Page name: WoW - Gannlao [Logged in view] [RSS]
2014-09-18 00:11:43
Last author: Duredhel
Owner: Figgy
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The Lower City Mage Market


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The Gannlao is one of the gateways to the Shah district, and it in the Shah language it means "Iron Road". It is so called because it is where most of the Majai blacksmiths, weapon and armor-smiths set up their shops and workshops. According to the treaty of Concordia, by which the Majai were allowed to have the lower city, they were not allowed to make or own weaponry of any kinds, however, that has gone largely ignored. This meant though, that majai peddlers could not expect aid in any sort of official capacity. Eventually, the Shadowswords set up protection for these weapons makers in exchange for first pick of any steel that left their workshops, which gave birth to the Gannlao. Almost anyone who wants to buy weapons and armor in the lower city now has to go through the Shadowswords or risk getting mugged in the more unruly parts of the slums. The Gannlao itself is a long steet which climbs up towards the raised Shah district in a slight incline. There are long banners, pitch black with ragged bottoms and a white Dao or straight blade on them, which mark them as Shadowsword territory. The streets are adorned with racks were weapons and armor are displayed, mostly blades and other hand to hand weapons which lack the sophistication and destructive power of Daguerrian advanced weaponry, but are cheap, effective and available. Row after row of blacksmith shops line each side, and dozens of Majai of all kinds talk to the shop-keeps. The heat of furnaces is felt, emerging in waves from the shops and onto the streets and everything seems covered by a black layer of soot. Every now and then, one can see armed shadowsword men questioning people, no one gets through without exchanging some words with them, clad in black Shah clothes, with a single Dao blade at their waist as a symbol of their status.

Daiyu grunted softly to herself as she accidentally jarred her leg. At last it seemed she was approaching safety. It already helped her relax, seeing the banners that announced the presence of the Shadow Swords and she couldn't help but smile in relief. Thank the gods. She really only felt comfortable around her own people but still, she had a ways to go so she gripped the crutches and started walking forward. (notice) She looked around at the blacksmith shops, curious to see the weapons put on display. She admired the cool steel and simple workmanship and felt a soft glow of pride to see her people were able to carve out such a small victory against the law that kept the Shah from owning weapons.

The weapons on the display were mostly exotic weaponry, or at least that is how Daguerrians refered to the traditional weaponry of the different Majai kingdoms. She saw dozens of beautiful Dao, some were intricately made, some were simple and utilitarian, she even saw one with carved pearls inlaid into a silvered hilt. She wondered who in the lower city could afford such luxury. There was also splint and scale armor on the display, scale being the specialty of the Shah. There were some Amiri Khopesh swords, a true rarity as Amiri rarely became smiths and no one fought on horseback now that horses were extinct. There were chakrams being sharpened on one of the sorts and displayed hanging from a wooden pole, and some Shah specialty weapons, such as the metal spheres of meteor hammers gleaning in the yellowish galvanich lighting. She even saw a three part metallic Sanjiegun and a line of incredibly ornate Pata blades. One had to give credit where credit was due, watching a truly skilled Majai warrior fight with two pata blades was to watch the wind itself slash circles around an enemy. Daguerrians prefered their guns and advanced weaponly, but once the reach was shortened and two foes were face to face, battles were defined best by Gannlao steel. Distracted as she was by the display of weapons, Daiyu failed to notice two Shadowswords standing before her. <"Afternoon, Gaosheng"> said one, speaking to her directly in the Shah language. <"You're wounded, we've been told to bring you in and provide assistance"> added the man, he had a short buzz cut and a nasty scar running down the side of his face and onto his upper lip. His partner was a man of a wiry build with long, thin hair tied in a ponytail, he had a small tuft of a beard but no mustache.

The weapons were beautiful and did a lot to feed into Daiyu's wishful fantasy in learning how to use one of the graceful blades. Even a high born must know how to protect herself, it was something she had often argued with her father and something that had been confirmed in her mind by the attack on the train. She wasn't paying attention, lost in her thoughts that she flinched when she heard a male voice speak. She turned and smiled gracefully as she considered the two men before her. She had no reason not to trust them but at the same time she was not quite so naive to leave with two strange men without even asking a few questions. <"Bring me where?"> She asked, easily slipping into her native language. <"I would appreciate the help.">

<"Master Shu wants to see you, Gaosheng, he knows you came on the Queen Kateryn."> replied the taller man with thin hair. <"Master Shu knows several things about you that have drawn his interest."> added the man's partner, the short haired one with a scar. Daiyu didn't know who this Master Shu was, but he must have been someone important within the Shadowswords.

Master Shu? Daiyu couldn't remember if she knew the name. (memory) Was he one of her father's friends? She couldn't imagine why the man would have any interest in her and right now the last thing she wanted to do was be seen in her current state. Then again.... She studied the two men in front of her for several long moments, becoming friendly with the Shadowswords would go a long way in furthering her goals. <Take me to him.> She finally consented as she shifted awkwardly on her crutches.

It didn't take long for Daiyu to remember the name Master Shu. It was a name spoken in hushed tones within the Shah Hath, and carried by those Shah who travelled through the other, smalled Shah populations in Ordon and other cities after visiting the Royal City. Master Shu was the enigmatic leader of the Shadowswords, who lived in the so called Dao Hall, the hall of blades in the Shunlao. Few had ever met him... or even walked into the Dao Hall even though anyone is supposedly able to enter. The Shadowswords were, after all, originally a martial arts organization and they still insist the Dao Hall is simply a Dojo, or training house. Most are wise enough to steer clear unless invited, however. "Good, come with us, Gaosheng." replied one of the men in front of her. "I'm Hiroshi." said the one with the scar, his name made it clear he was not a pureblood, his ancestors may have been from one of the many conquered peoples the Shah empire used to have under their wing, "This here is Nobu..." he added, pointing to his partner as they led Daiyu past the barricade and towards the WoW - Xialao.

The realization hit her like a ton of bricks, almost knocking the breath from her and Daiyu swallowed hard as she fought to maintain her smooth expression, portraying a lack of surprise even though she felt like her heart was trying to beat a hole out of her chest. She nodded quietly and turned and followed them into Wow- Xialao

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2014-07-02 [Lirerial]: Description needed :D

2014-07-03 [Lirerial]: Am I supposed to post here?

2014-07-06 [Lirerial]: Pooooke

2014-07-09 [Duredhel]: D: So sorry, I could've swown I was watching this.

2014-07-09 [Duredhel]: There :3 sorry.

2014-07-09 [Lirerial]: Thanks :)

2014-07-10 [Duredhel]: Sorry for the delay :3 definetely posting tonight.

2014-07-10 [Lirerial]: It's fine :)

2014-07-11 [Lirerial]: Pokesies

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