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2011-02-24 08:56:36
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The Dark Knight Members


1. <img:> [The Dizzy Raven] Owner "Let's put a smile on that face..."
2. [Eyelash-Wishes] Why so Serious???
3. [iippo]
4. [Synirria]
5. [Byne]
6. [Demon Epona]
7. [IonicRose]"Y'see, madness, as you know, is like gravity. All it takes is a little...push." 
8. [Rat Hacker] "The night is darkest just before before the dawn. And I promise you the dawn is coming."
9. [Dwarf Ronin] Unstoppable Force meets a unmovable object
10. [Duke Devlin] ~ "Careless choice of words..,"

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2008-09-07 [IonicRose]: There are a-lot of good quotes on here so far.

2008-09-08 [The Dizzy Raven]: lol yes!! lol ^_^

2008-09-12 [IonicRose]: ^_^

2008-09-14 [The Dizzy Raven]: new ones too ^^

2008-09-15 [IonicRose]: YUP! ^_^. Although I am shocked that someone hasn't said the I'm just a dog chasing tires one. XD. I was going to put that one but i choose the madness is like gravitly one instead. ^_^

2008-09-16 [Dwarf Ronin]: I'm not sure if mine is correctly said.

2008-09-16 [The Dizzy Raven]: Xd ^_^ it doesn't matter how acurate it is. You can always change it he next time to see the movie. gah... they're going to keep the movie in theaters longer. It was said they were going to put it back in theaters around christmas...which means the dvd will come out much later than recently expected...bah

2008-09-17 [Rat Hacker]: They better not do that! I want to get it on DVD! I have the movie, well half of it. I found it on the internet. Whoops should I be telling you that? Plz don't report me! LOL

2008-09-18 [The Dizzy Raven]: lol I won't. XD
sadly, it's deffinate now. gah. It won't be coming out on dvd until march or april. sux... I looked it up online today in web design class. the movie will be rereleased in January instead of December.

2008-09-19 [Rat Hacker]: NOESSS!!! That's also when I get admitted back into college. No I didn't do anything bad, just financial problems. But yeah that sucks! I want the whole official thing, and the won't have people walking in one part down the isle. Oh well just have to wait I guess.

2008-09-21 [The Dizzy Raven]: I know, it does suck, but I also found another reason for it.
They are trying to make it into the record book by having The Dark Knight be in theaters longer than any movie that has. in this way, the movie could be more cool and special than it already is. XD

2008-10-29 [Duke Devlin]: They are putting it back in cinemas early next year, aren't they? :O

2008-10-29 [Rat Hacker]: That's weird, FYE has a pre-order option up on their site for the DVD....

2008-11-03 [Duke Devlin]: Why would pre-order be an issue? :O

2008-11-03 [Rat Hacker]: My brother head that they were putting it on self only for the Christmas time and than in theater again after that. And than I guess it's supposed to come out for good? I don't know.

2008-11-06 [Duke Devlin]: Yeah! I heard that it was out in cinemas again early next year.. Now I'm really confused. D:

2008-11-07 [The Dizzy Raven]: me too

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