Page name: TWED Vampire Realm [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-10-29 00:19:05
Last author: angrmangment13
Owner: *(.Randi.)*
# of watchers: 2
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The Vampire Realm

Ssslytha looked down on her home from the top of the Haliegn, a tall metal spire sticking straight up from the center of Meinsa. Her home was deserted. Once Meinsa had been filled with vampires and vixens and even a few sorceresses, now no-one lived here.
Ssslytha sighed and decided it was time for her to move on, there was no place for her here. She lifted her wings and gently spiraled down from Haliegn, landing on the cobbled pavement. She started toward her cave to gather her things and leave, when she heard a squeaking coming from one of the two houses in Meinsa. She turned around and walked toward the house, stopping when she was just below the window. She groaned inwardly, sometimes being small was very disagreeable. She hovered a few feet to look in the window and saw a lizard-like thing lying on the floor. She jumped into the house, landing lightly and crept toward the thing in the center of the room. As she got closer she saw it was a dragon.

The small dragon looked up at her with large eyes that seemed to say, "Welcome me into this world!"

Ssslytha stared at the baby dragon and noticed that it was coverd in an egg case. -This dragon was just born!- she thought. "Oh great, now I'm gonna be stuck with you." Ssslytha complained to the dragon. "Well if I have to take care of you I'm gonna have to give you a name." She pondered for a second, then hovered over the baby and said, "I got it! You can be Ammara, how do you like that little one?"

The new being hiccuped in delight.

Ssslytha, laughing at the sight of a dragon doing something so unstatey as hiccuping, picked Ammara up and studied her. She found that though she looked blue at first glance, she was actually royal purple, with blue and gold shine. As Ssslytha gazed at Ammara, something caught her attention. She lifted the dragons chin, and found there a red tatoo wrapping around her throat. -It's almost as if... as if she's been burned!-. Ssslytha stared at the baby and asked in a grave tone, "How did this happen?"

Ammara looked at her, unblinking. Finally, she took flight to TWED Dragon Lair.

"No!! Come back!" Ssslytha glared after Ammara. -Well, guess I have to go now- Sighing, she stood up, retrieved her things, and flew after Ammara.

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