Page name: The Stolen Child IX [Logged in view] [RSS]
2017-05-22 03:42:41
Last author: Sheamus Finn
Owner: Sheamus Finn
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The Stolen Child VIII

Linlesse smiled, "Men like him often do have something up their sleeve. Whatever your plan is I will help, I'd like to leave this place and continue my journey to Andor." Conner was sitting by himself and working up his full plan, he'd need to push his host just enough to get him to do as Conner wished. He did watch Vex though, something about the Blade reminded him about the stories of his parents. That before they became lovers they worked together and were successful adventurers.

"You are heading to Andor? No... I mean... Yes we have a plan... and if all goes well, you and all the sailors included are coming with us." Vex said. She was thrown for a loop and so her usual aloofness and focus was off a bit. Especially with Conner just winging his plan and not including her in any of it. Vex sighed. "Okay so. We plan to make a distress call of a type sometime. The cavalry should arrive to help. That's... the... 'plan'." Vex said almost in a disappointed way.

Linlesse nodded, "Is there a signal we should watch for? Most good plans have a signal of some sort. Perhaps he forgot to mention it to you." She was looking over Vex's shoulder at Conner who was talking to the sailors about their part of his plan. "I assume he has a plan about the guards, there are almost one hundred or so they are loyal to Kan Quan only." she said hoping to add to the escape plan.

"He doesn't mention much to anyone about his plans. That's his trouble. I'll be back." vex said before standing and walking back over to Conner. She waited to gain his attention. She wasn't going to intrude if she didn't have tio but Linlesse had some good questions.

Conner smiled, "If you mates will excuse me. I believe I have some more planning to do with my partner." he headed over to Vex. "What can I do for you?" he figured she might have other questions for him. But, he thought everything seemed pretty well in hand. She led him back to Linlesse, who smiled back at him if she was a psion then he definitely wanted her help.

"She has some good questions. Signals, the guards. All those things you told me to just trust you about." Vex said crossing her arms and waiting for him to talk his way out of this situation as well. He seemed really good at it usually. which really did annoy her. Among other qualities he had.

"Fine, if you are gonna make me ruin how amazing how this is going to be." Conner said making it seem like they were offending him by asking. "I've communicated with the creature we reside in, and once the Ravenwood team arrives then the cages will vanish and weapons will appear and Linlesse will be able to use her powers. I intend on capturing Kan Quan and turning him over to the Andorian people as a pirate and murderer." he looked at Vex and grinned it was an easy but ingenious plan.

Vex didn't look impressed. "What type of weapons are we talking about? Are you going to give any signal at all to prepare all the people trusting you with this plan? How exactly are you going to capture a sorcerer like Kan? How exactly are the 'Ravenwood' team going to arrive exactly? And how did you speak to the monster?" Vex asked trying to keep her temper and physical urges in check. He had no plan to tell her any of this. He had planned to just let her be forced to simply react to his plan. Vex was seething and trying to contain it. She folded her arms over her chest to avoid the temptations, and clenched her jaw firmly.

Linlesse laughed and clapped her hands, "I understand the amulet you have allows contact with the creature, who can create objects like our cages and change them into swords. Although I am fuzzy...wai...did you say Ravenwood? As in Hig...Darryl Ravenwood?'re Conner Ravenwood?"

Conner smiled although the psion was right she sounded awestruck, "I am and Darryl will bring many family members here as soon as he sends Xeph home. The bars will become swords and ta-da plan in motion. In which I plan on using surprise to take Kan." He looked at Vex almost daring her to find the holes in his plan.

"So if your brother brings the ravenwoods here. How are we going home then? and xeph? How will he remain safe?" Vex said though she frowned because she knew... just knew he was going to tell her to keep Xeph safe above all else when he knew that his safety was her priority.

"We return home with everyone else either by boat or Darryl moving us. Xeph goes home to his mother before anyone comes here and the fighting begins, into the arms of his mother. I want Kan captured, he's taken so many people and probably killed just as many as he sold to slavery and needs to stand trial." COnner said before sitting down.

"Conner," Linlesse asked shyly, "do you think you can introduce me to Darryl Ravenwood? I want to see if he can help me with my abilities."

He looked at her, "I can make the introductions, but Darryl hasn't taken on a student ever, nor do I believe Asper would premit it. But, we will try."

"No promises." Vex said to Linlesse quickly, she looked over the both of them. First Linlesse and then Conner. What would Kan have need of a psion slave? Unless it was the guild. in which case why would the guild... though she was beginning to become very suspicious of the guild and it's so called good doings now. why would they want a psion? By force? Vex didn't trust the girl one bit, and as for Conner Vex had a feeling things were going to get more complicated then he anticipated, she would have to make some tough calls soon she was sure of it. Possibly even ones that forfeited her own life for his or the child's. Vex sat as well and folded both arms and legs. Ravenwood adventures all seemed this much fun, both in book and apparently life as you lived it.

Conner looked at Vex and scooted closer, "Something is on your mind Vex and since we are trying to be amicable partners please tell me." He wanted her to be hopeful that this plan would work and they'd be hailed as heroes when they got back to Andor.

Linlesse watched them from her cell, they were nice together and she was sure that they would get closer while they helped defend Andor and each other. Sitting back she again pulled her knees up to her chest and let out a soft sigh, she needed to get out of here and find somewhere to feel safe again. Part of her wanted to cry, it had been so long since she had seen her family and now locked up here in this place. But, there was hope now that Conner and Vex were here and that soon the rest of the Ravenwoods would arrive to liberate them.

"Just thinking about if's." Vex said with a shrug and a shake of her head. This Linlesse girl seemed young but... she was probably not too much older than herself. But completely untrained it seemed. Otherwise she wouldn't be so scared? Vex sighed she was thinking too much. As her commander had said many times. Rest when you can before a battle because you'll need it. So Vex stopped thinking and closed her eyes. "Wake me when something happens." She murmured to Conner and promptly went silent.

Almost an hour later Vex felt Conner shake her, "We are about to have company partner." Further outside the cells she could hear a door open and footsteps start in their direction. Linlesse was on her feet in her cell as well and whispered, "We will be ready for your signal Conner, good luck." Conner had turned and smiled at the girl then looking back to the captain, "You remember your part right?"

"Yes, sir." the Captain replied, "You can count on us to do our part."

"Don't get hurt, and don't make me die for you today." Vex warned Conner as she got to her feet quickly. Vex said nothing else and stood leaning ever so slightly against the walls. She was ready arms at her sides. whatever happened she would react quickly to. this was her mission however, to keep Conner safe no matter what. She was ready to kill, and maim, while appearing calm and relaxed.

Conner looked at her and a small smile appeared on his face, "Dear Vex. This is where being a bard, is not only going to give us the upper hand, but win us the day. Everything is performance, instead of a instrument, I will play our host and make this my opus." he said turning and wiping the smile from his face. His words were oddly inspiring, like he knew there was no way to lose and his plan was superior to the power and forces of their enemy.

The guards arrived and wasted no time in marching them to their hosts chambers, Xeph was put into Vex's hands again the elven maid apparently no longer wishing to have anything to do with the child. Kan Quan was waiting for them, "I am going to kill you and keep your nurse maid for the child Conner, for there is nothing you can say or do to influence me keeping you around." Vex could tell what happened next for the decoy it was, Conner fell to his knees and took a sniveling attitude. "Kan Quan, please...I do have a use and I can get you what you most desire if you do not kill me!" The wizard had a look of surprise and confusion, "What is it you think you can offer for your life?" COnner got to his feet slowly and took a pleading look, "Let me speak with my family and trade us for Fael, my family will do anything to secure the return of me and the child."

Kan Quan looked like someone had given him a great gift, "If your family will not deal than I will kill you in front of them. And they will meet with my demands, Fael serving me faithfully for the return of you and his son. I would have to enspell him of course to keep him compliant." Conner nodded, "A wise plan, and I bet that my family is still receiving people who are well wishing. And I will even provide the word to the spell that will allow you to open a portal spell to offer your deal."

Shortly after doing that, Kan Quan informed them he was going to make them remain in place with the creature's powers, still unaware that Conner had the necklace of control. But, Vex felt herself root in place and even little Xeph stopped any movement. And the wizard cast his spell opening the portal into the Estate's dining room where sure enough people were milling about with the family. Quickly everyone scurried away leaving Elsa, Fael, and the lord and lady in front of the portal.

Vex was completely unconvinced of Conner's acting and simply couldn't even believe that Kan had. It was... so fake. Then the next thing she knew... not only had he bought it... but he was even talking about his plans out loud. Vex had to wonder... did all men who go up against a Ravenwood... become so pliant? was it truly the work of a bard? This felt so... out of place from what had been happening before. when the spell was cast Vex had to fight a momentary passing fit of utter panic at being trapped. She didn't let a single shred of the emotion go detectable however and so she was forced to watch and bite her tongue. Conner was managing... which was a surprise to her altogether, which wasn't necessarily a bad thing.

Conner listened to Kan Quan rant and inform his family of the deal, his mind was struggling a little two beings were trying to communicate at the same time. Darryl who was as always easily understood was waiting for his signal for the next step in their plans. What was causing the trouble was the creature who was almost flooding Conner with pleas of sending it home and not to leave Kan Quan regain control of it. "Patience my new friend, I will not leave you to return to his service and I will do everything I can to send you home. I promise you just a little while longer." Conner intoned back to the creature.

Vex stood there unable to move, holding Xeph in her arms. So far, Conner had tried to be a bad-ass, it worked a little. however every time he impressed her a littler he just reminded her of who he was and his position in life. Now They were trapped in a magic spell... inside a creature, while she held a baby, and the lunatic keeping everything and everyone prison was boasting about how he came back for revenge or some shit. If Vex weren't immobile or holding the baby... she'd just stab the prick in the back. she was impressed though when Conner's sister let that magic fly. She was equally impressed with Fael willing to completely forfeit himself for the child and his wife.

Conner watched everything unfold, he knew Darryl needed time to make sure he could act. Elsa's spell was impressive to say the least, and he hoped never to anger his sister to that point ever. "How soon Darryl, this charade is beginning to chafe and the creature is fearful that the plan will not work. How much longer until we let the cat out of the bag?" The next thought from Darryl almost made him laugh which would started the plan way too early.

Vex wondered how Xeph was taking this oppressive spell holding them still. After all what with his tail he seemed to have always been in constant motion his whole life. She didn't mind. having been taught to stand at attention, and before that hiding in alleys where not moving kept her alive.

The Stolen Child X

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2017-04-20 [Nuktae-tal]: so Vex can't speak or move....

2017-04-21 [Sheamus Finn]: just not able to move

2017-04-21 [Nuktae-tal]: but speaking involves moving? plus what would she say while he was speaking to the ravenwoods?

2017-04-21 [Sheamus Finn]: not could feel free to have her think something....she does seem to have some scathing thoughts about

2017-04-22 [Nuktae-tal]: well it's a post

2017-04-29 [Nuktae-tal]: no good?

2017-05-02 [Nuktae-tal]: ? should I post something?

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