Page name: Never Ending 4th Hall [Logged in view] [RSS]
2012-01-10 23:42:45
Last author: La Luna
Owner: La Luna
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Never Ending 4th Floor Center Hall

The hall is just like all the others Bland, the walls are a off white cream and the doors are all wood, the carpet it the only color and thats a brillant red,

"Werewolf PMS," Tazi said with a chuckle. "Still, dat is de only reason he like dat oder girl."

"So who does he like?" Kiley said not catching on and being a bit slow right now. She was seriously confused.

"He like you." Tazi thought that this conversation was getting old. No matter how many times she told Kiley that Matt was secretly pining after her, she never believed her.

Kiley sighed hearing in Tazi's voice that she was done with this. "Alright, so what did you do this summer? Have any fun?" she changed the conversation quickly.

"My moder finally drew me out," Tazi said with a frown. "She say I am too much like my nana, and dat mean I have de curse, as she call it." Tazi ran up the stairs, hoping her friend wouldn't question too far as they reached Never Ending 5th Hall.

Kiley hurried after her, wanting to know more. She didn't ask though because she knew better then to upset Tazi.

Matt blurred up to Never Ending 5th Hall.

Milo sauntered lazily up the steps. He gripped his bag as he headed down to Never Ending 4th Hall West. He came back in and leaned against the wall to wait for someone to come through.

Tazi was the first down, walking carefully in the shoes Kiley had lent her.

Kiley bounced down the stairs, totally gleeful. She had no idea that Matt had talked to her mother, she was just plain liked him a heck of a lot. She giggled sending Tazi a look of joy.

Milo straitened when Tazi came in. "Woah girly! You okay? You look like your toppling!" He leaned forward and grabbed her arm. "Want a manly man to carry you?" he chuckled.

Matt followed Kiley downstairs, his fingers happily entwined with hers.

The look Tazi shot Milo would have wilted flowers. "It is dese shoes. And if I wanted a manly man, I would ask Kiley before asking you." With that, she walked coolly past him and towards the next flight of stairs.

Kiley rolled her eyes shooting a glare at Milo. She bounced down the stairs keeping a pace comfortable for Matt so she wasn't dragging him behind her. She smiled back at him as she disappeared.

Milo huffed and rolled his eyes, he would wait until Tazi and the weird couple, if that's what they were, were gone.

Matt gave Milo a sympathetic look as he followed Kiley.

"Fucking finally," Akantha groused as she spilled onto the brilliant red carpet of the fourth floor and saw the dorm plaques that looked promising. One would think that dorm 160 would be on the first floor. Thankfully, she was a New York girl accustomed to lots and lots and lots of stairs. Walking down the hall, she took Never Ending 4th Hall North.

Milo, who was leaning on the wall, perked up when a girl he didn't know came up the stairs. He raised an eyebrow when she didn't even notice him. Shaking his head he went down the stairs.

Bags in each hand, Akantha stepped first from the elevator and immediately turned and called "this way," as she walked to Never Ending 4th Hall North.

Matt smiled and exited, looking back at Tazi and giving her an encouraging smile as he disappeared into the north hall.

Exiting the elevator slowly, Tazi reluctantly followed. "This will end badly," she said under her breath as she turned the corner to the north hall.

Ashley walked out of the elevator and looked around. Dorm 160, north hall I guess? he thought to himself as he walked to Never Ending 4th Hall North. He could hear the surface thoughts of everyone in her dorm. It was Tazi, Matt, and Akantha readying themselves for the party. The alcohol and music was already present.

Melinda tiny figure appeared on the stairs as she climbed into the hall. She walked down the hall, pausing to ponder where it would be. She heard music pumping from the Never Ending 4th Hall North so she continued down their.

Melinda raced back through the hall and to the elevator hastily getting in and taking it down to Never Ending 1st Hall.

Back to --> Never Ending Nightmare
Leads to ---> Never Ending 3rd Hall, Never Ending 5th Hall,Never Ending 4th Hall west, Never Ending 4th hall east

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