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The Town Herald


The netpaper about Elftowners, by Elftowners, for Elftowners.


Issue 20 Poetry Corner!

To contribute to this section in the next issue visit the Poetry Corner


New Beginning
Can be found at My Poem: New Beginning

In the beginning
A simple phrase,
With immense meaning
Words that spark curiosity
Of what is to come
Or of what was before

In the beginning
The breath of life
That speaks to us all
Sending the wheels of fate turning
Carrying us forward
From that vast, yet brief, moment

Written by [pegasus1000]

And Repeat
Can be found at Chimes' Poetry

Boy meets girl
And girl
Meets boy.

They fall in love
And closer
They become.
A wonder in
A perfect little
Stage show
Played right before your eyes.
But things
Never stay the same.

There's nothing left,
Nothing there but
Picking fights
And pretend love
Just your average,

Cry, hurt, scream.
Get over it.
Repeat all over,
Right from the beginning.

Written by [Chimes]

Can be found at Coal Black Wings

Burned my eyes with tears
opening the window to freedom
I fall and watch the flow

Written by [Linderel]

Can be found at Coal Black Wings

Witless dreamer
hung up on
empty promises,
old echoes of love

these nonsense feelings

ashen face raised
towards a threatening sky
there is no sunshine, love
not while you are gone

for a mindless spinning eternity

so take back
the beautiful words
a frightened soul needs to run away
and forget all she had

convinced happily ever after is just another lie

Written by [Linderel]

Can be found at Coal Black Wings

Black petals
trailing softly to the floor
whispering feathery kisses
on my cooling skin

the high of fever
still lingers, like your voice
and the promises we smiled
upon thirsty lips

Roses, wilting away by each moment
they lie fallen on the matress
with the message you left behind
I feel it now, I know it

this is our last farewell

Written by [Linderel]

Can be found at Coal Black Wings

Cast away the shackles that bound
to the frost covered earth
broke free of the chains
that tied down for so long
left the burdens behind at last

Look here, tell me
can I find those answers
in your eyes or my own
even if I've been lost
in these years of shadows

Tell me can I
find that ray of sunshine
to tilt my face up
and smile, so hopeful
embrace myself with your arms

Whisper with me
of the secrets I held
banish the demons
one by one by one
and stand beside me as I enter my path

Written by [Linderel]

Bound maiden
Can be found at Coal Black Wings

With crown of feathers upon fairest hair
see this fragile form not meant to bow
proudly she bends her head to prayer

Elven child of Earth, now laid bare
forced to break each sacred vow
with crown of feathers upon fairest hair

Her wings bound, yet she will not despair
or question her people, her goddess how
proudly she bends her head to prayer

With one last song she will ensnare
and plant seeds of hope, defiant now
with crown of feathers upon fairest hair

As in a dream she becomes aware
of caresses upon pale fevered brow
with crown of feathers upon fairest hair
proudly she bends her head to prayer

Written by [Linderel]

Winter lullaby
Can be found at Coal Black Wings

Silence the bells, child
cover their silver with dark drapes
—sing them to slumber and watch
as outside all quietens, stills
sighing a deep weariness

Tilt your head, child
breathe in the cold of winter
—see as the snow falls
covering angels, footprints
and lays them to rest

Wander to the lake, child
down the slippery meandering path
—listen to the sounds
as the water surges, roars, yes, binds
and let it embrace you gently.

Written by [Linderel]

Silenced stories
Can be found at Coal Black Wings

Was there something dearer
than a childhoold storybook?
Its pages now torn
it is laid aside, no voice to read

Far up in her tower
the princess still waits
gazing morosely at
brambled bush, its tangled roots

If the fairy tale is over
who is there to tell?
Her silent pleas
if impassioned, still go unheard

The royal daughter
abandoned to cruel fate
dust now in her hair
she is forgotten, left behind

She would wish power
over her greying locks
slowly wrinkled skin
but knows no spell, no enchantment

Her time now draws nearer
as deep within bitterness grows
the prince is long gone
and with him, the spectre of love faded.

Written by [Linderel]

The Duel
Can be found at An Elf's Garden of Verse

I live in the twilight zone you see,
where Winter duels Spring!
The northern wind blows swiftly now,
and I don't know how,
but a song inside me sings!

A sunny morning warms the cold,
and chases away the chill,
that freezes my toes,
when the icy wind blows,
and it gives my heart a thrill!

A beam of sunlight, on the snow,
as it glitters all around,
and the melting ice,
sounds oh so nice,
as it trickles to the ground!

A patch of green is a sign that Spring,
is knocking at the door,
And yet at night,
in the pale moonlight,
Winter tries once more!

But morning comes with the radiant sun,
and strikes the final blow,
and with the Spring,
the Robin sings,
and Winter now must go!

Written by [Grandamelf]

Fade Away

Twisted images of an imagination unknown
The dreams of a life forsaken
Shattered memories of a forgotten past

Sanity is but a crumbled page in the book of my life
Distorted images tell the tale of what once was
Followed by what has not yet been written

A glimmer of hope shines upon this novel life
Darkness cast aside into obscurity
Set free to start again this act of mindless self-indulgence

Written by [Fractured Memories]

Can be found at Coal black wings

Every other day
a new obsession
such a strong attraction

Oh so restless, running in circles
searching, searching
for a thrill
a reciprocal gaze
locked eyes and a stomach full
of butterflies

It's a quest for love, baby
or something very much like it
and I'm done sitting around
just waiting

Please go ahead, be my victim
of amateur lust
and clumsy blushing infatuation

Written by [Linderel]


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