I made this page because I know just how frustraighting it can be to click on a page that SAYS it has changes and not know what they are. So, if you want to hear about the latest addition, then I recomend you start watching this wiki page (instrutions at the bottom of the page) so that your kept up to speed on the latest COMPLETED (if not mostly) and the under construction adventures so that you know to check and see when they're done ^.^.
I'm making your life easy because your just that special my unique and wonderful snowflakes XD.
*Note: I will only list the FIVE most recent adventures (i.e. Latest Added Misadventures), after that, your on your own. Sorry, but your big boys and girls, I'm sure that you'll fair just fine XD.*
*Instructions for how to start watching a wiki page (just incase you need to know :P)...*
Step one) -And yes, I did just say step XD- Look to your right, or if your Dyslexic, then look to your other left XP. Step 2) -Woot we're introducing numbers- Scroll down until you see a white box, or one that says Page name, for the color impaired -I hope that was politically correct :P-. Step tres) -I wish I could draw a mini-box on there instead of saying step :(- Find the skinny "green"(if it's that color to you :P) box below 'upload file' and above 'become a fan' hurray! box (Which you should do too XD, hurray for encouragment...by calling you unique and wonderful snowflakes >.<) St4p) *See step five* -Thank you OCD in multiples of five XD- 5 Step) Click it! -Hell to the yeah, you just became an upgraded to awesome snowflake XD *End of instructions, so stop reading me and click on a misadventure XD*
*Other side note: You can also upgrade your snowflack level to Super Mario Star Power type strength (Trust me, Better than Awesome unless your both XD you hard worker, you XP) by becoming a member XD You know you want it XP*