Page name: The Town Herald Hall of Fame [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-07-16 15:50:05
Last author: Lerune
Owner: Lerune
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The Town Herald Hall of Fame

Welcome to the Town Herald Hall of Fame where we honor those who have donated to the Herald, as well as those who have won Town Herald Contest. All these wonderful people have our deepest thanks for helping to make the Herald what it is!



[cathWe awarded this graphic to [cath] for being so wonderful -- she donated a copy of Dreamweaver to Isilando to help with the layout and design of the Town Herald. Thanks again, [cath] for your contribution.

Art Corner and Poetry Corner donors

Any artist or poet who has 2 or more pieces accepted to appear in the herald, through the Art or Poetry Corners, will recieve one of the following buttons to place in their description.

<img:stuff/PCeldarbutton.jpg> <img:stuff/ACeldar.jpg>

Any artist or poet who has 5 or more pieces accepted will recieve one of the following buttons to place in their description.

<img:stuff/PCgreateldar.jpg> <img:stuff/Acgreateldar.jpg>

Retired/Junior Heralders

Also, for a list of past Heralders, who were forced to move onto other tasks, or simply part-time Heralders who cannot contribute as much time as they would like due to school and work, visit Town Herald Honorable Mentions.

Contest Winners


These graphics are awarded to the winners of the Town Herald Contests. Thanks a ton to everyone who participates!

The Worst Name Ever

All those silly names people called us as a child...well, we said forget 'em! Results were voted on in <poll:10988> which was closed on December 24th, 2003. Winners were:

1st - [, , , , , , , , ,]
2nd - [Beefcake]
3rd - [Phoenix_Tiger]

Isi's Landscapes

We had a contest expecially to add to [Isilando]'s growing collection of landscapes. All the entries were wonderful, but the winners were:

1st - [May-lea]
2nd - [Lady Di]
3rd - [Sepharin]

Self Portrait as a fantasy character - traditional media only.
1st Place tie - [Sorce473] [candacebell]

Writing Contest
Your assignment, should you choose to accept it.. is to write a poem incorporating reference to unicorns, fairies and shrooms.. Good luck, and this message will self destruct in 5... 4... 3...

{1} by [CastNuri] - Ode to a Unicorn, Fairy & Mushroom

The Pets of Elftown Photo contest
{1} Napoleon - [gyrfalcon65]
{2} Tie - Wasabi - [Karis] & Torvald - [Luthien_SJH]
{3} Romeo - [Resiska]

Self Portrait as a fantasy character - Digital art
{1} [Dragon Hawk]
{2} [irulan]
{3} [ButterflyFairy]

The Herald Contest Arena

<img:> <img:> <img:> <img:>

These badges are awarded to the participants and winners of each issue of The Herald Contest Arena.
Click to view larger images.

Issue10: The Future, Cyberpunk&Scifi
1st: [akhirah] with <img0*20:>
2nd: [the Indigo] with <img0*20:>
3rd: [Gwendolen] with <img0*20:>

* All graphics courtesy of [TheRogue] and [Kaimee]

Related Links:
The Town Herald
Town Herald Contests
Town Heralders

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2008-07-16 [Lerune]: I restored this page because it did have mention of people who have done good things for the Herald in the past. If you dont' want to link to it, that's alright -- it does need to be cleaned up, and I'll work on it. I just don't want to see thank-you's get erased. =o)

2008-07-16 [Mordigen]: Ahh, gotcha ;) -- I'll be sure to get them transfered over to the Honourable mentions page then :D

2008-07-16 [Lerune]: I can help if up all this stuff really did need to be done. :D

2008-07-16 [Mordigen]: Alrighty -- I've been working on this stuff all day, so i'm a little worn out -- besides, this is your page and you wrote the thankyous, so I think it would be most fitting for you to transfer the thankyous to the Honourable Mentions page, that way you know you'll have it just the way it was meant to be :)

Thanks again hun

2008-07-16 [Mordigen]: oh yea, one more thin I need to check and make a note of the honorable mentions was moved to honourable mentions. @ Town Herald Honourable Mentions as directed by [Sunrose] a few months back, as aparently 'honorable' is a typo.  I don't know if that's true, or just a regional thing -- but I just went with it XD

2008-07-16 [Lerune]: Anytime. :D

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