Page name: FantasyCritters [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-07-18 23:49:52
Last author: Demon Epona
Owner: RenegadePhoenix
# of watchers: 6
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Fantasy Critters Members Page

Okay this is for you guys, Put your name and if you want put a little bit about yourself as well.. say whats your fav fantasy critter or even your personal website so have fun with this page as well.. its all you guys!


1) Creator:[RenegadePhoenix] Well I personally come from a small island called Bermuda, I'm 19 and I have always had a love for everything to do with fantasy, one reason why I created this wiki! I also draw all the time, during class, watching tv... any where, every where anytime I'm thinking or drawing fantasy critters! I also love water sports (b/c of island living) Art, graphic design, motorbikes/<A TITLE="Click for more information about car" STYLE="text-decoration: none; border-bottom: medium solid green;" HREF="|1||||cars|AA1VDw">car</A>s, nature, animals.... uh and other stuff that I can't remember! O_o Ah well thats me! You guys are next!!!! Remember if you need help just ask :)

2) [kanaseria] second in command. go me!!!! ummm... i wuz forced 2 join by tha creator. she brought this sword 2 my house n wuz threatening me if... umm... i should stop b4 she kills me. i like 2 draw dragons n other junk that all y'all think is fake, but they all live in my backyard... i think

3) [Paul Doyle]

4) [Bruce The Beholder]

5) [Kraden]

6) [sillue]

7) [Ricco]

8) [Tigress Nera]

9) [Soul Dementia]

10) [.::Liten Angel::.]

11) [Lady Butterfly]

12) [Sirfy]

13) [Lady of Dreams]

14) [Aashild]

15) [Wolfling]

16) [Kuja's Silver Dragon] I'm a Final Fantasy freak and I'm English! I love using my characters in stories with mountains of angst!

17) [wikid clown]i love fantasy

18) [Nere] Tis far better than reality (if indeed this is the real...)

19) [silverwolf180]i love everything to do with fantasy i draw dragons while looking at my statues but i move things around and i draw differant parts into one dragon then color it ill send u my newest one when i get it back

20) [Cati Stormweaver] I love drawing elves dragons, swords, birds, mythical beings, all fantasy things, but, mainly elves. ^_^

21) [grieverx13]- A lonewolf who walks between the planes of fantasy and reality...ok something's wrong here...*sits and thinks*(is mental)(loves dragons etc)

22) [Pulsar]

23) [Black Whispers]- I have a little obsesstion over fantasy things like dragons, elves, faeries, witches, dwarves, griffins, ect. I LOVE FANTASY CREATURES!

24) [thyladyinred] - hello im a romper:D the critters i make are lonely on their unvisited elfwood page, maybe you you will appreciate them betters?

25) [Easterling] - well... I think I'll fit in here among all other fantasy-critters...

26) [GraphicEntropy] - loves making her own creatures, and drawing animals!

27) [Oh__xDoctor Doctor!] - i love anything involved with fantasy/magic!!!

28) [darkphoenix7780] - im a phoenix what can i say

29) [Celebriän Táralóm]

30) [Lithium Lullaby]

31) [Blaze the Nameless] A fire nmpyh with constant PMS so be csareful or you can be smoked to a crisp.

32) [Gwendylyyn] A shapeshifter who typically takes her natural vampyre form or that of a black panther but is known to change into other things when bored or excited...or when needed to rip someone to shreds

33) [Paul Dean] A dragon tamer!

34) [eatable cookie] a demon dragon...

35) [Yumi Hikari] Dragon, Centaur, Phoenix many to choose from, I love them all!

36) [Mordecai] I am one with the Fantasy Realm, I almost live my whole life in my own Fantasy

37) [efulin] :D

38) [Dark Vampire Queen] Ever since i was little i have loved anything to do with fantasy! Ilove drawing fantasy creatures aswell! :D

39) [Law and Chaos] - Loves Fantasy Critters! And if you need a name for your fantasy critter just ask!!!!!

40) [Dracotot] Critter of magick

41) [Adnama] - I love dragons, centaurs, phoenixes, unicorns, and pegasusesesess. ^_^

42) [serendipity flicious] yeah! centaurs!

43) [Tyrana] I love all the traditional fantasy creatures, but I tend to combine them and make my own. I've come up with some pretty nasty lookin' stuff, and on the contrary, some really pretty stuff as well.
hooray for dragons! -ahem- yes...

44) [locochuwawa] Loves Fantasy critters and is a winged dolphin ;)

45.) [Three Tailed Fox] Obviously, I am a three tailed fox. I also have blue fur and wings. Don't ask, but if you want, ask!

46.) [Enchanted Child] I love any kind of Fantasy Critters. Unicorns,Centaurs,Dragons, and my Blue Fox . :) Fantasy Critters RULES!!!(:

47.) [White Phoenix aka Ryoko] My name says it all; I luv fantacy creatures! ^___________^ I would name them all, but it would take up too much space!

48.) [Celestial Sanctity] Yay! Fantasy rulez!

49.) [Wild~Fire] WoooHooo! ^.O

50.) [CelticMoon] fantasy is like dreams there wishes from the heart , so you gotta love it ;D

51.)[RavenTalon] Fantasy rules all.Oh,ya...I'm a black phoenix.('Cause a raven is evil)

52.)[Hikaru Hitachiin] Dragons, Pixies, Faeries, Goblins, Hobbits... so many I love!

53.) [Wolfpaw] Griffins, werewolves

54.)[Beautiful Disaster]

55.) [Lily_Stardust] griffns, dragons, unicorns..the list goes on...

56.) [Faelover] how can you pick a favorite when they are all so cool?

57.)[iplaywithfaeries] I can't pick just one it's like chosing between my senses...

58)[Damned One] Too weird too cool, kinda like me

59)[LightVampire] My sister is a fairy

60)[Crimson Angel]

61)[Moogle Man]


63)[Stormqueen] I live for fantasy... lucky there is enough for me over here! great badges btw.

64)[Kiristo] my #1 wish is for all my fantasies to come true.
Back to Fantasy Critters United

65) [VorpalBlade910] I believe

66) [star_warrior20] I'm actually the child of an angel who mated w/a mortal woman, I'm called a Hakash

67) [28:06:42:12] From the fire I arise..

69.)[-Shadow-Nell-] Fantasy critters rock this imaginary world!

70.)[TheNavigator] If I could choose between reality and a world of Fantasy critters it would definently be the later!

71.)[Elesar]Half Elven

72.)[dragonfangs] Dragons are my life

73.)[zinny] I am elipse! I am the son of a fallen angel(ma) and an angel(pa), and i appear as an angel with the wings of a crow, but the body of a true fun gray eyes..0

74.)[*~`Lady of Avalon`~*]

75.)[Zelrondidi-ji] I am into Dragons, Gryphons, Centaurs, Elves, Unicorns, and about all that is cute fuzzy and dangerous when annoyed. I like to draw dragons a lot. Almsot as much as I enjoy drawing drow.

76.) [Ham] I love all fantasy creatures espeically centaurs and dragons.

77.)[silvermoon dragon] dragons rock

78).[dark starlight] lovely seeing you people good day

[Tiger Shark]I LOVE FANTASY....that's all I have to say

80.)[adriane] i am a shape shifter and i love fantasy

81.)[::Live Life Without the F::] yay, i finally get to be a magical guitar with wings!

82.)[Mycenia] I'm one cold hearted fire dragon, but you'd never know it, because humans aren't worth talking to...

(83.)[Lioness123] If i were a fantasy creature, I'd be a doubt. I SOO wish I could breathe fire and roar...

(84.)[Heartlesskitten] I'm an all out fantasy fanatic...Unicorns, Griffon, name it I love it! I love to draw them as well along with many other thing...Like anime!....I have a small obsession with that as my info page to learn more about me....

(85.) [pyrohottie] i love fantasy! dragons, griffions, unicorns, their all so awesome!

(86.) [Fire Hunter] half dragon half demon

(87.) [Morier] when i was a little homeschooler the fairy's & other fantasy critters where my only friends. now i go to an alturnitive school & have friends, but i never forgot my first friends i still visit them from time to time!:)

(88.)[spongemonkey] I took a test that said I was a fairy!!

89.)[goth dinah]

90.)[Melody "Yami" Anizamu] I love fantasy!! it's the only world I can truly be myself...any kind of fantasy draws me yeah ^_^"

91.)[Sweet 6 6 6--H.I.M.] Fanasy or reality that is the question? I choose fantasy!


93.)[Iceflame] Fantasy! Yay!

94.)[jaguargal] I love fantasy critters =^^=

95.)[Read_this_please] finally a place for all my vampiric children to be free and live normal lives (or the best they can)

96.)[ADAM!] Fantasy is the farthest thing from reality, or is it the other way

97.)[K.a.c.] I'm a cat girl, and I don't know what my fav fantasy creature is, there's too many to choose from to have a fav...

98.)[Wolf Dreamer]the world of ones needs fantasy.

99)[Louis De Pointe Du Lac] Lonely and deprived but depend upon fatasy and bloodlust to live.

100.)[Carol Lynn] I'm 100 YAY!! I'm a Fairy...mind you I'm little, green and blue with white wings, and i'm loveable....most of the time.
101.)[-Eclipse-]Dragons all the way! coolest creatures ever!
102.) [Sk8erGirl Kitiara]
103.) [NyMphEtAmIne GiRl]
104.) [Tank_Girl] me like dragons, dragons cool....OW!.... I mean hot!
105.) [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy] I'm a little fairy.... hehehehehehe!
106.) [Sweet Decay.]
107.) [no no no no no no no no nonononono] im a pixie, i love them
108.) [Tank_Girl] I'm a dragon. Fear me!
109.) [Night Wytch] I'm part demon, elf, and Song Dragon.
110.) [Erykun] all creaturs ruuuuuuuuuuuuule
111.) [Fetish Dolly Koneko™] Fantasy worlds are the only place i belong.
112.) [tears of the mist]
113.)[metallickittycat] i like to beleev i am a shifter...^-.-^
115.)[Ukia] I am a purple dragon trapped in a human body. I still know how flying feels though...
116.)[Kyra Mcrea] I'd love to have a fantasy dragon
117.)[wings~a~flame] dragons are fun to doodle
118.)[RubyRed RagDoll] *Pets her small black and white dog* She's not fantasy-ish, but she'll do!
119.)[CrystalBlaze] My cat is half Egyptian Mau.
120.)[Stupidhead] Hi! Me be a pseudodragon! 
[cHot]i wanna be a water or fire dragon...hehe^_^
122. [*~fae~*]
123. [Aeolynn] I have the best #! I like everythin thats fantasy!
124. [burntashes]
125. [ElfDragon] i love anything fantasy, i am an elf that can turn into a dragon when i feel like it so beware i can cause pain, hehe:)
126. [MUSiCismyLiFE23] My life is one big fantasy lol, in my head of course, my real life sux
127. [Lyra Belacqua]
128.[FallenRoses] i believe i have faeries and small dragons living in my back yard....
129. [HAJiME] Ooooh, nearly 300 members! =P
130:[another brick in the wall]
131. [Child of God] I write fantasy, dream fantasy, live fantasy
132: [Adela] i would so have to be the queen of the high elves. p.s not the little annoying ones that are cute and funny. I am of the the tall COLD hearted ones
133. [Laidreal]: i am a beastmaster (original, huh?). i train dragons, unicorns, griffins, and even untameable creatures like the mighty thestral (consult a harry potter) I also have my own menagerie of cuddly and fascinating animals as companions. My favorite critter would have to be a dragon though, of which I own one. My favorite of my animals (and my specialty in training), is named Blackfire. ^_^
134. [star_warrior20] I am a CENTAUR WOOOOO. Star Wars/LOTR fans, message me.
135.[Schitz] im a faerie!!! im pink!
136.[Imaginary Girl] What would life be without fantasy? Without it, my life puzzle would indeed have a piece missing from it...
137.[TrollGirl =)] i'm the troll, and fighter for troll rights.*waves tail*.
138. [ahtnamas]Fantasy is the ultimate escape.
138.[moira the paradox] Fantasy is my life; sometimes I wish life were a fantasy. Though it is already, in some ways.
139.[Dragon Boy]I love dragons, i think there the awesomest creatures ever
140. [Mystii] ~ i'm a hawkkien - check out my wiki Fantasy&Fauna for more info - that can shapeshift into different forms. As of now i've got about 15 different dragons breeds and [Tiger Shark] as my shifts.
140. [Aislin's Aurari] creatures of magic, creation, and beauty. that's what a fantasy being is in my eyes. i luv fantasy...period.
141. [sanke] this is what I am in every creature/fantasy/anthro wiki i'm in - a roragon... The Basics of Roragons - Roragish Dictionary ...there's no link back here from them, so you'll have to come back manually...
142. [AshPaw] Fantasy art rox!! *claps*
143. [Achrador]
144[XxBeautiful DisgracexX] i LOVE winged unicorns
145. [+The Evil Death Eskimo+] Gotta love the dragons and I suppose black unis
146[Rainshadow] I'm a shapeshifter who typically takes the form of a lockjaw (Lockjaws copyrighted to Alison Theus, check out her Elfwood gallery to find out more about lockjaws!)
147.)[Tears Of Glass]-Shapeshifter, takes the form of wolves
or any feline animal.
149.[fizzle] i love griffin
150. [VampireChick08] LOVE fantasy! after all, it is my escape from this DISSAPOINTING world
151.[Jackaless] A young Jackaless Humanoid
152.[Middnight0star] I love fantasy!
153. [.They.Luv.Me.] Fantasy is awesome! Couldnt live w/out it!
154. [Wastedsacrifice] Nothing better but Fantasy Critters! ^_~ Oh yeaaa!
155. [Rose Whip Uke] Fantasy creatures are the best!!
156.[shakila]You got to love fantasy :)
157. [Fearathress] I am a fantasy freak! I am in the process of writting a story called The missing Peace Council.
158. [Demon Epona] Fantasy is awsome!!! I draw it all the time! Even if I don't have paper! I'll just draw on my hand. ^^; I draw dragons, Alicorns-*stops* why am I naming all them? I draw them all!!!!1 Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! XD

<<<Back to Fantasy Critters United

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2004-02-22 [RenegadePhoenix]: Okay Write what you peeps like and a lil about you!!! :S Its not bad or anything O_o unless I'm missing out or something important -looks around nervously-

2004-02-25 [Black Whispers]: =^..^= Hey everyone its Jackie (and Hinea my spirit gaurdian) just came by to say HI!

2004-03-17 [RenegadePhoenix]: WOW We've reached 43 people....I'm so happy :)

2004-03-29 [Black Whispers]: Is there a button or something, bcuz i see ppl with them but.....i didnt see one on the page so im just wondering...

2004-04-15 [RenegadePhoenix]: Okay say that again...? -should probably wait till I wake up... till I try and answer questions-

2004-04-19 [RenegadePhoenix]: Okay I have no idea how we went from 50 to 60... I shall fix that, secondly..Yes I did make [kanaseria] second in command

2004-04-22 [jonayla88]: wow I'm a bit lost

2004-04-30 [iplaywithfaeries]: wow a page for my favorite creatures, real or otherwise.. I'm awestruck

2004-04-30 [Black Whispers]: mmmmm silence..........

2004-05-06 [RenegadePhoenix]: Yah Not much talk in here... most of it goes on.. on the main page

2004-05-08 [Black Whispers]: ....and it has been 2 days....told ya it was sileced...

2004-05-16 [Kiristo]: HI! i'm a new member!

2004-05-19 [RavenTalon]: I got a picture of me up!!

2004-05-26 [dragonfangs]: hello people

2004-05-28 [Ham]: Hi dragonfangs

2004-05-28 [dragonfangs]: hello ham

2004-05-28 [Ham]: How are you?

2004-05-28 [dragonfangs]: im good ham

2004-05-28 [Ham]: That's nice.

2004-06-04 [Heartlesskitten]: Hey! I'm new just joined this place sounds fun so I thought I'd join!!!!

2004-06-06 [pyrohottie]: me 2

2004-06-06 [Ham]: Well done!

2004-06-10 [Sweet 6 6 6--H.I.M.]: I now have joined with my friend phoenix, Pandora. so everyone can have a cookie.

2004-06-10 [Ham]: *munches happily* Thanks!

2004-06-10 [Heartlesskitten]: HEy!!!cookies!!!*furby yummm*

2004-06-10 [Ham]: lol

2004-06-20 [Carol Lynn]: Lello!!! I'm 100!! yay! *bats wings* ^.^

2004-06-20 [Ham]: *stares*

2004-06-20 [Carol Lynn]: *stars back* Hi!

2004-06-20 [Ham]: Yay! Staring contest *stares*

2004-06-20 [Carol Lynn]: *still staring* fairies always win!

2004-06-20 [Ham]: *stares* We shall see about that!

2004-06-20 [Carol Lynn]: *stares and pokes*

2004-06-20 [Ham]: *stares and pokes*

2004-06-20 [Carol Lynn]: *stares and pokes in eyes!*

2004-06-20 [Ham]: *doesn't blink*

2004-06-20 [Carol Lynn]: *stares* dosn't say your staring now dose it!!! MUHAHAHAHAHAH

2004-06-20 [Ham]: Neither are you, you're staring

2004-06-20 [Carol Lynn]: that makes no sence what you just said *stares* I win.

2004-06-21 [Ham]: Do not! *stares*

2004-06-21 [Carol Lynn]: you wern't '*stareing*' 2 times in a row! *stares* so i win!

2004-06-23 [Ham]: meh, fwith

2004-06-28 [Heartlesskitten]: I wish to stare too!!!*stares with little kitty eyes*

2004-06-28 [Ham]: *stares*

2004-06-30 [Heartlesskitten]: *stares.............*

2004-06-30 [Ham]:


2004-06-30 [pyrohottie]: i say Ham won cause tomb can't even spell stare

2004-07-01 [Ham]: ^.^

2004-07-01 [Carol Lynn]: it was a typo so bite me! I spelt the rest of them right...

2004-07-01 [Ham]: You should have checked...

2004-07-01 [Carol Lynn]: thought i did....your the one that responded to ' meh...big deal anyway tis a staring thing. ^.^ lol

2004-07-01 [Ham]: You should have checked!

2004-07-01 [Carol Lynn]: ohh well

2004-07-02 [Ham]: meh

2004-07-26 [Ukia]: *dragon yawn* *dragon finds this amusing lol*

2004-07-27 [Ham]: *doodles*

2004-07-28 [metallickittycat]: im going to sing now.

2004-07-28 [metallickittycat]:


2004-07-29 [Ham]: lala

2004-07-29 [Carol Lynn]: la?

2004-07-29 [Ham]: *nods* lalala

2004-08-16 [ElfDragon]: lalalala, hehe *does a little dance*

2004-08-22 [MUSiCismyLiFE23]: oooh, i luv to sing! :) *joins in*

2004-08-30 [Ham]: *plays the piano*

2004-08-30 [Black Whispers]: *smiles and eventully hums a little tune*

2004-08-31 [Ham]: *cries* my computer no longer does the at sign! However it does these for some strange reason ☺☻....

2004-09-10 [Estantia]: ok then... that's odd...

2004-09-11 [Ham]: I've discovered it does if you press shift 2......(?)

2004-09-12 [Carol Lynn]: Here I made this for here <img:>

2004-09-12 [Black Whispers]: OOO PRETTY!

2004-09-13 [Aeolynn]: very nice

2004-09-15 [Ham]: wow............

2004-09-15 [Carol Lynn]: thanks ^.^

2004-09-16 [Ham]: you deserve it

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