoulder. "It's both animal and human instinct to rut, n' you're a teenager. With those wild hormones and the moon, you've got to do something."

"Chain myself up and refuse to talk to anyone until it passes," Matt said. If someone did manage to get into his room, they would only get themselves into trouble. "No one has wanted to visit while I was in that state." Not that he would say no to someone visiting. It just wasn't high on his list of things he could see in the near future. 

Just as Matt mentioned chaining himself up, Amun Al-Massri entered from the grounds, tucking a pair of panties he'd swiped from the luggage into his slim jeans. His deeply cocoa eyes skimmed over the skinny wolf, and by his scent and demeanor, Amun was pretty certain that he was a were of some kind. He knew that pathetic, sad look of a beast with no one to love. It was written all over the poor sap's face. However, his company looked particularly delicious, and a dark girl too - just his type. "Hello," he greeted, wheeling his suitcases over to the pair sitting on the bench and looking at them. His voice was smooth, like dark, melted chocolate. He was clearly their junior by a few years, but there was a timeless provocation in his eyes that could make one wonder. "I have not been here and was just wondering if you could tell me who these belong to," he asked smoothly, pulling out a pair of lacy black panties from his pocket, eying Akantha in clear hope that they were hers.

"Chains, now you're talking," Akantha purred with a devilish grin. "But seriously, lighten up. If you ever need help 'lightening your load,' I live on the 4th floor," she winked slyly and then turned her head as the doors opened and the tall freshman came in. "Hmmm, fresh meat," she growled with sinister enthusiasm, as if she herself wasn't a new student. There was a dark sort of something around him and she watched him carefully, wondering exactly what it was about his dark features and lean body that had her somewhat interested. Had she believed in such things, she would have called it his demonic aura, but Akantha was not a yuppy and didn't believe in bullshit like that. "Yo," she said, refusing to play into his obvious narcissism. When he pulled the panties from his pocket, she put two and two together, having watched the suitcase spring open and vomit clothes all over the grounds. Smirking, she folded her arms over her chest to give him a good view of what he was clearly interested in and shrugged. "Only if you manage to slip 'em on me."

Matt almost choked as Akantha basically offered her services. The moment, however, was interrupted by another newcomer. Demon, too, by the smell of him. Matt's nostrils burned with the hormones, and he winced, looking away quickly from the sight of Akantha flirting. He crossed his own arms over his chest, stubbornly refusing to look at the girl. "What would you say if I said they were mine?" he asked sarcastically.

Melinda bounded down the stairs, smiling. She froze as she turned. She saw three people. A boy and girl on a bench, and a boy holding out a pair of panties. Her eyes were wide. It was totally clear that she was thinking What the fuck?. She really hoped this didn't happen very often.

Arching a shapely black brow at the punk girl's reply, Amun pursed his coppery brown lips together and observed the panties as they hung from his little finger. They hung in front of his face and he observed the size and shape - given the girl's hips, he was pretty sure they weren't hers. "How sad," he said, dropping his arm so that he could see her face instead of lace. "I'm not in the business of putting panties on." To Matt's irritable outburst, the Egyptian incubus grinned, flashing dazzlingly white teeth at the way he got pissy about his friend blatantly flirting with someone else. "Hey, if that's what you're into, I can be very accommodating," he replied. Suddenly, he smelled another female and turned his head in her direction, his eyes glinting in the light, somehow making them look even darker. "Ahh, someone my age," he said, turning to Melinda and taking in her tiny, black haired form. "Perhaps you could show me to my room? I'm afraid I'm new," he said, giving her a genuine smile. Before he left, he tossed the panties into Akantha's lap and gave her a parting wink before grabbing his wheeled luggage and approaching his fellow freshman.

Akantha chuckled toothily at Matt's flustered response to her blatant offer. She shrugged unashamedly, and grinned, uncrossing her legs to switch them. These shy ones were so easy to get worked into a lather and she hardly considered it slutty behavior if she was certain that he'd never take her up on it. Looking up as the Egyptian boy revered the teeny panties and their black lace trim, Akantha just rolled her eyes. "Your loss," she said, reaching into her jacket and pulling out another single cigarette. It was a little crumpled but she straightened it by rolling it between two fingers, and then lit it hastily with her flashy silver zippo. Too distracted by Amun's overt sexuality, Akantha was blindsided Matt's sarcastic reply and coughed out a smoky laugh. As Amun ditched them for the other female, the Greek girl rolled her eyes and held up the panties he'd tossed to her. She let the cigarette hang on it's own from her lips and held the knickers with both hands. "Too small for my ass," she said, letting the panties drop. She blew smoke into Matt's face and grinned. "Might fit you though."

Matt eyed the panties and shook his head. "Might fit as a sandal," he said with a roll of his eyes. This group of new kids was going to be a handful. And Matt knew it. He coughed once as the smoke was blown into his face, but didn't say anything. It wasn't like he was going to get cancer anytime soon. "That boy seems to have the attention span of a fruit fly."

The door to the kitchen opened and Tazi slipped into the hall. She tried to straighten her dress, wondering why she had agreed to wear such flippery. Tazi bent down and took off her shoes, holding them in one hand. It was ridiculous to dress up for this thing. Okay, it was good to look nice, but she thought she looked nice in her normal clothes. Spotting Matt sitting in half-wolf form, she narrowed her eyes a bit. And the other new kid was bouncing around the hall, leaving his pheromones everywhere. Tazi wasn't big on demons, but they could be entertaining.

Shrugging off Matt's gloomy mood, Akantha stuffed the panties into her pocket without really knowing why. Maybe she could bug the bitch who they belonged to, or tease the new kid with them. Youngins weren't really her style but she was never the type to turn down a free meal. "Aww, have a heart, Slim. He's just a kid," she said, biting the butt of her cigarette as she watched Tazi enter the hall. An inch of ash fell to her lap, missing her short denims to land on her olive skin, burning her just a bit. "Shit!" she cursed, sitting up and dusting her thighs free of the ash and rubbing the little red dot her bad habit had left behind. "If something doesn't happen soon, I say we party in my room. With your nose you'll be able to tell when the grub is served and we can come down, but I am so over this boring 'waitin' around' bullshit," she said, standing and shooting Tazi a look. "You in?"

"Um Well...Uh..Erh.." Melinda couldn't find a plausible reason to ditch the boy, and she really hated being a bitch. She grimaced as the boy walked over to her. Her mind drawing a blank she sighed. "Ah, What the hell. Sure." She didn't feel it was necessary to inform him that she had no clue where she was going and would get the both lost, but that didn't need to be confessed until they were lost. She looked the boy over, blatantly checking him out. She thought he was pretty cute, but seemed a little obnoxious and full of himself.

Matt sniffed the air and frowned. "Food is ready now. In the dining hall." He paused and looked over at Akantha. "If you wanted to go to dinner anyway."

Amun gave Melinda a kind smile, one his kind was gifted with to pacify the more timid sorts. His eyes closed and he laughed a bit as she somewhat begrudgingly agreed. "I hope it's not too much to ask," he said with sincerity, opening his warm brown eyes to look down at the small black-haired girl, noting her brilliant blue eyes. She was cute. Not exactly his type but it was always in his best interest to cast a wide net. Being so far from a city would dwindle his ability to feed off the sleeping, and seriously hamper his pickings for girls (and boys, if need be) to lure between the sheets. Standing to his full height, Amun looked around, casually flicking his bangs from his eyes. "I think I'm in room 111," he said, looking back down to Melinda as a clear cue for her to lead the way.

Groaning, Akantha flicked her ashes onto the carpet. "Fine. I could use some grub," she said, clearly irritated that the fun would have to wait. However, she was clearly not going to give up on the party idea, and called out to Melinda and Amun before they managed to leave. "Come to a party in my room after dinner, fourth hall, north corridor!" Taking a long drag afterwards, she sighed and looked in the direction that Matt had sniffed, finding a pair of door. "'M hungry. Let's go," she said, tapping ashes off as she swayed into Never Ending Dining Room.

"No, It's alright." Melinda gave him a tentative smile and a causal nod. His laugh was nice, not irritating and fake like so many other boys were. That surprised her, she had thought he'd be the poster boy of those things. She found herself staring at him and didn't know why. Shaking her head she turned to go as the Greek looking girl called out to them. She nodded to acknowledge the invitation but a afternoon in some dusty nook sounded better then a night of awkward partying. She smiled at Amun and said "This way." She turned and took the steps delicately up to Never Ending 2nd Hall.

Amun looked over as the punk girl invited all who could hear to a party in her room. By the looks of her, he had a good idea what the party would entail and he couldn't help but smirk devilishly at her as she swaggered away. When he turned to Melinda and saw that she was already heading up the stairs, his demonic expression faded into a kind one. "Coming!" he said, watching her buttocks as he effortlessly pulled his luggage behind him and up the stairs to X-Men 2nd Hall.

Matt watched the other two youngsters head upstairs. He hoped they weren't going to try anything inappropriate. He stood and followed Akantha into the dining room.

Tazi put her shoes back on and followed everyone into the dining hall.

Kiley exited the Dinning Hall looking sleepy. She went over to the elevator and press the button. She rested her head against the wall. She was half asleep. Kiley yawned as she waited for the lift to arrive.

Ashley entered into the hall and stopped right past the doorway. He suddenly realized that some of the voices had gotten louder and he needed to start trying to keep them under control. He took a deep breath and focused on "turning down the volume." After a moment or two he opened his eyes and saw a young woman leaning against a wall by an elevator. He grinned to himself. She's half asleep, he thought. They are so much easier to read when they are in that state. Just awake enough to pay you attention.. "Excuse me miss?" He said as he walked forward, still carrying his suitcase and bag. He focused for a moment and caught a name, and that she was a goddess. Being a goddess seemed to make people tired. This school really would be strange for him to attend. "Excuse me, but I'm new here and I'm not sure what the protocol is exactly and was wondering if perhaps you could tell me where I could find a dorm room?" 

"Dorm room protocol," said a male voice from the other end of the hall. Suddenly, the teacher that had been frozen there moved, blinking a few times. "To find your dorm room, go to the floor you were assigned to and look for the corresponding numbers." He took a step forward and paused again, seeming not to realize he was talking to anyone, because he certainly wasn't looking at Ashley.

Ashley turned to look at the strange humanoid figure which had answered his question. He hadn't even noticed him when he first walked in, and he figured out why. The man had no thoughts. There were no surface thoughts at all. He found all that extremely odd and perplexing, but he didn't have time to care. He wanted to put his things in his room and get something to eat. "Problem is ol' chap, is that I do not believe I have been assigned a room yet. If I have, I was not told. I simply need some place to put my things for now so that I can get something to eat." This Kylie girl didn't seem to be of much use at all. She may as well been asleep already.

"Room assignments are made when you receive your schedule." Aihta finally blinked and looked at Ashley. "If you wish to store your items for the time being, the closet should suit you fine." The teacher pointed to the side closet and nodded. "Then you can join your fellow students in the dining hall."

"That will suit me just fine as a matter of fact," Ashley said in response to the strange thing before him. He walked over to the closet, opened the door, placed his things in gently, and shut the door back. He waved at the half asleep goddess by the elevator and the stranger as he made his way to the Never Ending Dining Room. "Thanks again."

Kiley jolted awake as the elevator bell rang. She woke just in time to see the boy wave. She smiled but muttered. "Ah Crap, Must have fell asleep again." She gave Aihta a slight nod as she entered the elevator. She pushed the button and almost instantly leaned against the wall. As the doors started to close she realized she must have pissed Matt off a bit by leaving when he sat down, so she conjured a rose for a quick second to appear in front of the wolf boy. The elevator doors then closed, taking her up to Never Ending 5th Hall

A shirtless Matt exited the dining room and headed straight for the Never Ending Grounds.

Tazi, her eyes completely blank, walked slowly from the dining room to the elevator. She stood there, waiting for the lift to open, but did not get in when it did. She just stood there, staring. "If dere is no one to hear the door open, who will know when dey return?" she asked the air.

Exiting the dining room, Akantha walked past Tazi, giving her a strange look as she continued to Never Ending Kitchen, bumping the doors open with her curving hip and then vanishing inside.

Ashley followed Akantha closely out of the dining room, his cheeks a bit red from watching the girl so acutely. He noticed that the witch was still standing by the elevator and that her thoughts seemed to be jumbled and random. He wondered about the girl's sanity, but continued on to Never Ending Kitchen regardless.

Akantha strut out of the kitchen and looked towards the front doors, as if expecting Matt to return at any second. Having enough of waiting, the teenager marched towards the doors, threw them open, and bounded through into Never Ending Grounds.

Ashley walked out of the kitchen and over to the closet where he had left his things. He retrieved his bags and walked over to the elevator. After pushing the button and the doors opening, he entered and headed up to Never Ending 3rd Hall.

Stamping from the grounds came the sound of Akantha's black military boots and then, the doors opened and in zoomed the girl with several plastic bags in her arms and a clear purpose of where she was headed. "All right! Party time!" She walked to the elevator and purposely bumped Tazi. "Hey, Spooky, room 160 if you wanna have any fun tonight," she said, and then stepped into the lift and stopped up the door with her foot so Matt could follow. "Hurry up, Slim!"

Matt followed quickly, trying to balance his bags and keep up. He purposely booted Tazi forward and into the elevator.

Being bumped twice knocked Tazi from her trance. She was pushed forward, into the elevator, and caught herself before running headlong into Akantha, trapped in the elevator by Matt. The doors closed behind Matt, and Tazi could only sigh.

As Tazi came crashing forward into her, Akantha merely looked surprised and flicked a bit of hair from her face. She put on a mocking smile and removed her foot from the door now that they were all in, effectively giving the Caribbean gal more space to drift off, or say cryptic things. "Good, you made up your mind," she said casually, and then hit the button to take them to Never Ending 4th Hall.

Ashley walked briskly from the elevator to the Never Ending Kitchen. And shortly returned, carrying the glasses that he and Akantha had found earlier, entering the elevator and going up to Never Ending 4th Hall.

Melinda ran out of the elevator as soon as the doors opened, sprinting to Never Ending Ground.

Leads to -----> Never Ending 2nd hall, Never Ending Grounds, Never Ending Kitchen, Never Ending Dining Room,Never Ending Headmasters Office,Never Ending Den

Back to --> Never Ending Nightmare

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2010-11-28 [La Luna]: They flirted in the past right? oh and where is he leading her?

2010-11-28 [KnightAngel]: Well someplace not bathed in sun and well either way works for Darek being he has quite a flirtatious side to him after all even if he is supposed to be an angel XD

2010-11-28 [La Luna]: xD hehe a angle that might just be smited

2010-11-28 [La Luna]: Oh and for the dark place i guess it could be the movie theater on the second floor or the den on this floor or the lounge on the second floor

2010-11-28 [KnightAngel]: Think he'd better go for the theater XP

2010-11-28 [La Luna]: Okay just post on 2nd floor ill fallow you XD

2010-12-05 [La Luna]: Whoops! Dang new fangled computer!

2010-12-12 [La Luna]: They're going to have to pass Matt + gang O:

2010-12-12 [KnightAngel]: This is going to get ugly XD

2011-09-07 [Roma]: Is Matt just gonna let her touch his thigh?

2011-09-07 [Flisky]: He is. For the moment, anyway.

2011-09-07 [Roma]: Sorry. I'll take him elsewhere soon, but couldn't resist having a bit of fun with the two of them.

2011-09-07 [Flisky]: Oh, bad mood Matt is getting moodier.

2011-09-08 [La Luna]: Ah poor Melinda.

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