Page name: linoldbio31 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-10-27 15:26:54
Last author: Linderel
Owner: Linderel
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Laughter greets you as you step in through the door. Blue-green eyes sparkle with mischief, and a feline grin is all the warning you have before a pillow is flung through the air and hits you square in the face. Giggles escape through the hands that are trying to keep the perpetrator's amusement at bay. Once you finally get a good look, you register a fairly short, curvy girl with glasses and a shoulder-length, brownish mane. Upon eye contact, she seems suddenly shy, timid even, and looks like she might rush to hide behind a piece of furniture. When she summons up the courage to greet you, she appears almost detached. Her obvious and massive desire to make you feel welcome quite convinces you otherwise, and she leads you to sit on an olive green beanbag chair. Disappearing for a moment, she soon re-emerges with a platter of cookies she sets on the table in front of you, then sits down herself, trying to get comfortable. Her eyes, when they meet yours again briefly, hold a shadow of the previous cheerfulness.

"So, stranger. What brings you here?"


Either you're a house zapper, you wanted to see who this weird person is, or you watch my house (you stalker you!). Whatever the reason... welcome to my humble abode, my little corner in the town. I like to shuffle things around a lot, so the place never looks the same for very long. You can see most of the previous incarnations at the bio burial site.

Now. Me in a nutshell? I never could be that precise in describing myself, as there is no simple way of expressing it. I could say something clichéd, like that I'm the silent, quirky girl, the ugly duckling that grew into a swan - which is, admittedly, true enough, but doesn't really reveal that much about me. Perhaps the greatest reason for this shortcoming is the fact that I'm still searching for the essential me. But then, how many people are out there who aren't? I can only tell you what makes my world go round, and perhaps that will be enough.

I live to love, to create, and to learn. I've had my share of existential angst, but now I'm gradually moving on to the brightness and promise of a young adult. I know what the world is like, but I like to think positively. My pastimes include but are not limited to writing, reading, photography, baking, bookbinding, and listening to music. Arts are an extremely important part of my life, and I hope to be acknowledged in one field or another, if only a bit.

Possessing a slightly odd sense of humour, I may seem a tad eccentric to some. I can even be a killjoy if I miss nuances, or have a silly issue that renders any joke on some particular issue entirely unamusing. I'm also a bit obsessive, neurotic even, about some things. Perhaps related to that is my tendency to nitpick; I'm a walking, talking grammar help book. Or as near to one as I can get, anyway.

I have a number of wikis which you may find quite easily if you practice a bit of effective stalking. What you haven't seen of me yet you'll most likely discover on those. If you don't... well, there's always that message field.

save a life. donate blood.


Please take my poll before going on your way.

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