This is where you can nominate wiki-pages to be featured on Main Street!
Nomination Rules:
1. You may nominate your own wiki-page, or the wiki-page of another person/group.
2. Some wiki-pages won't be featured, these are the kind that contain or promote:
-excessive violence
-adult material
-offensive and/or hateful materials
-any other material the Elftown
Council deems unsuitable
3. If a page has already been nominated by someone else, please do not nominate it again. You may however add on to the reasons of why it should be featured on Main Street.
4. Be fun and creative! Let everyone know of the not-so-well-kn
own wiki-page treasures out there! Spread the wiki love!
5. For a page to be rated, it must be exported, so it might be a good idea to export the page when you nominate it. Of course, if you forget, or aren't the owner, we'll pop along and ask you to export it when we featured it. If you don't want to export it, that's fine, it will still be featured, but won't get rated.

Page: Bob's Diner
Nominated by the Wiki Awards Team
Why: Well, essentially because the nomination wiki wouldn't be the same without Bob's Diner being here! It's turned into traditional, so we like to keep it with us.

Begin submissions here
Please place your nomination after the last one in the list.
Page: Bob's Diner
Nominated by: the [Mortified Penguin]
Why: I honestly don't know.
Page: cids rants about things that suck
Nominated by: [Thunder Cid]
Why: Because I talk about the common nonsense on Elftown and the rest of the world. I go straight to the source and tear Hi-mailers, cybers, and assholes alike a new one. I'm the common man ranter and would just love the opportunity to just have a little more advertisement.
Page: Cids Art
Nominated by: [Thunder Cid]
Why: Because I want to show Elftown the ability as an artist and let them experience a few more paintings. I hear they are decent and I would like for more people to see.
Page: What's an Artist? Funny Edition!
Nominated by: [*Phoenix*]
Why: This page was created as a spin off to the previously featured What's an Artist?. It is there to feature some of the funny quirks artists have like "after finishing a drawing you find and hour later you have graphite smears from your hand to your elbow."
Page: Backwards Outcasts
Nominated by: [Ravendust]
Why: As Elftown artists/writers [wicked fae mage] and myself have taken to writing a series of adventures with a quartet of unique individuals and their friends. It has and continues to be a fun and exciting project and we have high hopes of continuing said adventures and creating an epic that draws attention to itself and is able to be enjoyed by anyone and everyone who reads it.
Page: Maze of Guile
Nominated by: [Mortified Penguin]
Why: This wiki provides visitors with a fun journey through many different eventualities on the way to Elftown. It allows each person to design their own destiny. Every path you take is unique, but only one will lead you to Elftown in time for the Christmas Art Contest. Which one will it be?! Can you find the right path or will you fall by the wayside? Click now and find out!
Page: Ask Pauly the Anthro-Dragon!
Nominated by: [Mortified Penguin], [Lord Josmar]
Why: Who can honestly say they've never wanted to ask [Paul Doyle] a question? Well, now you can! With this wiki, you can not only have your questions answered, but you can also have your questions answered!
Page: Fans of Fantasy
Nominated by: [Alexi Ice]
Why: Here at Elftown we all love fantasy! This wiki is a page where you can show that love. It's really cool and worth taking a look at!
Page: ET pet store
Nominated by: [kians mummy]
Why: The reason I am nominating this wiki is because there is various exotic pets you can get and whats more is they don't over fill your page, which is better as you can add more stuff to your page and it won't looked all cramped in, they will look neat and tidy, they are easy to get and also you can get one given to you if you are a well behaved member of Elftown.
Page: Eyo's dragons!
Nominated by: [Alexi Ice]
Why: [Eyonic]'s take on the dragons! The drawing, coloring, shading is superb! She has an array of unique, beautiful dragons to be viewed. The best part? She does requests!
Page: Art of the Draygun
Nominated by: [Nioniel]
Why: There's some pretty nifty artwork in there, most of it pencil drawings, but wow! so much detail! The artist definitely has talent.
Page: Stuff Tim Made
Nominated by: [Nioniel]
Why: There's some awesome stuff in there! I was actually incredibly surprised to see that this wiki nor any of the others in this series has been featured before. Tim's a real pro at what he does, and the things he creates are really cool.
Page: Artists' Work
Nominated by: [wicked fae mage]
Why: [*Phoenix*] made the page as an index to allow people to leaf through the works of artists. Since it is sort of a portfolio and a way of organizing the ET artists, I feel a lot of Elftowners would find much use for the page and would otherwise like to leaf through a diverse collection of styles.
Page: Some Unfinished Comics
Nominated by: [Mortified Penguin]
Why: Because there's a lot of comics and stuff that are better than your comics? The combined talents of [Sagacious Turkey] and [Mortified Penguin] make for some very unsettling fun! Check it out today! Or don't! Seriously, either way, I don't care about your opinion! Except yours, [Stephen], because you have higher privs than me on every one of Hedda's sites.
Page: Valzer Scuro
Nominated by: [Synirria]
Why: Because if given the chance, this role play could be EPIC. We just need players to take the story on and delve deep into the mysteries.
Page: dramatis junkies
Nominated by: [Teufelsweib] on behalf of the <forum:Junk>
Why: the best people on this site, on the best wikipage on this site, representing the second best forum on this site!

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