[#5] Cooperation Capabilities | |
General Information:
My name is Deidra and I have been a member of Elftown since June 18, 2006. Previously I was a very active member of Writersco, which is where I actually met my husband. I've never had a problem starting friendships online and enjoy meeting and getting to know my friends as we become closer and see each other more as family. Ben and I talked for a good two years via Writersco, messenger, and phone conversations before I made the decision to move to Ohio with him. We were together for nearly a year before we got married.
I'm also new to parenthood. My daughter Eden Linette Wilson was born on June 16, 2011. She's an amazing little girl and makes me proud each and every day. :)
An interesting tidbit- Ben's family and friends all know me as Raven because of my Username, so in Ohio I go by Raven and back in Pennsylvania where I used to live I still go by Deidra. Everyone tends to confuse each other when we get together as a result. My being called Raven is really because thats what he got used to calling me in our online conversations.
I've been a writer for as long as I can remember, and reading back on my older works I realize that though my style and preferences have remained pretty much the same my grammar, spelling and general storytelling have improved drastically.
Elftown has helped me grow as a person
and an artist. By developing my roleplaying skills I have learned to help my characters adapt to just about any situation. By having others review my writing and share their thoughts I have learned to better flesh out my stories and detail them in such a way that they can hold their intended audience. By sharing my art and recieving critisism I have improved my sketching skills. There is still so much to learn, and I enjoy it.
The Wikis were relatively easy to get the hang of, I’ve also been learning the pseudo-html and regular html codings used to make wiki pages and the like stand out. It’s been fun and a completely unique experience for me.
Learning to use the forums was different and a little difficult. It took a lot of effort to stay focused and figure my way around things, and I’m glad I did. Now that I really know how to use the forums I can keep up with topics and even post a few of my own should the fancy take me.
I am also big on recruiting members. Elftown is one of my favorite places on the web and definitely deserves the recognition of
and more. Anything I can do to help publicize the site I do, and I hope that by doing so, I'm helping the community grow all the more.
What can I say? Most people use ‘English is my first language and as such…’ as their crutch. As for me- I say that my thirst for knowledge and love for books are some of the main reasons behind my decent usage of the language.
Every day I learn and accept critisism, seeking to better myself and my language. I have a very basic knowledge of French- two years of language in high school, and know quite a few random words and phrases of the Japanese language. I am hoping to continue working on my language skills. I feel that communication is key, no matter the language necessary to get a point across.
My goals are simply thus: To help others, encourage artistic endeavors in all their forms, and to help make Elftown a better place for all of us!
I am one of the
Herald Hopefuls- I’d love to do work for
The Town Herald on a more frequent basis.
I am open to learning and performing any jobs offered up by the crew and am more than willing to mod things
such as the
Daily Poem and others that are short on moderators or even new things. Whatever I can do, I'm open to it!
I hope to help keep Elftown alive and thriving for as long as possible.
Time Frame:
I enjoy Elftown and all of its perks. I have no intentions of leaving it on a whim. I enjoy the people, the roleplays, everything there is to do on Elftown! It is actually one of my main activities online and I plan on sticking around for a good long time.
I hope to be able to do a lot to benefit Elftown, whether it be something as simple as proofreading articles of some sort or other, or anything else that there is to be done. I enjoy learning and I enjoy being able to help out in everything I do.
Cooperation capabilities:
I can usually get along with just about anybody. There are very few who can irritate me, and even then I tend to be polite and find a way to end the altercation. So I’d say that by working with other crew, etcetera… There really should never be any sort of issues.
I have helped judge the
portfolio contest, I’d love to be on that full time^^. I am there as they need me and am a member of
judges for hire for others that may need assistance in Contest Judging.
I have had seven of my poems featured on the mainstreet, and am now a Master Poet!:
Afflictions of the Heart,
Where hath thy love fled?,
Gentle Meadow,
Raven's Song,
Heart's Desire,
Perils of Love, and
Nature of Flowers
I have participated in
Secret Santa 2008 and
Secret Santa 2009,
Secret Santa 2010,
Secret Santa 2011 and am looking forward to continuing that this year. :)
I have donated more than 100 photos to
I am one of the
I am one of the
I have submitted art to
Council Portrait Gallery Donations
Several contests on Elftown have gained my participation. These include:

ECM Gryphon
ECM Zombie

EPRM Sunset/Sunrise Reference

Some examples of my works and collaborations are as follows:

A co-moderated RP started by [
wicked fae mage] and myself.
Backwards Outcasts A series of stories preceding and following the adventures of Nami, Anka, Nagi, and Lulu. Its been and continues to be a lot of fun. :)
Origins The First Chapter A collaboration between [
Aeolynn] and myself.

An Rp that I created and modded.
Characters? Really just a few of my better character profiles on Elftown…
Once Upon a Birthday An older writing that I’m actually semi-proud of^^
Raven's Song One of my favorites now.^_^
1. [
Aeolynn]- I support Dee 100%! Very helpful and kind... She would do well as a crew member and has a great sense of how to make things better!
2. [
Hiarhu]- I support Dee completely for crew. She goes out of her way to help anyone that needs it on Elftown and is always polite about it. She would make a great crew member.
3. [
Dezmond]- I support Dee completely for Crew. Ever since we first met on here, she's always been willing and happy to help me, or anyone else with their needs or to simply understand the way elftown works. I believe she'll be a great addition to the crew.
4. [
loonygirl2005]- I support Deidra because she is a kind member who likes to create and encourage others to get creative.
5. [
wicked fae mage]- I know that Deidra will make an excellent addition to the crew. She introduced me to Elftown and was calm, patient and understanding when she was teaching me how everything works, and is a very diligent person. She's fit to be part of the crew for an artist's website.
6. [
Jayy Will Murder]- Deidra guided me throughout elftown and showed the ways of elftowness. I see her helping others too, so I support her 999%.
7. [
Gypsy Mystik]- Deidra is the greatest, and I support her with all of my heart. She is a good friend, and I know that others will find friendship with her.
8. [
Nioniel] :)
9. [
Alexi Ice] - I've noticed you around Elftown a lot lately being helpful and interesting and active which is always good. Your also rather amusing and keep an eye on my horrid attention span when I make a broken link or miss a wikiimg in my badge slot which I appreciate since I do need some watching from time to time. <3