Page name: SwordFight Workshop [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-07-21 22:39:36
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Welcome at the Medieval Swordfight Workshop!


On the 15th of July 2006 I have arranged a Medieval Swordfight Workshop with 2 instructors:

Mishael Lopez Gardozo and Kenneth Smolders.
In my Hometown Leeuwarden.
In Holland there are about 7 Medieval schools,
but NUN in the north where I live! So what do you do?
You create a workshop, to make a start with....

This workshop was split in 4 pieces:

A. Background information about the manuscripts from the old
sword fight masters from Italy and germany.

B. Mediveal wrestling techniques.

C. Knife and dagger fighting

D. And of course the sword fight training!

And from this workshop, a Medieval workgroup is formed now!
So, once a month one of the instuctors will come to Leeuwarden,
For a Instruction lesson, and the group will work it out the following month....


Here's a little impressison of the Workshop:


Mishael and Kenneth


Mishael explane's the history of swordfighting


Medieval miscellaneous




Medieval dagger training 01


Medieval dagger training 02


And yes, I was also participating!


Explaning the advantages and disadvantages of the medieval swords


Samurai against a Medieval Sword 01


Samurai against a Medieval Sword 02


Kenneth Smolders


A picture of the school of Mishael en Kenneth in Heemstede (close to Amsterdam)


Mishael in his own harnass



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2006-07-16 [Linn Scarlett]: Awww..... O:D

2006-07-16 [Wulf Skjaldr]: Excellent work!

2006-07-17 [Urmando The Elfling]: It was a fun day, but also very weary with some bruises and small injuries in my right elbow and both legs.....

2006-07-17 [Linn Scarlett]: I wanted to be there... *sobs*

2006-07-17 [BinaryPhoenix]: It looks like fun!!!

2006-07-17 [Dark Side of the Moon]: Injuries? You should be happy you were you and that other guy were only using wasters! Imagine the flesh-wounds you'd have gotten if you were using the real thing! I'm with [Linn Scarlett], wish I could have been there also!

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