Page name: Valusia XV [Logged in view] [RSS]
2014-03-17 04:50:10
Last author: Sheamus Finn
Owner: Sheamus Finn
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Valusia XIV

Hours later they both were walking the streets on the part of town usually reserved for nobles and the wealthy. Da'Karis kept Lily's hand in his as they walked and showed her places where there were more books and even where the amphitheater was. Before taking her to a rather festive looking place where Lily could smell wonderful food cooking and people enjoying themselves.

"This is wonderful Kar!" Lily said happily. She exclaimed over everything they saw everything she smelled and even over things she heard. While she didn't understand most of what the people were saying as most spoke valusian. She was still having a wonderfully grand time. She was speaking unrestrained and as fast as she had before he had slowed her down.

They ate dinner and talked about what would come next and then went for a stroll in a large garden like park far above the city. Their stop after that was the amphitheater where people were massing to watch a play be preformed by minstrels. The two men reminded her of Conner and the woman played a violin and sang while one man played a drum and the other a lute. Then when they took a break a juggler and tumbler came on to entertain.

"This is wonderful Kar..." Lily said kissing his cheek and snuggling against him his arm crushed in her grip between them putting her breasts firmly against the well muscled appendage. She didn't seem to notice as she watched the minstrel's playing.

Da'Karis let his hand linger against her thigh and smiled briefly at her reaction to being here. "I'm glad you are entertained Lily." he whispered. Next was a man who recited poems and odes of Valusian poets.

"I think you sound much better then he does reciting poetry." Lily whispered softly remembering the night he all but seduced her with his own poetry. She bit her bottom lip as she felt herself moisten simply at the thought of him. She blushed brightly at that point knowing it was bad to think of such things while out and about.

After the performance they went back to the gardens and walked for a little while, Da'Karis told her a carriage would return them to the inn after a little while. Part of the place reminded her of her mother's grove back home, although the flowers were different. Carefully he picked a flower and handed it to Lily watching her eyes as they wandered around the gardens as the moon broke the horizon.

"Tonight is so peaceful... I don't think I ever want it to end." Lily said softly tucking the flower into her shortened hair after inhaling it's fragrance. She looked up at the stars and she wondered if her family would ever let her be free or if she would one day have to return. Because she was debating never leaving Kar's side.

"If the night never ends the light will never return, I much prefer you in the sun as it fits your personality." Da'Karis said also looking up. His hand still held hers tightly and he found it made him feel more at peace with her beside him. "Are you still happy being here with me Lily?" he asked looking at her.

"Happiest I've ever felt felt Kar." She answered instantly and with a bright smile on her lips. He was so sweet to her and so gentle too. No one had ever put up with her like he had. He'd never even yelled at her once since he had known her. She loved how everything was so peaceful at the moment.

He embraced her and kissed her lips, "Then I am glad you are happy then." Lily meant much to him, Da'Karis would do everything he could to try and protect her. "We should meet the carriage and head back to the inn, unless you'd rather stay in an inn nearby?" he said smiling at her.

"If you are going to have your way with me then I would prefer it at home." Lily moaned softly at his kiss. She was willing. Again but she surprised even herself with her sexual appetite. With her willingness to participate now. She wondered if she was getting over her shyness. She would have to soon. In either regard

"just because I kiss you does not mean I intend to ravish you, but if you wish then we should go home." he teased as he held her closer to him and kissed her again. The smell of the flowers wrapped around them as the moon began to rise higher in the sky.

Lily melted into the kiss, she was alright for anything he wished to do but it was getting late and she was getting tired. She often rose with the sun still. Besides she had a plan to initiate soon. Something that would help them she hoped.

They walked back to the carriage and rode back to the inn, and went back upstairs and prepared for bed. Tonight Da'Karis simply held onto Lily until they both fell asleep.

Lily slept soundly waking in the morning just after the sun rose. She washes up and gets dressed then heads downstairs for breakfast. She did all that quietly she was getting better at being silent in the things she did. And in speaking she was better at not talking all the time and without thought.

Rosi was already up and smiled when Lily came down, "He said we were to let you sleep when he left this morning. How was your night and how did you sleep?" The inn was in full movement as the breakfast rush were still coming and going and the morning girls were moving between tables with food. Rosi put down some griddle cakes with butter and syrup and a couple pieces of sausage in front of Lily before she moved to put more food on the tables.

"It was wonderful Rosie! Also I had a favor... I want to try something and I wondered if I could get your help with it... And maybe a drum?" Lily asked when Rosie came back. Lily had eaten her food quickly she was trying to eat with more valusian common table manners.

"I'll help however I can, but what do you want with a drum?" she asked a little concerned about what her friend was up to. She took a seat and waited for Lily to lay out this plan.

"Well to you'll see. Just bring a drum up to Kar's room at lunch if they can spare you. I'll show you what I'm up to then. It's not bad I promise!" Lily giggles, Rosie was so worried all the time. Lily knew when she got stronger once Kar would begin teaching her she would help protect Rosie and this inn too.

So around lunchtime Rosi came upstairs with the drum and waited to hear Lily's plan. "So, I wish to ask will you be moving all your clothes up here or will you keep your room?" she asked taking a sip of wine and passing the bottle to Lily.

"Moving here... They can make money off the room I've been using... I'm almost certain Kar won't mind. Now then... Can you keep time? I was hoping you could do a three fourths time." Lily said smiling. She was preparing to dance. She needed to practice and then she would have to decide on a routine... But once she did that she could dance for Kar. It would help her get ready for his training as well. So she figured it was a win win. She had found some scarves somewhere and fashioned them into a skirt and she took a large piece of bandage clothe and tied it around her upper half. She looked like a cross between an erotic dancer and a slave. She would have to get clothes for this properly later.

Rosi smiled at her, "If you would have told me what you wanted to do, I would have just had you come downstairs and took you shopping. We can find everything at the mid-town markets even a machine that will keep time for you, would you like to go?" she said taking another sip and waiting for Lily's answer.

"I don't have much money saved up though!" Lily said looking at her friend in consternation. Besides that lily liked having Rosi keep her company. But it might be best in the long run. "Fine I'll get dressed." Lily said after a quite thought filled minute. She hurriedly got dressed and was ready to go in only another few minutes.

Valusia XVI

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