Page name: ROTS;The Beginning Characters [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-03-19 02:30:11
Last author: Thrice
Owner: Thrice
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Rise of the Shadow: In The Beginning

Allllll right.
The usual goes for characters:
-Please actually explain your characters in at least some detail.
-Don't make them all the same! If you see someone with, say, a shadowtalent then don't be one. It'll be lame if we all can cast the same power.
-No Noble blood unless first you ask me, and the answer will probably still be no unless you provide an awesome reason as to why you should be.
-And, have fun with your characters, please!

I've set a limit on age. Your characters can be anywhere from 13 to 25. This is because this Rp is set out before The Rise of the Shadow, so everyone will be younger.

Please sent your characters to me, and I will add them. :D

Character name:
Kingdom: Good or Evil, of course.
Power: Please be creative, and use powers that go along with your selected kingdom. Certain powers cannot be used, and said powers can be found here: ROTS; Special Powers. Please look at this and make sure you do not use these powers.
Talent within power: There are lists under each power.
Physical appearance: Obvious. Go into some detail about face structure, and such. What they were isn't extremely nessecary, as we can choose throughout the game.
Most used weapon: If they are under 18, they still need to be learning the weapon.
History: Who IS your character? What to they do? Who are they related to, how did they grow up, etc.

The Characters:
Seril Drrenholdt-Volyn Drrenholdt-Tellip Bursengher-Auralis Estanzer-Brand Matari-Yumoro Chaos

Username (or number or email):


2009-02-08 [Elwyne]: well, I can do either evil or good. Do you want me to wait and see if any of your kingdoms are lacking before making a character?

2009-02-08 [Thrice]: It doesn't matter.
But, what you do have to think about is if you choose "light" then you're going to technically be evil.
And same goes with "evil", you'll technically be "good".
So, it's whatever you want to do.

2009-02-09 [Elwyne]: umm... I don't think I understood that. Light is evil, but evil is good?

2009-02-09 [Thrice]: Yeah. They're called the other because of their powers, if you read the whole thing... But their intentions are opposite of what they are actually called.

2009-02-09 [Elwyne]: Ok that would mean light it evil but SHADOWS are the good? You said light was evil but you said EVIL was GOOD. That's where you lost me.

2009-02-09 [Thrice]: They aren't called Shadows.
They're called evil.

2009-02-09 [Elwyne]: Ok, then I really am lost. They're CALLED evil, but they're not evil cuz they're really the good guys? Did I get it right that time?

2009-02-09 [Thrice]: Ugh. Yeah..

2009-02-09 [Elwyne]: oh good! Still whatever kind of character you're low on, or maybe I should be safe and play a neutral character if there's any such thing.

2009-02-09 [Thrice]: Whatever you want to do.

2009-02-12 [Daemon SaDiablo]: Ohhhhhhhh joy :) I get to play a kiddie Brand. :O

2009-02-13 [Thrice]: Yay! The joys of Brand actually existing in this RP.
I love you I love you I love you! :D

2009-02-13 [Daemon SaDiablo]: :O I am loved, yay :O <3

2009-02-13 [Thrice]: You've always been loved. :D

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