# of watchers: 7
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2009-03-31 [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]: it's okay i have all my old house layouts saved on word so i just looked through till i found out how!! (talk about hoarding...)
2009-03-31 [Atayemi]: Lmao good good! :P I did try to type it out to show you but I just failed badly. XD
2009-03-31 [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]: lol s'okay.. i'd've failed too! XD ohh prom dresses (your mood) so your coming then??
2009-03-31 [Atayemi]: I am indeed! :D I've told Shammy so hopefully I'll be on your table. :P
2009-03-31 [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]: yeah i put your name on the list!!! =D =D
2009-03-31 [Atayemi]: Yay! :D Thanks!
2009-03-31 [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]: no probz!! wouldn't be the same without you! <3 ohh wanna see my dress?
2009-03-31 [Atayemi]: Awww! Thanks. <3 Sure, go for it! :D
2009-03-31 [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]: http://cgi.eba
that's it, i'm looking for a mask to go with it atm!
2009-03-31 [Atayemi]: Ohh wow that's gorgeous! I'm getting one which touches the floor though methinks. *nod nod* But that one is really pretty!
2009-03-31 [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]: i got a mask to go with it too now! <3 i think you'll look gorgeous in a floor length one! You're so tall and slim!! I'm too short... floor length would make me look like a hobbit! XD
2009-04-01 [Atayemi]: Wow! Looks fab! :D Can't wait to see them together! Lol awww! I still have no idea yet though.. I've seen a few dresses I like, but. XD (btw, this isn't Supernatural related lmao! Take conversation to MSN/messages? :P *doesn't want to get owned by Jitter*)
2009-04-01 [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]: i'm going to bed anyways... sorry Jitter!! Didn't mean to spam... i'm cursed with it.. <_< supernatural rocks though!! and i can't believe i'm not going to get to see the next two episodes for WEEKS coz i'm going away ;_____; oh p.s can i get on the member's list *puppy dog eyes* i know you don't really have one but it looks so lonely with the "members = none at the moment" i feel sorry for it! =P
2009-04-01 [Atayemi]: Watch onliiiiiiiiine
2009-04-01 [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]: aye i will try!!! *hopes for wifi*
2009-04-01 [Jitter]: or download off zeh internetz!
Such a pretty dress deserves some spam on is behalf
2009-04-02 [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]: ^_^ thanks for adding me to members too!! It's made my day!!
<3 thanks Jitter!
2009-07-02 [Atayemi]: Volume one is out here in HMV, but.. o_o
2009-07-02 [Duke Devlin]: I have volume one... But the fact that I've got so</i> long to wait for part two... D: *death*Missing: </s>
2011-08-14 [Jitter]: Hey people, check this out http://riptapp
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