Page name: Pirates Palace [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-09-14 23:12:57
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If you would like a postion on the staff, please message [Angelic nightmares]

As you walk in, a cloud of smoke makes your eyes water. The tiny restaurant has a strong smell of rum, whiskey, ciggattes and food. Suddenly you hear a random voice that says, "Ello Puppets. Welcome to Pirates Palace. Please, come in, find a seat, and order something to eat and/or drink. We have a full menu, and your waitress Emma will be with you shortly."

There are tables and chairs all over the place. A rather large man from behind the counter says: "Find yerself a seat and some one will be with ya in a min...." you look around for a second, and then spot a seat,and slowly walk over, and sit down.

A woman with long raven dark curls walks up to you. She flashes you a smile, as she tucks a bit of her hair behind her ear. She reaches into one of her pockets, and hands you a folded slip of paper. You take the paper, and look at it, for a minute.

You turn your attention to her, a confused look on your face. The woman giggles, and then speaks, "My names Emma, and thats your Menu When your ready to order, just let me know."

On the back of the Menu you notice a strange script. After staring at it for a few minutes, you realise that it says Our Wonderful Staff

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2007-04-27 [Angelic nightmares]: Emma looks up grinning at her life long friend, "Ya know..." she says then pauses "those rats were for breakfast" she continues, then falls out of her chair giggling

2007-04-27 [Bookwyrm]: -puts her hands on her hips- Well then ya shouldn't have let them out of their cells, mate! Didn't anyone think to come and check on lil' ol' me?! I'd rather NOT have them for breakfast than let y'all have 'im for breakfast after they've had ME for breakfast! I'm too beautiful to be eaten for brekkers! -wiggles hips with a mock swoon-

2007-04-27 [Angelic nightmares]: Emma laughs even harder, "If 'em rat eva ate you, I'd be killin 'em" Emma finally able to stand on her feet, "can't be nuttin without me best mate" she said grinning from ear to ear

2007-04-27 [Bookwyrm]: -walks into the kitchen with a slight grin and begins dragging out what appears to be a once-living rat- It's just a lil'...crispy. -grins micheviously- Would ya like some fries wit' that?

2007-04-28 [Angelic nightmares]: Emma falls to the ground laughing again, only this time harder than before, "Oyi! ME bum" she shouts, and laughs again, pulling her self back up, "Nah, I'm good" Emma smirked, "Filled up on rum, me did"

2007-04-28 [Bookwyrm]: -grins again- Well aw'right then. -slams the burnt carcass on the counter and returns to the kitchen to rummage through the food stores- Well I'M hungry and not in the mood for a crispy rat...

2007-04-28 [Mortified Penguin]: Yo! ...I'm home!

2007-04-28 [nokaredes]: You know you're not supposed to comment here...

2007-04-28 [Angelic nightmares]: Emma once agian, tries to stand up, and this time successed, "Aye mate, let 'em stay"

2007-04-29 [nokaredes]: ...for you? Okay.

2007-04-29 [Angelic nightmares]: Emma wobbled a bit on her feet as she headed for the kitchen

2007-11-29 [Mortified Penguin]: ...this place seems to be dying... it needs advertising... *eats ramen*...

2007-12-02 [Angelic nightmares]: This place is always dying.

2007-12-02 [the loved wolf]: boo

2008-06-04 [Angelic nightmares]: Hey JoJo, what'll it be mate?

2008-06-06 [the loved wolf]: anything that avalible that will make the pain go away

2008-06-08 [Angelic nightmares]: Wanna talk? You know thats what I'm here for. -grabs a shot glass from behind the bar, and hands it to you along with a bottle of rum-

2008-06-08 [the loved wolf]: i'm just having a very rough time of things. the most important person in my life wants nothing to do with me and i don't know why

2008-09-14 [Mortified Penguin]: There... I changed it back.

2011-02-15 [Mortified Penguin]: ...*eats ramen*...

2018-12-01 [Mortified Penguin]: *smashes a bottle*


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