Page name: Valentine Art 11, Page 1 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-05-03 23:53:18
Last author: Akayume
Owner: Hedda
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Valentine Art 11, Page 1

Elftown Valentine Competitions


Please see the rules on the main page:
Valentine Art Competition


How to post your entry:
Add your image after the last one that has been already posted. Number your entries, and separate them with the <hr> tag. Don't forget to write your username and the title of the entry:

0. [insert user name] - "Title"

There is NOT a specific theme! Just Valentine's Day in general!

DEADLINE: February 21, 2011.



1. [Chel.] - "Sealed with a kiss!"

2. [Nioniel] - "Love Floats"

3. [pegasus1000] - "The Dancers"

4. [Marlene'Jacques] - "Flowers for you"

5. [Jitter] - "Touch me where it hurts"
lyrics by Pain of salvation

6. [Chimes] - "Valentina"

7. [The Dizzy Raven] - "Forever"

8. [Mortified Penguin] - "A Penguin Rejecting Sunrose's Unwarranted Romantic Advances"


Go, or return to:
Elftown Valentine Competitions
Valentine Art Competition
Valentine Poetry Competition
Valentine Photography Competition

Username (or number or email):


2011-01-27 [Chel.]: And with bubbles...

2011-01-30 [pegasus1000]: ... I really wish I could use my scanner for this one. My camera is not friendly for drawings.

2011-02-02 [Marlene'Jacques]: love yours [Chel.] it cute

2011-02-02 [Chel.]: Thankya!

2011-02-13 [Chimes]: My image is huge so rather than <img500:>, I put <img*500:> to make it not so huge :P - I hope that's okay. :]

2011-02-13 [Alexi Ice]: Fine with me.

2011-02-15 [Alexi Ice]: This will be easy to badge.

2011-02-15 [The Dizzy Raven]: I REALLY like [Jitter]'s entry :)

2011-02-15 [Jitter]: Thank you :)

I love CHel's and CHimes' so far, would be nice to get more entries rolling

2011-02-15 [Alexi Ice]: Yes, anyone who would like to help us out, post this in your diary. Invite your artist friends. Exc. I want to see more entries!

2011-02-15 [The Dizzy Raven]: you're welcome :3 I'll be making mine soon to put up ^^ I should probably get started on it now

Jitter, what's your DA account so i can add you. I want to fave your piece :) lol

2011-02-16 [Jitter]: Hahah thanks :)

2011-02-18 [The Dizzy Raven]: yay! and you're welcome

2011-02-19 [Jitter]: Very nice!

2011-02-19 [The Dizzy Raven]: Thanks :3

2011-02-21 [Rice]: [Jitter] your's is amazing!

2011-02-21 [Jitter]: Thank you :)

2011-02-22 [The Dizzy Raven]: I added ya jitters :) or at least i think i did XD All i remember is that i faved your work (has a bbit of a memory issue) ^^"

2011-02-22 [The Dizzy Raven]: I just now realized that today was the last day to submit ^^" phew I'm glad i got mine done

2011-02-22 [Jitter]: I don't check dA that often, I'll go log now and add you too :)

(Jitter please, not Jitters xD)

Edit: Didn't add me but I added you xD

2011-02-22 [The Dizzy Raven]: ^^" sorry

ok then I'll add ya. lolz

Your name: Write QT here:

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