Page name: la rp 5 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-02-17 01:55:42
Last author: Phil Crooked
Owner: Insaniac Yoshie
# of watchers: 2
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Haru silently walks up to them, and says to Crow,"I'm sorry, i was only trying to help you."

"It's ok Haru. Time will do strange things to ones self." says Klix.

"well," says Haru, "i'm just upset cause i felt like a beast back there, and i don't want to stoop to that level."

"We're all beasts inside, especially those of us who have done things we regret. It cant be helped most of the time." Klix sighs. "Some of us more than others im afraid." Klix gets a sort of dreamy, far away look, as of shes remembering something.

"what's wrong?," Haru says to Klix, "and don't say nothin' cause i know somethings wrong."

"Depends on what you mean by wrong." Klix replies.

Innarupting Klix and Haru's conversation Crow sais " Hey im hungary you guys wanna go find something to eat? "

"Good luck finding something." says Klix. "I havent seen anything around here for days."

Crow pulls a apple from his stash " here yah go , ive had these for a while they should be alright to eat "

Klix looks at the apple warily. "Na, i sjould be fine. But maybe Slara or Haru want some."

" You guys want a apple? " Just as Crow sais that the apple explodes into a odd color of light " well im not to sure what that was but im not so hungary anymore "

"Yeah..." Klixs backs away from the remaining pieces of apple.

" hmm " Crow picks up a peice of the apple and sniffs it " odd it has no sent , why wouldnt it have any sent........ "

"I don' know." Klix says. "I don't like this..."

Crow drops the mysteriuse apple peice " Well lets not fret upon it , theres more inportant things to attend to "

"I can find anything in the dark," says Haru with confidence, "gimme a little while," and Haru dissappears into the shadows and comes back a little later with a rabbit," i can cook this and make food for all of us, just gimme another sec.," and Haru sucks the blood of it and quickly makes a fire," it'll be done in a while."

"Ok good so what shall we do until then?" Slara said looking slightly over her shoulder to a noise behind her. 'hmmm what was that? o well it is probably nothing.' slar mused as she turned back around to face the group.

"It's nothin'," says Haru looking through slara, "unless a rabbit is that dangerous."

"Yea i guess your right i am just being stupid." Slara replied jokingly.

"no, you're just alert," says Haru," it's good right now."

"I guess probably," slara gazed up at the stars in the night sky, "aren't they gorgeous?"

"I used to look at the stars all the time too," Haru says with a questioning look, "but not since the incedent."

" waching the stars wont help anything , you know what they are? i do , every one of them is part of fallen gods , they wach us hoping to assume physical form again , but they cant , the send signs every once in a while and help us on jurnys , i meen how did you think deza vue happend? " Sais crow in a slightly temperd voice

So Haru says, "how do you know all of this?"

" becouse.... see the large star by the moon? " sais crow softly

" yeah," Haru look curiously, "what about it? is it your world? mine's one of these stars."

Crow smiles " no kid , its my father , and one day i may be bye his side , you see my father was a god of this world and 5 others , but....... he was slain , and alot happend after words , i , must regain my place as god or........." crow gets a disturbed look on his face " dont worrie for now "

"well...," says Haru as he looks through the stars, "AH, there he is, that there is my dad, his title was, 'Jeod, King of Vampires' i was supposed to inherit that title, but, as he died he gave it to his consultant, and i'll tell you, that sucked, that's why i came to this world. and i heard there was a cure here."

" this world , either kunark or earth , i dont know anymore has no cure , the cure you require is in your mind , its all a game of trikery , if you can overcome all your problems and worries youll be healed , also deep in the west is a nexus , through it you can go to Chupas , there , somewhere is a great wiseman , speek to him to learn more about what im telling you" sais crow quikly

next page!! LA RP 6

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2005-02-16 [Insaniac Yoshie]: btw i wont be here tomorrow so dont get to far ahead of me

2005-02-16 [Phil Crooked]: ok thx for warning me

2005-02-16 [Insaniac Yoshie]: welcome

2005-02-16 [a little piece of sunshine]: yuppers and there maybe some eriods of a couple days where i will not be able to get on my explinaion is rp room 4

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