Page name: ONce Upon A Summer Moon Chapter 4 [Logged in view] [RSS]
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2010-04-18 20:35:01
Last author: Gypsy Mystik
Owner: Gypsy Mystik
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Once Upon A Summer Moon Chapter 4

Ysamia sat close to Kii, and Sillia started cooking.

"anything I can do to help?"

She looked up at him softly. "Yes...could you grab some more wood?"

he did as asked

Ysamia watched Sillia cook.

He came back with wood

"Thank you..."

"You're welcome."

Sillia smiled, and then looked around for Jahariss.

Jahariss came back with the two rabbits leading Miki and Sekar. "I found these two as well. Seems they have been through allot."

Sekar moved over to the children ears perked forward curiously as he smelled them.

Kii looked a little uneasy

Ysamia looked at him.

"Welcome..." said Sillia gently.

Miki nodded. "Hello...."

Sekar sat down silently.

Jahariss set to work skinning and cleaning the rabbits

Sillia handed everyone some of the rabbit that she had already cooked.

Kii thanked her and began to eat.

Sekar sniffed the rabbit and whimpered not used to cooked food, he eyes the raw rabbit.

Jahariss looked down at it and handed him some of the raw meat which he tore into ravenously. "He is more animalistic...what did they do to him?"

Miki looked down. "He's never known freedom...I have...." she whispered.

"Poor lad."

"We both were used as fighter...."

"I am sorry."

Miki nodded.

Sekar watched them silently

Sekar....I think it's safe...

He slowly relaxed

Sillia finished cooking the rabbit she had.

Sekar curled up to sleep after he was done eating, shifting into his winged wolf form

Kii looked at him uneasily ((cat and wolf lol))

Miki stroked Sekar's fur.

Ysamia leaned against Kii.

Sillia sat there watching and eating.

Kii yawned sleepily.

Ysamia pulled Kii down next to her, snuggling against him, falling to sleep.

He fell asleep to

"Those two are so sweet..." Sillia said softly, looking at the twins.

"They are."

She nodded.

"What should we do now?"

Miki looked at Jahariss and Sillia. "Where are you heading?"

Sillia looked at her. "Anywhere we wish..."

"I have nowhere to go." Jahariss replied

"We could stay together...."

"I would like that."

"You and your friend are welcome as well..."

Miki nodded "thank you..."

Jahariss took a blanket and draped it around the twins and than took another one draping it around Sekar

Sillia smiled at him. "Good thinking..."

"It's getting colder,"

Sillia nodded pulling out another cloak and blanket, and then passing them to Jahariss and Miki.

"Thank you."

Sillia smiled.

"Yes thank you...." Miki smiled.

"I will take the first watch."

"Really?" Sillia said.

Jahariss nodded

"Thank you...." Sillia said softly, as Miki laid down.

He nodded scanning their surroundings

He ended up spying a doe and her baby.

He smiled softly and kept alert for danger

He heard slight movement.

His eyes snapped that way

He saw a shadow.

He drew his sword and got up gently waking Sillia "Shadows..."He whispered

Sillia sat up, on guard.

The shadow moved closer.

He growled and watched it. "Stay where you are!"

The shadow fell forward.

He cautiously headed toward it

He saw a fallen young man, with long black hair, bloody and beaten.

He hurried over. "Are you alright?!" He asked gently helping him up

The young man was unconcious.

he gently scooped him up and carried him over. (pull?))

((Sure ^_^ ))

The man just laid in his arms.

He gently laid him down and set to work tending his wounds. "Do you have a healing potion?"

Sillia started to search through her main bag. "Here..." she tossed

He helped the young man drink it careful to ensure he didn;t choke

The young man moaned from the pain.

He held him gently. "'re safe."

"I... what happened.....?"

"You stumbled out of the woods and you were injured..."

"I...I'm sorry...." he whispered.

"You needn't apologize...what happened?"

"I...I don't remember...."

he gently finished tending his wounds. "We will protect you...what is the last thing you remember?"

"I...I don't remember...." he whispered.

He looked concerned. "Do you remember your name?"

He pulled Angel away from her. "Tsk, you don't..." he smirked.

"GIVE ME MY DAUGHTER!" She screamed

"You're daughter...? Marry me!"

She had tears in her eyes. "Please...let Angel go..."

"Then marry me!"

"Will you remove your spell...and let me keep her as my daughter?"

"Marry me and I will...."

"You will do both?"

"I will..."She looked down tears in her eyes and slowly nodded "Now please....let her go..."

He pulled her to him, and kissed her.

She let him tears rolling down her face

He dragged her with him to a carriage taking her to a large mansion.

"Where is Angel?"

"I let her go...." he said smirking.

"Where is she?"

"I let her go..." he repeated.

"she is my said I could keep her as my daughter and you would turn her back!"

"You told me to let her I did..." he smirked.

"I told you to turn her back and let me be her mother!" She looked out the window for Angel tears in her eyes

"You agreed and there is no going back...."

"I agreed if you removed the curse and let me keep her as my daughter!"

"I agree after you said, let her I did..."

"No! I said I would if you removed the curse and let her be my daughter...please...grant me at least that..."

"She is free for your wedding...that is final..."

She started to cry. "You promised you would turn her back and she could be my daughter."

"Silence! She will be free from that life soon..."

"What do you mean?"

He just smiled as the carriage continued on.

She started to sob

They soon arrived at a large Mansion. "Welcome to your new home..."

She was silent worried about Angel

"Smile my bride..."

She turned away from him. "I won't marry you unless you remove your spell on her and let me have her as my daughter."

"I have already freed her...she should be half way to the nearest town in the morning...."

"I want to know she is safe."

He grabbed her and pulled her inside.

She struggled

He dragged her through the halls.

She struggled even more

"Stop bride..."

"I won't wed you till you follow through with your promise!"

"I did...."

"No you didn't!"

"She is free...."

"That wasn't the only thing agreed!"

"I changed her quiet yourself..."

"I want her as my daughter!"

"I will be giving you our children...."

"No! I want her!"

"She is gone... I will give you My children...."

She slapped him. "What do you mean gone?!"

"I freed her...." he growled. He throw her into a bedroom, on to the bed.

She got up and glared at him. "What do you mean by that?!"

"I told you...." he rushed her, pushing her back down, and ripping the clothing off her body.

She screamed and struggled. "We aren't married and I didn't agree to this! She spit in his face

He backhanded her. "You belong to me...."

She winced in pain and shook her head. "I may have to marry you but I won't have sex with you....especially with you lying to me!"

He forced her legs apart.

She started to keep him scared. "NO! WE AREN"T EVEN MARRIED!"

"We will be soon!"

She growled. "I won't marry you until I know Angel is safe."

He thrust into her.

She screamed and pulled away shooting off the bed. Tears ran down her face. "NO! Wh...why? We aren't married!"

"We will be...." he growled.

"But we aren' don't have the right to force me!" (Please let her get rescued soon...)

"Yes I..." He froze and fell to the side. A cloaked figure stood over the bed.

She whimpered in fear

The figure walked over to her, and swiftly scooped her up, and raced from the room.

She shivered not sure if he was a friend or foe

"I have you..."

"W...who are you?"

"A friend...."

"My daughter..."

"Angel has been worried about you...." he said calmly running.

" know her?"

He just nodded, and continued racing from the one that had held her prisoner.

She held on feeling she had no choice, she hoped he was a friend and her adopted daughter was safe

Sekar stiffened and growled ears flat against his skull as he backed up.

Miki glared at him. "Who are you?"

"Relax...I mean no harm. My name is Jahariss. My friends and I are camped not far from here if you want to join us. You might be safer that way." He said holding that rabbit and one other he had caught before he spotted them

"I...don't know...who do you have loyalty to?" she asked.

"No one but my friends. I just managed to get away from my captors."

Miki visibly relaxed.

Sekar watched her for advice

"I am Miki....." He slowly relaxed.

"My name is Jahariss and what about you?" He asked Sekar.

Sekar stayed close to Miki. He made growling sounds.

" can't speak human...we can help with that. Would you like to join my friends and I?"

Sekar? What do you think? thought Miki.

sekar looked uncertain

Miki looked at Jahariss. "Fine..." she whispered.

He lead the way back to the others.,

Sekar followed ((Back to the top))

The priest grabbed his manhood, roughly. he then swallowed his manhood.

He screamed and slashed at him with the knife after breaking through one of the bonds

The priest screamed.

He clutched the knife trembling and trying to get free. ((oh man he is actually liking and hating the priest, if he has sex with him he falls in love><))

The priest grabbed his throat in anger.

He chocked trying to cut him

The priest fell away from him bleeding. "Damn it!"

" don't want to do this...I will tell the whole temple if you do!"

The priest backhanded him. "You have sealed your friend's fate..."

"NO! Please....I...will you let him go?"


He had tears run down his face. "Let him go...and I will./..."

"Good...." he laughed.

He cried. "I want proof you release him..."

He was back handed him. "Be quiet..."

"No...I have to know you kept your word..."

"He is safely in the cellar."

"I want to see him released first!"

He backhanded him. "Shut up...!"

He glared at him and spit in his face. "I want to ensure he is safe!"

He grabbed his throat, gripping his dick in his hand, rubbing hard.

He screamed in pain

The door slammed open Erra flicked her wrist sending a dagger flying into the priest's arm. "Let him go or I will kill you."

The priest swore. "How dare you! This is the house of the gods!"

"I am sure they wouldn't approve of what you are doing." She said stalking forward

"They do not approve of you!"

She slashed at him

He screamed falling down.

She slit his throat and began to untie Merak was was shaky. "They have him..."

"A friend is trying to find him..."

They heard guards shouting in the hall.

She cursed and threw a cloak around Merak, "Come on!" She grabbed his hand heading outside she hoped Real would be safe

As they rushed down the hall, the sounds of the guards got louder. "Hey love..." came Rael's voice. She had appeared running beside them, carrying Kyonu over her shoulder. He was unconscious.

She rushed for a way out. "We will talk when we get to safety."

Rael nods. "This way...." she said, turning a corner.

She followed with Merak

Rael lead them to a large window. "We're jumping...." And with that she jumped.

They followed

Rael lead them far from the temple.

They followed

Rael lead them to a clearing in the woods, and then laid Kyonu on a patch of soft grass.

Merak went to him and looked him over in worry

"He is untouched....just unconscious....I was able to get there in time...."

"You mean...someone tried with him too?"

Rael nodded.

He hugged him close and tried to wake him

Erra looked concerned

Kyonu moaned. "Please.....don't...." he mumbled.


He looked around. "Merak? Erra...?"

Merak hugged him crying into him. "He...touched me...she saved me..."

Kyonu hugged him, and growled. "I'm so sorry...."

He buried his face in his chest trembling

Kyonu held onto Merak.

Rael wrapped an arm around Erra's waist.

Erra leaned into her

"We must all rest, and then get moving again...." Rael said softly.

They nodded

Kyonu looked at Erra. "That's the Black Rose?"

"Don't tell anyone."

Kyonu nodded. "Yes Erra...."

"Are you alright too Kyonu?"

He nodded, and held onto Merak. "Yes..."

"Is it safe to rest here?" Erra asked.

Merak nestled into Kyonu

Rael looked around, then nodded. "For now...."

Erra leaned against her keeping watch

Kyonu kissed Merak's forehead.

He held onto him still shaken. " me?"


"B...but he touched me..."

"I love you..."

He hugged him

Rael held Erra close, watching.

She kept watch with her


"But what about you?"

"I will keep watch..."

"I want to keep watch with you love."

Rael nodded.

She leaned against her keeping alert

Kyonu snuggled against Merak falling to sleep.

Rael looked out into the woods.

Merak snuggled into Kyonu.

Erra watched the woods too

"I'm here for you..."

"I am worried..."

"Come...we have to hurry..." Rael said.

She noded

Rael grabbed her hand and ran with her.

She ran with her too

"Something is terribly wrong..."

"I know..."

Rael rushed with her.

They came closer to the temple

She felt the energy of the young man that had met up with her and Kyonu before she had headed after Rael.

She frowned trying to feel for her friends energy

She felt it but then she heard: "Let him go...and I will....!"

She went that way looking at her love

"He's not that way....someone else is...." Rael whispered.

"Should we split up?"

"Up to you...."

She nodded. "We will meet up outside. I will save his little friend you save him." She said kissing her and hurrying to save the priest she had seen earlier

Rael ran off the other way.

Ryio was blushing deeply.

"Tell me not to if you don't want it." He said as he began to remove his pants

He nodded, breathing slowly.

He kissed him

Ryiou kissed back.

He gently thrust in

Ryiou gasped, arching from the pressure.

He slowly thrust in and out

Ryiou's breathing was fast, as he started to move with him.

He thrust in and out, than he clutched his manhood as well

He gasped out loud, leaning against him.

He came hard in him

Ryiou laid back against him, breathing hard.

"I love you."

"I...I love you.....tooo..."

He smiled

Ryio laid against him.

he stroked his hair

Ryio fell to sleep.

He closed his eyes holding him

He dreamed of Ryiou.

He smiled in his sleep/

Seanna froze when she saw them. ""

Cain held her. Seanna...

She looked at him wanting to go to her brother


she gently put a hand over her brother's mouth

Ryiou opened up his eyes, looking at her.

She motioned for him to follow, tears in her eyes


Yes? him...

She froze and looked at him. She shook her head.

Tarsas stirred

Cain pulled Seanna into a closet.

Ryiou looked down at Tarsas.

He opened his eyes and smiled leaning up and kissing him

Ryio kissed back.

"Love you."

" you...Tarsas...." he said softly.

He hugged him. "Hungry?"

Ryiou nodded. "Yes...." he said softly.

"Let's get some food."

Ryiou nodded, but was worried for his sister.

he took him to a dining room

Ryiou followed. "Tarsas....?"


"I'm....worried...about my sister..."

"She will be alright..."

"I promised her...that we'd stick together......"

" want to leave me..."

Ryiou shook his head. "No...I...she..."

"Go then...." He got up and left the room

Ryiou rushed after him. "Tarsas!"

He had tears in his eyes. "I don;t want to keep you against your will..>"

Ryiou rushed him, hugging him. "You're not.... My sister is here!"

He stiffened. "What?"

Ryiou looked at him worried. "What's wrong? I...."

"Is she...taking you from me?"

"She's worried....please come back to your bedroom..."

He nodded

Ryiou walked back to the bedroom with him.

Seanna waited in worry

Cain stood beside Seanna as Ryiou came into the room with Tarsas.

He looked at them uneasily

"Tarsas...." Ryiou said softly. "I love's alright...."

He hugged him

"Just...don't hurt my brother. Don't break his heart."

Cain watched Tarsas.

Ryiou hugged on to Tarsas.

He hugged back. "I am sorry...."

"Thank you..." whispered Ryiou.

He nodded

Cain just watched them. "You're not going to try and take her back?"

"No....I want Ryiou happy."

Cain hugged Seanna close. "Thank you..."

He nodded and held Ryiou close

Ryiou looked at Seanna. "I love you sis...."

"Love you too.

Cain looked at Tarsas, and then at the sibling. "What now?"

"I don't know. Their father is psycho.'

Ryiou sighed.

Seanna looked to her brother. "We were planning to travel...he wants to be a bard."

Ryiou nodded, and then blushed. "I....sang for Tarsas...." he said softly.

"He has a beautiful voice."

He sat her back down on the ground. "You alright?"


Cain smiled. "It should be just over that way...:

She nodded

Cain continued on with her.

Seanna kept close

When they made it to the manor, she felt like something was happening to her brother.

"We have to hurry!"

Cain scooped her up, and ran.

She clung to him

They got to the manor.

"Now what?"

"We find a way inside..."

She nodded

"Over there!"

She followed

Cain helped her into the manor, and hurried with her.

She held his hand

She felt her brother was close.

She told him and headed toward where she felt he was

((Go up))

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