Page name: Stiro [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-12-14 03:31:26
Last author: Talos Cyrion
Owner: Talos Cyrion
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Name: Stiro rigosa

Age: unknown

Rank: King

Race: Elder Dragon

Appearance (Elf): 6'4 gaunt, pale skin with thin long black hair that extends down to his waist. His eyes are a light brown and he is almost always wearing black. His eyes are slightly sunken in, he looks near always starved.

Appearane (Dragon): A large, sickly brown Drake, rust red wings and black void filled eyes. Poisoned spikes run the lengh of his body when in this form.

Personality: If the Joker where to meet Jigsaw then it would be Stiro. Though he is intensly hedonistic. Outwardly he looks harmless, his gaunt sunken in eyes, and scratchy voice lead most to fatally underestimate him. He is constantly experimenting with living things, indeed his medical experience is unrivaled by even the most adept healer.

Abilities: Dexterous and fast, through brutal experimentation he has made himself into a lethal predator. He is deceptively strong, but deception is one of the his best qualities.

Armor: Even his armor mirrors his deceptive nature. It looks like a semi-thick, though quite spectacularly engraved leather Jacket. Underneath though are metal plates, each enough to ward off a blow, but each is also intoned with runes of warding rendering even the nastiest of projectiles often useless. It is incredably light though, looking like a badge of office worn over a fine mail shirt.

Weapons: two long bladed swords that he is very adept at using.

History: He, Toragon and the Black Dragon Nyrenthilar where close friends, brothers throughout their lives and rise into the esteemed status of Elder. Stiro, however resented Toragons' stance of combative neautrality, that they would have to wait to be attacked before going to war. He dissented, taking forty other high ranking Dragons with him to the North wastes. Most since then have fallen prey to his experiments or fled in terror. One Liliath is rumored to still be chained beneath his castle.

Other: He and Nyrenthilar plotted to kill Toragon, something Nyrenthilar has never forgiven herself for and thus will not fight an army that she knows Toragon is marching with. Stiro resents this, seeing this as weekness. Nyrenthilar however keeps hidden, fearful of the wrath Toragon might potentially unleash on her if she where to reveal herself, though unlike Stiro she can't ressist wathing him and is rumored even to live in Avalone, always watching.

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2010-12-13 [Lirerial]: Hmmm what if, in his history he used to be Toragon's best friend?

2010-12-13 [Talos Cyrion]: Ya, i forget who i mentioned this two when i was explaining how Elder Dragons interacted but yes they where a very close group

2010-12-13 [Lirerial]: oh kk lol

2010-12-13 [Talos Cyrion]: actually i just found it while archiving the avalone portion of the rp avalone 4 if you're interested

2010-12-13 [Talos Cyrion]: just thought of something....what if he where responsible for sending those men after Lire to kidnap her in order to terrorize Toragon but it went awry when they decided she was corrupted?

2010-12-13 [Lirerial]: Hmm that would work, and he doesn't know she's a Siren until he sees her and gets the shock of his life.

2010-12-13 [Lirerial]: k, reading it now

2010-12-13 [Lirerial]: Hmmm.. what if it turned out he was in love with Lirerial but she never knew and chose Toragon and that is why he sent the kidnappers

2010-12-13 [Talos Cyrion]: which would also explain why he saw to keeping her Daughter alive. That would be fun to play out

2010-12-13 [Lirerial]: lol yup yup, but Lire won't know her daughter is alive and Stiro told his "daughter" that her mother was dead.

2010-12-13 [Talos Cyrion]: Well i'm thinking he would also be in for a genuine shock to see her waltzing up his Canyon.

Stiro: Hmmm, now to see what else has fallen into my guarden. Hopefully more than animals...they're no fun

Lire and Kasser: now to find the end to this damnable place

Stiro: I beg your pardon how rude

Kasser: Shit, a lich Lord

Lire: ......

Stiro: wtf

2010-12-13 [Lirerial]: hahahaha btw This is the profile, change it as you see fit Obsidian Mist

2010-12-14 [Talos Cyrion]: oi i hate it when i contradict the profile above it says the Dragoness is Liliath, and in the wiki page i said it was Shaikira...grrr, to much to think about...hmmm, i might introduce her later on.

2010-12-14 [Lirerial]: lol yay! What would be kinda funny is if Obsidian were bi and is inlove with her haha

2010-12-14 [Talos Cyrion]: lol that would be quite funney, in an odd sort of way but yes it would be.

2010-12-14 [Lirerial]: lol yup yup it would also explain why she wants her to be free so bad

2010-12-14 [Talos Cyrion]: true. Oh i made a profile for the third elder dragon Nyrenthilar if you want to see it. I think i'll make a section on the character page wit chars that anyone could use and put the profile there

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