Ask Lilo edition #5
Lilo tries to take some time to answer your more or less important questions.

For once, I have a question for you. See:
Lilo, do you like to watch tv? and if you do, what's your favourite tv show?
There are two ways of watching TV. The first one is to have the TV turned off and be laying on the VCR. The second way is to lay in Hedda's lap and get patted. Then Star Trek Voyager or Vetenskapens Värld is best because they are mostly boring and don't make him laugh and there are no commercials in them.
What's the best way to catch a bird?
Please send one, and I will investigate that!
You are rally cute. How do you do that? Could you teach me?
Give me food and pat me, and I will think that you're very cute too!
Is it true that one get superpowers by eating hairballs that cats have thrown up?
Can't comment that.
Is Hedda grumpy all the time?
Only when I'm away instead of lying in his lap and look gorgeous.
Why don't you like me calling you Kitty? oopsy...
Don't bother your little child-brain with that. Just do as I tell you, and start by getting me some food!
Why are male cats so annoying and female cats cute?
Because you have bad taste. Female cats are bitches, exept me who is very nice.
Do you think [Bundy] is cute?
If he runs away from me really fast.
Why don't you like me calling you Kitty?
Because kitties are small and annoying. I'm a big grown-up cat, not a baby-girlie like you... And I love being feared! Mjauhahahaoo!
Kali: Is that she a problem?
Eh... No.
Kali: Can I beat her up anyway! Pleeeeeaase!
Hey, I want too!
Kali: Me first! *scretsch*
Ehum... Excuse my cats! /[
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