Page name: Body Image [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-10-11 18:53:16
Last author: Delladreing
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Body Image

Some of you may be familiar with the rantings of [Delladreing], most popular being Playgans which is currently being written up into a book. For those of you who are [Delladreing] virgins (i.e. your mind has not yet been corrupted by her work) in short, she is a sarcastic, often short tempered maniac who dislikes fakers with a passion. It just so happens that in her opinion, current body image and fads surrounding it are fake in her eyes.

Why is Dela doing this? Well to some it may come as a surprise that underneath the arrogance of her mind, she is an extremely shy individual with serious problems over how she views herself, bordering on an inferiority complex. In the past few years it has lessened to the point where the self hatred has dulled to a small ache in the back of her mind. That too is slowly being diminished. So why again is she doing this?

Because no one else should ever have to feel that way about themselves and by writing all of this down, she hopes to help other people realise their true beauty and self worth.

There are any number of insecurities imposed upon people today, the most common being brought about by exposure to the media, and more commonly the Internet. In these pages [Delladreing] will try to do her duty for the good of humanity in exposing these standards for the falsehoods that they are in an attempt to shatter the myths of modern day "beauty".

These pages are being primarily written for women, who tend to be the ones who suffer most at the cruel lying hands of the photoshopped media. However there has been a rise in male insecurities due to similar aspects of society and she would love to include some of them. All she needs is a male writer willing and able to write about them. If you wish to take part in this contact her via her house. Male members are of course still welcome, all support, any support is welcome.
Same applies to the women out there, if someone would like to put in their points and views, contact me. I'll see what I can do.

The topics in these pages being discussed will be as honest as possible and also as frank as possible. Some issues may not be suitable for persons under the age of 18, however it is of a personal opinion of what is suitable for you to read and what is not.

Bearing this in mind, some topics will be restricted to forum members. I am not about to get myself into trouble over various things although really, if you are mature enough to be wanting to fight back against the myths of the body image then you are really old enough to be exposed to all aspects of this.

The topics will range from weight, height, size, healthy body image, what is not a healthy body image, the slaughtering of pro-anorexia, healthy living, cosmetic surgery, beauty products and many more.

That all said and done, sit back and enjoy the read.
I hope that in some way what you read you will find reassuring and possibly even inspiring to you.

At least I hope they will be.
Much love,


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2006-04-27 [windowframe]: *haunt*

2006-04-27 [Delladreing]: :P

2006-04-27 [Azuri]: your fast ::snaps fingers:: next time >>

2006-04-27 [Delladreing]: hehehe :P Silvie usually comments on my pages before I do

2006-04-27 [Azuri]: lol so i noticed

2006-05-19 [sequeena_rae]: O_O *reads*

2006-05-19 [Azuri]: yay sequeena ish getting a preread too^_^

2006-05-19 [Delladreing]: *nod nod*

2006-05-19 [sequeena_rae]: I'm actually really glad you've decided to write something like this ^^

2006-05-19 [Azuri]: mesh me too it needs to be said

2006-05-19 [Delladreing]: heh, it really did need said, and I kept ranting in my diaries. Which is how Playgans started, and then one day just thought hmmm wiki :P But I'm considering changing the name from Body Image to Body Proud

2006-05-19 [sequeena_rae]: :D Whatever you choose the name to be, it has all the makings to be another Playgans xD

2006-05-19 [Azuri]: lol its how all great wikis start ^_^ hmm body proud sounds odd to me O.o probly because ive never heard that combination before haha

2006-05-19 [Delladreing]: Well it is what the wiki is about. Being body proud. but then again, its what one of the articles in here will be called. I think I will just stick with Body Image for now. The off elftown website (I'm buying the domain for soon) so I may decide to call it Body Proud then.

2006-05-19 [sequeena_rae]: :O you're going to have your own website? I am so there :D

2006-05-19 [Delladreing]: Hopefully, I need to find a reliable place to host it. But I am buying the domain name, and going to try and buy the (c) for the name and various other things to do with it aswell. I plan to launch the book from the website :P

2006-05-19 [sequeena_rae]: Hmm...Need monies?

2006-05-19 [Delladreing]: Need lots of monies :( I am waiting until after I have a reliable laptop (being bought soon). If I get desperate for the monies (more than likely) I may even stoop so low as to beg readers for money *cringe* I don't want to, but yea, feel free to support your favorite ranter if the PayPal icon pops up in my bio.

2006-05-19 [sequeena_rae]: ;) I'm glad to help out. I donate to Elftown, so why not you? xP

2006-05-19 [Azuri]: Lol id donate to Dela^_^(i still need to donate to elftown XD) I will so be a faithful minon and follow to the webpage too. I luff reading your rants^_^

2006-05-19 [Delladreing]: That got a genuine smile, *huggles* you guys rawk. Heh that said, I need to finish my rantings on Labiaplasty. I'm doing my own version of the sound clip I sent you Azuri. "My angry vagina"

2006-05-19 [sequeena_rae]: Err...Do I want to read that? XD *hugs* And you're welcome, though it'll be like, £6-10 at certain times, depending on how much I can spare xD

2006-05-19 [Delladreing]: O___O £6-£10 good lord you're generous, I was expecting like £1 donations :P I don't want peoples to spend monies on me that could be spent on worthy cuases :P

2006-05-19 [Azuri]: ^_^ I remember that XD thats gonna be a good read. I was at my friend ashleys house and shawn was watching a thing on tribal africa and they talked about doing the crude lapiaplasty and teh crude circumsiion(i acually saw that part O.o) it was messed up!

2006-05-19 [sequeena_rae]: You are a worthy cause xP Anyways, I'm not rich, it's the money from my EMA allowance that gets me through xD

2006-05-19 [Delladreing]: and you will want to read it if you value your vagina :p ;) one more person says vulvas are ugly is getting shouted at by my angry one.

2006-05-19 [Azuri]: When I move to GA and get my job id probly donate once a month ^_^ (at least id try XD)

2006-05-19 [Delladreing]: That's not circumsion, thats FGM- female genital mutalation, its usually done without consent, and yea, is fucked up. I'm including it in my rants.

2006-05-19 [Delladreing]: and you guys *huggles more* :p

2006-05-19 [sequeena_rae]: They are ugly X_x sorry, but I hates it xD

2006-05-19 [Azuri]: i couldnt remember what it was called ^_^

2006-05-19 [Delladreing]: Pftt, genitals are funny looking things, but its no need to hate on them. I hated myself for quite a long time, but I'll save this for the rant.

2006-05-19 [Azuri]: its societys fault that people view them that way >>

2006-05-19 [Azuri]: *nod* they do look funny

2006-05-19 [Delladreing]: Hehe I've been looking up "cunt workshops" in my area, I want to go along for a laugh.

2006-05-19 [sequeena_rae]: o.O

2006-05-19 [Azuri]: XD are they what I think they are? Entire pratices for the surgury on the labia??

2006-05-19 [Delladreing]: The cunt workshop? no, thats all about learning about your parts and also ridding oneself of societies shame. I found it funny when there was a bit that said "do you know where your clit is?"

2006-05-19 [Delladreing]: Including the act of hating on labiaplasty for cosmetic reasons.

2006-05-19 [sequeena_rae]: O_O XD "Would anyone like to give us a demonstration?"

2006-05-19 [Azuri]: I could see Labiaplasty for a serious thing you know if you were in pain and that was the way to stop it but otherwise no. hehe I wanna go to one of those workshops they sound interesting O.o

2006-05-19 [Azuri]: XD

2006-05-19 [Delladreing]: Sequeena, you are so nearly right on the mark, I don't think I'll be volunteering though :P and I will let you know how they go Azuri if I manage to get to one

2006-05-19 [sequeena_rae]: I wants to go to one :D but I'd be chucked out for sniggering >_>// they don't actually do demonstrations do they? O_O

2006-05-19 [Azuri]: I wouldnt volunteer either >> heh cant wait to hear about it^_^ its funny how alot of people dont know theres more to the clit than that little nub that everyone counts as the clit

2006-05-19 [sequeena_rae]: There is? *dumb/innocent/naive* whatever xP

2006-05-19 [Delladreing]: Well they did a thing, where they gave all the women a mat, and a hand mirror and told them, "find your clitoris" it was done to demonstrate how undereducated women are over their own bodies, in that most of them had never actually *looked* at their vulvas properly before as they felt ashamed of them. The teacher was really good apparently. And we can go to one together and snigger while I take notes XP

2006-05-19 [Azuri]: If what I remember is right then yes there is

2006-05-19 [sequeena_rae]: :O they all got NEKKID?!?! XD I'd be rolling on the floor by this point >_>

2006-05-19 [Azuri]: lol its hard not to laugh >>

2006-05-19 [Delladreing]: and yea, the clit is like a mini penis, it even has its own shaft and everything. I'm sorry I'm one of those educated know it alls on the female body :P

2006-05-19 [sequeena_rae]: I laugh in the shower at myself XD it's too funny

2006-05-19 [sequeena_rae]: Wait...Does that mean we're like...Mini men? o.O

2006-05-19 [Delladreing]: and they just pulled their trousers and pants down ever so slightly. It was all women, so really, nothing they hadnt seen before. or not in this case.

2006-05-19 [sequeena_rae]: Rock on for the full moons \m/

2006-05-19 [Delladreing]: No, just that one part of us is masculine in that it is a tiny penis, except it has no other function than that of being a pleasure button as it were, it's like the tip of the penis, totally covered in nerve endings but we are lucky in that there are more in the clit :P

2006-05-19 [Azuri]: Yea its crazy all that most women dont know. Me and my friend ashley used to watch Real Sex togeather because it was really intresting. I found out alot of things from that show

2006-05-19 [sequeena_rae]: I'm intrigued. I'm going to go read up on this, and on that note I bow gracefully out for the night xP Night ^^

2006-05-19 [Azuri]: nitey nite!!

2006-05-19 [Delladreing]: Sex Tips for Girls was good for that here. That and I read biology books from front to cover :P

2006-05-19 [Delladreing]: Night Sequeena

2006-05-19 [Azuri]: heh those pages that you linked in this wiki were really good i read most of them

2006-05-19 [Delladreing]: I have a lot more coming up. But the woman that writes about her vagina is the awesome, she gets dissed on so many forums because she has "crazy ideas" but to me they make sense. Might be the feminist link I duno. But she is really good. I wrote to her and she sent me an e-mail back. I've now got a convo going with her via my g-mail account

2006-05-19 [Azuri]: Awesome!

2006-05-19 [Delladreing]: I know, she is really cool o.O

2006-05-19 [Azuri]: hehe^_^  maybe she will give you more material to rant over heh

2006-05-19 [Delladreing]: heh maybe

2006-05-19 [Azuri]: ^_^

2006-05-20 [sequeena_rae]: Introduce her to Et :D

2006-05-20 [sequeena_rae]: :O I just thought of a person that you can quote on here (if you haven't done so already >_> XD) J. K. Rowling :D

2006-05-20 [Delladreing]: Ohh where waht when why? :)

2006-05-20 [sequeena_rae]: *finds* ;)

2006-05-20 [Delladreing]: wewt

2006-05-20 [Delladreing]: ...*jumps about with barely concealed glee* its pure gold ^_________________^

2006-05-20 [sequeena_rae]: *grins* Glad to be of service. My respect for J. K. Rowling just soared through the roof XD

2006-05-20 [Delladreing]: Mine too.

2006-05-20 [sequeena_rae]: She rocks <3 xD

2006-05-20 [Delladreing]: She does indeed.

2006-05-20 [sequeena_rae]: ^^

2006-05-20 [Azuri]: Hurrah for JK Rowlings <3 Thats awesomeness

2006-05-20 [sequeena_rae]: *loves on* ^^

2006-05-26 [Delladreing]: *fingers fall off*

2006-05-26 [sequeena_rae]: :O *saves*

2006-05-26 [Delladreing]: so. much. typing. x_x

2006-05-26 [sequeena_rae]: *pets and gives tea* there, all done...For now XP

2006-05-26 [Delladreing]: Pppfffft I'm still writing :P no rest for the wicked. literally.

2006-05-26 [sequeena_rae]: Awww, another rant? xD

2006-05-26 [Delladreing]: Well, ok two then :P this one is about healthy body weight, *stole some accurate figures* and the other one is about "my angry vagina", I'm having more fun with that one.

2006-05-26 [sequeena_rae]: :D yay!

2006-05-26 [Delladreing]: so far my favorite line in it is "some pussies meow and cry when upset, mines roars" ^^; *insane*

2006-05-26 [sequeena_rae]: :O You might have to forum protect it to protect the little peoples eyes xD

2006-05-26 [Delladreing]: *nod nod* there is a basic one about why I don't like labiaplasty for cosmetic reasons, but the "graphic" ones where I give a full account, discription and analysis, will be forum protected.

2006-05-26 [sequeena_rae]: Yays for forums xD Any other rantage wiki's in the line up that aren't for plagans or body image?

2006-05-26 [Delladreing]: Eh, not at the moment. Body Image is my feminist ranting soap box, and Playgans the pagan one. If I feel the need for another vent it will wind up in my wiki which can be found via Deladreing.

2006-05-26 [sequeena_rae]: YAY! >_> I mean err...Goood.

2006-05-26 [Delladreing]: *lol* aahh it's good to know I'm loved for my bouts of writing psychosis

2006-05-26 [sequeena_rae]: You're much loved <3 :D

2006-05-26 [Delladreing]: ^______^ makes my heart go squishy squee.

2006-05-26 [sequeena_rae]: You should have that checked out o.O XD

2006-05-26 [Delladreing]: have done they told me i was merely experiencing an emotion other than anger. they said it was hap-ie-nes

2006-05-26 [sequeena_rae]: :O That is foreign to me. Is it related to hyperness?

2006-05-26 [Delladreing]: mibe

2006-05-26 [sequeena_rae]: Then it must be good!

2006-05-26 [Delladreing]: ^___^ wewt

2006-06-08 [Trennas]: *jumps in from nowhere:p*

2006-06-08 [Delladreing]: ah! :P

2006-06-08 [Trennas]: teehee ^^ i actually put myself on the member list ^^

2006-06-08 [Delladreing]: So I see :D *glomps*

2006-06-08 [Trennas]: wieeeh ^^ youre very glompy today :p

2006-06-08 [Delladreing]: I know, I'm being very glompy and generally affectionate to everyone talking to me and making me feel better over my day :P

2006-06-08 [Trennas]: just glad to have a part in it;) *glomps!*

2006-06-08 [Delladreing]: *glomp fest* ^^

2006-06-08 [Trennas]: that sounds rather kinky :p

2006-06-08 [Delladreing]: oh you should know by now that if I have said it and it sounds kinky, then it is :p

2006-06-08 [Trennas]: I ehr.. I knew.. that! :p

2006-06-08 [Delladreing]: Good good ^^

2006-06-08 [Trennas]: so youre looking for male writers?

2006-06-08 [Delladreing]: Jup :P

2006-06-08 [Trennas]: i could rewrite the stuff from a few weeks ago, into a more.. readable text :p

2006-06-09 [Delladreing]: hehe if you want to my dear :) I am creating a member ranting page soon, if you feel up to rewriting it then I would love to have it on there :)

2006-06-09 [Trennas]: cool ^^ ill see what i can do for you:D

2006-07-02 [Rondel]: I noted the request for more information from a male point of view; as mentioned in my last letter to you, my husband is more than familiar with what it's like to have serious body image problems as a male in our society, so I'll gladly let him know that you are looking for such contributions. It's a bit of a busy month for us, but I expect you'll be hearing from him (knowing him, at length). :) Thanks for covering this issue from all sides. Need something on dealing with changing body image issues as one ages (and/or related to medical problems)? I could probably put something together for you, if you are interested. :)

2006-07-02 [Delladreing]: Rondel my love you are a wonder! I would love anything you or your husband have to give.

2006-07-05 [Keii]: Finished reading ^^ And my eyes aren't bleeding after all ;)

2006-07-05 [Delladreing]: Yay, always good.

2006-10-11 [Delladreing]: And w're in business.

2006-10-11 [windowframe]: W00t. Was just wondering about this yesterday.

2006-10-11 [Delladreing]: Eh I have still got pages being made in secret, but now that its been decided its safe to promote anorexia on these sites I felt it was time to go public.

2006-10-11 [The Blood Angel]: I loved Playgans and I love this too.

2006-10-11 [Chaotix Palidien]: =/ howdy ;/

2006-10-11 [Delladreing]: Thank you! :D

*cough*pleasejoinandshowsupport*cough* :)

2006-10-11 [Delladreing]: Hello Chaos :)

2006-10-11 [sequeena_rae]: *stabs both into joining* If you love me, be a pair of dearies and join up ;P

2006-10-11 [DEMONCOW]: wtf 'self wealth' LMFAO

2006-10-11 [sequeena_rae]: Don't you mean self worth? o.O; :P

2006-10-11 [Delladreing]: ...riiight.

2006-10-11 [sequeena_rae]: That helped a lot :D ¬_¬

2006-10-11 [Blasphemous Rumours]: Typo time, Delaaaa, '(i.e. youR mind has not yet been corrupted by her work)' =D

2006-10-11 [Delladreing]: chhers hun

2006-10-11 [Blasphemous Rumours]: S'alright, dearie. Lovely wiki, btw!

2006-10-11 [Delladreing]: Thankee :) *cough*join*cough* :P

2006-10-11 [Linderel]: More typo-hunting: "familair"

2006-10-11 [Delladreing]: Thank you :)

Eh see this is WHY it wasnt meant to be lauched for another 6 months XD

2006-10-11 [Zab]: *is off topic* XD
I've realised that I've stopped comparing my body to the models now (some months/a year ago) and that I'm happy with a bit fat..the models are often not too pretty, really..>_>
But I could need to loose a kg or five..XD

2006-10-11 [Delladreing]: Eh most models arent pretty or beautiful, just freakishly thin. God bless the people in Madrid and lots of other places that are now banning anorexic models. but you are right Zab, when you stop comparing yourself you get happier :)

And you so do not need to lose weight :P but I suppose if its to reach optimum health level its no different from what I am doing.

2006-10-11 [Azuri]: Heh thats good, people shouldnt compare to models who most of the time are crazy skinny O.o Fluffy(chunky, baby fat, whatever you call it. Its fluff to me >>) is good I say^_^

2006-10-11 [sequeena_rae]: I generally avoid reading magazines. That's how I get by, though I can't resist it when some like Kate Moss gets busted for drugs *sigh* Makes me feel good that does >_>

Besides, most of what they do is air brushed anyway.

2006-10-11 [Delladreing]: Yup. Anyone can have a flawless tummy and bum with airbrushing.

2006-10-11 [Zab]: Yeps...and I do need to loose some kg..or perhaps I just need to train my stomach muscles so my belly won't hang..XD
But I'll get there in time as much as I bike nowadays:P

2006-10-11 [Delladreing]: Eh sounds like needed toning, which is what I am doing now that I am doing yoga again. Sit ups Zab, lots of them XD

2006-10-11 [sequeena_rae]: Sit ups? Damn it all to hell.

2006-10-11 [Zab]: *is incapable of doing sit ups* XD's more effective to lie down and lift your legs 12 inches from the ground, keeping them there as long as you can..*git the tip of a karate chamion*

2006-10-11 [sequeena_rae]: Stuff that too >_> I'm allergic to exercise xD

2006-10-11 [Delladreing]: Yea that kind of exorcise is better. I personally like my twists and so on better, far less strenuous for me. And I can't currently do sit ups or stuff like that due to the risk of injuring my back again -.-

2006-10-11 [Zab]: Hehe..well..I'll keep biking and hope it takes the belly too..XD

2006-10-11 [Delladreing]: Fair enough ^_^

2006-10-11 [sequeena_rae]: o.O I think that might only sort out your legs...And bum xD

2006-10-11 [Delladreing]: aerobix exorcise burns fat the best, but the tummy only gets flat with that + toning.

2006-10-11 [Zab]: toning?

2006-10-11 [Delladreing]: yea, toning up. Making the muscles work.

2006-10-11 [Zab]: oh, ok:P

2006-10-11 [sequeena_rae]: My legs are like rocks >:D

2006-10-11 [Zab]: My legs are like legs. ^^

2006-10-11 [Delladreing]: And mine are teh sEx XD

Apparently. Second message in the past hour informing me so.

2006-10-11 [Zab]: Ooooh! I'm sure they are! ^^

2006-10-11 [Delladreing]: Heehee thankee ;)

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