Page name: The Stolen Child VII [Logged in view] [RSS]
2016-07-25 03:40:23
Last author: Sheamus Finn
Owner: Sheamus Finn
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The Stolen Child VI

As Vex sat Conner turned back and took a sip of tea before speaking, "Kan Quan, to answer your question truthfully it was a ruse on my part. To arm a servant so it made us appear greater in number and gave me a tactical advantage." The man smirked, "Well played Master Ravenwood, except I know have you both and the nurse maid. I feel that I hold all the cards. Nursemaid, the child refuses the elven nurse sent to me you will feed the child now." he pushed the ring across the table to Vex. "And Conner you will find it impossible to use spells of contact or psionic powers here. Xīng Guī is under my control and nothing happens here that I do not wish to happen."

Vex said nothing. She was pissed. But she also understood. She stood from her chair, taking the ring slowly and walked over to the elven woman. "C'mere you little devil." She said softly reaching out for Xeph. She wasn't however going to feed him in front of everyone here in the room. Bared for all to see. The name of the man tugged at her mind but she couldn't focus on that right now. With the ring on her fingers and her breasts feeling heavy, she just wanted a chance to kill something and get them out of where-ever the hells they were.

Kan Quan watched Vex, "I did not say you may leave, I said feed the child." Conner almost choked, "Kan Quan, she is a nursemaid, but I at least give her dignity to feed the child where she is most comfortable." The Archerian narrowed his eyes at Conner, "I have no desire for her and she is a servant and below your station. She will feed the child here or not at all!" A twinge of anger shot through Conner's eyes, "I will not give her that order, to do so would dishonor her and my family name, as I would have thought dishonor to your name." Now Vex could see Conner had pushed a button, "Very well, the nurse shall stand with the nursemaid behind the curtain while she feeds the child." He waved his hand and a privacy screen materialized with cushions for Vex and the nurse to sit on.

"Don't you watch either." Vex hissed softly at the elf woman beside her. At least the men weren't looking, she turned her back to the elf and unbuttoned her shirt. Opening one side just enough for Xeph to get what he needed she held him close. "It's alright Xeph I've got you." She said giving the Felid child a gentle squeeze. She held him up to her breast so he might feed on his own, thank goodness the first and most awkward of times was over with. The sooner he fed and finished the sooner this whole stupid mess could get finished.

The young one was quite hungry and had rejected the elf, he gladly latched onto Vex and began to purr as his tummy began to receive milk. His tail again wrapped around Vex's wrist he knew he was safe with her and with Uncle Conner. Sitting at the table Conner and Kan Quan's cup were refilled, for the heir of house Ravenwood this was the perfect chance to find out more about this enemy. And hopefully, the way to escape with everyone would present itself he just had to play this diplomatic game with his host. "So, Kan Quan, what is it that you hope to accomplish having my nephew and now me here in Xīng Guī is it?" Conner asked before another sip. Kan Quan laughed, "I have no interest in the child except for the pain it causes his parents, my true interest lies in his father. Although now that I have you, perhaps I do not need Fael." Vex could understand the implications of the man's words, Fael, regret and anger, most likely any mention of Elsa would bring anger, and the longer he talked with Conner held a growing amount of intrigue.

After some time, and seeing that Xeph was still hungry she switched sides, she hated the feel of one breast being empty while the other was uncomfortably full. Finally when he was done and asleep, she covered herself quickly with her free arm and gently burped him while he slept. As an older babe he didn't spit up much or at all which was a godsend. The goal was the father but why? that was the question she was certain Conner was wanting an answer to rather than let us go and other more important things.

Conner set his cup down, "Your plan is an ambitious one, but you risk all this because of infatuation?" Conner remembered that Kan Quan under another name had a fixation on Fael that was not returned. And in a fit of jealousy cast a fireball that everyone assumed had killed him, now he was back and had Xeph. Most assuredly Fael would trade himself for his child, Conner was now working with a truncated timetable in planning an escape. "Are you planning on sending us back to our cell once she is done feeding the child?" Conner asked, hoping that he would have a private moment to confer with Vex. Kan Quan nodded, "Food will be brought for you and the men in the cells. As long as you do as I ask I will continue to send food and water."

Vex rocked Xeph gently keeping her back to the elf woman. She didn't know what was going on exactly or why Fael was being targeted, but she knew given the chance she would kill this sorcerer and the elf that served him. Vex wasn't good at diplomacy, rather anything that required actions or skills was where she excelled.

"If the child is done then it is time for the two of you to return to the cell." Kan Quan said without reacting to Conner's comment. Conner sighed and drained his cup. "Vex is Xeph's tummy full? If so we should go back and check on the crew." This round was over and he had a great deal of information to sift through before the second round. Also, he was going to try something that would make Vex angry with him, but they had no other choice in this matter. The elf maid came around and held out her arms for Xeph. Vex saw the woman had a brand of The Disciples of Soth, meaning that Galedrid and his men were responsible for this.

"He bites." Vex said before gently unwinding his furry tail and handing him over to the other woman. She took off the ring as well. Tucked her shirt back into her pants properly and stood. She wanted to just punch the woman in the face. Or the tit. But she had gained valuable knowledge in handing the child over. Vex clenched her teeth together until the muscles in her jaw ached. Self control. deep breaths. She relaxed then and walked around the screen back to Conner's side.

A short time later they were back in the cell with the sailors, Conner turned around and waited for the guards to leave before speaking. It was obvious to Vex Conner was working something out, until he turned to speak with her. "I commend you Vex for keeping your cool during the encounter. But, I think we have a great deal of information that can help us."

"Then next time I will murder them." Vex said going and sitting in a corner of the cell. She was furious, and very uncomfortable with the situation and just wanted to stab that elf bitch in the face. But Conner was who they were speaking to not her. So Conner needed to be the one to control the situation. Something his family sort of bred into the family genes. Like green eyes.

Conner knew he was possibly going to get in a little trouble, but what the hell. He took a knee near Vex and held her gaze, "I know that you don't like being treated like a servant but you've put them at ease with you being so accepting of the situation. My Uncle Rand said that sometimes it's better to seem harmless so the enemy underestimates you." It was wrong to lay his unnatural ability to calm and charm on Vex again. But, for his next plan he needed her calm and cool and able to help him if it went to far. "So, are you willing to help me with our next step?"

"Where do you think I learned it." Vex huffed and stood, walking away from him. He always had to be right beside her or in front of her. Close. He was always too close. "I'm your guard of course I'm willing." She scowled at him and leaned against the back wall to better watch the bars. She hoped she was doing the right thing but she didn't feel so angry about everything at the moment so she must be doing something alright She figured to herself.

Conner grinned to himself, he had a way of speaking and calming people. Standing he produced some things he swiped from their hosts table, no wizard spells this time, it was all things he learned at Uncle Rand's knee. "I'm going to try a little magic and see if this creature we are in can communicate. If so, I need to try making some sort of deal with it." he explained before putting everything together and casting the spell. No giving Vex a chance to argue or interject, and then Conner Ravenwood seized all his muscles tensed and he fell to the floor shaking.

She all but growled when he began doing something and then ran to his side when he fell to the floor. She rolled him on his side and checked him to make certain he was all right. She didn't know what happened other than the monster probably didn't want to talk. To anyone. Her second thought was their host would find out and punish him for his wayward meddling attempt.

The Stolen Child VIII

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