Page name: Yuin [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-03-28 22:49:37
Last author: kay-chan
Owner: kay-chan
# of watchers: 8
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It is the year 2054 A.D. You, for strategic purposes that nobody quite understands, have been chosen for a mission from a doomed Earth. You are capsulated and frozen, to sleep until the spaceship lands on a previously accepted habitable planet, so the human species can live on. Somehow, this mission fails, and you have been sucked into one of the infamous black holes in our universe. However, instead of crushing you to less than the size of an atom, it has sucked you into a portal and landed you upon a completely new planet.

It is habitable.

Unfreezing from the stabilizer that kept you alive for quite a while, you wake up, dizzy from the extra-clean air this forest-covered planet provides. The undamaged computer states that there ARE people living upon the planet. Less than one-fifth of the population of Earth-but that's not surprising. Over-population was one of the causes of the Earth's demise.

While walking out of the spacecraft, you realize that strange radiation rays that have leaked in from space into the ship during your trip have advanced some of your abilities into strange powers. Will they be enough to help you to survive in this strange world? You'll soon find out!

Welcome to Yuin.

You are with your crew, a motley group. There is a packet containing the biographies and maybe some pictures of your fellow peers at People of Yuin.

Yuin has closed.

We went through five roleplaying pages to get to this point. We kicked ass and fought our inner demons in order to save our own butts, to fight for what every person wants: to live in peace. And we made it. Yuin is completed.

Fuck. Yes.

However, there's more to our story... Find it at [War of Gods.]

Yes, go. Now. It's just as awesome.

Roleplay page 1: Begin transcript

Roleplay page 2: Nowhere to Hide

Roleplay page 3: Through the Woods

Roleplay page 4: The sound of silence

Roleplay page 5: Mother May I

Warning: (some) strong language, mental depravity, and bloodshed. Be warned before you read the archives.

Just in case you were wondering, there is a good book series, The Remnants, from which I based this roleplay off of! Actually, it's a little different, but the beginning is basically the same... It's just the main characters end up in a completely different place. In any case, you can check out The Remnants at Also, the author, K. A. Applegate, is a kick-ass author and you might want to read a few of Animorphs and Everworld! These books are meant for a younger audience but you might just like them, you never know. ^.^ That is all!

Bio of Yuin
Rules of Yuin
People of Yuin
Language of Yuin
Story Page of Yuin <--empty; Yuin-related illustrations welcomed.

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2004-01-09 [kay-chan]: no, i like the mystery... that's one vote for no. sophie, you should make a poll. ^_^

2004-01-09 [muffin_killer]: okay, will do ^_^

2004-01-09 [Slinky]: ah, but he is an animal of some kind, right? so she should be able to understand him anyways.

2004-01-09 [muffin_killer]: he just has the shape of one...he's like play-doh...There, that's what i was looking for...^_^

2004-01-09 [kay-chan]: according to the lovely mk, he's just a spell. i think that's sorta more sentient than an animal... crap... did i say watch? sorry. i'm only a half-awake person right now. I'll tell you when I'm just a person.

2004-01-09 [Slinky]: alright, the way i see it, Squish has a personality, he's furry (when he chooses to be), he's... alive??? he should count as some kind of animal. come on, u'll be the only one playing an animal that taika can talk to! it would be fun!

2004-01-09 [kay-chan]: nehehehehehe... i wrote a lot. lol...

2004-01-09 [muffin_killer]: hmm...let's say he's both...he can speak animal-speak and what ever language it is he speaks with, he's all that okay? So she'll only be able to understand him 1/2 the time...i think that's a mighty fine compromise

2004-01-09 [kay-chan]: yeah, and only if he chooses to speak to her in animal tongue, so it doesn't even have to be 1/2 the time....

2004-01-09 [Slinky]: yeah, i was just thinking of something along the lines of that. or maybe u could say she doesn't completely understand him, so u only traslate like a few words. that could be fun ^_^ (he either said "i'm very hungry" or "i'm not hungry")

2004-01-09 [muffin_killer]: okay, every one happy? Perfect *gives everyone cotton candy*

2004-01-09 [kay-chan]: i'm sorry for my poor spelling and writing lately. i just suck at it...

2004-01-09 [muffin_killer]: hm...maybe it's a bit of both, slinky...if i can do that...

2004-01-09 [Slinky]: *eats everyone elses cotton candy before they get the chance to eat it for themselves* sorry, i do that...

2004-01-09 [Slinky]: night all!

2004-01-09 [kay-chan]: hey! noooooo!!! *thwaps her* stop eating my cotton candy! *sniffs* i feel so violated...

2004-01-09 [muffin_killer]: *muffin_killer sneaks kay some cotton candy* HURRY, EAT IT BEFORE SHE DOES!!! >_<

2004-01-09 [kay-chan]: *chomp* MINE!!! MWAHAHAHA!!!

2004-01-10 [kay-chan]: ...just how did you get from him playing his harmonica to him putting everyone to sleep? it wasn't THAT bad!

2004-01-10 [Slinky]: that's what i thought. but maybe blask is just uber smart

2004-01-10 [spiritee]: ^^;; haha sorry was i not supposed to do that?

2004-01-10 [Slinky]: it's alright. we'll just make all the other characters ignore blask's revelation

2004-01-10 [spiritee]: oh thanku haha being ignored ish nice

2004-01-10 [kay-chan]: ain't it tho? ^_^

2004-01-10 [kay-chan]: hehe, already actively ignoring adam... ^_^ luv u too!

2004-01-10 [spiritee]: lol aight

2004-01-10 [Slinky]: u're just jealous cuz my characters kick ass and are bootylicous, while urs are just bootylicious. so there.

2004-01-10 [kay-chan]: ur characters do SO not kick ass! they have a pocketknife that i LET them kill the monster with!

2004-01-10 [spiritee]: hahah yesh and mine has a whole sword!! wow~

2004-01-10 [kay-chan]: ^_^ after we finish introductions with magina, i might just sit us all down and have a good old fashion lesson. yall need it. ^_^ help us get through the forest in one piece, at least...

2004-01-10 [spiritee]: aightaight XD itz all up to the almity kayness!!

2004-01-10 [Slinky]: um... yes...

2004-01-10 [kay-chan]: lol... i think...

2004-01-10 [muffin_killer]: all right...are we done with intros?

2004-01-10 [kay-chan]: didn't u wanna say something about the monster or something? you said, 'is odd'....

2004-01-11 [muffin_killer]: nope, not really ^_^ (don't hurt me >_<)

2004-01-11 [kay-chan]: ug... heeeeeeey... then you were just talking to yourself... 'that's odd, never seen my fingernails turn THAT sort of color before...'

2004-01-11 [muffin_killer]: yes, exactly me love ^_^;;;

2004-01-17 [Inoni]: ahk!! Can someone explain whats hapened? I've missed so much. XoX No time to read right now, sorry.

2004-01-17 [Slinky]: it's ok, inoni. we're not gonna be doing much here until after finals (next friday). so u've got time to catch up.

2004-01-18 [spiritee]: yuup poo exams should burn. so should the school.

2004-01-19 [3L]: LOL yup!

2004-01-23 [kay-chan]: Oh, dudes and dudettes, if you have pictures of your character and you want them up on the bio page, just put them up in your house or send me an html and i'll put them up there. ^_^

2004-01-23 [Slinky]: keehee. u can draw tuesday and adam for me, luv! oh, and don't forget to draw a pic of me for my xanga!

2004-01-23 [kay-chan]: Sigh. I'm still drawing mk's pic, so you're still gonna hafta wait. luv.

2004-01-23 [muffin_killer]: YAY!!! *huuugs kay* Fank you my lil leaky muffin! I like it wery much, so far! The cat girl looks like she's probably thinking 'Fabulous body inside? Prove it' Woo, I'm tired...and a train! Woo-woo! *falls asleep*

2004-01-23 [Slinky]: keehee... prove it? will we be seeing a hot topless biscuit version of glue any time soon? if so... can we also get one of adam? *drools*

2004-01-24 [kay-chan]: lol... sigh... mk, you have a job to do. *points in the general direction of slinky* she needs topless biscuits.

2004-01-24 [muffin_killer]: *rolls eyes* darn it... I guess I was asking for it...

2004-01-24 [kay-chan]: lol... ^_^ anyone gonna... you know... post? Otherwise I shall charge ahead.

2004-01-24 [Slinky]: unless sophie wants her elf to say or do anything productive... go ahead and charge, kay

2004-01-24 [muffin_killer]: no,I don't

2004-01-25 [kay-chan]: charging! ^_^ like a bull... hehe.... LAME JOKES RULE!!

2004-01-25 [Slinky]: really? then check out [fez] and [mushroomman]'s houses.

2004-01-25 [kay-chan]: yeah, i read those... hehehe... and yes, i heard all of them before... ^_^;

2004-01-25 [Slinky]: but they're still good! oh, i have one that's really long that i bet u haven't heard. remind me to tell it sometime.

2004-01-25 [kay-chan]: I will, monday. Or not. You know my memory... >.<

2004-01-26 [kay-chan]: can anyone tell i'm bored? because I'm trying to keep it down... >.<

2004-01-27 [kay-chan]: pay attention to your fortune. I need those who haven't gotten theirs and want it to hurry up... this is just sorta a smallish bit... ^_^

2004-01-27 [spiritee]: plot leak! hehe. wherez inoni? her char would've prob made fun of the woman's wardrobe already~and the otehr ppl

2004-01-27 [Inoni]: I"M BACKKKK

2004-01-28 [Slinky]: heh... is there a romance for adam in the future? fun...

2004-01-28 [kay-chan]: finally! inoni, where were you? (to slinky: *cackles evilly*)

2004-01-28 [spiritee]: HA should we be scared?

2004-01-28 [Inoni]: OoOoO A romance?? Who's the lucky girl??

2004-01-28 [spiritee]: oo haha how bout taika? ^_____^

2004-01-28 [Slinky]: heh... i'm thinking taika and glue would make a better couple, considering how well they've gotten along so far ^_^

2004-01-28 [kay-chan]: *lol* No, cackling evilly does not mean adam is going to have a HAPPY relationship. I'm into pain, not random hookups. ^_^

2004-01-28 [spiritee]: hah i'd like to c that. play matchmaker kay!

2004-01-29 [kay-chan]: hehe.... I'd love to be a matchmaker... screw up people's lives and make them think they ruined a perfect match... i'd touch more people that way! *tears up*

2004-01-29 [Slinky]: yeah... i blame u for fez!

2004-01-29 [spiritee]: aww im so proud of u *sniff*

2004-01-29 [spiritee]: oh btw..sumone wanna stop them, or shall they really fight? ^__^

2004-01-29 [Inoni]: I dunno... D'you really feel like a big fight scene? Why not injure Taika, then have her give up like a girly baby?

2004-01-29 [spiritee]: lol if it's what u want.. aiya poo i g2g. g'nite~~

2004-01-29 [Inoni]: g'nite!!

2004-01-29 [kay-chan]: yeah... teeny little cut across her hand... then come running to anaite LET'S GO!! i need to move along the story because I'm super-bored after finals.

2004-01-30 [Inoni]: ^-^ there. Seems Taika-ish enough?

2004-01-30 [kay-chan]: yup. catch up with anaite, you guys.

2004-01-30 [kay-chan]: assuming yall caught up.

2004-01-31 [Slinky]: how does nikki KNOW that elves have super senses? has she met one prior to coming to yuin?

2004-01-31 [spiritee]: stories told? we know, but we've never met one either right?

2004-02-01 [Slinky]: that's my point... we don't KNOW. we're guessing. we've also heard stories that elves are santa's helpers... but these are obviously not true, at least for yuin elves (or are they...?)

2004-02-01 [kay-chan]: yeah... But like, fantasy-wise. Plus, it's pretty obvious... I think it's been demonstrated a couple of times before... (no they're not)

2004-02-01 [kay-chan]: And no-you need A train. Of course. ^_^ jk jk...

2004-02-01 [Slinky]: keehee... my brothers... "when god was handing out brains, u thought he said trains... so u got a train!"

2004-02-01 [kay-chan]: ha... hu... right. *rolls eyes* Slinky... you're special... so are your brothers... I hope you FEEL special.

2004-02-01 [Slinky]: *feels special*

2004-02-01 [Slinky]: lol... in this case, i wrote 'wristband' cuz i forgot how to spell 'bracelet'...

2004-02-01 [kay-chan]: *giggles* goooood slinky. Actually, wristband IS good for you... oh, I'm mean when I'm tired.... *pause* i love you!

2004-02-01 [muffin_killer]: even though you forgot me, i still lurve you, kay^_^

2004-02-01 [kay-chan]: i'm soooorry.... It's just, so many people, so little time... I'm going to say things like 'and this person learns several moves, gets left to practice.' and stuff like that. I'm not THAT into much detail.]

2004-02-01 [muffin_killer]: i totally understand leaky muffin ^_^

2004-02-01 [kay-chan]: Yeah, you have some difficulties with that, too... It's hard to remember Zayne, I'll need to remind [3L] that she's even IN this wiki... >.<

2004-02-07 [kay-chan]: hey adam... didn't I give you a backwards bow? instead of a sword? for target practice?

2004-02-07 [Slinky]: i wasn't sure, and was to lazy to read it, but i'll fix it

2004-02-07 [kay-chan]: She comes up with what appears to be a backwards bow-it curves in slightly in the middle of the handle, instead of curving out. Yeah, but that's okay. I make mistakes like that all the time... ^_^

2004-02-10 [kay-chan]: Yes... I did just make a language page... I really DON'T have anything to do with my time...

2004-02-11 [kay-chan]: Dramaticy. I'm kinda bored... *yawns a bit*

2004-02-12 [kay-chan]: Hey, gonna move the story in a little bit. And another reminder-if you need to catch up, don't say 'catches up'. Your character isn't stoopid. Just mention how they were quiet or something, but following. I was reading it and saw a couple of people say things like, "and my character was totally ditched-shame on all the other ones, but he/she has super-skillz and catches up". yeah...

2004-02-12 [kay-chan]: Eh... Inoni, when you talk with something, you can't just tap into their thoughts. If the thing doesn't wanna talk to you, you just can't hear it... Not saying it's an animal.... Or that it's anything... *waiting for others to post* doodedoo...

2004-02-12 [Inoni]: I know. She tried to talk to it, and it didn't say anything. So she's like "Hummm"

2004-02-12 [kay-chan]: ^_^;

2004-02-12 [Inoni]: I'm bored!! ^o^

2004-02-12 [kay-chan]: me too! I'm trying to wait for just one other person to post... >.<

2004-02-12 [Inoni]: yeah. *sighs*

2004-02-18 [3L]: heh heh heh...sorry. o.O;; Somehow it wasn't alerting me when it changed. >.<

2004-02-19 [kay-chan]: ^_^

2004-02-23 [muffin_killer]: *stumbles in, falls flat on her face, and goes off to the land of sleepy milk 'n' honey* ....stupid jetlag...zzz....

2004-02-23 [kay-chan]: lol... Have fun sleeping, glad you're back. Actually, I'm much too frantically busy to actually start this up again. So, although I AM, technically, able to, this won't start up for a bit.

2004-02-26 [kay-chan]: Okeday. So I'm going to take it down in a day or two, as I won't be here this weekend so it'll be slow anyway, but check out the 'People of Yuin' page. I've made some cool changes that you might want to take advantage of.

2004-03-04 [kay-chan]: one more post, then the enemy'll get bored. She'll be relatively easy to fight. Just start discovering powers, people who have useful ones. ^_^;

2004-03-05 [Slinky]: i can feel a fun response from adam to that question, but it'll have to wait for tomorrow

2004-03-05 [kay-chan]: okeday. Nights!

2004-03-05 [Inoni]: What does 'voluptuous' mean? I'm long-word-knowing-challenged... ^^,

2004-03-05 [Slinky]: go to for your vocabulary needs ^_^

2004-03-05 [kay-chan]: let's just leave it as 'hellza sexy'.

2004-03-05 [Inoni]: Ok!

2004-03-05 [muffin_killer]: sighs...I tried to post earlier, but it didn't work...

2004-03-05 [Slinky]: u can write what u wanna post here, and we can do it for u, if u like

2004-03-05 [Slinky]: well, adam tried... someone else try something.

2004-03-06 [muffin_killer]: Glue looks around...he can't see much...damn dust... It had no business being here should that bloody big tree...

2004-03-06 [kay-chan]: we need more people to get invovled... *pouts*

2004-03-06 [muffin_killer]: I'm trying...don't get mad...get glad! And anywho...tomorrow is RSC!!!!!!

2004-03-06 [kay-chan]: I'm not mad! I just can't post as well as I used to... *pouts again* It keeps giving me this 'connection failure' crap. So, anywho, I'm going to have a bit more fun. When I have you under my control, you have to do as I say, although you may or may not do it yourself. ^_^ Oh, and one person I'm going to have the willpower to withstand her herbs. I'll do eenie-meenie-minie-moe later, k?

2004-03-06 [Slinky]: lol. if u make it adam, it won't matter, as he's currently down

2004-03-06 [kay-chan]: yeah, I'm basically treating him as 'dead'. Sorry, love. I stabbed you with an arrow... hehehe... What?!

2004-03-06 [Slinky]: actually, i'm treating him as basically dead. cuz i'm hoping other people will post. if u look, it's been mostly u and me and inoni for a while now.

2004-03-06 [kay-chan]: yeah. I'm hellza bored. Should I be doing homework?

2004-03-06 [Slinky]: hellz no. i'm not

2004-03-06 [kay-chan]: lol...

2004-03-06 [muffin_killer]: Magina looks up from her book, only just realizing that stuff is happening... This no do she thinks to herself. She frantically flips through the pages of her book, like she's searching for something. Squish gets bored and stalks into the fray.

2004-04-01 [spiritee]: WAAAH i'm here watwatwat wat's happeningggg? glue and blask is fighting?

2004-04-01 [kay-chan]: they were. Um... Mint is mind-controlling Glue. Glue attacked Blask, but I got bored and moved you because I'm assuming Blask would dodge or something. Nikki is also mind-controlled, but forgotten. Glue is about ready to attack Magina...

2004-04-01 [spiritee]: i dont mind! do they know that they r being mind controlled?

2004-04-01 [kay-chan]: I don't know about Nikki, but I put that Glue knows. He hears the voice in his head and is all like 'damn you! Can't... RESIST...' I think Nikki is that way, too... I'm letting them build up enough willpower to resist, in any case...

2004-04-01 [spiritee]: i meant do the rest of them know?

2004-04-01 [kay-chan]: Oh... Well, it is kinda obvious... Mint blew something in their faces, and now they're attacking their friends, so... I dunno, you can HAVE your cahracter not figure it out. ^_^;

2004-04-01 [spiritee]: lol nvm adunno! it could happen! like backstabbing for money or

2004-04-02 [kay-chan]: lol... But you've all been together this whole time... lol... nm. ^_^ post! Fight! Oh, and now's a good time to discover powers... ^_^

2004-04-02 [Slinky]: except adam, cuz he's like dying

2004-04-02 [kay-chan]: No.... He just got a knife in the shoulder. It's a thin knife, so it's not like his shoulder's been split open, and it's not like it's as painful as you might think... So he could fight... just not WELL... ^_^

2004-04-03 [spiritee]: -_o hah

2004-04-04 [kay-chan]: I'm giving people somewhere around three posts before they can resist the stuff....

2004-04-04 [spiritee]: waah sorrykay, i'm not making sense up there ^^;; need to sleep gnite!

2004-04-04 [kay-chan]: night!

2004-05-02 [kay-chan]: ^.^ She's not as hard as you all may think... This seems random but it's true... Just wait...

2004-05-09 [spiritee]: we died again

2004-05-11 [kay-chan]: Just waiting for mk to get back on and make her reply. She promised me either tomorrow or the day after... She took a bunch of AP tests, you see... ^.^;

2004-05-11 [Slinky]: yeah, i fink she has another test tomorrow, but i'm not sure...

2004-05-11 [kay-chan]: Fwawwww!! I'm so good.... with the putting stuff under another page... It's like a secret talent of mine...

2004-05-12 [muffin_killer]: *falls over*

2004-07-09 [kay-chan]: I'm stalling... trying to find a good riddle. Here's one that I'm not gonna use! Four men were in a boat on the lake. The boat turns over, and all four men sink to the bottom of the lake, yet not a single man got wet! Why? (Answer: They were all married! No single men!)

2004-07-10 [spiritee]: LOL id never have guessed that

2004-07-10 [spiritee]: whee!! i gots a riddle!! *dies*

2004-07-10 [kay-chan]: I know... I was thinking, hey, wow, that was quick... You're smart, spirit! Be happy and proud! I know I am.

2004-07-10 [kay-chan]: I need to message people and ask whether or not I should kill them off...

2004-07-10 [Slinky]: adam's still here!

2004-07-10 [Slinky]: is this where she needs to be caught?

2004-07-10 [spiritee]: killl who off? O_O

2004-07-10 [Inoni]: What's going on?? o_o I've been away for... ever? X_X Urg... I can't beleive I totally forgot about this place...

2004-07-12 [kay-chan]: Yeah, Slinky... lol, Inoni. Take your time in catching up. Some of what you missed is over in the story page.

2004-07-12 [kay-chan]: E hehehhehehehehee! *rubs palms together* I am VERY pleased with myself...

2004-07-12 [spiritee]: whahaha! good job

2004-07-13 [spiritee]: ARGH i cant find a good article on injury prevention or family life/ human sexuality. anyone have ne ideas? -_-

2004-07-13 [kay-chan]: ....yes, I read those types of articles all the time... Hellz, there's a magazine that has nothing BUT those articles... sorry, luv.... o.o

2004-07-13 [spiritee]: naw its ok, found it. stupid health assignments..

2004-07-13 [kay-chan]: ^.^; stoopid confused peoples... I'm actually drawing up a simplified comic version of what the hell is going on. I hope you get it.

2004-07-13 [spiritee]: WHAHAh thanku, im confused easily too~

2004-07-13 [kay-chan]: Don't thank me yet-when I say 'simplified', I mean like STICK-FIGURE simplified... o.o

2004-07-13 [spiritee]: o haha i understand stick figure!!

2004-07-30 [kay-chan]: There. Go to Main Yuin Stickies, okay? Especially if you're lost. Grrr... blah.

2004-09-05 [spiritee]: argh no time

2004-09-05 [kay-chan]: Your FACE... *jk jk* I understand 'no time'...

2004-09-05 [spiritee]: _< not the stickies, i saw the stickies, the rppp

2004-09-05 [kay-chan]: Yeah, I got that. No time to rppppp...ppp...p...

2005-11-01 [kay-chan]: Okeday, here's the thing. I find the plot too complicated, and the people too many. I'm giving everybody till November 20th to reply to this and say they still want in the game. Otherwise, I shall delete ye. Once I do this, I shall revamp the game, work on simplifying the plot, making it better. You all keep your same characters unless you request to change. Remember: November 20th. (I'm giving ye all 19 days, it shouldn't be that hard to reply by then.)

2005-11-01 [spiritee]: yo! thank you, i've been quite lost in the game for some time now~

2005-11-01 [muffin_killer]: I want to keep glue toooooo >.<

2005-11-02 [kay-chan]: In a story, I still think the plot would have been okay, but in an rp, it was too complicated.

2005-11-02 [spiritee]: it could work, it we organize it sort it out a bit.

2005-11-02 [kay-chan]: Yeah, this is definitely going to take a bit of work on my half, so I don't know if it'll start up again right after Nov. 20th.

2005-11-02 [Slinky]: yeah, especially since the 22nd is your birfday!!!! oh, and adam is hot, so he's staying.

2005-11-24 [kay-chan]: Just to let you know, I WAY changed my character 'Nikki'. I mean, totally revamped her... him. XD So keep that in mind. I'm also adding a new character for a purpose. (I edited all the other characters I have under me save Qwin and Death, who I'll get to later.)

2005-11-25 [kay-chan]: Okay, I have a beginning, and I have the semblances of a plot, just to keep you all updated. Look over your character, see if you need to redo them, look over everyone's just to become familiar, then let me know when you're ready.

2005-12-17 [kay-chan]: Monday, we start! Get ready... it's coming.

2006-01-28 [spiritee]: wooot~ Animorphs!! i loved it in elementary school~

2006-01-28 [kay-chan]: Me too!! ^.^ I was an Animorphs slut... XD

2006-01-28 [spiritee]: i was jealous~

2006-01-28 [kay-chan]: I know, I wanted to morph into animals... I wasn't jealous of them being hunted by aliens, though. They could keep that :P

2006-01-29 [spiritee]: oh yeah. but morph into any animal they've touched? pfft not faair~

2006-01-29 [Slinky]: players: please check out I hate Kay, and then continue with your game. thank you.

2006-01-29 [spiritee]: haha slinky!! go update~

2006-03-03 [Slinky]: ooooh, i like the new badge. very foreboding...

2006-03-03 [kay-chan]: *^__________^* I tried.

2006-03-14 [iippo]: This wiki is linked from RPG Realm, which is an exported page. Would you please export this page (or ask me to do it for you if you don't know how) so out-of-ElfTown people will also be able to view this page. If you don't wish your page exported, let me know. Thank you.

2006-03-14 [kay-chan]: I'll export it.

2006-03-14 [spiritee]: GASP betrayal *dundunDUUUUN~*

2006-04-24 [kay-chan]: Nominated Yuin for wiki nominations because I'm a whore, and I want to show you guys off. ;)

2006-04-24 [Slinky]: lol, yay us!

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