Page name: The Stolen Child VIII [Logged in view] [RSS]
2016-11-29 05:40:30
Last author: Sheamus Finn
Owner: Sheamus Finn
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The Stolen Child VII

Conner didn't move and for what Vex could tell his breathing had stopped or was very shallow. His eyes focused on the ceiling of the cell and his hands almost clenched the floor. Many of the sailors moved to the bars hoping to hide them if the guards should happen by. The Captain hissed, "Missy what has he done? Best make sure he isn't dead, no way to explain that away."

"NO Kidding!" Vex hissed angrily. She put her palm to his mouth and nose, to feel whether or not he was breathing at all and stared at his chest, any movement and she would be relieved. None and she would have to try to get him breathing again, and there were only two ways she knew of doing that. One she refused to do unless he was actually really dead first.

Vex felt no breath, but when she touched his neck there was still a pulse of blood. Time was not on her side.

Vex growled angrily she didn't have what she needed to do the first thing because all her things were taken away from her. Second thing she knew how to do was give him breath. she would murder him for this. She leaned forward opened his mouth and leaned down breathing heavily into his mouth before pushing on his chest down. Hard. Then she repeated it twice.

On her third breath Conner gasped and his hand shot up and grabbed Vex's shoulder as a reflex as everything returned to normal. Looking over at her once he caught his breath Conner said, "And here I thought you didn't like me. Thank you Vex." He released her shoulder and dropped his hand back to his side and continued to breath normally. The spell had worked only with unintended results, his mental conversation with the creature overtaxed his body thus how Vex wound up bringing him back from the land of the almost dead.

Vex pinched him. On his nipple. And twisted. Hard for a five count. Before letting go and rising. She was furious yet again. Him and his damn mouth and his damn tricks and his damn damned everything. She cursed and stewed for several minutes. He was alive that was all that mattered. Her job was still to keep him that way and mostly unharmed. Here she was in pants and shirt, no way out and he still finds a way to kill himself... BY HIMSELF?! she was seriously debating this job again.

"For the love of the gods I'm alive!!" Conner hissed holding his abused chest. "I mean how would you like it if I did that to you?" the comment was followed by laughter from the sailors. Slowly getting up Conner went and got some water while he worked on pulling all of the information he gathered into coherent thoughts.

Vex scowled at him from her position against the wall. She didn't care if she was the butt of the jokes. Back in training other always made fun of her. She was alone and always would be. No one liked her, she was either to smart or too fast or just unpleasant. Only Commander Rand ever seemed to treat her fairly and she was stuck with his smart lipped nephew who tried to kill himself every half day! She was torn between wanting to kill the little Sod. Or following out the mission Commander Rand had given her.

The Captain, a little tired with both the Ravenwood and his bodyguard spoke, "So, what did ye find out Master Conner?" Clearing his throat Conner said simply, "This creature doesn't belong here and in truth is a prisoner as well." Several men snorted and motioned around, "Funny I don't see it in a cage." Conner was silent for a minute pulling the images together again, "It comes from another plane, one of nothing but oceans where most of it's life is feeding and moving about in small groups. It was brought here and our 'host' has it enslaved, and it is what is fouling up my brother's ability to find us." As he spoke many of the men seemed to calm down, even Vex felt a little sorry for the creature they were trapped inside by Conner's words.

"The answer is clear then. We break the sorcerers hold over it and it helps us in return. Yes?" Vex posed then standing and cocking her hip to on side with her fist resting on it. She was more than tired of being a prisoner here and was ready to change things up. She was certain the female elf would be no trouble so she could probably leave that one to Conner to kill while she handled the more difficult one.

"There's the trouble, he keeps the controller on him and can control it with thought alone. And once we manage to wrest control we have to drop the field so Darryl can get to us and get most everyone away. But, the trick is to find a way to do this with brains, as Uncle Rand says "Brawn won't do this time."

"So... We get Xeph to kick a fuss. While I and the maid are being very distracting... as I can be... You shank him and take the controller. Easy." Vex shrugged her shoulders it seemed a fairly easy plan to her. "Or I could 'trip' and throw Xeph at him. Either way he is distracted right?" Vex said looking at the floor for a moment on finger tapping her chin as she thought about things a little. Xeph was their best distraction. however Staging it all was going to be the biggest thing. That and timing.

Conner raised an eyebrow, "Throwing Xeph no. Not even an option." While Conner had little doubt that Vex could cause a distraction, he preferred not endangering Xeph. "Although, I wonder if I could bait him into losing control so I could swipe the controller. It will require some acting, and making him really mad." Already Conner had a feeling Darryl and a certain Felid might be moving among them soon.

"He's a cat right. Like his father. He'd be fine. You worry too much." Vex said rolling her eyes and shaking her head. "Your nephew your decision. Just let me make the killing blow. Commander Rand would kill me then kick me out of the Guard if I let you kill anyone. On purpose." Vex said as a warning.

Conner looked vaguely insulted, Rand knew about the fight in Sildea. Conner had told Rand in detail the fight between him and the Disciple of Soth and he had assumed that Rand told Vex as well. No matter though, he needed to come up with a way to make their 'host' make a mistake that he could exploit.

Vex knew what it was to take a life and she wondered when Conner gave a face at her comments whether he truly thought of the lives he took or... didn't? She didn't comment however because well, she didn't want to bicker and they both had things to think on. She she leant on the wall once more and continued to think about possible situations.

"I have an idea, a chance to do everything at once and possibly bring the family here to liberate everyone concerned." Conner announced after working out a few things. He'd have to bait Kan Quan, and it could get very ugly but as Uncle Rand said, "You can work with ugly."

"Enlighten me." Vex said drolly. Though she was interested in what he might have come up with. She so far had very few basic idea's. She knew her skills, and from her street days knew how to fight dirty and to be quick on her feet. thinking up elaborate plans was not something she excelled in. However she didn't want Conner thinking she couldn't come up with something either, or for him to think he would impress her.

"I'm going to manipulate him, into becoming violent with me. Then convincing him to offer Xeph as a trade for his father, I'm sure he might throw us in as grease for the deal. I know your mission is to protect me, but if my plan is to work you need to hang onto Xeph as long as possible." Conner explained. While they stood in the corner, "My Uncle once spent a long time as a statue, because he had been poisoned. My family and Andor won, because for a short time they made it look as they lost." His plan was not fool proof, many things could go wrong and he hoped Vex would find the plan suitable enough to go along with it.

"Manipulate?" Vex asked, she meant it as a clarification of his term. did he mean to simply annoy the other man? Or was there something else afoot. Something bards did. She wasn't very familiar with them, though she knew they could use a little magic. whatever he meant to prove with his story she had no idea really but how would he get the controller off of Kan if he was just angry? "there are a lot of if's in this plan..." she said after a moment of thinking on it.

"Yes, but without access to magic I will have to get him to use his own magic. I'm going to depend on you Vex, as you'll have to trust me." Conner said without thinking about it he put his hand on her shoulder. Something in his tone made him sound like Commander Rand, and his belief in his people and their skills.

"I have no other choice at the moment." Vex said narrowing her eyes at him. She didn't particularly trust this younger boy, but she had to admit he was a little more skilled than she had first thought. And in useful ways sometimes too. Though... she could very much so see the family resemblance, with both Rand and Conner taking after the more Elven features of the mixed blood. Whil she didn't particularly like being touched by anyone... a personal thing really, at the moment she felt he might also be seeking strength, she had known many cadets who did the same. It somehow boosted their confidence. "But very well." She relented.

Conner smiled, "Good, we fill everyone in then wait for our host to summon us again." Wasting no time he hurried to go over the plan with the crew who looked at Vex almost unbelieving what he had planned. And almost two hours after his feeding, the guards returned to bring Conner and Vex back to Kan Quan.

Vex scowled at the guards and even at the crew members. While she would do as told... she might do more. There were simply too many if's for her to feel entirely comfortable with this plan of Conner's. He hadn't seen enough action he wasn't really a combat oriented person. And situations like these could go sour very quickly. Vex was simply unhappy with everything at the moment.

As they approached Kan Quan's chambers, they could hear Xeph crying. Either the young felid was very hungry or something else was wrong, and Vex could almost swear she saw Conner's jaw clench like his father and even Commander Rand's when dealing with situations that dealt with family. Kan Quan was not in the chamber and the elf maid looked quite at a loss on why the babe would not quiet, "You deal with him." she spat tossing a burping towel at Vex and storming to the table and sitting down.

"So much for knowing what your doing." Vex sneered under her breath. But she took Xeph and went behind the curtained area to feed him. She still hated it, she checked over the babe for bruises just in case before loosing one breast and offering it to him. He had some sharp teeth though and it wasn't exactly pleasant to breast feed in general.

Rather than latch on the little one began to snuggle closer to Vex and quieted almost immediately. Even when Vex out her breast away Xeph made no noise just reached out and grabbed her hand. It was doubtful that anyone paid him any attention unless they were feeding or cleaning him. Looking up she could see Conner's outline on the other side of the screen, "Is he okay Vex?" Before she could really answer Xeph let out a throaty purr and smiled at Vex.

"He's alright now." Vex answered tersely. No need for anyone to think she was getting soft. She tucked herself away and let him snuggle. She would stay behind the curtain. He would get hungry she was certain once he calmed himself. That purr though... was something else. She could only imagine a full grown man... Felid, and she had to wonder herself just how good would it feel to be with one. She had met the father. He was... something else certainly. How Conner's sister ever let him walk around not fully clothed was beyond her. first time she saw him shirtless, well she'd had a slight struggle with herself not to drool or do anything embarrassing. But right now the little one seemed happy enough to just snuggle.

Xeph held one of Vex's fingers in his little hand and continued to purr, rubbing his head against her chest. It occurred to Vex his ear was over her heart and the child was taking comfort being in her arms and listening to her heartbeat. After a short while he turned his head and opened his mouth and latched onto her breast and began to feed. Conner had went back over to the table by himself and was talking queitly. The elven maid not far away was watching Vex with more interest than she was with Conner.

Vex winced when he latched but she stayed still and held him close so he was comfortable while feeding. It was curious that he wanted her heart beat, must be the wild in him though vex figured. Vex however imagined his mother played and snuggled more then anything else... probably catering to that wildness she liked in her husband. It made Vex wonder if all Ravenwoods were this cuddly as well. Vex snapped her mind out of it and glared at the other woman suddenly. Vex hated how her mind wondered while the little greedy beast ate.

Xeph didn't drink as deeply but his eyes stayed on Vex's and his purr continued as his little hand rested on the side of her breast. It was hard not to wonder what he was thinking, those aqua colored eyes looking up into hers. Making any felid more exotic was the rhythmic pat of his tail against her side. For a minute the desires of the druids to help propagate the species wasn't so crazy. Then again there was their mother, Elsa and Grandmother Alehial to contend with.

Vex sighed and looked up, she was behind the curtain so safe from prying eyes. Now she was worrying about what the hell Conner's whole plan was... he said to trust him... and she was trying. He didn't say anything about how or what he was going to do... but since Xeph was around it couldn't be another huge explosion.

A short time later Kan Quan entered the room as Vex was doing up her top. Xeph was content in the body guards arms and it was becoming more natural for her as well. "Master Ravenwood, you have given me a wonderful idea on how to get what I truly want. Tonight, we will contact your family and I will trade you and the baby for Fael or else they will never see you or him again." Conner stood up and screwed up his face, "You're a worthless human being and my family would rather find and kill you than let Fael come to you, lousy sodomite!" It was an outburst of anger that even surprised Vex, Kan Quan chanted quickly and Conner shook off the magic, but was moving slowly. The wizard crossed and slammed his fist into Conner's stomach, the two seemed to blend together for a few moments before Conner fell to the ground coughing. He caught Vex's eye though and shook his head, it was apparent Xeph was her focus right now.

Vex wasn't sure what in the world was happening for a moment, she tightened her grip on Xeoh though not enough to hurt the child and pulled him from her chest and covered herself. Something was going on and it was going on now... whatever his plan was... it was much more stupid than she had believed. And now she was going to have to try and minimize damage... again. And bring them all out alive.

Kan Quan turned and pointed to Vex and she felt herself paralyzed then leaned down, "You think you are in control here little bard? You are nothing, not able to use magic and spending more time whoring yourself. You have squandered the life destiny gave you..." Conner took a breath and spit in the man's face, it was another shocking move that no one expected. And for it Conner received several kicks and Kan Quan ordered he and Vex returned to the cell.

"The hell are you doing?!" Vex growled out to Conner she was containing herself barely.

Laying on the cell floor Conner still held his stomach, but surprised Vex when he smiled. "First off, you hit harder than they do. Second, the plan is working better than I could have thought. I believe that everything will correct itself shortly." A sound from the cell across from them interrupted what he was going to say next, a girl a little older then them commented, "You convinced him to show that he is not in control and can be easily manipulated into giving into your plans." She was thin, with red hair and emerald colored eyes and smiled when they looked at her, "I read several books on how to manipulate others to do what you want."

"Plan?! that wasn't a fucking plan! you imbecile! And what will he do next then hm?! And who the fuck are you and when the hell did you get here?!" Vex growled out turning to the other cage and snarling at the girl. Vex was not in any kind of control of the situation and couldn't get a handle on what was happening and now there was some snooty red headed little know it all pissing her off like Conner.

"My name is Linlesse Zinwarin and I've been here for quite a while. And I assume most of his plan is complete, he just needs Kan Quan to try bargaining for you." Conner who was still on the floor chuckled, "You, Linlesse are very perceptive the end is nigh and Kan Quan is no more the wiser for what I've done." He looked at Vex and got to his feet, "Never tip your hand, always let the enemy think he has you at his mercy." He then crossed and got a drink of water leaving Vex and Linlesse behind. "He seems familiar to me, and I can tell you are both Andorians. I was on my way there, well, before." she said sitting down and wrapping her arms around her knees.

"We are headed that way again... apparently. The little fucking prick." Vex said before muttering in anger about Conner. She slid down against the wall and better secured her shirt. Vex wasn't one for very subtle... clearly. "so what? Quan asks for more... and they find out where we are?" Vex asked after a moment of thinking. she hated riddles. though she was good at them when she had time to think. "You are from... our neighboring country... your red hair and green eyes sort of give that away. unless you are not?" Vex inquired as she tried to calm down from her seeth.

"I move around alot...I'm hoping to approach The Lodge Luminous for help, and training. So, what are your names? I like names they help me see where people fit in the world. It helps me understand my place in the here and now." Linlesse said pulling her knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. "The ship I was on was captured and I'm the only one that Kan Quan did not sell into slavery." she said with a sigh.

"Why did he not sell you?" Vex asked unable to put aside her curiosity for a moment. She wondered if this was a ruse of some kind suddenly, and felt more wary of this Linlesse. Her mission was to keep the boys safe and bring them home. The more people involved the harder that became for her to do. Especially with Conner not giving her any details of her plan at all.

Linlesse looked down, "I can do things that others can't, it isn't magic or divine power. I think he wants to study me and either learn something about others like me or how to replicate them." She looked up at Vex, "I'm not sure how to address you or him, what are your names?"

"I am known by Vex." Said Vex after a moment of thought. "Can you not do any of those things now? To escape?" she asked wondering what was keeping this strange woman here if she had such powers. Was she like Darryl Ravenwood? a Psion perhaps?

She shook her head, "No, whatever blocks magic also blocks my powers. I'm hoping whatever he has planned will let me help you get out of here." Conner came back to them and knelt, "We need to discuss the rest of my plan Vex. If you don't mind Linlesse?" The girl looked almost hurt that Conner wasn't filling her in on the details.

"We'll talk later." Vex said to Linlesse before standing. "Let's talk then." She gestured to the other side of the cell. If he was wanting privacy or the illusion she would play along for now. After all he was finally including her into the loop of his crazy plans. Maybe now she would get a better understanding... or a grasp... or glimpse... or whatever he was thinking.

Conner hunkered down beside her and touched her shoulder, "Sooner or later he is gonna let my family know he has us. And if I'm right that will give my brother the information to bring help to us." In Vex's mind she had not figured out how Darryl Ravenwood would find them let alone bring help. Conner smiled, "Soon we will be back home and you can relax. Oh, no matter what our host does or says play along, it'll work out I promise."

"So what was the whole display for back there then huh?! And what the hell do you mean play the fuck along?!" She snapped at him shoving his hand off of her shoulder roughly. "also how the fuck do I relax when I'm your bodyguard and you pull shit like this?" she asked scowling heavily at him. It seemed like the beating he had received had only further scrambled what brains he had left at least to Vex.

"To be truthful Vex, you kept more secrets from me than I from you. I still do not want a bodyguard, I'd rather you and I treat each other like equals. Partners, you watch my back and I watch yours and together we be better at protecting our home than as squabbling children." Conner had been holding his tongue after finding out about her attachment to The Guild.

"As a bodyguard you should not be getting attached to me. In fact you shouldn't even know what you do now. I've been a fool in letting you know so much. fine. Fine. I will treat you more as an equal. Only if you no longer try to become close or learn of my past. Also you must promise... to always put your life above mine. try your best and when it is no good you leave me behind. either promise me this or we can no longer work together and I will resign once we return... if I get you and the young master back home alive." Vex said sitting and putting her back to the cell wall. she was giving up and giving in to Conner at last.

"Then fine if we are partners then I will share this." He opened his pocket and turned to the side so Vex could look. Inside Conner's pocket was Kan Quan's controller. Looking at Vex, Conner smirked and raised his eyebrow, "Squandered my destiny? I say more I learned enough to take and replace something important with a duplicate our fellow prisoner fashioned for me." It was a stroke of luck and a little bit of manipulation that but Conner Ravenwood and his allies on top.

"How did you even know what to look for or where it was kept? I was to believe you were a bard trained... not theif." Vex said with a raised brow. "Linlesse made that? You trust her?" Vex asked curious, was he going to include her as well and try to be a hero and save everyone she wondered. Probably it seemed to be his families hobby. She sighed again and slowly got to her feet. "so what's the next step."

"I saw it when he first taunted me, Bard's are dabblers in many things, No the creature we are imprisoned in made it. If she is being held here than yes, trust her." Conner turned and closed the amulet in his pocket, "Nothing, we wait until he summons us, you to feed or calm Xeph and me for more humiliation. Then I get him to play into our hands partner." he opened his hand so he and Vex could shake on it and seal their partnership.

"whatever." Vex said rolling her eyes again and shaking his hand. She did make sure to squeeze hard though. This annoying little twerp. She wondered if this was the commanders plan all along? Because she was a solo sort of person usually and none of the other Blade's could stand her? wear her down by using Conner? If so... against her will it was working. Once finished squeezing she made her way back over to speak to the other captive. Linlesse. "So... we have a plan." Vex said looking down at the other woman again. Studying her once more.

The Stolen Child IX

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