Aodh plushie WIP
reusing an unloved plushie body made by the talented, Uneide
Im not stealin nothing - I bought it.
but I figure if the person it was bought to be a birthday present for
still doesnt want it after a year
I can remake it into a character of mine
and love him!
"Ooohh, you touch my tralala... Mmmmm, My ding ding dong."
see the whole process at NAUGHTY DOLLYS!
dont you like totally KNOW
Aodh would just soooo wear this tshirt!?!
it is raining here...
which is actually a good thing b/c it broke the 43°C to 48°C heat spell we were having!
and the garden really needed it!
but my Mistress of Inspiration Gabycat asked if the faerys in my garden were wet
and wanted to see wet faery Aodh! soooooooooooo... here is Fairly Wet
or who rained on Aodh's parade? or its my party and Ill cry if I want to
not to be taken seriously as my mood
I just like torturing Aodh! *pokes the wet faery*
entered in [Kuruni]'s contest Faerie's Party
Aodh has serious 'glow in the dark' celtic skin!
so if he had a faery bug form he'd be a firefly!
Faeaodh started as Aodh but mutated into a new character
faery bard - gotta love the Cavalier look
a twist for a post apocalyptic fantasy
yes he has wings
Aodh meets Kohaku, the Succubus I just created (Wiki page on her coming soon)
Aodh puts a label on your stuff ^_^
From: Valtristus
thread and the beginings
Pictures updated 31 Oktober 2006! *
Ooooooooooooooooooooo leather!!! and such wonder hair!
my twitchi troll is makin me a Aodh plushie
*happy dance*
I got a Bratz doll guitar for plushie Aodh
twitchi's 'The famous Saabo-Tenn-sama!' for LadySharingan
this is my troll friend twitchi's bag
I made her the jollyroger troll for it!
my other plushies all eagerly awaiting Aodh!
kriscrash_meme3 over on FA
'Aodh Sleeps?!? huh?'
aint he cute!?!
the funny thing is...
Aodh cant sleep... CANT.
has never in all his immortal life!
the closest he comes is an aware coma
when he been badly injured
is burnt to crispey critter
or has used up all his magic...
do you know about the Paper Children?
cute paper cut-outs kids/chibis made to interact
with their creator or something like that
chibi Aodh sleeping... for those of you few who know Aodh
are scratchin your heads in puzzlement thinkin...
'but Aodh doesnt sleep!'
well consider it an amusement or AU or I drugged him...
b/c here he is sleepin and snoorin with my son...
yup those my boys in their jammies...
...and another variant...
BackStage Aodh
made for 'Drawn In The Dark' contest being held by `Vlei Sand Man on DA
this broke a really long arty block
man blind contours are fun! everyone in college hated them but I always loved them!
I sat in the basement stairwell and drew this in really hard pencil
had to turn my scanner darker to see the lines
in this version decided to play with the idea of it being in a dark hallway
thats why its dark and coloured
I was gonna colour it while drawing it in the dark
I had a number of different markers and stuff to use in the dark... but chickened out
WIP and learning processes
I got a wacom 6 X 8 intuos 3 tablet! wwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
...first victim... Aodh.
Now I have to learning to draw on the computer with it!
I swear its like trying to draw on glass or ice...
Im so use to the feel of pencil on paper...
and before that it was paint...
I need to learn how to get the strokes for the hair or whatever so smooth!