Page name: Rodents reference Pictures [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-07-28 00:26:07
Last author: Lothuriel
Owner: Jitter
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Rodents Reference Pictures



Submitted by [Cillamoon]

<img100*0:stuff/Hamster_in_wheel.jpg> <img93*0:stuff/Hamster_close-up.jpg>

Submitted by [Jitter].

<img100*0:stuff/Squirrel_on_a_tree.jpg> <img100*0:stuff/z/173923/Dave%2527s%2520Wildlife%2520Photography/Chipmunk.jpg>

Submitted by an unknown source.


Submitted by [Stephen]

Squirrels of Disney 2
Squirrels of Disney 2
7 photos to choose from
Submitted by [Cillamoon]
Bat in a Jar
Bat in a Jar
70 photos to choose from
Submitted by [Nioniel]
38 photos to choose from
Submitted by [Nioniel]
41 photos to choose from
Submitted by [Nioniel]

41 photos to choose from
Submitted by [Nioniel]
41 photos to choose from
Submitted by [Nioniel]
19 photos to choose from
Submitted by [Nioniel]
14 photos to choose from
Submitted by [Nioniel]
Hamster Pictures
Hamster Pictures
Lots of photos to choose from
Submitted by [Chrysilla]

Squirrels of Disney
Squirrels of Disney
37 photos to choose from
Submitted by [Cillamoon]
Squirrel Ref.1
Squirrel Ref.1
37 photos to choose from
Submitted by [sweet.tx.tea]


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2007-10-16 [Jitter]: Added a Chipmunk by [Synsae]

2008-10-05 [Hedda]: There! Loads of hamster! Thanks [Chrysilla]!

2008-12-19 [Chrysilla]: Thank YOU! *squeezes*

2008-12-20 [Chrysilla]: That would be Schumi when I got him <3 He was so cute and small and fluffy! <3

2009-02-24 [xXxDarkRosexXx]: *splee* omg look how cute! where has this wiki been all my life?!

2009-02-24 [Chrysilla]: Aww, maybe you should also try We love hamsters! ;)

2012-08-26 Rauf: I have a squirrel who has eaten a hole into a pioortn of my roof. This will be fixed soon.However my hound dog is on to him and every time this squirrel comes around he goes nuts, the dog that is.Then the cartoon starts. The squirrel then returns the abuse by barking back or whatever it is squirrels do when they get excited. He then moves up to the top of the roof to further torment Miles(the dog) and sometime throws things at him. Needles to say that until the squirrel tires of his amusement the dog is barking and jumping in a vain effort to get this bugger, the bane of his backyard territory.

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