Page name: X-Men Kitchen 3rd Hist4 [Logged in view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2010-09-17 00:20:58
Last author: Figgy
Owner: Figgy
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Kitchen on the 3rd Floor

The kitchen, those parts of it you can see through the smoke, is nowhere near as tidy as kitchen on the first floor, in fact, it looks rather more like the site of a small explosion than a kitchen. The fridge is annoyingly beer free, and a lot emptier than it's first floor counterpart. There is a TV hanging in the corner.

X-Men - Time
X-Men Kitchen 3rd Hist1
X-Men Kitchen 3rd Hist2
X-Men Kitchen 3rd Hist3

Saturday, October 2nd

Light came into the Kitchen and immediately began looking around at and in the cabinets. She spent a few minutes doing that before finally coming upon a small cabinet, high up in a corner of the room. She hoisted one leg onto the counter and pushed herself up, then reached up to the cabinet. When she spotted a small fancy keypad lock, she smiled to herself and flicked it with her finger. The lock popped and dropped open, giving Light the chance to remove it. She tossed the lock onto the counter and opened the door, spotting several bottles of various liquor, and she smiled deviously. Grabbing quite a few bottles, she set them on the counter beside her, before landing back on the floor gracefully. Then, the girl went about gathering a large, clear glass bowl from a cabinet and a decent sized ladle. Her next step was getting out a blender, and chunking several ice cubes from the freezer into it, blending them up into tiny shreds. She did this several time before she had the giant bowl about three-fourths full. Several types of juice were pulled from the fridge and poured into the bowl as Light decided she would just make a regular fruit punch. She poured a mixture of alcohol into the bowl as well, hoping it would be hard for the girls to tell the punch was spiked. Finally, she stirred the punch ingredients together, then began putting all the ingredients back into the cabinets, putting the lock back where it went. The girls picked the bowl up carefully with both hands, then made her way back out into the east hall.

Light came back into the kitchen just a moment later and searched through cabinets until she found a bag of plastic cups, then went back out into the hall.

Teena entered the kitchen and looked around. She had only come in to get something to drink, but she couldn't resist checking right now what was in every closet, so she started opening and closing them.

For a moment, Valerie lingered in the doorway, as if debating whether or not she really wanted to be in the kitchen with Teena. The gravitationally gifted mutant tended to ask to-the-point and embarrassing questions, as evidenced by her query of Kaider earlier that day, and her insistence of a menstrual discussion at the party. By now, however, Val was terribly parched, and figured that a couple of the other girls could use some hydration. Instead of taking a tour of all the kitchen cabinets, Valerie proceeded to one she knew to contain glasses and opened it to retrieve a couple. She cast Teena a curious, but not unkind, look, before politely asking, ‘Is there something I can help you find?’

"Not anymore!" replied Teena energetically as Valerie took the glasses. She looked in the last few cabinets just to note what was in them, though she wouldn't probably remember it all after just one quick glance. "Unless I am completely mistaken, I ought to find something to drink in here", she went on and looked at the two fridges. "Let's hope this is the one!" She opened the door of the other fridge and discovered soda bottles inside. "Ah, we are in luck." She then took two different bottles out and continued: "These ones are enough, wouldn't you say?"

An amused Valerie watched as Teena made her way around the kitchen, partially narrating her own journey and discovery of the soda bottles. In the meanwhile, Val had gone to the sink, filled one of the glasses and drank it down quickly. Afterwards, she washed the glass, then filled both of them with water. ‘Those look perfect, now maybe…’ she paused to look around, apparently spotting what she was looking for atop a refrigerator, ‘… something to snack on.’ Val reached up and grabbed two open bags of snacks rubber-banded shut-- some sort of mix and some cheese curls. ‘Hopefully they’re not stale,’ she said cheerfully as she held them under her elbows and against her body, thus freeing-up her hands to carry the water. ‘Ready?’ Val asked of Teena whilst making her way to the door back to X-Men Hall East 3rd.

Teena almost wondered whether they needed more glasses, but figured that whatever they had used to drink the punch would do fine. Teena closed the fridge and nodded at Valerie as she took out the snacks. "Oh, excellent." When Valerie asked whether Teena was ready, she replied: "When you are!" and followed her to X-Men Hall East 3rd.

If Valerie and Teena had their phones on them, which Valerie seemed to almost constantly, they would have gotten a series of picture messages from Light detailing the action the two girls in the kitchen had missed between Shana and Daniela. The pictures were all of them making out, and even making it to second base, as Shana's form was over Dani's, her hand on her breast!

Shana came through the door, kicking it open and walking over to the cabinets and flinging the doors open. She began rummaging through things, looking for nothing in particular. She was simply just trying to do something with her time and anger, when an idea struck her. Quickly, she found a large pitcher and took it to the fridge, where she opened the freezer door and began scooping ice out of the ice bin and into the pitcher. When the pitcher was about one-fourths full, she closed the door and moved over to the sink, turning on the cold water handle on the faucet and letting the water run into the pitcher until it was almost completely full. She picked the pitcher up with both hands and carried it back out into X-Men Hall East 3rd.

Teena came in and put away the soda bottles as well as the pitcher Shana had thrown in, and left to X-Men Hall East 3rd again.

Michael entered the kitchen and searched through the cabinets for a glass. What he found was a pitcher that looked to have been recently washed and put away. He pulled it out and filled it up with water, straight from the tap. He put it to his lips and began to drink it, heavily. After his belly was completely full of liquid, and he felt more than a little sick, he left the pitcher in the sink and returned to X-Men Hall East 3rd.

From here you there is only one way you can go - back out to X-Men Hall East 3rd.

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